Emma's Treasures

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Emma's Treasures Page 4

by Rebecca Joyce

  “Yes, Tucker,” she whispered as a tear fell from her eye.

  “Fuck!” Tucker took her mouth in a searing kiss, plunging his tongue into the depths of her warm mouth. It had been seven years since he last tasted her, since he last drank from her body. He still dreamed of that one time often, but was never able to seek the release his body demanded. But tonight, she was with him and God help him, he didn’t care where she had been or what happened. He just wanted her.

  Her warm, sultry mouth was all it took for Tucker to become fully aroused. His hands moved swiftly to remove her shirt. When his fingers found the buttons, he just ripped, exposing her soft, overflowing breasts covered in a lacey cream-colored bra. “Oh, babies, I sure have missed you,” he whispered lustfully and lowered his mouth to their bounty. Sucking her taut nipple through the fabric, he made use of his hands to unbutton her jeans. Helping her to slide them off, he was not surprised to find her going commando.

  God, he loved this woman!

  Shedding his clothes faster than a whore on Friday night, Tucker spread her legs and delved in. She was already creaming as he took his first taste. She was warm honey and spicy heat all wrapped into one, his favorite flavor. Wrapping his hands under her thighs, he hoisted her up so he could devour his meal. Licking her from rosy asshole to clit, he inhaled her, but when his mouth clamped onto that pert little clit, he watched in awe as his little runaway came undone. Tucker held tightly as Emma thrashed and screamed out her release into his mouth.

  With his cock ready to explode at any minute, he flipped her over onto her stomach, pulling her hips back toward him as he slammed his cock deep into her pussy. “Fuck, you’re still so goddamned tight.”

  She moaned as he began thrusting hard into her tiny body. “I should fuck you into submission for what you have done.” He growled at her as he savagely slammed into her tight pussy. The more she moaned and yelled, the harder he plunged. He was fucking her so damn hard, the headboard cracked when it hit the wall.

  “Tucker, more,” she whimpered as he kept plunging over and over again mercilessly into her body, not caring how she felt, only sensing his own need.

  Neither one of them heard the door open, but when Tucker plunged in one more time, he roared as he emptied himself deep within her womb. Then she heard him. “Now that you fucked her, get off of her.”

  Emma turned to see Tate standing there, looking at her, only her. His eyes never left her face, as Tucker removed his still-hard cock from her pussy, quickly dressed himself, and left.

  Rolling back over, she heard the closing of the door, and she was once again left alone with Tate.

  Afraid to move, she didn’t have the courage to cover herself from him. He stood there, watching her, for what seemed like an eternity, before the first shiver of cold affected her, breaking her eye contact with Tate. By the time she looked back at him, he was returning from his closet with a T-shirt. He held it up as she raised her arms, allowing him to put it on her.

  “Stand up, Emma,” he said quietly. As she did so, he moved around her, trying not to touch her, as he pulled back the quilt and sheet. “Get in,” he ordered. Emma climbed in the bed, saying nothing as Tate covered her up. He walked over to the door, and informed her, “Tabitha is getting a bath. She made quite a mess with the ice cream. When she’s done, we’re taking her to the store, for movies. We don’t have anything for her to watch, and we’re going to let her pick some out. We will be back in an hour or so, so I suggest you get some sleep. Good night, Emma.” With that Tate left, leaving Emma alone to wallow in her own misery.

  Chapter Three

  The early-morning rays were shining through the window, as Emma felt Tate’s warm breath against her neck as he snuggled closer to her. As quietly as possible, Emma removed herself from his arms and climbed out of bed. When she stood, she heard him groan and roll over. Looking over her shoulder, she was not shocked to find Tate lying in the bed. Looking around the room, she found his robe and put it on. Walking back to the bed, she pulled the sheet over his chest, and quietly left the room in search of her daughter.

  She didn’t have to look far, for when she entered the living room she was shocked to see that it looked like a bomb had gone off in there.

  In the midst of pink and purple fluffy blankets, overstuffed fuzzy pillows, and dozens of stuffed animals, lay her daughter sandwiched in between Tucker and Travis, sleeping like an angel in one of her daddy’s shirts. “Just movies, my ass. They bought out friggin’ Toys “R” Us.”

  Popcorn bags, candy bars, empty cookie bags, and several empty pizza boxes were strewn everywhere. The television was still playing The Lion King, as Emma waded through the destruction to turn off the television. Pulling the pink blanket over Tabitha, she smiled. Her daughter looked like she had had the time of her life last night.

  Picking up the trash and discarding pizza boxes, Emma made quick use of the quiet time in the house. It didn’t take her long to get the living room cleaned, and soon she started on the kitchen. She had just sat down to have a cup of coffee when a Tabitha walked into the kitchen, sleepy and rubbing her eyes.

  “Mommy, I don’t feel so good,” Tabitha whined as she climbed into her mother’s lap.

  “I kind figured you wouldn’t. You sure ate a lot of junk food last night, didn’t you?” Emma said, holding Tabitha and reaching for her purse she found on the counter. Rummaging through her purse, Emma found what she was looking for, and handed Tabitha a TUMS. “Here, baby, chew on this, and I will make you some breakfast. How about some real food today, okay?”

  “Okay, Mommy,” Tabitha said, climbing down and sitting in her own chair.

  Emma quickly had pancakes, eggs, bacon, and a fresh pot of coffee brewed by the time the boys woke. She watched as the three of them began to gravitate to the coffeemaker, eager for a steaming cup of hot coffee.

  Without warning, each and every one walked over to her and kissed her on the head, saying ”Good morning,” then moving on to Tabitha, doing the same. Emma smiled as Tabitha giggled as each of them walked sleepily to their own seats, hanging their heads. “Mommy, they’re funny.”

  “Yes they are, sweetie,” she responded to her daughter, then stood. “Are any of you hungry?” It took one second for each of them to groan at the mention of food.

  “Please, Emma, have mercy. Don’t mention food,” Tucker said, moaning into his coffee cup.

  Smiling, Emma couldn’t help herself, “Okay, then I will just throw out the eggs, bacon, and pancakes,” she informed them, and then proceeded to clear the kitchen table.

  Travis grabbed her hand as she reached for the platter of hotcakes “Wait a minute. Are those your buttermilk pancakes?”

  “Yes,” she informed him sweetly.

  “On second thought, breakfast doesn’t sound too bad,” Tucker said, grabbing four pancakes. Before she knew it all three of the men had cleared the table of all food. Emma was up cleaning and clearing the dishes, as Tabitha found a comfortable seat on Tate’s lap.

  Breakfast was soon over and Emma went to reach for Tabitha, when Tate stopped her. Looking directly into Emma’s eyes, Tate asked, “Tabitha, sweetie, do you know who your daddy is?”

  Emma’s spine went ramrod straight. Oh God…not now…please, not now.

  Emma couldn’t remove her hand from Tate’s grasp and was forced to stand in that very spot, waiting for what she knew her daughter was about to say.

  “I don’t have a daddy. Mommy went to the store and picked a daddy out of a book.”

  “Really? How interesting. So tell me, Tabitha, if you could meet this daddy from the store, would you want to?” Tate said, shooting daggers into Emma.

  “Oh, yes. I would love to have a daddy. I have always wanted a daddy. Do you know who my daddy is?” Tabitha asked.

  Emma looked into Tabitha’s eyes, and it broke her heart to have her daughter praying for a daddy, when she had three of them right here in front of her. They may have missed six b
irthdays, but by God, she knew she could make it the last!

  Looking directly at Emma, Tate said, “You either tell her now, or I will. I will not allow this lie to exist anymore between us. She is hurting, and you’re going to fix it. Do it now!”

  Emma looked at Tucker and then Travis, who had each moved to stand around Tabitha.

  “She has a right to know, Emma, just tell her,” Travis said.

  “Do it now, ’cause I’m getting impatient, and I want the first hug,” Tucker replied as he squatted near Tabitha, rubbing her back.

  “Tabby, come sit on Momma’s lap for a minute,” Emma said as she took the seat closest to the boys. She watched as Tate released their daughter and she climbed into her lap. “Tabby, baby, Momma did something not very nice. Momma told a lie.”

  “But, Momma, you said lies were bad and I should never tell one.”

  “That’s right, and I still want you to tell the truth no matter what, but for reasons that you’re too young to understand, I lied to you. Mommy didn’t go to the store to pick out your daddy.”

  “You didn’t?”

  “No, baby, you were made in love. You were wanted even before we knew you were in my tummy. I never told your real daddies about you. They never knew you were born.”

  “I have more than one daddy?” Tabitha asked in amazement.

  Smiling, Emma replied, “Yes, baby, you have three daddies, and you are truly one special little girl.”

  “Cool! Jackson Warner has two mommies, but no daddies. Wow, I got three daddies and a mommy,” Tabitha said in awe.

  Emma held her laughter as best she could, but the boys couldn’t keep their elation in. They each belted out in laughs. Turning to their laughter, Tabitha giggled with them.

  “Tabitha, would you like to meet your daddies?” Emma asked on bated breath.

  “Oh, can I please, please, please?” Tabitha begged hopefully. With that, Emma turned Tabitha around to face Travis, Tucker, and Tate. Putting Tabitha on her feet, she slightly pushed Tabitha in their direction. “Go hug your daddies, baby. They’re right in front of you.”

  Tabitha stood there staring at the three men before her, unsure of what to do, but when Travis, Tate, and Tucker each smiled, Tabitha couldn’t stop herself, and she ran into their arms, crying, “My daddies, my daddies.”

  Emma slowly got to her feet and left Tabitha in the kitchen alone with her daddies. She walked into the bedroom, crawled back into the bed, and cried herself to sleep.

  * * * *

  The days flew by, and before she knew it, Emma had twenty-four hours to get her ass to Denver, or the hounds of hell were going to be nipping at her feet. Nothing was resolved between her and the boys. The only good thing was that they adored Tabitha, and lavished all their time on her. They were trying to make up for lost time, doing whatever her little heart desired.

  Emma tried to tell them one night that what they were doing wasn’t needed and in a way it could have repercussions, but they didn’t want to listen to her. She was told that they had six years to make up for and she was to leave them alone. So that’s exactly what she did.

  The only thing concerning her now was getting to Denver in the allotted time, taking care of this matter, and moving on with her life. She had to get to Denver, but how she was going to get there she had no idea. She didn’t relish the idea of taking Tabitha out of this home situation which she had quickly adapted to. Emma knew that Tabitha would be well taken care of if she was just to leave for a day or so. Thinking quickly, Emma knew that if she was to just head to Denver, take care of her business, she could be back within twenty-four hours. Tabitha would be safe, and no one would know would be the wiser.

  So, packing a small overnight bag, Emma walked into the kitchen early Thursday morning, made the coffee as usual, and wrote a simple note. She placed the note in front of the coffeemaker, grabbed Tate’s truck keys, and quickly made her way out the door, praying she made it to Denver in time.

  * * * *

  Travis woke to find the house quiet, and he gave a small thank-you up to the big guy for that one. His daughter was a pistol from the minute she woke to the moment she crashed. He never knew how hard it was to raise a small child and a daughter to boot, but oh, did that little girl have him wrapped around her little finger, and she knew it.

  Making his way to the coffeemaker he quickly grabbed a cup out of the counter and poured himself a hot cup of joe. Heading to the table, he never saw the note lying on the counter. His quiet solitude didn’t last but five minutes before he heard Tucker making his way toward the same brewing god. Neither spoke as they both sat quietly drinking coffee. Soon Tate joined them, and together the three of them enjoyed the sounds of the early-morning crickets.

  It was the patters of running feet that made them all smile, as Tabitha turned the corner at full speed. “Morning, Daddies!” she shouted as she jumped into Tucker’s lap.

  “Morning, lil’ bit,” Tucker said as he kissed her forehead.

  “Morning, sweetheart,” Travis replied, putting his cup on the table.

  “Mornin’, Tabby,” Tate said with a smile.

  “Where’s Mommy?”

  “Probably still sleeping,” Tucker said, shifting Tabitha so he could hold her and drink his coffee.

  “She’s not in bed. She was gone before I even woke,” Tate informed them.

  “She’s probably in the shower, enjoying a few extra minutes,” Travis offered.

  “Nut uh! Mommy isn’t in the bathroom. I checked,” Tabby said, cuddling into Tucker.

  Travis got up and walked down the hallway checking room after room, and came back shaking his head. “Nope, not in the house. Did she say she was going to the store?”

  “Not that I can recall.” Tucker shrugged his shoulders.

  Tate rose to get another cup of coffee, and that’s when he spotted the note.


  Please don’t get mad, but, Tate, I borrowed your truck. I have an appointment in Denver that I could not break. I’m leaving Tabby with you. I will be back in twenty-four hours.


  “Shit!” Tate said, throwing his cup across the room, smashing it into pieces. Tabitha instantly began crying for her mommy. Travis grabbed the note and read it, passing it to Tucker. By the time Tucker finished reading it, Tate was walking out of the room, cursing Emma nine ways till Sunday.

  Tabitha was crying uncontrollably, which left Tucker and Travis to tend to her. By the time they got Tabby calmed down, Tate walked into the living room dressed and with Travis’s keys in hand.

  “You’re not going after her, are you?” Tucker said.

  “What do you think, genius?” Tate said sarcastically. “She stole my truck and is currently driving to Denver. I’m going to the police station and reporting my truck as stolen. I hope they arrest her ass, and stick her in jail. Then I’m going to see Mr. Jacobs, and I’m filing a petition to have sole custody of Tabitha to be placed with us. Then I’m going to the jailhouse when they have her in custody to beat the living crap out of that lunatic for abandoning her daughter.”

  “Mommy is in Denver?” Tabitha piped up through sobs.

  “Yeah, punkin’, Mommy went to Denver,” Tucker said.

  “That bad man is in Denver. He hurt Mommy,” Tabitha whispered and started crying again. All the boys stopped in their tracks, looking at Tabitha. Stunned that she said what she did.

  Travis was the first to reach Tabitha. “Tabitha Quinn McKenzie, you explain right now. Who hurt Mommy?”

  “The bad man. Mommy didn’t know I saw. She told me to go to my room, but I didn’t listen. He hit Mommy over and over, till she said yes, she would go to Denver. Mommy had lots of bloods everywhere. I was scared.”

  “Okay, punkin’, don’t worry. No one is going to hurt Mommy ever again. I promise you that,” Tucker said, picking up his daughter and holding her closely. “Tate, you go notify OnStar, see if they can pinpoint the exact locatio
n of your truck. Travis and I are going to go see Sheriff Connelly and tell him what Tabby said.” Tucker grabbed his keys off the hook, and the all headed out the door. “Tate, she couldn’t have gotten far. Go see if you can catch up with her.”

  * * * *

  Emma was making really good time when she saw the lights in her rearview mirror. “Damn it, Tate, I swear if you have unpaid parking tickets, I’m going to kill you.”

  Pulling over, Emma turned off the engine and grabbed the registration out of the glove box and her license. She waited patiently as the police officer behind her ran the tags. As the minutes rolled past, Emma began to worry. Opening the truck door, she was soon notified by loud speaker to “Please stay in your vehicle,” so she closed the door and waited. She waited for close to an hour before another truck pulled in behind the patrol car. Grabbing her license and registration once again, Emma rolled down the window and was surprised to see Tate glaring at her.

  “You left me again.”

  “I left a note,” Emma replied.

  “I don’t care about a fucking note, you left!” Tate fumed. Taking a deep breath, trying to calm the raging storm brewing within him, he let out a slow, controlled breath. “Our daughter is at home worried to death that you’re going to be beaten up by some bad man. Care to explain why a six-year-old would think that?” Tate fumed.

  “Please, Tate, I have to get to Denver before seven tonight. He will find me. I have to go,” she pleaded.

  “Wrong. You have to go home to our daughter. Get out of the truck, Emma,” Tate said, opening the door.


  “I don’t think you heard me correctly. Get your fucking ass out of my truck before I yank you out kicking and screaming,” Tate said sternly. Emma blanched at his tone and moved to unbuckle her seat belt, but it wasn’t quick enough for him. He quickly removed the belt and hauled her ass from the tuck.


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