Dragonblood: Book 2 of the Coiling Dragon Saga

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Dragonblood: Book 2 of the Coiling Dragon Saga Page 54

by Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi

  Reynolds courteously said, “Mr. Bernard, I am from the Dunstan clan of the O’Brien Empire. You can address me as Reynolds.”

  “The Dunstan clan?”

  Both Bernard and Duke Bonalt were startled. Everyone present with some experience knew of the fame of the Dunstan clan. The Dunstan clan was an extremely powerful clan within the O’Brien Empire, a clan which controlled an exceedingly powerful military force.

  “Young master Reynolds, our Debs clan warmly welcomes your arrival!” Bernard said excitedly.

  The arrival of a young master from the Dunstan clan naturally gained a great deal of face to Bernard. Nearby, Kalan also bowed very courteously. But it was clear that the difference between him and a descendant of one the great clans was extremely large.

  “And this is?” Bernard looked towards George.

  George smiled. “Mr. Bernard, I come from the Walsh clan of the Yulan Empire.”

  “The Walsh clan?” The hearts of all the nearby nobles thumped hard. The Walsh clan was an ancient clan with thousands of years of history. In the Yulan Empire, they possessed tremendous influence, and was pretty much on the same level as the Leon clan of Dixie and Delia.

  “Young master George, your arrival today brings exceptional honor to our Debs clan.” Bernard was extremely humble.

  Both the Walsh clan and the Dunstan clan were extremely powerful clans from the Four Great Empires. They were clans which could influence the internal strategies of their respective empires. Even before the fall, the Debs clan couldn’t compare with the likes of these clans, much less the current Debs clan.

  The wedding ceremony of the Debs clan was a very lively affair. Many nobles as well as many young noble ladies wanted to strike up conversations with Yale, George, and Reynolds. In the eyes of those young noble ladies, even if they abandoned the thoughts of becoming a principal wife, if they could become even just a secondary wife to one of those three, their clans would receive countless benefits.

  As for the original center of attention, Kalan, much less attention was now paid to him.

  But there were three people whose attentions were focused on him. Yale, Reynolds, and George.

  “Look. Miss Alice and Miss Rowling have arrived.” Suddenly, a voice rang out in the hall. Right now, the two female leads had appeared, dressed in beautiful wedding gowns. They entered from a side door, and Kalan immediately went to go welcome them. Very naturally, both Alice and Rowling slipped their arms around Kalan’s.

  At this time, Yale, Reynolds, and George finally acted.

  “Haha, Kalan, these two must be your wives, right? They really are beautiful!” Reynolds was the first to laugh and walk over.

  Seeing them walk over, Kalan immediately headed towards them with his two wives. “Rowling, Alice, pay your respects to these three young masters. This is young master Reynolds of the Dunstan clan, and this is—”

  But halfway through his words, George let out a cry of surprise, shouting out loudly, “Alice?! You’re getting married to this Kalan?”

  George’s shout was very loud. These words caused the entire hall to fall silent.

  To say something like this at someone’s wedding ceremony was far too impolite.

  “Right, Alice, aren’t you dating our Third Bro?” Reynolds added.

  It was Yale’s turn to speak. “Second Bro, Fourth Bro, you two didn’t know this, but this Alice has already broken up with Third Bro. She’s going to get married with this Kalan now.”

  “She broke up with Third Bro?”

  George and Reynolds both shook their heads, sighing.

  Reynolds then immediately said, “Alice, since you abandoned our Third Bro to be together with this Kalan fellow, then you definitely will be his principal wife, right?”

  “Actually, no. The principal wife is this Miss Rowling. This was already proclaimed at the engagement ceremony,” Yale immediately said.

  These two sentences made Alice’s face turn scarlet, while the look on Kalan’s face was extremely awkward as well. But not a single person in the entire hall dared to berate Yale, Reynolds, or George for their discourtesy. Given their statuses, who would dare?

  “Three young masters, we have to toast our guests. Please excuse us.” Kalan forcibly suppressed the rage in his heart and spoke modestly.

  “Alright,” Reynolds nodded as well.

  Kalan immediately led Rowling and Alice towards other tables. Yale, George, and Reynolds only coldly watched him depart. Thinking about how Linley was probably going to be executed soon, their hearts were filled with even more rage at the injustice of it all.


  “Bam!” “Bam!” “Bam!”

  A terrifying series of sounds could be heard from outside. It was a low, somber sound that made the earth tremble with each vibration, and all of the utensils in the hall were knocked to the floor.

  “What’s going on outside?” A nobleman in the hall stood up in surprise.

  “Rowling, Alice, stay put.” Kalan immediately ran out of the main hall with his father, and many other nobles ran out as well. They wanted to see what exactly was going on outside, for such a huge ruckus to be caused.

  Reynolds, Yale, and George also headed outside, curious.

  But right at this moment…


  A giant foot suddenly descended from the heavens, landing directly in the front courtyard of the Debs clan’s manor. That giant foot just happened to land directly on Kalan and Bernard, who had just entered the front courtyard. The sound of bone splintering could be heard as the two of them, father and son, were immediately smashed into a meaty paste. The ground was stained with their blood.

  That foot was over four meters long, and was covered with thick golden fur.

  “Ah!” Many people raised their heads to stare at the monster.

  This was an enormous golden-furred ape, at least twenty or thirty meters tall, the size of an eight-floor tall building. This gigantic golden ape’s eyes were like a pair of giant purple carriage wheels. The giant golden ape’s body seemed to be brimming with power, causing the very air around it to shudder.

  “Violet-Eyed Goldfur Ape! A Saint-level magical beast, the Violet-Eyed Goldfur Ape!” Seeing this magical beast, Yale couldn’t help but stare at it, his jaw slack.

  That Violet-Eyed Goldfur Ape raised its head, letting out an excited howl, and spoke in the human tongue, “Haha, kill, haha, kill them for me! Kill them all! The more you kill, the greater the rewards the King will give you! Haha, kill!”

  “Bam.” “Screech!”

  Yale, George, and Reynolds could suddenly hear the howls and cries of magical beasts from all directions, as though the entire world had suddenly been filled with them. Suddenly, Yale, George, and Reynolds saw that the entire sky had been filled with countless, innumerable flying magical beasts!

  “Dragonhawks! These are Dragonhawks! This…” Reynolds was stunned and slack jawed as well.

  From far away, an enormous flock of Dragonhawks had appeared, covering the entire sky with their presences. The density of Dragonhawks was so high that there was no way to count their number.

  Suddenly, everyone felt as though the day of the apocalypse had descended upon them. Right now, no one could be bothered to grieve or feel pity for Kalan and Bernard, who had been crushed to a pulp by that giant foot of the Violet-Eyed Goldfur Ape.


  Apocalypse Day

  “What on earth is going on?”

  Yale, Reynolds, and George were all stunned. Just moments ago, they were participating in a wedding banquet, but then all of a sudden, a giant Violet-Eyed Goldfur Ape had dropped out of the sky, apparently with a huge host of magical beasts behind him. That incredibly super massive flock of Dragonhawks in the sky was terrifying to behold.

  Not only were the three bros stunned; all of the people within the City of Fenlai were stunned.

  “Get out, now!” Yale immediately shouted.

  Yale, George, and Reynolds hurriedly fled fro
m the Debs clan’s manor. Fortunately, the Violet-Eyed Goldfur Ape didn’t pay any attention to the three of them, because there were simply too many people running about in Fenlai City. Someone worthy of the Violet-Eyed Goldfur Ape noticing would have to be at least a combatant of the ninth rank or a Saint-level combatant.

  “Young master.” The vast majority of the guards of the Dawson Conglomerate had undergone training in the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts, and so were able to maintain their calm despite seeing that vast number of magical beasts descend upon them.

  “Quick, to my father!”

  Yale immediately shouted.

  Escorted by the Dawson Conglomerate bodyguards, Yale, Reynolds, and George quickly rushed back to the Dawson Conglomerate’s headquarters. On the way back, Yale noticed that there were a huge number of flying magical beasts already within the City of Fenlai. Not only were there Dragonhawks, there were also Winged Pegasi.

  There were also magical beasts of the seventh rank such as Thunderwing Pegasi and Blue-eyed Thunderhawks, and magical beasts of the eighth rank such as Golden Sunhawks as well as various giant dragons.

  Both the skies and the streets of Fenlai City were covered with massive magical beasts. The apocalypse had descended on Fenlai City, and there was no way to fend it off. Even the weakest of the giant flying dragons was a magical beast of the eighth rank. Over a hundred giant flying dragons had come to attack. Who could stop them?

  Even the Eight Ace Regiments of the Radiant Temple would see their numbers cut in half from a single combined fiery blast from those hundred plus dragons.

  “Apocalypse. Apocalypse!”

  The entire Fenlai City had already sunken into a mass of fires and floods. But the dwellers of Fenlai City didn’t know that these magical beasts made up only a fraction of the total number coming… The magical beasts on the ground far outnumbered the flying beasts, only in terms of speed, of course the flying magical beasts were much faster and had arrived first.

  Thus, the flying magical beasts had led the attack as the vanguard.

  The soldiers standing on the walls of Fenlai City were all stunned. This was the 10000th anniversary of the Yulan Festival. Just earlier, during lunch, they had all celebrated by drinking alcohol, but now, all they could see were endless numbers of magical beasts.

  And in front of them…

  “Magical beasts. So many. So many…” Those soldiers were all speechless.

  The earth was shaking. Outside the City of Fenlai, an army of hundreds of thousands of Windwolves were charging towards the city at high speed. Just the very sight of those hundreds of thousands of Windwolves charging at them en masse was enough to freeze the blood of the watchers.

  “Where are the magi?! Magi!”

  “Magicannons! Load the magicannons!”

  The army officers all began shouting loudly, trying to do their best to get their soldiers ready. In reality, they also knew that struggling was hopeless, because a huge number of winged magical beasts had already descended within the heart of Fenlai City.

  “Captain, what is that?” Suddenly, a soldier stared speechlessly at the skies.

  The captain looked in that direction as well and saw that up in the air, there was an enormous magical beast that was speeding towards them. This magical beast had no wings at all, but it sliced through the air as it flew towards them at astonishing speed.

  “Flying in the air. This is… this is a Saint-level magical beast… A Saint-level magical beast!”

  That captain now understood that there really was no chance at all.


  At the same time, far away from Fenlai City, a terrifying roar could be heard. A huge form passed through the horde of Windwolves at high speed, moving so fast that it was at least ten times speedier than the Windwolves. It probably wasn’t much slower than the Saint-level beast flying in the sky.

  This was an enormous beast, at least thirty meters tall. Physically, it looked exactly like an enormous lion, except its eyes were bloody red!

  A magus on the walls of Fenlai City screamed, “Saint-level magical beast, Bloody-eyed Maned Lion! Heavens, another Saint-level magical beast! It’s a Bloody-eyed Maned Lion! Amongst behemoth-type monsters, only the Golden Behemoth is a match for it!”

  Everyone was stunned.

  There was no way they could match it in power.

  “Haha! Bloody, why are you, a Saint-level magical beast, running on the ground?” The giant beast flying in the air spoke with words that sounded like booming thunder.

  Quite a few soldiers below raised their heads to look up.

  “It’s speaking in human tongues! So it’s true that Saint-level magical beasts can speak in human tongues!” This was the first time anyone present had ever personally encountered a Saint-level magical beast, much less two of them! By now, they could tell what the magical beast in the air looked like.

  The body of the Saint-level magical beast above was obsidian black, and it looked like a dragon, but without wings.

  “Saint-level magical beast, Tyrant Wyrm! A hegemon amongst dragons!” Another magus cried out in terror.

  Dragons were primarily divided into two types. The first type was the winged dragons, such as the eighth-ranked Emerald Dragons and Fire Dragons, or the ninth-ranked Silver Dragons, Black Dragons, and Frost Dragons, or the Saint-level Gold Dragons, Prismatic Dragons, and Bloodgem Dragons.

  The other type was the wingless dragons, such as the seventh-ranked Velocidragons, the ninth-ranked Armored Razorback Wyrms and Stegowyrms, or the Saint-level Thunder Lizards, Tyrant Wyrms, and Triceratops Wyrms.

  The main difference between winged dragons and wingless dragons lay in the power of their bodies.

  The wingless dragons possessed immense power within their bodies. The Armored Razorback Wyrms, the Stegowyrms, the Thunder Lizards, and the Tyrant Wyrms all possessed incredibly durable bodies that were stronger than winged dragons of the same rank.

  “Hmph, enough chitchat. Let’s compete and see who can kill the most,” the Bloody-eyed Maned Lion’s terrible voice growled out, shaking the earth with its echoes.

  “Fine!” The Tyrant Wyrm roared in response.

  Instantly, that enormous, hundred-meter plus body of the Tyrant Wyrm descended from the heavens, aiming directly at the city walls. The walls of Fenlai City were extremely sturdy, and were covered with countless powerful magical formations. But because there were too many flying magical beasts present, there was no way to activate the magical barriers without interference.

  “Do you think you can run faster than me?” The Bloody-eyed Maned Lion roared angrily as well, increasing its speed still further.

  These two terrifying, massive beasts charged towards the city, one from the air, another from the ground. The walls protecting Fenlai City were over ten meters thick. Walls that thick were definitely capable of defending against enemy armies, but facing two such terrifying magical beasts…

  After all, Tyrant Wyrms and Bloody-eyed Maned Lions could only be matched by peak-stage Saint-level human combatants!


  At virtually the exact same instant, the Tyrant Worm and the Bloody-eyed Maned Lion slammed into the wall. Under the attack of these two Saint-level massive magical beasts, the ten-meter-thick wall was only able to serve as a slight, momentary impediment. And then, in the next heartbeat, the section of the wall blocking them collapsed entirely.


  Those two parts of the wall exploded, sending rubble flying everywhere. The rubble alone killed many people.


  The Bloody-eyed Maned Lion and the Tyrant Wyrm excitedly charged towards the heart of Fenlai City. Given their astonishing speed, most people would be unable to dodge out of the way of their charge. Their massive weight and the force of each step would most likely heavily injure even a warrior of the ninth rank. A warrior of the eighth rank would die from being stepped on, no question at all.

br />   Hundreds of thousands of Windwolves charged forward, like the boundless waves of the sea, charging through the openings created by the two Saint-level magical beasts. Other Windwolves just leapt directly into the air, bypassing the wall entirely. Windwolves possessed incredible leaping abilities, after all, and were able to leap 20-30 meters in a bound. These walls were totally useless in stopping them.

  Hundreds of thousands of Windwolves had entered Fenlai City…

  “Rumble, rumble, rumble.”

  The earth continued to shake with thunder-like galloping sounds. Behind the Windwolves were countless numbers of different types of land-based magical creatures. There were Mastodons and other creatures far more terrifying than Windwolves. Those soldiers who had been lucky enough to survive, staring at that massive flood of magical beasts, got to know what true despair was.

  “The Holy Capital is finished,” staring off at into the distance, a soldier hiding in a corner of the walls said in despair.


  A Windwolf suddenly appeared next to him and bit his head off in a single bite.

  A cell in the ninth floor of the Radiant Temple.

  “What is going on?” Linley climbed to his feet. He could feel the ground shaking and hear the thunderous roars, howls, as well as screams of misery from outside. Having stayed so long within the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts, Linley could tell just from listening to the sounds what sorts of magical beasts had arrived.

  “Why are there so many magical beasts here? They seem to be everywhere.” Linley was thoroughly amazed.


  A terrifyingly powerful force struck against the Radiant Temple. All the walls of the Radiant Temple suddenly began to glow with a dim light. Despite having received such a tremendous blow, the Radiant Temple had managed to withstand it.

  “This Radiant Temple’s defense is really something,” a deep, thick voice growled from outside. The power and strength of that voice was such that even in his cell, Linley could clearly hear each word.

  “Someone is attacking the Radiant Temple?”


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