Rescuing Lilly

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Rescuing Lilly Page 12

by Miller, Hallie

  "Douglas County Sheriff department!"

  Jim and Jake turned to head out the door when they heard the sheriff pull up outside the cabin. He hoped this would be quick and he could get home to Lilly. Over the next hour, the sheriff jotted down notes as Jim and Jake relayed the events of the past month. He asked why they hadn't come forward sooner about the harassment of their neighboring rancher.

  "We honestly thought it was just some pranks at first," Jake admitted. "We never thought it would go this far. Up until now, we thought we could handle it or it would just pass over."

  "I understand most men around here like to deal with their issues on their own, but from now on, I would like to be notified of anything you believe to be suspicious activity." The sheriff closed his note pad and handed each of them a card. "Please call me if you need anything. My personal number is on the back of the card. I've had issues in the past with Lance and I wouldn't mind having something concrete to actually bring him in and throw the book at him."

  "Will do," nodded Jake, watching the sheriff get back into his car.


  Lilly swayed back and forth on her barstool as another shot was placed in front of her. She knew she couldn't handle any more alcohol. She was already experiencing the nagging feeling of her stomach turning inside out.

  "C'mon girlie, take another one with me," David persuaded, sliding the shot closer to her.

  "I can't," she said with a gulp of rising acid in her stomach. "I think I'll be sick."

  Lilly turned to look for Sara, but couldn't find her anywhere. What was I thinking? These guys have turned out to be complete assholes. All I want is for Jake to come and get me. Where is my phone? What time is it? And where is Sara?

  Suddenly the excess alcohol was rising up her throat and she ran towards the bathroom. She threw the door open and slammed it shut, crawling on her knees toward the toilet. After she emptied everything out of her stomach, she curled up in a ball in the corner. I'm so sorry Jake. I need you so much right now. I need you to come take care of me. I'm in so much trouble. She put her head in her hands and cried. She knew when Jake found out she lied, disobeyed him, and then drank herself sick, he would probably never want to see her again. He deserved so much better than her. He was always so good to her - watching out for her, making sure she ate right, giving her encouragement, fixing her financial issues. She was a fool for trying to deceive him and coming out after he'd asked her to stay home. She just hoped he would forgive her for everything she'd done. Just as her cries began to subside, a fist pounded on the door.

  "Lilly! You in there?" David's gruff voice sounded from outside the door.

  "Yes!" she yelled, drying her face. "I'm coming out now!"

  But before she could get one step out the door, he pushed his way in, slamming her up against the dirty bathroom wall.

  "I knew I could get you alone, you little slut," he hissed as he ripped open her silk blouse. "You're gonna pay for what your little boyfriend won't give us."

  Lilly gasped as he roughly ripped apart her shirt. She tried to push him away, but he grabbed both her wrists tightly and held them above her head. He slammed his hand over her mouth.

  "Don't you dare scream, you little bitch, or I promise you won't make it out of this bathroom. Just give me what I want."

  Tears streamed down Lilly's face and she fought to get out of his grasp. His hand strayed down to her jeans and began pulling at the button. "Get off of me!" she screamed.

  His hand crashed down on her cheek with such force she didn't think she would stay conscious from the blow. "I told you to stay quiet, you little slut," he said, ripping her shirt completely open and groping her breast.

  Just as he got the top button of her jeans undone, the bathroom door swung open. A large bald man grabbed David by the collar and starting punching his face. Sara ran from behind him and slid onto the floor where Lilly had landed after her attacker had let go of her hands.

  "Lilly! Are you ok?" Sara cried as she took in her state of dress. Her clothes were half ripped off and her face was beginning to bruise from the slap he'd given her.

  "Sara? Is that you?" Lilly mumbled, still feeling the effects of the alcohol as well as the fear from the attack.

  "Oh my god, are you ok? He hit you! Come on, the police are here. Let's get you out of here."

  An older man in uniform wrapped his jacket around her to cover up her open shirt. He guided her out to the parking lot and into his cruiser. "We need you to come down to the station and answer a few questions for us, ok?" he asked gently before he shut the car door.

  Lilly nodded solemnly. Sara wrapped her arms around her in the back of the police cruiser. "It's going to be ok, I promise," she said, squeezing her tight.

  "Where's Jake?" Lilly asked as tears ran down her cheeks. He probably wouldn't even want to see her after that scumbag touched her the way he did.

  "I called Sylvia and told her what happened. She will tell him. I'm sure he will be here very soon," she said, trying to comfort her friend. She could tell the incident had seriously shaken Lilly up and she appeared to be in shock, but she tried to soothe her on the way to the police station.


  Jake and Jim were pulling up to the house when Sylvia came running up to his truck.

  "Jake! Lilly! Police station! You have to go now!"

  Jake barely put the truck in park before he jumped out and ran over to her. "What? What are you talking about?" he yelled, knowing from the look on her face that something horrible had happened.

  "Something happened to Lilly. She's at the police station."

  "What do you mean? Why isn't she here? What happened?" he asked angrily. He knew he shouldn't take his anger out on Sylvia, but he couldn't believe his Lilly would deliberately defy him and go out after he had specifically asked her not to. Millions of unpleasant visions ran through his head. What if she'd been in a car accident? What if she's hurt?

  "Jake, I'm sorry! The girls told me they were going to meet with a bridal photographer. I had no idea they were going downtown!"

  Jake couldn't hear anymore. He had to make sure she was ok. He knew this had something to do with David and Taylor. He should have told her the situation today. If he had, she wouldn't have gone up there, and she would be safe at home right now. He scrambled back into his truck and swerved onto the long driveway that led to the main road. He didn't care how fast he was going on country roads; he had to make sure she was ok. And once he did, he was going to tear into her little behind.

  Jake slammed on the brake as he screeched into a parking spot in front of the county police department. Throwing open the front door, he saw Sara talking with one of the deputies. She turned her head when she saw him walk in. A combination of fear and relief crossed her face. He strode toward her, trying to keep his composure.

  "Where is she?" he asked, in a more helpless tone than he anticipated.

  Sara's eyes filled with tears seeing his concern for Lilly. She knew how upset he would be.

  "Jake Hackett?" the officer with Sara asked.

  "Yes sir. I'm here for these girls. Are they okay? Sara, are you okay?" Jake bent down, running his hands up and down her arms looking for signs of injures.

  "Yes sir I'm okay," Sara mumbled meekly.

  Jake smoothed her hair and wiped a tear from her face. "It's gonna be okay. We'll talk about everything when we get home, okay?"

  Sara nodded, leaning into his hand. "Yes sir," she said as he stood to follow the officer. "We're really sorry Jake."

  Jake turned back to her, taking in her tear-streaked face. He nodded softly and continued down the hall.

  "Sir, Lilly was sexually assaulted downtown. She's okay. The bouncer pulled him off before he got very far. She's just very scared and shaken up."

  The officer's words did little to calm him. Sexually assaulted! I will kill the asshole that touched her! Please god, let her be ok.

  The keys jangled in the lock as he opened a room reserved for pol
ice interviews. Jake glanced around the room. There was no one at the table or in the chairs. He glanced toward the corner and saw a small patch of blonde hair hidden behind the table.

  "Lilly, honey?" he asked, his heart jumping into his throat.

  The small blonde head jerked up at the sound of his voice. "Jake!" she screamed, her voice full of tears. She ran around the table, nearly tripping on the chair legs, before she jumped into his arms.

  He lifted her up, holding her tightly against his body. "Oh god, baby, don't you dare scare me like that again," he crooned in her ear. Even he could feel the strong emotion in his voice. Lilly broke out into sobs again as he spoke. "It's okay sweetheart, I'm here. You're going to be fine, I promise. I'll never let anything happen to you again, ok?"

  Lilly nodded into his throat as he held her in his arms thinking how lucky she was to have found this man. He still wanted her, even after all she'd done and everything that had happened. "Are you very mad at me?" she choked out, trying to control her crying.

  Jake noticed the officer had left them alone and he went to sit on one of the chairs, pulling her down onto his lap.

  "More than anything, I'm just glad you are okay," he smiled, gently pulling her hair out of her tear-stained face. Now that she was sitting in his lap, he could see her blouse underneath the men's police jacket. It was ripped clean down the front, exposing her bra and stomach. Her left cheek was bruised slightly and her mascara was running all down her face. He could kill those bastards for hurting her. He ran his fingers over her face.

  "You sure you're ok, baby?"

  She searched his eyes. They were filled with love and concern. She had never felt for anyone the way she felt for him. She had been consumed by guilt from her actions. None of this ever would have happened if she had listened to him, obeyed him. It was almost as if a light bulb went off in her head.

  "Sweetheart, you ok? You're scaring me," Jake asked again when she didn't answer him.

  Lilly smiled at his sweet concern. "Yes Sir, I'm ok."

  Jake beamed back at her, hearing those words. "Sir, huh?" he asked, squeezing her tighter on his lap.

  Lilly nodded shyly, not quite sure why she'd said it, but it just seemed to fit with him. "Is that ok? If it's too weird, I won't say it."

  "No baby, I don't think it's weird at all." He hugged her close and kissed her temple. "You ready to go home?"

  "Am I gonna get a spanking?" she asked worriedly.

  Jake looked down at her, as if he were pondering his answer. "Honey, I'm sure there will definitely be more than just a spanking in your future, especially for your behavior earlier today. But I would never punish you when you're already hurt, so you are safe from me for a little while," he answered, setting her on the floor in front of him. He held her between his knees as he took both of her hands in his.

  "Lilly, I love you so much. My heart was in pieces when I heard you were hurt. Please listen to me from now on. I don't know what I would do if I lost you." He pulled her into his chest again, but not before Lilly saw the tears in his eyes. She knew she would do whatever it took to earn his trust again. She loved this man more than she thought possible.

  After several moments of holding her tightly, he reluctantly pulled away. "You ready to go home, sweetheart?" he asked, lifting her teary eyes to his.

  She nodded softly as a tear rolled down her cheek. She was so lucky to have such a sweet, caring man. She would take any punishment he deemed necessary as long as she could stay with him forever.

  "It's gonna be okay, baby," he said as he thumbed the tear off of her cheek and grasped her hand in his. They walked down the hallway towards the waiting area where Sara was still waiting quietly with her head down. "Sara, are you ready?"

  Sara glanced up, seeming to be lost in another world. Jake held out his other hand for her to take. Sara stared at it worriedly for a moment before standing and taking it. Jake cocked his head at her. "Are you scared of me, Sara?" Sara blushed and looked away. Jake knelt down to grab her chin, forcing her face to his and he pulled Lilly in closer to his side. "What's wrong honey?" he asked quietly, wondering why she seemed so nervous and shy around him all of the sudden.

  Sara shook her head quickly as her face grew red and tears started rolling down her cheeks. "I should've stopped her!" she cried. "I just knew something wasn't right! This is all my fault!"

  Jake pulled her into his chest. "It's not your fault," he soothed, rubbing her back. "You're right. I have a lot to explain to both of you and I should've told you before now."

  Lilly slowly backed up, looking up at him in confusion. "What do you mean?"

  "Let's go on home so I can explain everything to you both."


  Both girls sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the couch, where Jake sat and explained the story from the very beginning. Neither could believe Jim's cabin had been ransacked just that morning and they had absolutely no idea. As they began to realize how dangerous these men were and the steps they were taking to hurt and destroy the ranch, the guilt built up like a volcano inside of them.

  Just as Jake was wrapping up the details, the front door was flung open.


  Everyone spun around to see Andrew, her fiancé, frantically glancing throughout the house. Before they could say anything, Sara was jumping into his open arms as he stood in the foyer.

  "Oh my god, I was so scared, baby," he crooned, rubbing her arms all over her. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?"

  Andrew feverishly combed his fingers across her entire body looking for anything out of the ordinary.

  "I'm okay, Andrew. I promise," she said, pulling his face down to look at hers.

  He squeezed her into his chest, hugging her as close as their bodies would allow. "Don't you dare scare me like that again, do you hear me?"

  Sara was quiet as he held her tightly against his chest. When he didn't hear a response, he slowly pulled back to look at her face. "Do you hear me, young lady? You scared the life out of me! Who let you go to a bar like that by yourself anyway? Jake! You seriously let them go up to that sleaze bar?!"

  Jake stood to meet Andrew as he crossed the room. "You know I would never let these girls go to place like that by themselves," he answered as he glanced at each girl. He could see them moving slightly toward each other as if to defend each other as a team.

  "Is that true, Sara?" Andrew asked, glaring at her with a raised eyebrow.

  "Well, I-"

  "It was my idea! Don't take it out on her," Lilly interrupted, stepping in front of Sara. "Please don't be angry at her. I dragged her into this whole situation."

  Andrew twisted his head in confusion towards Jake and then looked back at Lilly who was trying keep up her tough persona. He shook his head at her tough-girl act and looked down to hide his smile. "Looks like you might have your hands full with this one Jake," he laughed.

  Jake grabbed Lilly's arm, pulling her against his chest "You're telling me," he agreed. "Trust me, she and I will have a very long discussion about her idea to disobey me and drive up to the bar after I expressly forbade her to do it."

  Lilly gulped as she tilted her head back to look at his facial expression. She was pretty sure he wasn't joking, but she still wasn't looking forward to her sentencing.

  "You know, I may need to borrow that paddle of yours this weekend," he remarked to Andrew as he slid his hand over Lilly's bottom.

  Andrew threw his head back and laughed out loud. "You may need more than that! Luckily I threw it in my bag right before I rushed out the door. I had a small feeling that some punishment may be necessary once I found out you girls were okay."

  Lilly and Sara stared at each other with wide eyes. A paddle! He's never used a paddle on me! Lilly's mind was screaming with apprehension. His hand already feels like a paddle!


  Jake led Lilly up the stairs with a hand on the small of her back. Her mind was reeling with what to say to him. She knew he was going to puni
sh her, and she knew she needed it to release some of her guilt. She remembered him saying he wouldn't do it while she was hurt Did that mean he wasn't going to spank her tonight? She knew it would be worse to wait for it than get it over with.

  "Jake, are you gonna spank me?" Lilly blurted out her question before she lost her nerve.

  Jake stopped as they were entering the bedroom. He didn't turn around for a moment as if he were considering her question. After several seconds, he slowly turned around to face her as she remained in the doorway to their bedroom.

  "Sweetie, I don't know if I could bear to hurt you knowing what happened to you tonight Every time I see the bruise under your eye, I think to myself that I could've prevented what happened. I'm so sorry, baby." Lilly's eyes welled with tears when she saw Jake drop to his knees in front her. He wiped the tears from his eyes before he held out his arms to her. "Baby, I swear I will never let anything happen to you again."

  She ran towards his arms, craving his strong hug. He pulled her closely into her chest kissing her neck and check as her tears fell. "I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you," she blubbered into his neck.

  Both of them sat there on the floor of the bedroom, just holding each other. Lilly sat curled up on his lap with her head resting on his chest just under his shoulder. After several minutes passed, Lilly heard what sounded like a smacking sound coming from downstairs. Jake looked at Lilly and shook his head.

  "I guess Andrew is dealing with Sara right now," he stated, hugging her once more before pulling them both up and into the bathroom. "Come on, let's get ready for bed."

  Lilly listened to several minutes of smacking before hearing several loud yelps and then sobbing. A part of her heart went out to Sara, her new friend, but the other part of her was so jealous that the hard part for Sara was already over. She wanted that feeling for herself.


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