Final Play (Matchplay Series)

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Final Play (Matchplay Series) Page 2

by Dakota Madison

  “I really need to skate,” Ella announced and I assumed it was her way of saying she needed to make a quick exit. I still didn’t want her to go.

  Before I could protest, Ella leaned up and kissed me. I was stunned but to my surprise, I didn’t back away. I relaxed into the heat of the moment and kissed her back.

  It was by far the most intense and passionate moment of my life. Not that I’ve had a lot of experience in the romance department. I’d dated and I’d been intimate with a few girls but I’d never experienced anything like that kiss.

  It was as if my entire world closed in and infinitely expanded at the same time. I was rendered nearly breathless. I had never experienced a moment in which I knew for certain that my life had irrevocably changed—until that one.

  “It’s been fun but I gotta run,” Ella said as she turned and started away. I tried to grab her but she was too quick and wily and she once again managed to escape.

  I heaved a huge sigh as I contemplated my next course of action. As I stood there, thinking about Ella and the amazing kiss, I heard a familiar voice yell my name.

  “What are you doing?” my sister, Olivia, asked as she headed in my direction. Her girlfriend, Marney, was right at her side.

  People always said my sister and I looked a lot alike although I failed to see the resemblance. Olivia was tall and thin with long strawberry-blonde hair. She was wearing an emerald green bridesmaid’s dress and matching pumps. It was the first time I ever remember seeing my sister in heels. I guess when you’re the maid-of-honor in a wedding, it’s a requirement. My sister had been roommates with the bride, Rainy Dey, until she moved in with Aaron Donovan, the groom. Olivia and Rainy remained the best of friends, despite the fact that they’re as completely different as sugar and spice. (Rainy, being the sweet one, of course, and my sister being as spicy as chili pepper.)

  It was no surprise that Marney, my sister’s girlfriend, was dressed in all black. She was always in all black and I didn’t think a wedding would be any exception. Today, she was wearing a black suit, much like the one I was wearing, except she looked a lot better in it and much more masculine than I would ever be. What surprised me was that Marney had removed her facial piercings for the wedding and it made her look just a bit less counter-culture. Her eye makeup as also a little less dominate and I noticed for the first time how bright her brown eyes actually were.

  “You both look great,” I said casually. They both waited for me to follow it up with some kind of joke, because the three of us were rarely ever serious with each other about anything. But I wasn’t in the joking mood and truly did think they looked good.

  “Seriously,” I assured them and my sister smiled. I loved it when my sister smiled; it lit up the space around her.

  Like the bride, my sister and Marney had just graduated from college. But while Rainy was off to a prestigious graduate program in Art History, my sister and Marney were anxiously searching for jobs in a tight market. I’m two years older than Olivia, Marney and Rainy, so I’ve been out in the workforce for a while. I was fortunate to land a job right away with the same engineering firm I interned with in college. My sister and Marney both majored in Communication and even though they competed on the school’s national championship-winning speech and debate team, the market for people graduating with a Communication major was still competitive.

  “I have to find Evan,” I blurted before I had a chance to stop myself.

  “Why on Earth do you want to do that?” My sister’s eyes went wide in horror.

  Evan was one of the groom’s best friends and he was Aaron’s best man. But he was not someone that my sister or I would consider a friend, or even an acquaintance. Evan came from an extremely wealthy family and he had a reputation as being a womanizer. He came across as an egotistical jerk. Although since he and Keira Whitley had gotten together, it seemed to mellow him out a bit and make him a little nicer. Well, maybe not exactly nicer but at least a little more approachable. Evan seemed to have a similar effect on Keira, who had been dubbed The Queen of Mean by our group. Even though Keira had a serious falling out with Rainy and Aaron during Rainy’s sophomore year of college, they seemed to have patched things up because Keira had been invited to the wedding.

  “It’s a long story,” I stated. “And it’s not really the time or place to get into the details.”

  My sister frowned. My sister and I are very close and we tell each other everything. I knew she didn’t like being shut out of whatever was going on with me. “You’d better tell me all the details later,” she said. “I mean it.”

  I heaved a sigh. “You know I will. We’ve got a very long car ride back to town. I’ll fill you in then.”

  My sister didn’t look convinced or very happy about my hesitancy to spill the beans but I still needed some time to work out in my own head what had happened, before I could explain it to her.

  “Fine,” my sister finally agreed. “But once we’re in the car, you’re talking. I want to hear everything.”

  I nodded. “I promise.”

  “Evan’s over by the chocolate fountain.” My sister turned me in that direction. “Now go talk to him before you lose your nerve.”

  I approached Evan with equal amounts of trepidation and resolve. As much as he scared me to the core, I felt like he was the key to me finding Ella again.

  Evan was engaged in a conversation with a guy I recognized as being from The Clubhouse, the social club they belonged to when we were in all college. It was the social club for all the best looking and most popular guys on campus. A social club to which someone like me would never have been invited for obvious reasons: I was never accused of being good looking and I certainly was never popular.

  I wouldn’t say the conversation Evan was engaged in was deep. I would never put Evan and deep in the same sentence. Although as of late, Rainy had become somewhat of an Evan advocate, which surprised me. She always seemed so uncomfortable around him. But ever since he and Keira became a couple, Rainy seemed to believe he’d changed for the better.

  I cleared my throat to get the big guy’s attention. We were both the same height, about six feet, but Evan was massive. If Evan were to fight the Hulk, it would be a pretty even match. When Evan turned to face me, I froze. He was such an intimidating presence; I nearly lost what I wanted to say.

  “What’s up?” Evan asked as he gave a nod in my direction.

  I held out my hand and tried to manage the trembling as Evan shook it.

  “I’m Lucas,” I reminded him. “Rainy’s friend. Her college roommate’s brother.” We had seen each other a few times but I had no reason to believe I would even register on his radar or that he would remember me.

  Evan nodded. “Yeah, I remember. Weren’t you friends with Ian Miller?”

  I nodded. “Ian was my roommate until he joined The Clubhouse our junior year.”

  Evan stood there and looked at me, waiting for me to continue. “I met your sister, Ella,” I said finally.

  Before I could say another word, Evan held up a palm. “Whatever she said or did, it’s not my fault, dude.”

  I frowned not really knowing what to make of his comment or how to proceed. “I think you misunderstand. I wanted to know if there’s a way I can get in touch with her.”

  He laughed. “Why? Did she steal your wallet?”

  I shook my head. “No, I thought maybe I could invite her for coffee or lunch perhaps.”

  Evan shook his head. “No way, man. You seem like a nice guy. I would never do that to you.”

  He must have noticed the puzzled expression on my face because he followed up with, “Luke, my sister’s nuts. You don’t want to go down that road or anywhere near it. Trust me.”

  I never actually told him to call me Luke but I guess Evan did what he wanted. I got the feeling he was the type of guy who always did what he wanted. But what I wanted was a way to get in touch with his sister and I was determined not to leave without it.

  I swallowed and
tried again. “I’m willing to take my chances, if you’d just give me a way to get in touch with her.”

  “Oh, man,” he groaned. “I can’t believe you’ve got the hots for Ella. All the fine tail here and she’s the one you pick. Seriously?”

  “Aren’t you engaged to Keira?” I asked. It seemed odd for him to be looking at all the fine tail when he apparently already had some of his own.

  “I can still look. I just can’t touch. Don’t you think Keira looks, too? It’s human nature.”

  All the years I was infatuated with Rainy, I found it extremely difficult to look at other girls. Whenever I did, they paled in comparison. Now that Ella caught my eye, I didn’t think I would notice anyone else.

  “Please,” I said and I knew as soon as the word came out of my mouth, it sounded like I was begging. “If you could just give me a way to contact her.”

  He pointed a finger at me and his expression turned serious. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  I swallowed. He made it sound so ominous. As if I’d asked him for the contact information for a hitman.

  “Ella doesn’t have a cell phone because she thinks it blocks her psychic energy, or some crap like that. And she doesn’t have a house phone because she rarely manages to pay the bill. And it’s not like she doesn’t have the money. She’s got a substantial trust fund. She just forgets. I think the phone company may have banned her for life. If you want to find her, she’s usually at Arts² downtown. And that’s squared with the tiny two not spelled out.”

  I frowned. “I’m an engineer. I know what squared means.”

  Evan laughed. “An engineer wants to bang my sister. That’s a first.”

  “I never said I wanted to bang her,” the words came out of my mouth before I could stop them. “I just want to get to know her better.”

  “Whatever, dude. Every guy who has gotten into my sister’s pants has lived to regret it. You’ve been warned. Again.”

  A stunning girl with gorgeous black hair and amazing features grabbed hold of Evan’s arm. It was Keira. She could have been the coldest and meanest person on the planet until she started dating Evan. He seemed to smooth out all of her sharp edges.

  “Lucas,” she said as she gave me the once-over. “Always a pleasure to see you.”

  Evan gave Keira a kiss on the forehead then he said, “You’re never going to believe this. Luke wants to bang Ella.” He made it sound like it was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard.

  “I didn’t say I wanted to bang her,” I clarified for Keira’s benefit.

  I could see her stifle a grin. “It would probably be good for both of them.”

  “I told him she was crazy but he still seems to want a piece,” Evan said. I found it odd that he was talking so explicitly about his sister.

  “Arts²,” Keira stated. “If you want to see her again, that’s where you’ll find her.”

  “Thanks for your help,” I muttered although my mind was already working overtime trying to figure out how someone like me, a rather geeky engineer, could make an appearance at what I could only assume was some kind of artist hangout. I would undoubtedly stand out like a turkey among peacocks. My presence also had to appear to be fated apparently. The task already seemed daunting.

  Evan laughed. “Tell me in a few weeks if you really think I helped you.”

  Keira playfully nudged his elbow. “Come on. Ella isn’t that bad. She’s really matured in the last few years.”

  Evan shook his head. “She may be a little more mature but she’s also a little crazier, so I think the two cancel each other out.”

  Keira leaned over to me and whispered, “I think Ella will loosen you up a bit. I say go for it.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence—I think.”

  Keira just snickered as she and Evan made their way over to the chocolate-covered strawberries and Champagne.

  When I finally caught sight of Rainy and Aaron, I made my way over to them. I hadn’t had a chance to formally congratulate them since they said their vows.

  Rainy Dey Donovan made the most stunning bride. Her porcelain doll face and small features were the perfect fit for the ballet style wedding dress she selected. Aaron always joked that Rainy looked like she had just stepped out of a Mary Cassatt painting. He even made her a miniature Mary Cassatt museum when they had an art history class together Rainy’s freshman year. But today, on her wedding day, in her graceful and elegant dress, she looked more like one of the dancers in an Edgar Degas painting.

  Ella was right. I had been completely and totally in love with Rainy. I don’t know a guy who spent any time with her who wasn’t. It may sound like a cliché but she was truly a beautiful person inside and out. She was strong, courageous and smart. Aaron was the luckiest guy on the planet and he definitely knew it. He gave his heart and soul to Rainy and even went against his wealthy, powerful and influential parents to be with the girl he loved.

  Rainy deserved the very best and she definitely got it with Aaron. He was arguably the most popular guy on campus, and I often heard girls refer to him as swoon-worthy. I can only assume it’s because he looks like he just stepped out of the pages of GQ.

  I knew from the moment I met Rainy that she was far out of my league. She was definitely a 10 on the attractiveness scale and I was maybe a 4.5 on a really good day in optimal lighting for my red hair and fair complexion.

  “Lucas,” Rainy practically yelled when she spotted me. She hurried over and embraced me in one of her famous hugs. For such a small person, she had a strong and powerful hug. It was the type of hug that had a way of letting you know that no matter what, everything was going to be all right. It was one of the many things I loved about Rainy.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” Rainy said as she looked into my eyes. I never told Rainy how I felt about her and I always wondered if she suspected. If so, she never let on. Rainy didn’t have any siblings and she always called me her brother. I wondered now if she did that so I would know that her feelings for me would always be brotherly and nothing more.

  Aaron shook my hand. “Good to see you, Lucas.”

  “I’m so happy for both of you,” I said and I couldn’t help but smile. It had been a long road for both of them to get to this point. There was a three year age difference between them and they met when Rainy was a freshman and Aaron was a senior. Aaron’s family initially displayed a lot of hostility towards Rainy. They had a difficult time accepting her because they’re super-rich and well-connected while Rainy’s background was steadfastly middle-class. I even heard through the grapevine that Aaron’s parents went as far as to try and get Evan’s fiancé, Keira, to break Aaron and Rainy up. Aaron’s parents apparently had to finally accept the fact that nothing was going to come between Aaron and Rainy. I heard they rather reluctantly accepted Rainy into the fold. At least they paid for their lavish wedding, which as a start.

  Rainy had an odd expression on her face, like she was holding something back. I could always tell when something was bothering her. She kind of wrinkled her nose and furrowed her brow at the same time, like she was really giving the matter some deep thought. “I heard that you were talking to Evan’s sister,” she said finally.

  “That was fast,” I said. I wondered how in the world she had heard that bit of gossip so quickly.

  As her eyes softened, I got the distinct feeling I was going to get an infamous Rainy lecture. She always managed to say the most relevant and even biting things yet still managed to couch them in sunshine and love. It was not even ironic that her name was Rainy and Aaron’s nickname for her was Sunshine. That’s exactly how Rainy was.

  When she swallowed before speaking I knew I was in trouble. She was definitely about to say something I already knew I didn’t want to hear.

  “Ella is beautiful, funny and free-spirited. I can certainly understand why you find her attractive.” Rainy gave me one of her brightest smiles and I knew she was getting ready to drop the bombshell. “But she’s also
mentally ill. Before you pursue a relationship with her, I want you to give some serious consideration to what that means. You’re a brilliant guy. Do some research on bipolar disorder. I just want you to know what you’re getting into before you fall too hard and it’s too late.”

  I had a strong urge to tell her it was already too late but that sounded completely ridiculous. I had just met Ella. I talked to her for less than an hour in total. How could I already have fallen for her? The very idea was beyond all rationality.

  But I still felt that way. And it frightened me to my core.

  “Okay,” I muttered but it didn’t even sound like my voice. I was suddenly overcome with the urge to find every piece of research ever written about bipolar disorder.

  “I really care about you, Lucas,” Rainy said. “And I want you to be happy.”

  I nodded although it seemed at that moment the only thing that was going to make me truly happy was seeing Ella again.

  “Good luck, man,” Aaron said as he patted my shoulder.

  “I hope you have a wonderful time in Tahiti,” I said.

  “I know we will,” Rainy replied. When she glanced at her new husband, he winked at her.

  “I’m sure my sister and Marney are wondering where I am. I think they’re ready to get going.”

  Rainy gave me another hug. “We have to get together when I get back into town. No excuses.”

  “No excuses,” I assured her.


  After the bride and groom made their official exit and the party started winding down, I gathered my sister and Marney from the dance floor and we hopped into my Prius for the ride back to the city.

  As soon as my sister inhaled, I knew she was going to ask the inevitable question: why was I so keen to find Evan? I beat her to the punch. “I know you’re wondering why I wanted to talk to Evan.”

  “Wondering is not the word I would use,” my sister said dramatically. She had a flair for the dramatic, which made her so good at speech and debate. “More like my head was getting ready to explode in anticipation of the very moment when you would finally enlighten us.”


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