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Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy)

Page 14

by Judy Hagemann

  “We need to talk.”

  “I can’t deal with this right now.”

  “We are going to deal with this right now damn it.”

  “I’m outta here.”

  As Brock headed to the door, Holly did the only thing she could think of to stop him from leaving. She performed a low sweeping leg maneuver that took his legs out from under him and then proceeded to handcuff him to her before tossing the key towards the back of the room. “What the fuck Holly!”

  “I told you we needed to talk, and you gave me no choice.” She said as she shut and locked the door. “Now you have to listen to me.”

  “Start talking then, but honestly I don’t know what you can say that will help.”

  Holly started at the beginning with how she knew what it would do to him if she put herself in harm’s way by being bait for the rapist and how it would only bring up bad memories. Continuing on, she went into detail telling him her plan to catch the perp and that the Captain had approved her plan as long as she kept him informed and didn’t do anything stupid. She also told him that she was given a two week window in order to accomplish it. When she was finished talking, he didn’t say anything. He just stared at her. “Are you going to say something?”

  “So—you’re done?”


  “Uncuff me then. I need to go home.”

  “No! We need to work this out. I won’t let you go until we work this out.” Holly demanded.

  “You told me I needed to listen to you—I did. I don’t see what else we have to talk about.”


  “That’s over.”

  “I don’t want it to be over.”

  “It takes two to make a relationship work—I don’t believe in solo adventures.”

  “Do you love me?”

  Brock didn’t respond. “Brock? Do you love me? Because, I love you.”

  He looked up, “Is that another one of your lies?”

  “No. I didn’t realize it until today when you walked away, and even then I questioned it because I had never experienced these feelings before. In talking with Brooke earlier, she was the one who pointed it out to me. I am in love with you.” She said as she leaned in and kissed him tenderly on the lips. When he didn’t respond, she began placing kisses on his neck and then sucked his earlobe into her mouth. “I’m so sorry.” She whispered into his ear.

  Brock let go of his anger and wrapped his unrestrained arm around Holly pulling her tight to his body while overcome with the need to show her that he did love her. His lips found hers as his tongue forced its way into her mouth—urgent to reach to her very soul. When he felt a teardrop fall onto his cheek, he ended the kiss and wiped the tears from Holly’s face, “I do love you.”

  At hearing Brock’s declaration of love, Holly began sobbing and collapsed in his arms. “Hey, I didn’t think this is the kind of reaction I would get when I told someone I loved them.”

  Between sobs, Holly said, “I thought I had lost you—I love you so much.”

  Brock picked her up and carried her to the bed, “Are you going to have me make love to you handcuffed together like this?”

  “I guess so, unless you have a key on you and can unlock the handcuffs.”

  Luke arrived home and noticed that Brock and Holly’s cars were parked in the drive. When he walked through the door, Brooke was sitting in a chair by herself reading a magazine. “Where are Brock and Holly?”


  “What are they doing upstairs?”

  “I hope doing the nasty!”

  “What? Why would they come to our house for that for crying out loud?” Luke asked.

  “They hit a rough patch. Kind of a long story which I will tell you later, but the shortened version is Holly lied to him, he told her they were through. He bought a bottle of whiskey—got himself drunk and ended up here. I made him go upstairs to sleep it off, and in the mean time I called Holly and told her to get her butt over here. When she got here, I listened to her side of the story and told her to go upstairs and talk to him.”

  “How long have they both been up there?”

  “Over an hour.”

  “What makes you think they worked it out?”

  “Initially, I heard a lot of shouting and then there was a loud thud and the door slammed shut. After that, it has been pretty quiet.”

  “And that tells you they are upstairs in our spare bedroom doing the nasty?”

  “He loves her. She loves him—they will work it out.”

  “I hate to be the devil on your shoulder, but what if the lie was too big to get past?”

  “It wasn’t.”

  “What makes you so sure of that?”

  “She lied to protect him.”

  “I don’t know about that. A lie is still a lie, no matter what the reason. I know I would have a difficult time trusting again. Trust is the glue that holds a relationship together.”

  Together, Brock and Holly removed their clothes as best they could while still handcuffed together. Brock began feathering light kisses over her face, neck, and collarbone while his free hand explored her body moving up to her breast and cupping it before taking her nipple into his mouth. Holly moaned as she arched her body off of the bed towards him—wanting and needing to get closer to him. He released her hardened nipple with a ‘pop’ as he moved to the other side.

  Holly wrapped her legs around Brock trying to bring him close enough to enter her as she cried out, “I need to feel you inside me. Please Brock.”

  Brock released the second nipple and positioned himself at her entrance and thrust forward as he kissed her just as deeply. He slowly moved in and out taking his time making love to the woman before him. He came to the realization that this was the first time he had ever made love to anyone—all the other times…‌they were just sex, but this time he felt the emotion soar through his body, mind, and down to the very core of his soul.

  Afterwards, as they lay in each other’s arms, Brock felt Holly’s tears on his shoulder. He leaned back to look into her eyes, “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong.”

  “Why are you crying?”

  “I don’t know. I am so happy right now, and what we just shared—well, it was so special and tender and I felt loved for the first time in my life.”

  Brock took the opportunity to kiss her again and softly said, “I felt that too.” Then he smiled and added, “I would have preferred to not be handcuffed through it, but you must be into some kinky shit and I have to say that it kind of intrigues me!”

  Holly laughed as she softly punched him in the shoulder with her free hand. “We better get dressed and try to find that damn key!”

  After searching for 10 minutes, they gave up and headed down the stairs and were greeted by Luke and Brooke. They both noticed the handcuffs at the same time, and Brooke immediately noticed Holly’s hair was a mess before commenting, “Who arrested whom, and was it before or after doing the nasty?”

  Holly’s felt her face turn beet red and the room’s temperature suddenly raised ten degrees. “Brooke! Do you have to be so bold? I’m sure there is a reasonable explanation as to why they are handcuffed to each other. Isn’t there bro? “

  Brock cleared his throat, “Well, it was Holly’s way of making me listen to her explanation. You see, while I was handcuffed to her, I couldn’t leave—I was forced to listen to what she had to say.”

  “So why are you still handcuffed together?” Brooke asked.

  “After she handcuffed us together, she tossed the key to the other side of the room and we can’t find it to unlock the damn things.”

  “How are you going to get them unlocked?”

  “I have a set of keys in my car. That’s where we were headed when you stopped us.”

  “So, did you guys work things out?”

  “Brooke! You need to butt out.” Luke exclaimed.

  “It’s okay Luke—yes. We both realized that we want to pursue a relation
ship and see where it goes.”

  Brooke hugged them both and whispered in Holly’s ear, “So, how was the make-up sex?”


  After the handcuffs were removed, Holly told Brock that she needed to get back to the apartment so as not to blow her cover. Brock wasn’t keen on the idea of Holly being the bait at all, but he admitted that she just might be on to something and they had a good chance of catching the rapist.

  Holly arrived at the apartment to find that Julie had left a note for her. “Holly—I am out with the girls again. Heading to O’Donnell’s tonight—be back around midnight.”

  Holly took a long hot shower and curled up on the couch with her latest book ‘In The Name of The Father’ by Judi Coltman. Her favorite books were murder mysteries and this one captivated her quickly. Being a detective, she liked to try to see if she could figure out who the villain was and she prided herself that in most cases she was able to. At eleven she decided to head to bed being worn out from everything that happened. While she lay there, events of the day replayed in her mind and she was grateful that they turned out the way they did. A smile formed on her lips as she recalled Brock’s declaration of love.

  She had just begun to doze off, when she heard what sounded like someone trying to open the window in her bedroom which was located behind her. Her eyes flew open and she held her breath as she listened to see if she could hear it again. Nothing—was it her imagination? Was it the wind? She wanted to turn around, yet she was frozen in place. Her mind was telling her that she needed to stay put and that her self-defense training would carry her through anything—as long as she was awake when attacked, she was confident that she would be able to defend herself.

  Just past midnight, Holly heard Julie unlock the door. She hadn’t moved at all since hearing the noise behind her and was still lying in the same position. As soon as she heard Julie set her keys on the kitchen counter, she edged out of bed and headed out to talk to her.

  “Hey, I hope I didn’t wake you.”

  “No, you didn’t. I was just lying in bed wide awake.”

  “I take it things didn’t go well with Brock?”

  “Actually, they turned out better than I could have hoped. It was kind of rough for a while though. He didn’t want to listen to me, so I handcuffed myself to him.”

  “Oh my God! You didn’t!”

  “Yeah, I did. After I explained everything to him, he still wanted to walk away. He was really hurt and angry with me.”

  “So, if that is true, then I don’t understand how things worked out better than what you could have hoped.”

  “I told him that I loved him.” Holly admitted.

  “You did? You do?”

  “Yes, and after I was able to convince him of that, he said he loves me too.”

  “Holly—I am so happy for you guys. Don’t forget to invite me to the wedding!”

  “Wait a minute! You’re moving kind of fast there. We have a long ways to go before that will happen. So, how was your evening? Did you notice anyone who might be our perp?

  “No—not really. There was a guy that left shortly after we got there and he looked familiar to me, but I can’t place where I saw him before. I swear I have seen him before, but I didn’t get that good of a look at him.”

  Before Holly climbed back into bed, she went over to the bedroom window and looked outside while checking to see if it was locked. This time when she crawled beneath the covers, she made sure that she faced the window.

  To give her undercover story credibility, Holly had made arrangements with the nearby college to use a corner of the library as workspace in case the perp was watching her, he would see her actually attending college on a regular basis. She even used this time to her advantage by reading books on profiling. With the knowledge that she learned from these books, she began putting a profile together of the rapist. She determined that he was very strong as he overpowered all of his victims easily. He came to the crime scene prepared, always bringing some sort of a blindfold and restraints. This told her the crimes were premeditated and carefully planned out. He had to be between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-five in order to “fit” into the college crowd and blend in while doing so, or he had a young face. She really didn’t think this was the case—she had nothing to prove otherwise, but her gut told her he fit that particular age group more. He never left behind any evidence other than the matchbook and now DNA from the latest vic, which told her that he was very precise and paid attention to detail. This also told her that he most likely had a high IQ.

  At the end of the week, Holly was disappointed that nothing had happened yet. She was sure that the perp would attempt something by now, but he hadn’t. Julie was fairly certain that she was never followed home from either of the bars she went to. “What are you up to?” She said out loud. “What are you waiting for?”

  Holly would always end her night with a phone call to Brock discussing any new developments in the case, in addition to just wanting to hear his voice and wishing that she could feel his body next to hers. Tonight’s phone call started out like all the others in the past week, but it certainly didn’t end that way.

  “Holly? Are you in bed?” Brock asked.

  “You know that I am.”

  “Good. Tell me what you are wearing.”

  “What? Tell you what I am wearing?”



  “Just tell me.” He urged her.

  “I’m wearing a pink tank top and matching boy shorts underwear. What’s going on?”

  “I want you to put your index finger in your mouth and then I want you to rub it over one of your nipples.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. Do it.”

  “Okay, I’ll do it.”

  “Close your eyes and picture that it is me touching you. Talk me through it.”

  “You are tracing my nipple with your wet tongue and my body is reacting to your touch. My nipple is hard and erect.”

  “Good. Now pinch it between your fingers and imagine me there pulling it into my mouth.”

  “Mmmm. I love when you do that.”

  “Now with your other hand, I want you to reach down and touch yourself and I want you to feel my hand on you.”

  Holly slowly moved her hand down the contour of her body, following Brock’s instructions. She felt naughty, yet excited with where this new adventure was taking her. She was learning so much about herself since allowing Brock into her life and while she had never experienced phone sex before, and she found that it was really a turn on listening to his voice and imagining his hands on her body. She had fantasized having sex with Brock before they actually got together, but hearing his voice made this experience more intense. Her body tingled as his voice reverberated through the phone.

  “I want you to feel me rubbing your clit. You’re wet aren’t you?


  Now I’m fingering you and my palm is rubbing that tight little bud of yours. Are you with me?”


  “Take your other hand and pinch your nipple until you can’t stand the pain. Now I’m running my tongue over it to soothe the pain.”

  “What about you? I don’t want you to feel left out.”

  He softly laughed before telling her, “I’m not left out, I want this night to be about you. Tomorrow, you can return the favor. Now, tell me what you are feeling.”

  “I can feel the pressure building up, I am so close—I need you here with me. Inside of me.”

  “No you don’t, just close your eyes and feel my hands on you. This will have to work until we can be together.”

  It wasn’t long before Holly’s body responded to the stimulation and erupted into a mind numbing orgasm. Brock loved the fact that she was always so vocal and when she screamed into the phone, he too wished that he was there to experience it with her.

  When Holly hung up, she blushed as she couldn’t believe what she just ex
perienced. Brock had told her that sex with him wouldn’t be vanilla, and he wasn’t kidding. Again, he showed her a new experience and a side to herself that she didn’t realize was there. She would have never considered doing this with her ex, so why was she willing to do this for Brock? The answer was simple—she really did love him.

  Tuesday night Julie headed out with the girls again leaving Holly alone at the apartment. She continued reading her book where she left off a few nights ago. It was storming outside and every little noise seemed to have her on edge. Rain was hitting the windows with such force that it sounded like someone was knocking on them. When the wind picked up and leaves and debris started peppering the windows and the outside of the apartment, Holly closed her book as she could no longer concentrate on it. She didn’t want to go to bed—it was only nine, so she turned on the TV and started to flip through the channels. It was mid September, but it seemed like the only thing on TV were Halloween slasher films. With the storm raging outside, she definitely didn’t want anything to do with those! She sure missed Charlie—he would always snuggle on her lap and keep her company on nights like this. Brock had volunteered to let him stay at his house until the case was over or the two weeks were up—whichever came first. She reached for her phone and dialed Brock and when he answered she asked, “How are my two favorite men?”

  “We miss you terribly.”

  “I miss you guys too. I’m home alone—Julie is out with the girls again.”

  “Are you okay being alone with the storm?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine, just really missing you and Charlie.”

  “Do you want me to come over?” Brock asked with concern in his voice.

  “No, we can’t chance it in case the perp is watching, but I do owe you a little phone sex.”

  “Really? So what are you going to do about it?”

  “I want you to grab some lotion or a bottle of massage oil, and you might want to grab a towel.”

  “I’ve got the items.”

  “I want you to lie on your bed and unbutton your jeans. Rub your hand over yourself through your jeans until you are hard.”


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