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SummerInNantucket_SDavis-eBooks Page 4

by Davis, Siobhan

  Keaton had confided they were taking a break, and I honestly didn’t think they’d get back together, because doing the long-distance thing is hard, but they showed up at the house together last month for Sunday dinner, confirming they were giving it another go.

  “I know he never meant to hurt you,” I truthfully reply. “They have one of the best finance programs in the country, and I think Keaton needed an opportunity to discover who he is away from the glare of the spotlight in MA.”

  For reasons none of us understand, people are still obsessed with the Kennedys. Ky and I can’t go out for dinner in the city without getting papped. It’s one of the reasons I’m most looking forward to traveling. We get to be a normal couple, away from prying eyes, and there’s a lot to be said for it.

  “I understand that now, but it doesn’t mean it’s easy. He’s so far away.”

  “And you didn’t consider going there with him?”

  The saddest look washes over her face, and I realize I’ve just put my foot in it. “Shit. I’m sorry, Melissa. Keaton didn’t mention anything about that to me.”

  “I was willing to go there for him, but he doesn’t want me changing my plans for him. At least that’s one thing my parents agree with him on.”

  I place my hand over hers, because I can tell she’s hurting. “I’m not really surprised to hear that because Keaton is the most selfless of all his brothers, my husband included. And he has the biggest heart. I know how much he cares for you and how much it hurt being separated from you.”

  Her eyes light up. “He told you that?”

  Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck. “Not in so many words,” I fudge. “But he was miserable as sin these past few months, and you’ve put a smile back on his face.” Or at least she seems to be the reason for it.

  “I know Kent thinks I don’t love Keaton, but I really do.”

  My eyes pop wide. “Why would Kent think that?” I hold up a palm. “Stop that thought.” I grin, rolling my eyes. “This is Kent we’re talking about.”

  She smiles timidly at me. “They are all so different. The triplets.”

  “They are. I noticed that from the start.”

  Silence engulfs us again, and this time, Melissa is the one to break it. “I’m glad I got the chance to come here.” She takes a sip of her champagne, smiling at me as Cheryl and Eva return to the table.

  “We’re glad you could be here too,” I reassure her.

  “Have we ordered dessert yet?” Eva asks, sliding into the seat on the other side of Melissa while Cheryl takes the seat across from us.

  “I don’t think so, but I couldn’t eat another thing. I’m stuffed.” I pat my flat stomach even though I feel almost pregnant after wolfing down a big starter and main.

  “I’m eating for two,” Eva says, grinning. “That’s my excuse, and I’m sticking to it.”

  “I could eat dessert,” Cheryl agrees. “Do you want to split one?”

  “Deal,” Eva says, laughing.

  After the waitress takes our orders, the conversation turns to the guys.

  “I hope they aren’t planning to do anything nasty to Kal,” Lana says, biting her lip.

  I smother my laughter as I ask, “Nasty, as in?”

  “Shave his eyebrows, his hair, or his pubes.”

  Melissa almost chokes on her wine.

  “At least if they shave his pubes, no one will know,” Rach teases.

  “I’ll know.” Lana pins her with a look. “And I like my man hairy.”

  “Trust me, they won’t touch his pubes,” Cheryl says, her face pulling into a grimace. “And can we stop talking about Kal’s pubes, because it’s as gross as thinking about my brother’s pubes.” She visibly shivers, and we all laugh.

  “They didn’t prank Kade or Ky,” Eva says, attempting to reassure Lana. “So, I’m sure you’ve nothing to worry about.”

  “Eh, only because I found out they were planning on tying Ky to a pole in the middle of town, naked, with only spray cream covering his cock,” I admit.

  “What the hell is spray cream?” Cheryl asks.

  “She means whipped cream,” Rach supplies.

  “I’ll add that to my list,” Cheryl says, laughing as she drags her finger along the screen of her iPhone and starts typing. “Along with this week’s other discoveries. Sun cream and arsehole.” She giggles as she says arsehole, and it’s a common reaction.

  Melissa looks utterly confused, so I lean into her to explain. “Cheryl is keeping a list of Irish sayings for when she visits Ireland, so every time Rach and I say something she’s never heard of, she takes a note of it.”

  “That’s funny,” Melissa says.

  “I’ll let you borrow it if you and Keaton ever go there,” Cheryl promises.

  “We should plan another family trip,” Lana says. “I hate that I missed out on the last one.”

  “That trip was seriously nuts,” I supply, remembering how Kent almost got us all killed, on more than one occasion, and how my dad and James nearly came to blows over Alex. “Maybe you’re all better off going alone.”

  “And you wonder why I’m worried about what the guys are up to.” Lana sighs, pulling out her cell.

  “What are you doing?” Rach asks.

  “Calling Kal.”

  I reach across the table, whipping the phone right out of her hand. “That’s against the rules, and I’m safekeeping this for the rest of the night.”

  “You’re mean.” She mock pouts.

  “And you’re far too sober.” Rach eyes her half-full glass suspiciously. “Give me her glass,” she demands, and I hand it to her as she reaches for the bottle of champagne chilling in the ice bucket on our table.

  “So much for not being hungover tomorrow,” Lana says, giggling as she takes the drink and brings it to her lips.

  Chapter Five


  “Who’s he talking to?” I ask Kent, watching Keaton flap his hands about as he talks animatedly into his cell.

  “Who’d ya think.” My brother snorts before he knocks back another shot. He’ll be lucky if he can walk from the bar to the club at this rate. I’m trying to pace myself because Mom will lose her shit if we’re all hungover at the wedding tomorrow.

  “I thought there was a ‘no calling the girls’ ban in place.”

  “They’re all fucking pussy-whipped,” Kent says, shaking his head. “It’s pathetic.”

  I say nothing, because the truth is, I wouldn’t mind being pussy-whipped—if it was Selena doing the whipping.

  And, yep, I’ve already got the pathetic part down pat.

  It’s over a year and a half since we broke up, and she still occupies real estate in my mind. I haven’t seen her in person since last year when we bumped into her and that nerd Todd in Torment. But she’s splashed across billboards all over Boston, and I’ve had a few near misses on modeling gigs in New York.

  “I seriously don’t get why he wants to tie himself down to her. She’s as dull as dishwater.” Kent swipes Ky’s shot when he’s not looking, downing it in one go. “I thought he’d finally come to his senses when he ditched her for California.”

  “Maybe he’s realized what he had and lost.”

  I know I have.

  But I don’t have the option of getting my girl back because she broke it off with me, and she made it clear last year that she hasn’t changed her mind.

  “Ah, fuck.” Kent peers into my eyes. “Don’t do this tonight. Selena’s gone, dude. Let it go.” He shakes his head in exasperation. “You just need to get laid.”

  That’s his solution to everything.

  In some ways, I wish I could be like him. Screw my way through a ton of pretty girls without feeling anything. He’s in it purely for the physical pleasure. But I just feel empty inside after some nameless, drunken encounter, and it doesn’t help
ease the ache in my chest.

  There’s only one girl who can repair the gaping hole in my heart, and she wants nothing to do with me anymore.

  “Fuck this shit.” Kent hops up, swaying unsteadily on his feet, following an agitated Keaton out of the bar.

  “Sup, man?” Brad asks, sliding onto the stool Kent just vacated.

  “Nothing much.” I sip my beer slowly.

  “You still modeling in New York?” he asks, and I nod.

  “I’m usually there at least one weekend a month.”

  “It must be tough juggling Harvard and modeling gigs.”

  I shrug. “I’m constantly busy, but I prefer that.” Too much free time means I think about her, and I’d rather fill every second so I avoid going there. Nighttime is a whole different ballgame though, and that’s when the loneliness really hits home.

  “Did Ky mention Rach and I are moving to New York after we graduate?”

  I look up at my brother’s best friend, nodding. “Mom mentioned Rachel was going to work with Miranda Fanning. That’s fantastic. You must be proud of your girl.”

  A huge smile takes over his face. “I am so fucking proud of Red. She’s so talented and so hardworking, and she deserves it.”

  “I’m considering starting a brand when I finish college,” I admit, surprising myself, because I don’t usually talk about this stuff.

  “Yeah? Good for you, man.” He chinks my bottle. “With your knowledge of the industry and your connections, I’m sure it’ll be a massive success.”

  “It’s either that or start my own modeling agency. I haven’t quite decided.”

  “It’s good to have plans and a few different options. You always were the quiet, intelligent one. And you’re no stranger to hard work.”

  “Try telling that to my brothers.” They slagged the shit out of me when I started modeling for Kennedy Apparel at fifteen, but I’m the only one who has earned my own money from such a young age.

  “Your brothers are proud of your success. They might not say it to your face, but it’s the truth.”

  “I’m proud of my success,” I honestly admit, and I’m not bragging. I’ve worked my butt off to become one of the top male models in the country.

  I could’ve gone full time after I finished school, but I’ve never seen modeling as my endgame. I want to get my business degree and be my own boss. I like having a purpose and someplace to go to every day. Of course, in the early days, Sel was tied up so much in my goals, because I was the only guy she was comfortable modeling with, and we did hundreds of shoots together.

  We had so many plans, and they all ended when she broke off our relationship. I don’t just miss her in my personal life. My professional career hasn’t given me as much joy now she’s no longer a part of it. She’s entangled in every part of my existence, which is why it’s been so hard moving on.

  “I hope you’ll get in touch when you’re in town,” Brad continues. “I won’t know many people, and it’d be good to see a friendly face.”

  “Sure. We can hang out. I can introduce you to a few people. It might be good for Rachel to mix in some of the same circles I do.”

  “That’d be great. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled.”

  “What are you planning to do for work?” I ask, glancing over my shoulder at Kent and Keaton arguing in the doorway.

  “You know I’ve been working part-time with Eva and Kaden on their online golf business?” he asks, leaning his elbows on the table.

  I bob my head. “Yeah, how’s that going?”

  “Great, actually. I enjoy the work, and they’ve just asked me to take on a new client liaison role when I move. I’ll be visiting golf clubs and trying to bring more new courses onboard. It might mean some traveling out of state, at certain times, but I don’t mind. Rach will be working a lot of late nights anyway, and we both like to be kept busy.”

  “That sounds awesome. Hope it all works out, and definitely look me up once you’re there.” I stand. “I better go referee.” I gesture in Kent and Keaton’s direction. “Catch you later, Brad.”

  I stride toward my brothers, ignoring the pretty redhead sitting at the corner table who’s been eye-fucking me all night. “What the fuck is going on?” I ask, watching Kent shove Keaton.

  “This pussy wants to bail,” Kent snarls, reaching out to shove Keaton again, but I step in between them, forcing Kent back. “He’s pissy ’cause he’s had a fight with that boring bitch. Again.”

  “Don’t talk about my girlfriend like that,” Keaton says. “I know you don’t like her, but that doesn’t give you to right to talk shit about her.”

  “She’s no good for you, man. You’re either arguing or miserable. I know I’m no relationship expert,” Kent says, and Keaton snorts. Kent glares at him. “But your girl is supposed to make you happy. Like the rest of the guys are with their girls.” He jabs his finger in the direction of our table, and I spot Keven making his way toward us.

  “It’s none of your Goddamned business, Kent, and I’m sick of you sticking your nose into stuff that doesn’t concern you.”

  “I’m just looking out for you!” Kent shouts, his nostrils flaring.

  “Get the fuck outside,” Keven says, grabbing Kent and gesturing with his head for us to follow him. “You’re making a scene. This is your brother’s bachelor party, and he deserves more fucking respect.”

  We quietly follow Kev outside. “What the hell is wrong with you three?”

  “Don’t bring me into this,” I protest. “I only came over to calm things down.”

  “Great job, dude,” Kent snaps, and I flip him the bird.

  “Whatever your issues are, you need to resolve them once and for all,” Kev says, eyeing Kent and Keaton. “Everyone is fed up with you two barking at one another all the time.”

  “You’re one to talk,” Kent says. “You and Kade didn’t talk for ages.”

  “There was a legit reason for that, and it’s not a good example to bring up, because we were idiots for letting it fester instead of talking through our issues. Be smarter than we were.” He lets go of Kent, dragging a hand through his hair.

  He’s kept it longer since Cheryl came back on the scene, instead of the cropped look he was sporting for a few years, and it suits him better like this.

  “You two need to sit down and get it all out on the table, but do us all a favor and wait until after the wedding,” he adds. “Think you can be civil to one another until then?”

  “I can,” Keaton says, looking tired as he scrubs his hands over his face.

  I’m expecting Kent to keep it going, but he backs down. “I will too.”

  Kev emits a relieved sigh. “Good.” He grabs Kent into a headlock. “Let’s get the others and head to the club.”

  They walk back inside, and I stay outside with Keaton. “You okay?”

  He shrugs. Kent goes about things the wrong way, but his assessment isn’t wrong. Still, I don’t interfere. If Keaton wants to talk to me, he knows where I am. “I’m here anytime you want to talk,” I say although he’s heard me say it before.

  “I know, dude.” He stares off into the dark night, looking like he has the troubles of the world on his shoulder. “I wish I could tell you, but…”

  I clamp my hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay. I get it. Probably more than any of the others.” I find it hard to share too. Not sure why. It’s just the way I’m made. I look at my brothers, Kal and Ky in particular, and wish I could be more open, confront things head-on, but I just can’t.

  There was a time Keaton was an open book, but not so much anymore, and I know he has demons haunting him like I do.

  “Do you think Kal would mind if I headed home?” he asks. “I’m not really feeling it.”

  “Don’t leave, bro. Come to the club. Even if it’s only for an hour. You’ll feel like shit if you
go home.”

  He considers it for a few seconds. “You’re right. I’ll come, and I don’t want to disappoint Kal.”

  “It’ll be fun,” I lie. “C’mon.”

  “That pole looks sturdy,” Ky says, as we amble down the road toward the only club on the island. He’s swinging a length of rope between his hands, grinning wickedly as he eyes up the large pole at the side of the road.

  “Dude, let it go.” Kal chuckles, clearly misreading the situation. “You’re not strapping me to that pole, or any other one, any time soon.”

  “Well, there’s a challenge if I ever heard one,” Kent says, sharing a devilish grin with Ky.

  Kal’s smirk fades a little as they stalk toward him. “Knock it off, assholes. Lana will string you up if you do anything to me.”

  “Even more reason,” Kev says, pinning Kade with a knowing look as they join Ky and Kent, heading toward Kal.

  “You should know better, dude,” Kade says, laughing. “You were the king of pranks when we were growing up.”

  “We were fucking kids!” Kal protests, stepping back with an anxious look on his face. “And I’m getting married tomorrow!!”

  “We know, and we want to ensure we mark the occasion properly,” Ky says, exchanging looks with our other brothers.

  “Were you in on this?” Keaton asks me.

  I shake my head. “I’m guessing they planned this when we were outside.”

  “Nah, man. Ky has a rope. This was premeditated.”

  “Never mind Lana,” Keats says. “Mom will lose her shit.”

  We both grin at the same time, running to catch up with the others.

  “Fucking bastards!” Kal shouts, spinning around and sprinting away as we give chase. Brad is doubled over, laughing his ass off, while snapping pics as Kal ducks and dives, attempting to avoid capture.

  But six on one are never good odds, and we overpower him in no time.

  A few minutes later, he’s strapped to a pole in only his boxers, and we stand around taking pics, enjoying his discomfort.

  A few girls whoop and holler as they pass by, and Kal shoots daggers at us while we fall around the place laughing.


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