All I Want For Christmas

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All I Want For Christmas Page 6

by Hazel Gower

  “Cool. See you after work, then. Good luck.”

  “Thanks.” I got out of the car and watched her drive away. I rummaged through my handbag for my keys, and when I found them, held them tight. I was putting it off. It wasn’t because I was ashamed or anything like that; it was because I knew once they knew, they’d take over. They would barge in and watch like a hawk, and if they saw anything they didn’t like, they’d take me away from him, and if they didn’t like it from the start, they would badger me and meddle until I moved back home. I was an adult now. I needed to stand my ground.

  Straightening my spine, I walked to the door, put the key in, unlocked it, and opened the door. “That you, baby girl?” my mum’s soothing voice greeted me.

  “Yep, where are you?”

  “In the kitchen with your father.”

  I walked down the hall and found my parents cuddling, my mum’s back against the cupboards and my dad boxing her in. Mum’s face was flushed, and I was sure my dad didn’t turn because they’d been making out.

  “I’m seeing someone,” I blurted out. What the hell?—That wasn’t what I had planned to say.

  “Well hello to you, too, baby girl,” my dad replied. He kissed my mum passionately before stepping away from her. I resisted the urge to gag; my parents were just like my grandparents, so in love. Unlike my grandparents, though, they weren’t discreet. I didn’t want to think of the number of times I’d walked in on them doing things that I was sure would scar me for life. “Do you want to try that again? This time with more detail, please.”

  “Hi, Mum.” I turned dramatically. “Hi, Dad.” His chuckle had the rest of the tension leaving. “I wanted to tell you I’m in a relationship, and he’ll be at Christmas.”

  “That’s great, love.” My mother smiled at me. “Does he have a name? How long has this been going on?”

  So far, this had gone a lot easier than I thought. “Braydon, and about three weeks.”

  My mother’s brow shot up, but my dad’s furrowed. I knew my mum had caught on, but I didn’t think Dad had yet. “We are only learning about this now because…” my mother’s voice held a tinge of hurt in it.

  “It’s new still, and, well, truthfully, I wasn’t sure how you’d react.” I felt terrible for being so worried and not having told them. They didn’t seem bothered.

  “You’re eighteen now. As much as I’d like it if you didn’t, you’re old enough to date,” my dad said. “So where did you meet him?”

  This was where it got tricky. I looked to my mum for advice on how to proceed. She just nodded. “I knew him already. He’s one of Grandma and Granddad’s neighbors.” I watched the light go off in Dad’s head as it clicked, and his gaze came up to clash with mine.

  “You’re not talking about the man you’ve said since you were eleven that you were going to marry?” He started turning an ugly shade of red and his chest rose and fell as his breathing grew faster.

  “Remember, I’m an adult now,” I tried to reason, but it didn’t work.

  “I remember you’re eighteen and he’s in his thirties,” my dad growled.

  “I love him.” I tried a different approach.

  “You said you’ve only been with him for a few weeks,” he shouted.

  I took a step back and glanced at my mum, silently begging for her help. “How long did it take you with Mum?”

  “We’re not discussing your mother me and me right n—”

  “Eric, stop. Think about it. When has Ashlyn ever said something like that and not meant it? We should have seen this coming. When she puts her mind to something, it happens or she gets what she wants. She’s a planner. She may not have anything mapped out with the big career, but she’s had other things. Remember when she wanted to do ballroom dancing? She said she was going to get so good at it that she would compete and win. We all thought a six-year-old was just making dreams, but boy did we eat our words four years later when she started competing, and then a year later she won. What about Lena, the spoilt little girl who always got them into trouble? We tried to get her to play with different people, but she was having none of it. By high school, I think that girl practically lived here, and now they’re best friends and going to the same university together. How about how she got her driver license? She coerced her brothers into helping teach her and get her hours. Or remember when she wanted a dog? We said no, we were all too busy. How did she get around that one? Your parents now have her dog. Where does she live? With them and her dog, next to the man she always said she wanted. Do you need me to go on?”

  Wow, I’d never realized how strong-willed I was. It was strange seeing me through the eyes of someone else. Maybe I had nothing to worry about with my brothers.

  My dad groaned and glared at my mum. “This is all your fault. She takes after you.” My mother didn’t seem fazed by his comment; instead, she laughed and hugged my dad. My dad’s gaze shot to me. “I’m okay with this, as long as he treats you right.” I nodded frantically. “Oh, and you can tell your brothers and handle them.”

  “I thought it was too good to be true,” I mumbled. I sighed, but I was pretty happy with how it all went. Two down, and three big, dumb, overprotective brothers to go.

  * * * *


  I had everything ready. This was the first Christmas in a long time I’d gotten out of bed before nine AM, but I was eager to see my girl. I’d missed her yesterday. She’d spent the day helping her grandparents get ready for today, and made sure the spare rooms were ready for her parents and brothers.

  My stomach churned, and my palms felt all clammy. I wasn’t nervous about what I was going to do—that, I was excited and hopeful about. No, I was worried about Ashlyn’s brothers. She’d told her parents about us. We’d even had dinner together earlier in the week. Her father had been standoffish at first, but after a while, he warmed. I knew it was because he could see how utterly infatuated I was with his daughter. I’d cornered him later in the night, and by the end, he was laughing and smiling with us. Her brothers, though… Ashlyn hadn’t had the chance to tell them. I knew she was putting it off, and I wasn’t sure how today would go down, but her parents and grandparents had said they would back me up if I needed it. I just hoped I didn’t.

  I dressed in my best. Black cargo shorts and a dark blue short-sleeve button-up shirt and black and dark blue skate shoes. I’d debated getting a haircut, but I knew Ashlyn loved my long hair, so I just brushed it and put it in a bun.

  I tried not to run next door or bang on the door too loudly, but I don’t think I succeeded. What greeted me when it opened wasn’t what I expected, though.

  “You knocked up my baby sister.” His words barely registered before I felt the impact of his fist on my face. Another set of hands picked me up and started pounding. I heard screaming and yelling, but my brain hadn’t caught up to what it heard and what was happening.

  When it clicked that he had said that my angel was pregnant, I straightened in the hold I was in, and fought back. I may not be as tall or as big as these guys, but I knew how to pack a punch and fight.

  “I swear to God, Andrew, if you don’t let go of him, I will let Lena have at you.” I was surprised when the arms that had been holding me let go. I stumbled and faced the two left. “Nathan, you better enjoy doing your own washing and ironing, and those cookies of mine you like? Don’t expect them ever again.” After that, I was left with one. I wiped my forehead, grunting in frustration when my hand came away bloody. I raised my brow at the last brother before me. “Trever, quit it. I shouldn’t even have to say anything. You’d bloody well die without me helping you.” Trever grumbled something about Ashlyn’s cooking being too good.

  I slowly turned and tried not to wince as I looked for Ashlyn. She rushed to me when all her brothers stepped away and gently wrapped her arms around me. “When do you have the time to do any of that for them?” I whisp

  “Ha, what do you think I do when I’m not with you?” She shook her head. “They have no time to hang out or anything, but when they want me to do things for them, they always find the time.”

  She helped me walk to the bathroom, and I felt them all following us. “You couldn’t have told them then?”

  She shrugged. “It never really felt like the right time.”

  “How about this. ‘Oh, so here is your washing, ironing, and cookies. Oh, and I’m dating Braydon.’ Sounds right to me.” My face and ribs hurt, and I knew I was being snarky.

  “You’re right. I’m so sorry.” She sat me on the edge of the bathtub. Her father came in and I didn’t miss the smirk on his face as he got a look at me. “Dad. Don’t you start. Fix him.”

  Dr. Denver grunted, but did his job. Half an hour later, my broken nose had been put back straight. My bruised ribs were bandaged, and I had four stitches across my brow. I was happy, though, when I saw her brothers, Andrew had a broken nose from me head-butting him. Nathan had a cut lip, bruised ribs, and a sprained ankle. Trever’s shoulder had to be snapped back into place, his nose didn’t look so good, and he also had badly bruised ribs. My time on the streets had served me well for another thing, besides finding Ben, my mentor.

  We all sat back quietly when it was present time. I watched as they gave each other presents and tried not to smile each time one of her brothers winced. Ashlyn didn’t leave my side, and the death glares she gave hear brothers would have brought lesser men to their knees.

  When it was down to only a couple of presents, Ashlyn got up and went and got one. It was already opened, and she growled at her brothers as she walked past them. “I’m sorry, but the idiots got into the presents. They saw your name on some, and opened this one before I could save it like the rest. It was going to be the last you undid.” She snarled at her sullen-looking brothers. “I had an order of what gifts to give you, and a speech all ready before you opened this.” Tears slid down her cheeks, and I wanted to tackle and beat up her brothers all over again.

  I kissed her tears away and covered her hands with mine. “Do the speech, Angel. I want to hear it.”

  She took a deep breath in and slowly let it out. “You know, from the first moment I saw you over seven years ago, I knew you’d be mine. Everything I’ve learned about you over the years has only made me want you more. When I came to in your shop, I had only dreamed that you’d want me back. The time we’ve spent since has confirmed what an amazing man you are, and my love has turned from crush to full-blown, all-consuming ‘wouldn’t want to live without you’ love. I love you, Braydon. I love you, and we’re going to have a baby.” I probably looked a little crazy, smiling so big at her words my face hurt. My heart felt so full it could burst. She gave me the open box. I looked inside it to see about ten different pregnancy tests in plastic lunch bags, all with positive signs.

  All my aches and pains forgotten, I grabbed her and pasted my mouth to hers, devouring her. The gagging noises from her brothers had us pulling away from each other. I cupped her face and peppered kisses on each of her cheeks. “I love you, Ashlyn.” I brushed my lips to hers before easing down to start my presents. I handed her first gift to her. “Merry Christmas, Angel.”

  She carefully unwrapped the huge box and gasped when she reached the bottom. Under all the shredded paper was a velvet box containing a gold necklace with an angel pendant. “Oh, my God. I love it.” She gave the box to me and turned, lifting her hair so I could put it on.

  Leaning down, I kissed her neck before I did up the necklace. “Find the big folded paper in the box,” I whispered in her ear.

  I laughed as Ashlyn tipped the box out instead of searching for it. She opened the note and read, “For the love of my life on her favorite day of the year, here is a treasure hunt just for you. The first clue is…You’ll find me where you introduced yourself again.” Her brows furrowed for a while before she stood, grinned at me, and ran towards my house.

  I followed after her at a slower pace, but got to my door in time to see her unwrap another present. This one was a charm bracelet. It didn’t have any charms yet. She read the note in this box, “To my little tease, you’ll find me where you go to cool down.” She nibbled on her bottom lip, and I chuckled when she realized the clue’s answer. She didn’t run this time, but speed-walked to her grandparents’ backyard near the hose.

  She didn’t look for the gift straight away but waited for me. Her eyes were shining with mischief. “I knew you were watching.” She leant right in and lowered her voice so only I could hear. “And your dick is way too big to be hidden by a bottle of beer.”

  My body shook with laughter, and I gave her a quick kiss. “Find your present, you little tease.”

  She picked up the box by the tap and opened it. Inside was a little devil charm. She giggled and winked at me before reading the next clue. “No one else’s tastes as good.” She rolled her eyes and headed inside to the kitchen, finding her next present sitting on the stove. Her parents and grandparents had helped me with the hunt, placing presents so she wouldn’t find them before she was ready.

  This box had a cupcake charm. “The cookie one didn’t look much like a cookie. So I went with the better one,” I told her as her mother helped add this charm to the bracelet.

  She nodded. “That’s okay, I love it. This is all so amazing. No, you’re amazing.” She squealed, “I love you so much.” She jumped up and down. I laughed, loving her happiness and excitement. She read the note. “Your grandparents don’t put their cars there.” She laughed and ran to the garage. This time, I ran, too.

  Her present was in front of the garage. She picked it up and opened it. Inside was an angel charm. Her mum came forward to put it on, and her dad and grandfather went to the garage door. She read the note. “Tell your father and grandfather to open the garage door.” She read it twice, before she did it. “Open the door.”

  I got in position and felt the cold as soon as it opened. The scream of pure joy that left her lips as she saw the winter wonderland I’d made almost deafened me. Australia didn’t have a winter Christmas, and even in winter, it didn’t get cold enough to snow. I’d turned Grant and Elsa’s garage into Christmas winter wonderland. The snow maker had cost me a fortune, along with all the decorations, but the look on Ashlyn’s face was worth every cent.

  Before she could go in, I grabbed her, holding her hands. I slowly sank down on one knee and reached into my pocket, opened the velvet box, and held it up. “Ashlyn Denver, I didn’t know I could love someone with the depth I love you, and it grows more every day. You are my angel. I love you more than words can say. Will you please do me the honor of marrying me?”

  I’d thought her scream before was loud, but this one, I was sure, shattered the glass as she threw herself at me. I hugged her but fell back on my arse as she smothered me with kisses. “Yes! A thousand times yes. Yes!

  A year later


  My breathing came out in gasps as he explored. It felt like it had been years since I’d been touched. Since having the babies, my body had been extra sensitive. I leaned back onto the bed and spread my legs further apart as he settled between them. Two fingers slowly entered me and moved in and out. He sucked my clit, and with how turned on I was, I wouldn’t last long. He spread his fingers and pumped them in and out faster. My hips rose and fell with his movements, which thrust his face closer, causing his teeth to scrape over my clit. Rockets of tingles rushed through me, and I tangled my hands in his hair, holding him there as I moaned his name. “Braydon. Yes. Oh, Braydon.” He sucked on my clit before licking it, and I shattered, falling into bliss.

  Braydon kissed his way up my body, and I groaned with renewed need when I felt the tip of his cock line up to my entrance. He waited a moment before he pushed in, burying himself to the hilt. “I love you, Angel.” He brushed his lips over mine before he started rocking
in and out with a steady pace. “I love our babies, but it feels like forever since I’ve been inside you.”

  “Mmm, thank you, grandparents,” I mumbled against his neck.

  He picked up his pace, and I tilted my head up to kiss him. His lips met mine, and we opened so our tongues could mingle, too. I wrapped my arms around him and gripped his back, digging my nails in the harder and deeper he went. Lifting my legs, I hooked them into his arse and pushed him into me. He grunted and tore his mouth from mine.

  “Give me a tit.” I offered him a tender breast and he latched onto it. The moment he sucked, I was done for.

  Gasping for breath as shards of pure pleasure pulsed through me, I moaned as he let go of the breast he just had and took the other one. I screamed and bucked as the pressure built so high it exploded and I fall apart. I gazed at my husband as he let go of my breasts, gritted his teeth and pounded into me.

  “Holy fuck, you feel amazing,” Braydon yelled as he drove into me one more time and grunted low and deep. He rested on top of me for a moment before he groaned and eased off me. He moaned as he sat up. “We need to get up. Especially you. You need to go feed those babies of ours. Your tits are leaking.”

  I didn’t want to move. My body was enjoying its euphoric state. My four-month-old twins and Braydon were my world, and I knew they wouldn’t have anything besides breast milk from the source. I had expressed, but they didn’t like the bottle. I hoped they hadn’t been little terrors for their grandparents and great-grandparents, but I wasn’t holding out hope.

  The previous night had been my first solid eight hours of sleep in over four months. My family had offered to look after the boys before, but I hadn’t wanted to leave them. It was Braydon’s hounding, along with both grandparents’ assurances that they would bring the twins back over if they had any problems, that made me cave. I’d called every fifteen minutes the first couple of hours until Braydon had taken my phone and hidden it. I’d then gone to walk next door, but Braydon had distracted me by fucking me until I passed out.


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