Wanton Witch: XdCeX Online - Discretion Guaranteed. A LitRPG Series.

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Wanton Witch: XdCeX Online - Discretion Guaranteed. A LitRPG Series. Page 23

by ilo man

  “Yes,” he said, emphatically. “I’m going to find a way to take on Sivatious while having fun—”

  “And stuff,” she said and licked her lips.

  “And stuff, watch them suffer and win the day.”

  “Then I’m all in,” she said. “You wanna go all in? Like, right now?”

  Vinnie jumped up. “Yes, but no, but yes, but afraid no. Need to go see Tinderell.” Vinnie stuttered, Angel so damn inviting.

  She grinned as if she knew she had him. “Fallon’s staying in my room tonight, she rarely sleeps so we’ll probably be getting hot and sweaty—my room’s southside, hardly gets any air. Imagine it, two, naked, bored, hotties, ready for some pleasure.” She leaned in, lips to his ear. “Come and visit, let’s have twice the fun.”

  Vinnie hesitated. “Twice the fun,” he said, looking Angel up and down. “Yes, why not. Always wanted to be inside-outed anyway.” He darted out of the door.

  “Oh hi, Vinnie,” said Fin, coming up the stairs.

  She looked pale, tired, drawn.

  “Are you okay?” Vinnie asked.

  Fin smiled. “You know, not many people ever ask me that, ever care.” She slumped as if exhausted. “I did as you said, played the Wanton Witch, told them all what was happening, how Sivatious is going to march, how things will get bloody.”

  “And?” Vinnie asked.

  “I think a lot of them will leave before it happens.” She looked defeated.

  Vinnie fought for breath. “What if I could make it fun,” he said, leaning on the banister, puffing with the exhaustion of it all.

  “Make it fun?”

  “Yes,” he said, witheringly. “I’m going to find a way to take on Sivatious while having fun—”

  “What kind of fun?” Fin asked.

  “Oh you know, the regular. Fucky, fucky and stuff, watch them suffer and win the day, that sort of thing.”

  “Oh Vinnie, then they might stay. You think you can? You think you can make it fun like it was always supposed to be.”

  “Yes, I just need to go see Tind—Fallon, see what she thinks of my plan.”

  “You’ve got a plan?” Fin asked.

  Nope, “Yes, quite the complex one though. Takes a lot of explaining.”

  Fin squeezed her temples, then managed a smile. “Let me sleep this headache off, playing the Wanton Witch always screws me up for an hour or so.” She gave him a sneaky look. “Tell you what. Why don’t you go and see Fallon, then once you're done have a rest, wash up, get yourself ready and then come and see me? It’s about time I started your tuition, taught you how to get a girl begging for you to stop and screaming for more cock. It’s time for you and me to—”

  “Fucky, fucky—got it.” He pecked her on the cheek, then darted up the stairs.

  “See you later, Vinnie,” Fin hollered after.

  Vinnie scrambled up only resting when he got to the next floor up. Fallon was arranging racks full of weapons. She turned. “I brought them all up so you could train with them.” Fallon looked downcast.

  “Don’t tell me; you’re selling the shop?”

  She scoffed at that. “You’ve got to be joking. I couldn’t sell the place if I tried. Most heard the Wanton Witch’s speech. Some are gonna go kamikaze straight into his troop, but the rest are just leaving, going to a new land.”

  Vinnie took a huge breath this time. “What if I could make it fun?” he gasped, then relayed his intent, but no detail at all.

  “Oh Vinnie, then I’d stay, I’d really, really stay, and we could have fun again, and have loads of sex. You like sex, don’t you Vinnie?”

  “Sex. Yes,” he gasped.

  “Well,” she pulled him close. “I’m staying with Angel tonight. How about I sneak out, into your room and we have some—”

  “Fucky, fucky.”

  Yes, fine, join the queue.

  “Not just that,” Fallon said, then whispered in his ear.

  “Really!” said Vinnie. “Right, got to be off. Seeing Tinderell.”

  “Careful, she’s an odd one.”

  “You’re all fuckin—”

  “Yes?” said Fallon, all cute, available, and sexy as hell.

  “Never mind,” Vinnie replied and dashed up the steps.

  “See you later, Vinnie,” she hollered up.

  Nearly spent, he carried on.

  “You’ve gone and done it now,” said Little Red.

  “Don’t I fookin’ know it,” said Vinnie, turning, slumping onto the top step of the next landing. “Made a whole load of promises to them without a clue how to fulfill any.”

  “So, let me get this straight,” said Little Red. “You just lied to a flock of gorgeous girls to get them into the sack.”

  Vinnie called for his crystal core, smiling when it appeared on his palm, and he saw her beautiful, demonic face. “Firstly, I lied to them to make them happy, and so that they wouldn’t just quit the land.”

  “Interesting. Secondly?”

  “It’s not flock.”

  “What is it then?”

  “A romp?” Vinnie asked, smiling at his little demon, then realizing that he’d been neglecting her. “So, you far away from leveling up again?” He asked.

  “Couple of feeds, I reckon.”

  “And then you’ll be free of the core?”

  She shook her head. “Nope, that’s at level five, and only once you’ve selected your spot and planted the core. Don’t be nice when you do that either.”


  “Don’t plant me for the sake of setting me free. For a start, I’ll never be free of the bounds of the core—and that’s fine, I’m good with that. Secondly, don’t expect it to be like this place. An Elven Core built this place, so it's mystical, magical and all that toss. All the cores have different functions. Take the King, he has a huge city with obelisks and pyramids, but then he’s got a Giant Core—are you getting the picture?”

  “Yep. I’m happy with your core,” Vinnie winked at Little Red.

  She smiled, her lips laced with inviting deviousness. “You better be. So, location, location, location. We need metal for weapons, stone for building, water—preferably somewhere dampish for mosses, fungus’s, slimes and the like, out in the open, yet sheltered. Wood close by, but we’ll not need too much. Oh, and we’ll want to be near the main trade route.”

  “Obviously, supplies and that,” said Vinnie.

  “Supplies, now that’s a good collective name. A romp of gorgeous women, and a supply of victims.” Little Red nodded. “I like them both,” she purred.

  “Victims?” Vinnie enquired.

  “Oh yes,” Little Red said deviously. “I’m a Demon Core, victims, and plenty of them.”

  Vinnie gulped, pushed himself up and set off for the next level, surprised when everything changed in an instant. Dust blanketed the stairs, the webs of ages past hung from their underbelly. A stale and musty pervaded itching his nose and making him want to sneeze. Small footprints led up—Fin’s doing, no doubt.

  Nerves began to riddle Vinnie’s body, his meet with the powerful elf, the creator of Hundenwyrdich, the legendary Elven Core, now just a few steps away.

  The last step came too soon, and Vinnie paused, rallying, wondering if he’d ever had harder audiences to please. “You’re a goddam rock star, Vinnie Targetti, time to step on stage.” He came to a circular landing, identical in every way to his, except it only had one door, one sole, shut, door. He gulped, reached forward and twisted its knob. The door swung inward, the squeal of a dry hinge accompanying it.

  He stood in the doorway, the room’s windows drawing his eye. They were half as tall as the room itself, panoramic, only broken up by the odd stone peer. The glass’s clarity took his breath away. Though he’d only been in the land a couple of weeks, he was used to windows you could barely see through, yet these were as clear as day, as clear as crystal.

  “Like a fookin’ lighthouse,” he said in awe.

  “A what?” Little Red whispered.
  Strange for her, Vinnie thought, Little Red was rarely inquisitive—maybe she’s nervous too. “It’s a huge beacon to ward ships away from perilous rocks.”

  Silence fell between them while Little Red digested his words.

  “Ah, but what if the rocks are moving around to sink the ships and claim the sailor’s souls to feed their frenzy? Then your house of lights is wasting its time.”

  Vinnie stopped in his tracks, realized he didn’t have a counter argument and carried on his survey of Tinderell’s turret floor. Among the ornate whitewood furniture, the carved tables and high backed armchairs, he saw a plume of silvery-gray hair appearing to hover at head-height. Vinnie squinted, and the edges of a pale face began to form, sharp features becoming clear and their color gradually thickening.

  “Tinderell?” Vinnie enquired, for some reason he held up Little Red’s core as if she was his ticket to the meet.

  “Sit, Vincent,” Tinderell said, like some authoritarian schoolteacher. “Close to the hearth, and bring that thing.” She pointed at Little Red.

  “Who are you calling a thing?” Little Red asked, indignantly.

  “Thing, unborn, the last and the darkest.”

  Little Red laughed. “Now you’re talking, sister. C’mon Vin, take a seat. I can work with this one.”

  The elf, now fully formed, was certainly older that Fin, Angel, any of them, but Vinnie wouldn’t have classed her as ancient. Her piled-high, silver hair suited her elven looks, even making her majestic and regal, and that look was accentuated by her glinting, emerald cloak, that was buttoned up to her neck. A tall, golden collar swept around and framed her head.

  If that wasn’t enough, she stood tall—she had a proud posture. Vinnie took a seat, one of the high backed armchairs, one partly facing her hearth and partly facing the chair she stood by.

  “My, it’s hot in here,” she said, unbuttoned her cloak to reveal the slenderest of bodies wrapped in the tiniest of velvet tunics. Her thigh high suede-looking boots tipped his gawping mouth over the edge. Vinnie dribbled a little bit. “Is that better?” she asked.

  Perception Check: Failed.

  She laughed. “My name is Tinderell. I’m the Elven Core. What don’t you understand? Do you want to know what level I am? Let me tell you, it’s irrelevant. This,” she swept her arms all around, “again, irrelevant. This? I built this for my mistress, Mistress Fin. Together, we invented The Wanton Witch.”

  She seemed listless, wistful. Vinnie grinned, suddenly back on safe ground. He knew what a completely dissatisfied woman looked like, he’d seen enough in his time. “So, what’s the problem?”

  She raised an eyebrow, which given her elven looks was quite the achievement. “You understand a female’s wants, Vincent? That is contrary to everything I’ve been told about you. The problem is quite easy; being an Elven Core is plain and simply boring. Sure, you get to build a magical castle; you get to weave great protection into it, to form an all-seeing eye to scan the lands around, but ultimately,” she entwined her hands behind her head. “Ultimately, you don’t get to have any fun.”

  “Won’t defending it against Sivatious be entertaining enough for you?”

  She laughed, throwing her head back, revealing her fine neck, her breasts jumping with her laughter. “Fuck me,” she said, between bouts, “I won’t stand a chance. Sivatious has a Goblin Core—dark magic, Vinnie, dark magic—way more powerful than the nice kind. The goblin would ruin me with little more than a flick of her finger.”

  “So, not so good at the magic, then?”

  “In comparison, no.”

  “How about the castle then? What about that with its walls, its turrets, etc.?”

  She laughed again, “Against an Orc Core? His power, his brute force and driven by his master’s need for vengeance. I’m afraid you sadly lack understanding. Cores are suited to vastly different things.”

  “So teach me,” Vinnie challenged, his plan that never was now in tatters before it had even managed to be born.

  “The cores were scattered to cause competition. Honestly, it’s quite simple. A Giant Core for building a city second to none, an Elven Core for creating the most magical, mystical, enchanted place in the land. An Orc Core for building the greatest army and a Goblin Core to harness dark magic and bring forth banes. Which two are the strongest in war times? Why do you think the elves and giants always lose?” She sighed and crossed her legs. “To put it bluntly, our cores just aren’t up to it. It’s just the way it is, the way it’s always been.”

  “So, you can’t beat Sivatious?”

  She pursed her thin lips. “I’d get close—it would be a monumental battle, and just when victory looks likely, it would be snatched away from me. Really, we all know this, what’s the point? I might just as well send my people away to another land.”

  Vincent sighed. He mustered up all his will power. The day had been exhausting. It had been one challenge after the next.

  “What if I said I had a plan? What if we could defeat Sivatious and have fun doing it.”

  “Tell me more.”

  Vinnie took a deep breath. He made to say something, but no words came out. He made to relay his plan but had none to relay. “I got nothing,” he finally admitted.

  Tinderell glared at him. Little Red’s evil laughter rang around.

  “Nothing,” Little Red said, “he means he’s got nothing stopping him. So, Tinderell, you wanna hear the plan, because it’s bitchin’.”

  “Do tell.”

  Vinnie looked at Little Red, but she signaled for him to stand down.

  “If I tell you, you can’t run, you have to stay and fight,” Little Red continued.

  “Do tell.”

  “Well, Vinnie and I were thinking…”

  Tinderell began to smile as Little Red revealed her plan.

  Vinnie began to smile as Little Red revealed her plan…his plan…their plan.

  Tinderell eyed him up, her tongue tracing a line over her thin lips.

  Little Red finished. Vinnie sat there, amazed at the deviousness of the plan he’d never conceived. He was a relieved man, who strolled back out onto the hallway.

  “Oh Vinnie,” Tinderell called after him. “If you get time later, be sure to pop up, we need to seal our deal with some hot and steamy…”

  “Hot and steamy…”

  “Come find me, or I’ll come find you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Vinnie sat in his room, every creak of the tower sending shivers down his spine. His candle had long since gone out, its wick spent. He daren’t move. He’d made too many promises. It was like being in prison. No, it was worse than that.

  Even Little Red had abandoned him. Marlo had taken her down to the kitchen to slurp on some blood for the night. Vinnie was grateful for any help, so much now hinged on her leveling up. The kitchen had received a fresh delivery of new carcasses, new life force for the demon to consume. Even though Little Red hadn’t told any other than Tinderell what her plan entailed, suddenly, everyone in the castle had become enthused. It was like the elf’s knowledge and hope permeated all, and they’d all cottoned on that Little Red was key. They were eager to do anything they could to make her grow.

  Time was running short.

  The dark clouds were spreading. Their ominous mauve was leaching out over the countryside.

  A knock at his door.

  A twist of its handle.

  A shadow in the gloom.

  “Psst, Vinnie?”


  Angel slipped in, moonlight shining on her lithe figure, and she slipped out of her skirt and bra. “You ready for me?”

  “Yes,” he said, mesmerized as she sauntered over to him, perfectly formed, perfectly tanned.

  Standing in front, she pushed him down onto the bed, straddling him, hovering her pussy just above his mouth. “Eat me, Vinnie, eat me, and make me cum.”

  Vinnie closed his eyes, just briefly. He tried to calm his breathing. Finally, he re
membered why he came to the land, and he reached up, his hands resting on her tight buttocks, bringing them down, bringing her down, his lips meeting hers, his tongue searching out her bounty. She held herself slightly away, fighting his hands, enjoying a lighter touch.

  He understood, letting her win, his hands now brushing her cheeks, not holding, not grabbing. She gyrated against his tongue, finding her rhythm, groaning, working Vinnie’s mouth. He tested her, teasing then plunging, then dancing along her lips, eager to bring out her urgency. As he withdrew, so she thrust forward. He lost himself, settling to her rhythm, her groin now glistening in the filtered moonlight. Her gyrating motion slowed as she savored his tongue’s probing, held, and then grew faster, until she gasped, shivered and held again. “Duty discharged,” she whispered, rolled off him, and then lay half on and half off the bed. “Now shove that cock in me. I want to feel your ring grinding me.”

  He was fit to burst. He was ready to cum.

  Vinnie rolled onto her, pulling his pants down, his cock springing free.

  “Fuck me,” Angel whispered, then gasped. “Fuck me!” she said, her tone one of surprise, as she laid eyes of Vinnie’s erect member for the first true time.

  Vinnie pressed his cock against her, feeling resistance at first, but then she gave herself up, parting her legs. Her peachy butt bucked upward, accepting him, taking him, as he slid slowly in. His shaft vanished into her until the golden ring touched her bounds and kissed her flesh. A brilliant light shone instantly. A mutual light emanated from both of them, sparkles crackling around. He began his strokes, long, slow at first, though soon quickening.

  Angel’s face reddened, her breath short, then holding it until her lungs gave way, making her gasp again, hold again, in a never-ending cycle. Both their worlds polarized on the gold, his thrusts quickening—hers too, perfectly matched, perfectly in time, the ring spreading mutual satisfaction as they both peaked, him flowing into her, and she over him, bending spent to a kiss, a swift kiss. Then Angel pushed him off, jumping up, staggering like a newborn deer, scooping up her skirt, her bra. “Thank you, Vinnie,” and she was gone.


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