Kansas Flame [Kansas Heat 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Kansas Flame [Kansas Heat 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 15

by Jenny Penn

  Given the hungry heat in Lindsay’s gaze moments ago, that dream would come true soon enough. That is, if Cooper didn’t screw everything up, or screw that ass first. Glancing over to catch his brother eyeing Lindsay’s rear with the same hunger pounding in his veins, Nick knew he wasn’t the only one who enjoyed the view.

  “Don’t forget our agreement. That ass belongs to me,” Nick felt compelled to remind Cooper.

  “You got first dibs,” Cooper corrected as he shoved off the bench. “As for the rest of our agreement, I think we ought to renegotiate certain conditions.”

  “Really?” Nick wasn’t shocked. Nor was he real keen on making any changes.

  “Given today’s events I would suggest that perhaps more extreme measures might be necessary to bring Lindsay under control.”

  That figured. Lindsay’s defiant exit had no doubt stirred Cooper’s need to dominate. His brother had control issues. Lindsay clearly had issues with authority. They were a volatile mix, which probably explained why they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. It was also why Cooper and Lindsay would explode, or it would be if Nick didn’t manage to keep them both from detonating.

  “You don’t think it’s a little early to break out the whips and chains? That maybe you’re letting something other than your brain do the thinking for you?” Trying to sound reasonable, Nick asked that pointed question with little hope that it would actually have any effect on Cooper.

  “Maybe,” Cooper allowed with a shrug. “But it couldn’t hurt to test the waters.”

  “Uh-huh.” Nick remained unconvinced and, for once, that mattered.

  Last night while watching over Lindsay they’d come to an agreement. She came first. Keeping her safe, keeping her happy, keeping her healthy—that’s what mattered. So instead of wasting their efforts and energy on fighting with each other, they were going to work together. That meant they were partners, equals, that Cooper had to listen to Nick. He knew that was just eating his big brother up.

  “We’re not changing gears.” Nick refused to back down. “We’re doing this my way, slow and easy.”

  “Waste of time.”

  “No time spent with Lindsay is wasted,” Nick shot back.

  Not giving give his brother a chance to disagree with him, her turned and walked away, leaving Cooper standing there gaping after him.

  “So that’s it?” Cooper called out, refusing to follow after Nick. Instead he kept his feet planted and simply raised his voice. “You know you’re not the boss of everything.”

  That brought Nick to a stop as he broke into a grin and then into a laugh. He couldn’t help it. That coming from Cooper was just too much. Giving up his perfect exit scene, he turned back to face his older brother.

  “I tell you what, why don’t we just ask her?” Nick offered, knowing that there was no winning this argument. “Why don’t you go on up there and ask the girl if she’d like to either be romanced and seduced or put into your own personal sex-slave training program?”

  “You don’t think I will?”

  Nick knew he would. That just made his grin grow bigger. “I dare you to.”

  * * * *

  Cooper found Lindsay in her room, sitting on the edge of her bed bobbing her head as the doctor ran through her discharge instructions. He could tell from her wide, blank eyes and plastered on smile that she wasn’t listening. A fact that didn’t seem lost on the doctor.

  An attractive blonde, she glanced at Cooper before doing a subtle double take that he knew all too well. Professional women loved him. Most of the ones he’d met liked to treat themselves with a little throwback sex with a real man before going back to whatever pencil-dicked doormat they would eventually go on to marry. That arrangement had always worked well for him but not today.

  Barely bothering to glance at the doctor, Cooper’s focus turned and remained on Lindsay. The little lady could scowl all she wanted. He wasn’t about to take her hint and get lost. Neither was he about to let her get away with dismissing the doctor’s orders.

  “You can just forget all about that ‘take it easy’ crap along with any lectures about my resting,” Lindsay informed him the second the blonde left. Gaining her feet, her grimace ruined the glare she leveled at him. “I’ve got work to get to.”

  “Sit down before you fall down.” At her side in a second, Cooper forced Lindsay back down onto the edge of the bed. “You’re sore. You’re tired. You have a pounding headache.”

  “I never said any of those things.”

  “You’re in no condition to work on anything.” Cooper ignored Lindsay’s objection along with her struggles as she tried to break his hold. “You’re going back to the ranch and resting for the rest of the day.”

  “I can’t rest,” Lindsay shot back, finally wrenching herself free. She jumped straight to her feet to glower down at him. “I have a generator sitting on its side, waiting for me to figure out how to install it.”

  “Yeah and you have two strong and able-bodied men to help you.” Cooper latched onto Lindsay’s elbow and pulled her down onto his lap. “And you’re going to use us.”

  “Really? I get to use you?” Lindsay snickered at that, glancing up at him with a sparkle in her eyes that assured Cooper he’d amused her. “So I’m the boss and you’re the…tool?”

  “No, I—”

  “Does that mean I can make you call me ma’am?”

  “If you—”

  “Yes, ma’am. No, ma’am. Say it with me, Cooper.”

  “I’m not—”

  “I could force you to call me Mistress,” Lindsay threatened him with laughter in her voice. “Yes, my Mistress. I like the sound of that.”


  “Your wish is my command, my Mistress. Oh, I like the sound of that even better. How about you?”

  Cooper waited patiently, refusing to speak just so she could interrupt him again. The moment didn’t last long and ended with Lindsay heaving a heavy sigh.

  “See? You’re not a very good puppet, and I don’t believe for a moment you’re actually going to take orders from me—boss.”

  “And if he did, you wouldn’t like him half as much.” That comment drew both their gazes toward the door where Nick lingered. “Of course, you love me because you know I’ll obey…ma’am.”

  “Nick!” Lindsay gasped, jerking out of Cooper’s hold so fast she nearly toppled to the ground.

  It was beginning to irritate Cooper how quick she was to put distance between them every time his brother showed up. Especially given there wasn’t any need. He and Nick had come to an agreement. A fact he was pretty certain they’d made clear to Lindsay in the courtyard.

  “Relax, lil’ bit.” Nick swept into the room, coming to wrap an arm around Lindsay and lead her back over toward the bed. “And sit down before you fall down.”

  Lindsay glanced back and forth between Nick and Cooper, her frown turning into one of confusion and worry as Nick settled her back down on Cooper’s lap. Instantly his arms surrounded her, pulling her comforting heat back against his chest.

  The sweet scent of vanilla and cinnamon filled him, seducing him until, despite the worry creasing Lindsay’s brow, Cooper felt nothing but pure contentment. He’d never let her go. It didn’t even matter that she clung to Nick, forcing his brother to his knees so she could plead with him.

  “But…but…You were serious downstairs. You…you mean to share me.”

  “Relax, lil’ bit. There is no need to get all worked up,” Nick shushed her. “It’s all very simple.”

  Reaching out to cup her chin in his palm, Nick forced Lindsay to meet his gaze while Cooper tried to soothe the tension he could feel in her. Gently stroking a palm down her spine, he worked to loosen the muscles knotted tight with her apprehension. He didn’t like seeing Lindsay so distressed. Hopefully what Nick was about to suggest wouldn’t send her into a dead faint.

  “You have three options,” Nick explained carefully. “First, you could tell me to go to hell an
d let Cooper tie you to his bed and introduce you to his extensive toy collection.”

  Nick shot Cooper a quick smirk that he couldn’t respond to given the distrustful look Lindsay also cast in his direction. Beneath her narrowed-eye gaze, Cooper could see the mad pound of her heart. He could certainly feel the slight shift of her body as it melted at Nick’s depiction. The woman was getting hot, which just went to prove how perfect she was for him.

  “Kind of makes you wonder why he needs all that extra help,” Nick whispered loudly in Lindsay’s ear, earning him a giggle as Lindsay finally began to relax.

  “Or you can tell me to go to hell and let Mr. Romance whisk you off to a less entertaining good time.” Cooper smiled over Lindsay’s head as she turned to glance back in Nick’s direction. “I’m sure he’s got a box of candy and a bouquet of flowers stashed around here somewhere.”

  “It’s more like chocolate body paint and edible underwear,” Nick retorted, his grin growing unabashedly rakish as Lindsay pulled back from him and inadvertently deeper into Cooper’s arms.

  Cooper took instant advantage, tucking her in close enough that the back of her jeans puckered, creating a nice little gap and a tempting view of the lacy edge of her panties. Sliding his fingers beneath the silken briefs she wore, Cooper teased the tip of the crevice that divided the lush cheeks of her ass even as he breathed a husky invitation across the shell of her ear.

  “Or you could choose both of us and we could really have some fun.”

  Instantly, Lindsay sucked in a hard breath at his bold suggestion but she didn’t pull away. Instead she shuddered, her eyes becoming deep, swirling pools of honey. Cooper knew she was already imagining it, what it would be like to have both him and Nick buried deep inside the tight heaven of her body. Just the idea had him tensing with a hard rush of lust.

  “Ah, lil’ bit, it going to be wonderful,” Cooper murmured, allowing his fingertips to trace feather light circles over the sensitive skin of her lower back. “So good. Just imagine it. Me, buried deep inside that hot, little cunt I can smell creaming itself and Nick sheathed all the way to the hilt in this luscious little ass of yours.”

  Cooper knew she held back a moan but Lindsay couldn’t disguise the tremors that rippled through her as he allowed one finger to slip down between her cheeks. She was primed and ready, but unfortunately hospital rooms weren’t the best places for stripping down and having a three-way.

  Of course Cooper was coming real close to not caring where he was. With every shiver, Lindsay shifted on his lap, taunting the swollen length of his dick with the bump and grind of the fleshy globes of her ass. She needed to get up but he didn’t have the strength to push her off. He did, however, know how to get her to leave.

  “Come on, lil’ bit. All you have to do is surrender and we’ll make you feel better than you ever have before.” Just as he expected, Lindsay stiffened with that order.

  “Okay! That’s enough.” Bolting out of his lap, she threw her arms wide, nearly toppling Nick in the process. Cooper broke into a grin as she swirled around to confront him. “I choose a fourth option. The one where I go home to work on my generator and go to bed, alone, tonight.”

  “And?” Nick prodded as he pushed off the floor.

  “And…nothing,” Lindsay shot back, crossing her arms over her chest as she got that stubborn look Cooper was learning to love so well.

  “Oh, no. No, no, no, lil’ bit.” Nick shook his head as his tone hardened with an impressive edge. “There better be an ‘and’ here, Lindsay, because you think we’re going to let you go home and hurt yourself again…well, then there really is only one option.”

  “And let me guess which one that is—”

  “The one where I tie you to my bed,” Cooper cut in unable to hide his enjoyment at that thought. “And Nick won’t stop me.”

  “I’ll help.” Nick nodded. “And I won’t say a word when Cooper gets out his toys and decides to have some fun.”

  “That’s blackmail!” Lindsay charged, sounding far from outraged.

  “Those are your options,” Nick retorted, not denying her accusation or apologizing for it.

  “Fine. You can help.” The words came out mumbled and sullen sounding but it was, finally, a step forward. “But just so you two know I’m in charge.”

  “Whatever you say,” Cooper agreed easily as he rose off the bed. The last thing he’d do right then was push his luck, especially not with Lindsay looking ready to rip into the first man who gave her a reason. Nick, on the other hand, always had been a smart-ass, and he’d never learned to keep his mouth shut.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Chapter 17

  Lindsay stared across the yard and admired her newly installed generator. It sat in place on its platform all wired up and ready to run. She had Cooper and Nick to thank for that. They’d been more than helpful. They’d been one surprise after another.

  In a role reversal Lindsay wouldn’t have thought possible, Cooper had managed to be thoughtful, courteous, almost easygoing. He’d actually listened to her ideas and even followed through on many of them.

  Nick, too, had worn a different mask all day. Diluting his normally flirtatious charm, he’d managed to assist her without any “accidental” touches, without any cheesy innuendoes, or even a single blatant come-on. Nick had been a perfect gentleman. They both had. That could only mean one thing.

  They were up to something and that couldn’t be good, especially not given their sudden cooperative attitude toward each other. They were a team, working together to attain some goal that Lindsay had yet to figure out. The obvious one was simply her, but that couldn’t be right. They could have had her any way they wanted her now and both brothers knew that.

  Whatever they were after, she gave up trying to figure it out. There were more pressing problems to worry over. After all, the generator needed fuel to run.

  “It’s close to empty.” Cooper confirmed Lindsay’s suspicion as he rose up beside the large gas tank planted behind the barn. Patting the side of the rusted, whitewashed cylinder, he sighed and shook his head. “You might have enough for a few hours of light tonight but don’t worry, I’ll call Henry and he’ll come out and fill it for you tomorrow…He’ll probably want to install a new tank, too.”

  “I’m not worried about the tank. I’m worried about refills. Am I going to have to spend the rest of my life calling you to call Henry?” Because Lindsay didn’t relish being that dependent on anybody, not even Cooper.


  Cooper tossed her a half grin that he’d begun to flash her more and more often. The slight twist lightened his ruggedly handsome features, adding warmth to them that had Lindsay’s heart tripping over itself. The man breathed sexy without even trying. Even the rough rumble of his voice sent an illicit thrill tingling through her.

  “I’ll have a talk with him tomorrow and get everything squared away. Including getting you a bigger, better tank, and don’t worry about the cost. I’ll make sure you get a fair price.”

  Lindsay bit back a smile as they joined Nick, who was studying the generator with a scowl. His expression didn’t lighten as he turned to greet them. Neither did Nick leave them in doubt of what had fouled his mood.

  “I don’t think there is much point in trying to turn this bad boy over.” Nick thumbed the generator before nodding toward the gas tank. “The old fuel probably won’t light.”

  “Want to bet?” Cooper retorted, lifting an open palm in a blatant invitation.

  “No.” Rising up to his feet, Nick shoved his brother’s hand out of his way. “I’m not going to bless you with that kind of luck.”

  Cooper laughed and shook his head while Nick’s frown deepened, making him look rougher and sexier. Of course he looked good no matter what. Both brothers did. That had been proven earlier in the day when they’d been sweating and straining as they worked on getting the generator onto its platform. Lindsay had just sat back and admired the show, glad in those moments that
both men had decided to remove their shirts.

  Unfortunately they’d put them back on. Now they weren’t even sweaty. Without the distraction of their perfectly tanned and ripped bodies keeping her mind from thinking much beyond her own wanton fantasies, her curiosity had a chance to thrive. It was caught by Nick’s bizarre comment.

  “Okay, how is betting Cooper going to bring him luck?”

  “Cooper’s never lost a bet.”

  “Not one?” Lindsay asked when he left it at that, certain that had to be an exaggeration.

  “Not one,” Nick affirmed as Cooper’s grin grew.

  “Not ever?” That seemed impossible but apparently it wasn’t.

  “Not ever.”

  “Wow.” Lindsay sized Cooper up before extending her own hand toward him. “Then I want to bet you. Twenty bucks says it doesn’t start.”

  “Why would you want to bet against your own generator?” Cooper eyed her hand warily, refusing to accept it. “If you win the bet, you still lose.”

  “Yes, but I always lose.” One way or another that was true. “At least this time when I loose, I’ll still manage to win. I’ll be out the twenty bucks and up a generator that runs.”

  “Then you got a deal.”

  Cooper shook her hand, giving it one good shake before turning toward the generator. Without any further delay, he smacked the big, red button dominating the control panel. In the blink of an eye it sputtered to life. In seconds the solid hum of the engine filled the night air.

  “It works!”

  With a whoop of joy, Lindsay threw herself at Cooper and hugged him with all her might. He didn’t hesitate to take advantage of the situation. Instantly his arms slid around her waist to pin her against his hard, heated length. Lindsay’s nipples peaked, contracting painfully as they were flattened against the hard wall of Cooper’s chest.


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