“I don’t give a shit about these people. They fail to even notice us.” She twitched again. “You know you disgust me. I’d be doing you and me a favor by just letting you bleed out.”
The Sheik’s hand began to shake uncontrollably, as she clenched her jaws in hatred. Was she really this crazy? I began to think that she really could give two shits about murdering me and began to sub-consciously picture the swift swinging of her wrist creating a smile on my neckline.
I took a quick swallow, closed my eyes and submitted to my fate.
But then Suez took out a handgun from the back of her shorts and pressed it coolly to Sir Sheik’s neck.
“I wouldn't do that if I was you, carajito.”
Pharaoh was right when she said that I was rolling with the big dogs. The Sheik was like a pit bull lurking and currently in full attack mode. She was totally out of control and apathetic to the fact that we were surrounded by a room full of dancing patrons.
But Suez had my back.
She was a true gangsta and that was my homey already! She, of all people, wouldn’t be the one to stand for this.
And although I would’ve given anything to get the Sheik’s hand away from my neck, I wouldn’t want Suez to go down over my own risky business. I pitched the flames to the fire and I would have to be the one to put the coals out. I would have to be the one to rein Sir Sheik back in.
I tried one more time to de-escalate the situation.
I gazed Sir Sheik deep in the eyes with calm and spoke very slowly and softly.
“Listen…everyone just chill-ax! We don’t want to ruin a good party. You, Sir Sheik, are a stallion and way above this. PrimaDonna and Flourish will be on their way back any minute now. We wouldn’t want them to walk in on us like this.”
I could see her mind flash back to reality at the sheer mention of PrimaDonna’s name. And I began to feel the Sheik’s hand gradually relax.
Sensing the release to the tension, Pharaoh began to slowly pull the Sheik’s wrist back to remove the knife from my neck.
“Everybody, just be easy…C’mon Sir Sheik just calm down.”
“Damn, dude! You just blew my buzz!” Suez replaced the glock back into the back of her shorts and everyone collapsed back into their seats.
“You can thank your lucky stars that Suez was here—this isn’t over.” Sir Sheik returned her blade back into her pocket and sat next to me, as I rubbed my neck in relief.
I could now see why they put me through weapons training and stressed my need to understand how to protect myself. It seemed that even in Sappho Intl, one rotten apple could spoil the whole barrel—-and that rotten apple was Sir Sheik.
“Know this! Sappho and everything in it is mine! The quicker that you learn this fact, then the quicker we can all get along. In the meantime don’t fuck with me!”
The ladies began to round the corner giggling and the Sheik quickly embraced me in a gentlemanly hug. The Sheik smiled as I looked at her in disbelief.
“It's good to see you guys getting along already.”
I couldn’t believe how quickly she’d switched her tone. I took a drink from my champagne bottle and stiffened my vessel.
I was playing with fire and had almost got torched.
But what was even more frightening than me almost getting sliced in half, was that in my will to get exactly what I wanted, I knew, in my gut, that I was sure to walk the hot coals again.
This incident might have instilled fear into anybody else—but not me.
And at the very least I had ascertained two things–I’d seen the worst of what the Sheik was capable of and I knew that I had the loyalty of Suez.
I simply had to maintain faith that I was protected and in the future, I would also have to keep my eye on Sir Sheik.
Midi announced the last call for alcohol and thanked all the patrons for coming out for the grand opening of SocialClub9.
“Now please raise your glasses in a toast to the Mother of us all—to Sappho!”
PrimaDonna winked from across the way, as she mouthed the words in unison with me and the whole room.
“To Sappho!”
We raised our glasses and drank fearlessly to the future.
“Fuck me running!”
The vaulted room door glided open and the neon blue LED-light switched on to reveal columns of adult toys on one side of the room and rows of glock pistols and daggers on the other.
“And this is your concealed firearms and sex toys room.”
Early this morning, Flourish had escorted me to my final habitat in Miami—Illumin8. This haven of illumination would be mine to claim for as long as I would remain in Sappho Intl.
When we first rolled onto the vast expanse and into the black, iron gates, I was immediately intimidated by the sheer breadth of it.
I thought to myself. Oh my fucking God. What was I going to be doing with so much house? I mean, this was enough property to provide emergency lodging for some small countries.
Sensing my apprehension, Flourish told me that I could have my team over, at any time that I wanted, and was still welcomed to visit Playhouse No. 7 at my leisure.
This seemed to pacify me enough to get me into the front door.
But as we took the customary tour throughout the location, I began to warm up to the peace and serenity of the home. The aura that emitted from this mansion was calming and the solitude was a welcomed transition from the hustle and bustle of Playhouse No. 7.
Not to say that I didn’t love being in the company of my team. They were beginning to love and adore my presence as much as I was falling in love with them. But despite the vast amount of space that we all had there, I yearned for some boundaries and peace amidst the house of party animals.
I mean, how could I study in the library room or get up early and thoroughly meditate when the Trio and the studs were always partyin’. I loved their company, but I soon realized the urgent need to get into a space that was all my own—so that I could continue to develop.
And at Illumin8, I could simply envision how this beautiful environment could further upgrade me into a much stronger and smarter version of myself.
At the other two locations, I simply had to adapt to the environments. But within this mansion it was quite different—this house was a living vessel.
It was so much an extension of me that as I moved throughout Illumin8, it followed me. I was becoming one with the house. And as I breathed its presence in, I felt every inch of its customization to my every need—it seemed that its sole purpose of existence was to accommodate my unique and individual person. It seemed to know that it would become my sanctuary as I began this new chapter of my life.
This was a place for me to continue to create and to arrive at my highest self; a place to progress in every way that I possibly could to become the ultimate supra-stallion. This was a reliable space that I could finally call home.
The waterfront locale was situated amid the Venetian Island chain of Miami. The Venetian Island mansion reflected the clean lines of Miami modernism and had been one of only two Sappho Intl domestic U.S. properties to be constructed within this century.
The modern masterpiece sat on close to a whole acre of land, in order to maintain privacy and to accommodate the events that would take place here—including Cloud9, which kicked off tomorrow.
As soon as we’d entered my contemporary palace, I was greeted with stunning Miami skyline views that burst through floor to ceiling windows. And the morning sunlight flirted with soaring ceilings and impeccably finished marble floors.
My private chef was already dicing onions and bell peppers on the bianco cristal granite counter of the kitchen island. She smiled, said hello and motioned that the vegetables would be added to an omelet that was part of her welcome breakfast for me. The butter sang as it melted in the stainless steel pan that sat at the Viking stove. I was told that she could cook anything and that she resided in the staff’s quarters at the other end of the proper
ty with the rest of the employed personnel.
This mansion, unlike the other two locations, also held smart house systems which included things like motorized control of the lighting and shades, ambientour elegance, and whole house audio. From the gate access controls to the large media room that came with the wet bar—it seemed that everything was easily accessible, touch panel, or motorized. It was a technological work of genius.
As we’d moved throughout the first level, I began to fall in love with the fact that I could mature and evolve in ways that I never thought imaginable within a house of this magnitude. Every room had an added touch that spoke to the core of my being. It was as if PrimaDonna had my whole persona in mind as she was designing and furnishing the interior.
While the bulk of the three-level mansion followed a hip MiMo architectural style, with modern lines and minimalist furnishings, several rooms provided their own unique brushstroke to the masterpiece.
Some rooms like the conference room and ballroom were designed in the Miami art deco style, reminiscent of Old Hollywood glam with a distinct Miami twist. Cream-colored walls were accented with gold-framed floor-to-ceiling mirrors with sliding glass doors made of double-thick glass, in order to keep the rooms quiet and cool. The golden-trim mahogany desk in the conference room was accented by soft-tweed carpets in vertical geometric shades of purple, grey, coral and orange and was further sensationalized with metal tables, chrome geometric shapes and cubist paintings. Both rooms lay hidden away and in full-length, metallic purple tweed curtains, like a silver screen starlet. They were glamorous.
Some rooms were designed with more of an electronica flair. The gym, game room, as well as the smoke and lounging room all bore a more club-influenced style as reflected in the sexy photo murals that lined the walls. The full wall decals wrapped around the rooms and projected images of cityscapes and young women dancing and laying together in a house-infused social setting. Then square, frosted glass booths and other geometric sculpted pieces infused with recessed LED-lights, to assist in providing a hip and upbeat vibe. These rooms were red hot and the energy was high.
And then some rooms were simply Zen influenced. The bayfront Zen room was a meditation area enthused by the bay that surrounded it. The Miami sand that surrounded the property inspired the Zen room’s ceiling, which was built of twenty-two steel contoured beam structures, and covered by sand-toned painted wood. The contoured interior was further balanced by a customized indoor fountain and maximized natural lighting to round out a design inspired by the serene Zen ideology of the power of nature and simplicity.
All of the rooms may’ve had various design influences but had one thing in common—they all characterized a personality trait that PrimaDonna saw within me; which also meant that she’d been thinking of me the whole time that she was designing and furnishing this mansion. This epiphany made me smile inside as we began to reach the tail end of our tour.
It became even more evident of how much she thought of me when I was told of the other few bonuses that she’d adapted into my new home. The house had a small, private music studio with an executive office built into it. I would be able to write and sharpen my musical abilities whenever my heart’s desire. The studs could also come over and we could all hold jam and recording sessions.
The techno-inspired smoke and lounging room even came with a full wall aquarium filled with exotic, rainbow fish and colorful coral reefs that seemed to cater to my organic nature amidst the party environment.
In addition to the Cayenne, the garage even held a chrome-painted Ducati Monster and a Peugeot sports car for me to enjoy. And the dock held a few jet skis and a yacht.
We could’ve taken the modern floating staircase upwards. But why climb when we could ride? We rode the brass elevator to the rooftop terrace which, in addition to a full summer kitchen, welcomed me with the idyllic panoramic view of Miami and a bay that I could wind down to.
I looked over the bay and thought what did I ever do to deserve this? I thought to myself—I must have seriously died and taken the highway to heaven. And although less than a week ago, I’d been attacked at SocialClub9 by Sir Sheik, I felt that it would all be worth it if only to reside in this utopian mansion.
We finally ended the tour by riding the elevator down to the second floor which held ten bedrooms. Among these bedrooms was my lavish master suite. We entered it and the room spoke to me from the moment I stepped foot inside.
It said, “Welcome home, Silk…We’ve been waiting for you.”
The master bedroom was replete with a sprawling master bathroom and the largest walk-in closet that I’d ever seen. In fact, to say that it was a walk-in closet was an understatement. It was more like a small customized boutique that I would have fun filling up with new clothes and new kicks—that is once I’d padded my savings.
The suite also held a king-size chocolate brown perspective platform bed with abstract skylights overlooking it and a private terrace to boot.
I was truly blessed.
And while the ‘His’ walk-in closet remained intact, the ‘Hers’ closet was turned into the vaulted room, with which Flourish and I now stood—my very own private toy closet.
And if I was Batman then I’d stepped into the bat cave.
Dildos, straps, harnesses, vibrating bullets; anything and everything a girl and stud could ever want to play with, lined the walls.
"Consider this large walk-in closet to be your tool shed for all the tools you'll need to build on your reputation. It’s been outfitted to hold all of your protective gear and guns on the ‘protection’ side and sex toys on the ‘pleasure’ side, including the Ana Conda's Love Muscle 3.0.”
“You’ll probably not access the protection side much in the beginning because you’ll grow to use these different weapons as you mature within Sappho Intl. Hopefully you’ll NEVER need to use them, in all reality.”
I reflected back on the attack and thought that if I continued to fuck around with Sir Sheik, I might have to get acquainted with that side a little sooner than later.
Flourish pointed to the top row of the ‘pleasure’ side and continued.
“The ladies LOVE the Love Muscle 3.0—so, this bad boy is now your new best friend.”
“This is the newest in sex toy technology. It's been beta tested by the other two stallions and has proven to be the first device to successfully simulate a full erection from a soft position and return on command.”
She pointed as she began to explain the Love Muscle’s components.
“The erection of the shaft and testicles are controlled by a small internal computerized hydraulic system located at the base—which is activated by wireless remote, vocally or by touch. The system motors the muscle seamlessly by activating flexible springs to pitch and stiffen the long, limp central core of silicone, which serves as the core shaft; as well as to tighten it by gently pumping silicone gel into the surrounding layered sleeve. The gel is cleverly pumped from the internal spherical pouches of the testicles and upon de-activating, the gel releases back into its carrying pouches.”
“A thin layer of sterile, saline solution lies between the erection gel sleeves layer and the elastomer silicone shell—which is the outside skin; and saline also fills the small encircling tubes that serve as veins. And as you can see, the sculpted silicone head and testicles have been also filled with silicone gel, to retain its soft but rounded shape.”
“The harness is virtually strapless allowing you room to receive your own stimulation concurrently. It's even water-proof and self-lubricates with a lubricant that pumps and squirts through the tip of the head, upon activation.”
“The Love Muscle was created by a few of our own members who are also a part of the medical and science community. The research and development team applied some of the same innovations and cutting-edge technology that have contributed to biohybrid artificial limb and prosthetic technology.”
“And you, my handsome, have been given nine of them, in different sizes,
which’ve been customized to your naturally tanned skin tone and pre-programmed for you. It will provide one of the greatest sex-periences, for the women that you service, by truly providing the best of both worlds.”
"I didn't know that you advertised for dicks now.”
Although my reaction was in jest, I was profoundly impressed by the equipment that stood before me. The loose sheath of silicone skin was as realistic as they came and seemed to rely on the thin layer of saline solution to slip up and down, past the harder silicone shaft system that it encased—so that it would hold a thoroughly realistic pull to it. The head and balls of the dong were perfectly crafted and the veins seemed to move with the pull of the surrounding skin and slippery saline. The engineering appeared to be functional yet pristine. It was absolutely magnificent.
"You sound like a commercial.”
She looked at me and then gave me a light love tap as I smiled.
"That's because I and half of the Trust highly endorse this product, like it was sent from the goddesses themselves.”
Each one sat in a velvet-lined box, like gold bullion bars being transported to banks from refineries.
"The Love Muscle has three levels that the shaft can fill up and inflate to—watch...”
She picked one of them up and proceeded to demonstrate.
"Power up!"
The limp, almond-toned ruler began to slowly rise and silently fill and tighten with a hardened pulsing. The internal springs served to pitch the shaft into a steady hard-on. And the head shone with subtle squirts of self-lubricating saline as though it was pre-cum.
She began to lick her lips seductively and calmly stroked and pumped the loose and encasing skin of the cock; which served to further load and harden the sheathed shaft, as she handled the growing muscle.
"Oh, oh, Silk"
Flourish sarcastically moaned and the veins began to swell with saline. And the whole of the silicone gel had been pumped and transmitted to fill any remaining spaces of the engorged shaft. The inflated Love Muscle had reached its maximum length of a full eight inches and looked as though it were on the verge of bursting with fluids.
Sappho Intl (Songs of Silk Book 1) Page 14