Dragonblood: Book 2 of the Coiling Dragon Saga

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Dragonblood: Book 2 of the Coiling Dragon Saga Page 26

by Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi

  Doehring Cowart laughed calmly. “If that Holy Emperor wanted to kill you, he would’ve killed you long ago. How could it be that he would have acted against you several times, yet still spared your life? In addition… you haven’t considered the fact that most likely, a ruler of a kingdom holds less attraction for him than you do.”

  Linley suddenly began to understand a bit.

  “The second greatest genius magus in all of history, someone likely to become a Saint-level Grand Magus. And now, the Holy Emperor has discovered that you are a Dragonblood Warrior as well. Most likely, he would be all the more reluctant to kill you now. The Dragonblood Warriors are one of the Supreme Warriors. Upon entering the Saint level, you will definitely be one of the most powerful Saint-level combatants. In terms of attack power alone, you definitely won’t be any inferior to the Holy Emperor himself!” Doehring Cowart said with certainty.

  Supreme Warriors were very terrifying.

  Most people, upon entering the Saint level, would have to progress through the so-called early-stage, middle-stage, and peak-stage.

  But upon entering the Saint level, a Supreme Warrior, especially in Dragonform, would definitely be a peak-stage Saint-level combatant with incredible defense and offense. Even amongst peak-stage Saint-level combatants, the Supreme Warriors would probably be amongst the most powerful.

  “Heidens won’t be willing to kill a genius like you unless there’s absolutely no options available.” After finishing his speech, Doehring Cowart flew back into the Coiling Dragon ring.

  Linley’s heart was very calm.

  Life, death?

  The thing which Linley truly cared about was vengeance.

  “I’m afraid that even if he spares me, Heidens won’t allow me to kill Clayde.” Linley knew very well that having failed to kill Clayde this time, in the future, it would be very hard for him to kill Clayde. If he couldn’t kill Clayde, in his heart, Linley wouldn’t be able to accept it.

  “Who knows when I will be able to get vengeance.”

  Linley’s heart was filled with helplessness.

  Within the highest floor of the Radiant Temple. The Holy Emperor, Heidens, was sitting calmly on his seat.

  Guillermo was staring at the Holy Emperor in shock. “Your Holiness, that demon was Linley? But… but…”

  At first, Guillermo hadn’t known that person was Linley, but after the scales had retracted into Linley’s body, Guillermo discovered his identity. This had totally shocked the man.

  “That wasn’t a demon. That was a Dragonblood Warrior!” Heidens glanced calmly at Guillermo.

  Guillermo was startled, but then he quickly understood. “Right… the Baruch clan is the clan of the Dragonblood Warriors. But it has been over a thousand years since the Dragonblood warrior clan has produced a Dragonblood Warrior. It’s unimaginable that… that… that Linley was actually… your Holiness, that was a Dragonblood Warrior?”

  Remembering how terrifying Linley had appeared, Guillermo felt his heart tremble a bit.

  “Perhaps a mutated version. But it should be a Dragonblood Warrior transformation, yes. Otherwise, how could he rise in power so quickly?” Heidens said calmly. “This Linley’s potential is too great. Although this time, his offense was a major one, there are very few outsiders who know that ‘demon’ was actually Linley.”

  Guillermo instantly understood Heidens’ meaning.

  Linley’s potential is too great?

  Guillermo sighed to himself. Linley’s potential was absolutely terrifying. Not only was his potential as a magus incredible, he was also a Supreme Warrior. In both aspects, he was a very terrifying person. If such a person could remain within the Radiant Church, in several decades, the Radiant Church would almost assuredly have another supreme combatant.

  “Indeed. Your Holiness, others all say that it was a demon. Aside from those Executors who dragged Linley back, nobody else knows this demon was Linley,” Guillermo said respectfully.

  “Oh. Those four. Deal with them,” Heidens said coldly.

  “Yes, your Holiness,” Guillermo said respectfully. “It is their good fortune to be able to return to the Lord’s embrace.”

  Guillermo then said softly, “Right. Your Holiness, another person knows that the demon is actually Linley.”

  “You mean… Clayde?” Heidens said softly.

  “Yes, your Holiness,” Guillermo said. Questioningly, he wondered, “Clearly, this Linley has an extremely deep grievance with Clayde, otherwise he wouldn’t have gone to this extent to kill him. Your Holiness, Clayde is the ruler of the Kingdom of Fenlai. If we are to preserve Linley, perhaps we should have a chat with Clayde.”

  “Yes, we should have a chat.”

  A hint of a smile was on Heidens’ face. “I am very curious. What sort of deep grievance and enmity does Linley have with Clayde?”

  Late in the evening, Clayde arrived at the top floor of the Radiant Temple.

  “Your Holiness.” Clayde bowed respectfully.

  The Holy Emperor, Heidens, was seated on his chair, leafing through a few thick tomes. Without even looking up, he said, “Clayde. In your opinion, who is more important to the Holy Union? You? Or Linley?”

  Clayde’s heart thumped hard.

  “The Holy Emperor means to preserve Linley?” Clayde’s heart began to grow frantic.

  After having experienced this event, he now knew that Linley’s father and mother were killed as a result of him, even though he didn’t do it himself. In terms of responsibility for the deaths of Linley’s parents, he, Clayde, probably bore 90% of the responsibility.

  That year in the past, if it hadn’t been for Clayde deciding to take Linley’s mother and offer her up, how could she have ended up dying? And how would Linley’s father have died?

  Clayde remembered very clearly that look of unrelenting hatred in Linley’s eyes, even as Linley had been dragged away after being heavily wounded by the Holy Emperor.

  “This Linley will fight with me until one of us dies. He cannot be allowed to live,” Clayde said to himself.

  “Clayde, the outside world all believe that it was a demon. Nobody knows that it was Linley, yes?” Heidens looked at Clayde.

  Hearing these words, Clayde was even more certain of the Holy Emperor’s intentions. He hurriedly said, “Your Holiness, that Linley truly is an incredible talent. Most likely, he is the greatest genius to have appeared in thousands of years, both as a magus as well as a warrior. He is an absolute genius. It is very understandable that your Holiness would desire to have him be of use to the Radiant Church. But… it is already determined that he will not be of service to our Church.”

  These words from Clayde caused Heidens to frown. His eyes stared coldly at Clayde.

  Clayde’s heart quivered in fear.

  But he knew that if Linley didn’t die, then he would never have a moment’s peace again.

  “Your Holiness, do you know why Linley wishes to kill me?” Clayde hurriedly said.

  “Summarize,” Heidens said coldly.

  Clayde immediately said, “Your Holiness, the reason Linley wishes to kill me is because twelve years ago, I sent people to abduct his mother. And then, his father, in the course of investigating his mother’s disappearance, was killed. His mother and father, it can be said, died because of me.”

  “The enmity sowed by the deaths of one’s parents is indeed a great one.” Heidens nodded.

  “But your Holiness, do you remember that woman from twelve years ago? That woman I gifted to you, your Holiness?” Clayde looked at Heidens.

  Heidens started.

  “Are you saying…” The look on Heidens’ face changed.

  “Right. That woman was Linley’s mother!” Clayde said in a resounding, loud voice.

  “Your Holiness, if Linley is to remain within the Radiant Church, then as his station rises, he will begin to learn some of the secrets of the Radiant Church. He will definitely discover how and why his mother died. By then… is it even remotely possible that he
would still be loyal to the Radiant Church?” Clayde let out a mental sigh of relief.

  He trusted that given the situation, Heidens would definitely decide to act appropriately. Yes, Linley’s potential was high. But the more powerful Linley became, the greater a threat he would pose to the Radiant Church once he discovered the truth.

  “If this is the case… pity. What a waste of a talent.” Heidens let out a single sigh.

  Part II

  Heaven and Earth Turned Upside Down


  The Dusty Affairs of the Past

  Hillman was being gripped so tightly by Linley’s claws that his clothes were torn open. Scarlet blood slowly leaked out, staining his clothes red, but Hillman didn’t notice in the slightest. Staring at Linley, he said in a downcast voice, “Linley, calm down first.”

  “Tell me.” Linley was staring at Hillman.

  Hillman said solemnly. “The troop of Knights following you is about to arrive. For now, let’s not allow others to know about the affairs of your clan. Come with me first.” Hillman shook his shoulders loose of Linley’s claws, then grabbed Linley’s scaled arms with the intention of pulling him into the ancestral halls… only to find that he was unable to budge Linley.

  “Linley!” Hillman turned his head, a spark of anger in his eyes.

  “Uncle Hillman, I know how to act.” Linley’s face was deeply sunken, but he took a deep breath, retracting the scales on his arms into his body and returning to normal. Just as he once more returned the warblade ‘Slaughterer’ to its case and held it, Linley could hear the sounds of hoofbeats outside drawing near.

  The troops of Knights of the Radiant Temple had finally arrived. Linley turned, glancing at them coldly, but paid them no mind. He said directly to Hillman, “Uncle Hillman, lead the way.”

  “Alright.” Seeing that Linley was able to calm down, Hillman felt a little bit better. He immediately led Linley in the direction of the ancestral hall. Linley’s face remained sunken. At this moment, aside from Linley himself, perhaps nobody knew that beneath that calm expression there lay hidden an incredibly deep, painful wound.

  Neither the Shadowmouse Bebe nor Doehring Cowart made a sound. They were connected to Linley’s soul. Naturally, they could feel the unimaginable grief and pain which Linley was currently suffering.

  The wind rose, catching up and hurling into the air countless leaves which had been lying on the unimaginably ancient stone-tiled grounds. Creaaaak. Hillman pushed open the door to the ancestral hall, then turned to look back at Linley.

  Holding the warblade ‘Slaughterer’, Linley stepped inside, his face calm. His gaze was fixed upon those rows of spirit tablets placed in the middle of the ancestral hall. Given Linley’s current visual acuity, he could clearly read the words on the newest spirit tablet, located at the front.

  There were only two words on the front: Hogg Baruch.

  Linley felt his mind growing dizzy, as though he was hallucinating. He just stood there for a long moment without moving… and then, still carrying the warblade ‘Slaughterer’, Linley stepped forward to the stone platform in front of the spirit tablets. He placed the ‘Slaughterer’ on top of the platform.

  Linley looked at the spirit tablet, a peaceful smile appearing on his face. In a soft voice, Linley said, “Father. I’m back.”

  “I know that all your life, your greatest desire was that we recover our ancestral heirloom and regain the bygone splendor of our clan, the Dragonblood Warrior clan.” Linley spoke very carefully and softly, as though he were afraid of disturbing someone. His voice was so gentle and oh-so light.

  Linley stared at the spirit tablet. “I didn’t disappoint you. I have already brought back to the Baruch clan, to the Dragonblood Warrior clan, our ancestral heirloom, the warblade ‘Slaughterer’. Very soon, I will restore our Dragonblood Warrior clan to glory. I will make sure the entire Yulan continent knows of the splendor of our Dragonblood Warrior clan, and will make sure everyone in the Yulan continent knows your name.”

  “All of this, I will accomplish. I so swear.” Suddenly, a fiendish look appeared on Linley’s face. “But of course, before I do all of these things… I will first avenge you.”

  There was no question at all in his mind that his father, Hogg Baruch, had been killed by someone. Given his father’s prowess as a warrior of the sixth rank who had been in the prime of his health, there was no way he could’ve died to a normal illness. What was more, if he had died of illness then Hillman wouldn’t have acted so secretively. Linley’s intuition was telling him that his father’s death was no ordinary death!

  “The person who caused you to die... I will make sure he dies as well!” Within Linley’s eyes, once more there seemed to be a hint of that terrifying, dark golden color of the eyes of the Armored Razorback Wyrm.

  Linley turned to stare at Hillman fiercely. “Uncle Hillman, tell me. How did my father die, exactly? In addition, where was my father buried? Also, you said my father died three months ago. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Hillman opened his mouth, but did not speak right away. A long moment passed. “Linley, calm down first,” Hillman finally said slowly.

  Calm down? How could he calm down?

  “I wish so very much that my father could be here and personally see the ‘Slaughterer’ with his own eyes. I long to tell my father that I have become a Dragonblood Warrior. I deeply desire to see my father’s smile, hear his gratified laughter, and see the pride on his face when I assume the Dragonform! However… all of this is now impossible.” Linley felt as though his heart had been sliced by knives. Hillman was actually asking him to calm down?

  Linley wanted to angrily shout at Hillman, but he restrained from doing so. Taking in a deep, unwilling breath, he swallowed his rage. Staring at Hillman, Linley said, “Uncle Hillman, tell me everything that happened. I want to know everything.”

  “Your father died three months ago. But before he died, his instructions to me were that only after you had the power of a warrior of the seventh rank could I tell you. Otherwise, I cannot tell you the circumstances surrounding his death,” Hillman said solemnly.

  “A warrior of the seventh rank?”

  “Yes.” Hillman nodded slightly. “This was the reason why I went to the Institute to look for you, but didn’t inform you of your father’s death or why he had died. Your father’s dying wishes were that I was to not allow you to learn of his death, so that you could calmly focus on your studies.”

  Hillman looked at Linley. “Linley, it isn’t that I’m not willing to tell you. It’s that this was your father’s dying wish. I cannot go against it. Only once you become a warrior of the seventh rank would I be willing to tell you everything.”

  Linley understood. A warrior of the seventh rank, eh? He withdrew a leather-wrapped book from his clothes and handed it to Hillman.

  “What’s this?” Hillman looked at it with surprise.

  “A magus’ proof of rank.” Linley’s face was calm. Every single magus, from the day he began to be evaluated, would be issued a certificate with his proof of rank. Each time he advanced a rank, there would be a record of it.

  Hillman opened the book and saw that under the ‘wind-style’ and ‘earth-style’ entries, there were a total of seven stars. “Seventh rank… a seventh rank dual-element magus?” Hillman was stunned. He stared disbelievingly at Linley.

  How old was Linley? Only seventeen years of age. What did a seventeen-year-old dual-element magus of the seventh rank represent? Hillman wasn’t too clear on the specifics, but he knew that in the Kingdom of Fenlai the most powerful magus present was a magus of the eighth rank... but that was an old man, well over a hundred years old.

  Hillman remembered how, when he had joined the army, there had been a magus of the seventh rank who had arrived at the same time. He remembered the glory, the pomp of it all. And now, little Linley whom he had watched growing up, had become in the blink of an eye a dual-element magus of the seventh rank.

  “This… is t
his real?” Hillman asked an extremely stupid question. Hillman knew very well that this certificate of rank definitely couldn’t be fake.

  “Uncle Hillman. Now you can tell me what happened, right?” Linley stared at Hillman.

  Hillman nodded, then headed for the private room behind the ancestral hall. A few moments later, he came out. Walking over to Linley, he withdrew an envelope from his clothes. Presenting it to Linley, he softly said, “This was written by your father right before he died. Once you read it, you will understand.”

  His hands trembling, Linley reached out and accepted the envelope. There weren’t any words on the envelope itself. He opened it up and withdrew the letter inside, which had two full pages of content.

  “Linley: By the time you actually read this letter, I will most likely have died a long, long time ago.”

  “Towards you and Wharton, my heart is filled with boundless remorse, but there is no way for me to do right by you two any longer. I only hope that you two will be able to live for many years in peace, which is why I have instructed your Uncle Hillman to only provide this letter to you when you become a warrior of the seventh rank.”

  When he read this, Linley’s heart felt sour. “Let me live for a long period of time in peace? I imagine Father never expected me to become a magus of the seventh rank so quickly. After all, it normally takes many years for one to advance from the sixth rank to the seventh rank.”

  “Linley, I have held a secret within my heart for many years. Your mother did not actually die when giving birth to Wharton.”

  These words from his father caused Linley’s heart to shudder. Ever since he was a child, Linley had known that his mother had died when giving birth to Wharton. But apparently… that was a lie.

  “That year, when your mother was pregnant with Wharton, both of us were filled with joy. But the medical facilities at the town of Wushan were simply too poor, so I went with your mother to Fenlai City, where your mother safely gave birth to Wharton. Little Wharton was very adorable, and both of us were overjoyed. Shortly after he was born, filled with joy, your mother and I took young Wharton to the Radiant Temple to pray for him to be blessed. That day, both your mother and I were extremely happy. Afterwards, we left the Radiant Temple and stayed overnight at a hotel in Fenlai City.


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