The Amaranthine Chronicles Complete Series: Betrayed By Blood, Dark Revenge, The Final Battle

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The Amaranthine Chronicles Complete Series: Betrayed By Blood, Dark Revenge, The Final Battle Page 17

by Tiffany Shand

  “Fine, we’ll rest for an hour, then we’re getting back to the tunnels.” He slumped down beside her.

  “Do you ever wonder if this will all end?”

  He looked up at her. “It will end with Freya.”

  “Will it?” Kaylan asked. “Sometimes I wonder if we’ll ever have a real life together. A normal life.”

  “We will.”

  “How? This past year, since you were turned into a shifter, has just been one battle after another.” She took off her backpack, dropped it to the floor.

  “We’re together. That’s the most important thing.” Elijah clutched her hand, kissed it. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, but I still wonder if we’ll ever stop having to fight for our lives.”

  “Whatever happens, we’ll get through it. Like we always do.”

  “You left me.” The pain of his betrayal still stung at times. Still caused a void between them that never felt whole.

  “I thought we talked about this.”

  “We did, but can’t pretend things like they were before. I know they can’t be, but–” Kaylan shook her head. “You barely touch me anymore.”

  He looked away. “You know I’m afraid of losing control.”

  “I know, but you control your inner beast now.” She reached up and touched his cheek. “I don’t want everything that happened to come between us anymore.”

  “It won’t.”

  “You have me and you’ll never lose you again.” He bent down and brushed his lips against hers. The kiss was slow at first then grew deeper.

  Kaylan wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged at his shirt as they fought to be closer. She’d forgotten how much she missed being close to him, missed the touch, the taste as she ran her hands along the hard, smooth planes of his chest. He’d been holding back from being close to her but she was tired of waiting. They might both die tomorrow.

  Elijah devoured her mouth and found her as hungry for him as he was for her. He plunged his tongue inside her mouth, tasted her, found her tongue twined with his. He pushed her back against the wall, tugging off her clothes and picking up her up. The need to touch, be touched, threatened to consume him.

  Kaylan wrapped her legs around his waist, gasping as he pushed inside her and took them both over the edge.

  Chapter 8

  Elijah breathed a sigh of relief when the tunnel that led to their underground hideout loomed ahead of them. It hadn’t been easy battling their way out of the mansion, but they had emerged with the book intact.

  Geth and Sierra were both hard at work.

  Elijah felt amazed at how much equipment they had set up in such a short amount of time.

  Sierra looked up as he and Kaylan walked in, hand in hand. “Hey, where have you two been?” she asked. “And why are you both smiling?”

  Kaylan glanced around, avoiding the question. “Are any of the shifters still here?”

  “No, Aiden went back to test my new potion out at the people in his sanctuary,” Geth replied. “Why?”

  “Because I don’t want them here for this.”

  Elijah sighed. He understood her reservations, but he felt they could trust them, or at least Aiden and Michael.

  Kaylan pulled off her backpack and took out the book. “We found it.”

  Sierra and Geth came over as Kaylan placed the heavy tome on the makeshift table. A gold amaranth flower glittered on the cover.

  “Wow, it’s beautiful,” Sierra breathed.

  “What does it say?” Geth asked eagerly.

  Elijah saw the glee in their eyes. The lust for power. That was what the book was. Power which people craved. “Let’s be careful,” he suggested. “We know how dangerous this thing is.”

  “We figured out what the crystal is used for,” Sierra told them as she held up the device he had found on Silas’s body. “It’s to read the book with. The book is encrypted so only the keeper or whoever protects it can read it.”

  “Freya knew what the crystal was. That’s how she decrypted the pages she already had,” Kaylan realised.

  Sierra got out the pages they’d recovered from the lab.

  Now they finally had all the pieces of the jigsaw in one place.

  “Open it, then,” Geth encouraged. “There could be more about how to help the shifters in there.”

  “I thought you already had a cure?” Kaylan stared at the book, unmoving.

  Elijah felt her anxiety through their bond with mixed with a hint of excitement. “You can do it.” He squeezed her hand.

  Kaylan took hold of the crystal, slipped the book open and held the styling over the first page. The words “Amaranthine Chronicles” appeared.

  Going through the first few pages revealed different spells. Kaylan moved ahead to find the spot where Freya’s pages had been removed. It didn’t take along to find it.

  She put the pieces of paper back in place and read on.

  “What does it say?” Elijah asked when she picked up the Chronicles and stared at it closely.

  “It talks about death and blood needing to be spilt for immortality to work,” she replied.

  “Yeah, that’s why she plans to murder half the city,” Sierra said.

  Kaylan shook her head. “No, it’s more than that. It says for one to receive true immortality as a have to kill every member of their family,” she said. “The death of people around the city will magnify the spell.”

  “Wait, why would you…” Elijah started to ask.

  “That’s what it says,” Kaylan told him. “For Freya to get immortality, I have to die.”

  Elijah paced back and forth. After a morning of trying to teach the other shifters and some of the survivors from Aiden’s group ways to control their inner beasts, time had finally run out. This was it. The day of Freya’s inauguration. The day of the final battle.

  He’d dreaded this day, but now felt relieved that it was finally here. After what the book had revealed, he feared what would come next.

  Michael and Geth came into the cavern.

  “Everything is in place,” Michael told him. “The moon is already visible in the sky, not long now until the eclipse.”

  “Good,” he replied and searched for Kaylan. He didn’t feel her presence at the edge of his mind, which was odd. After their night together, the bond between them had become stronger. Why couldn’t he sense her?

  After coming back from the mansion and spending a restless night in their room, they’d agreed to meet up in the main cavern after he’d dealt with the shifters.

  “Have either of you seen Kaylan?” he asked.

  Both of them shook their heads.

  Elijah frowned, concentrating harder as he tried to sense his mate. Again, he felt nothing.

  Kaylan? he called.

  She didn’t respond.

  Then he knew what she must’ve done, and stormed out of the cave and down the tunnel. He only hoped he wasn’t too late.


  Kaylan took a deep breath as she pushed open the doors of the great hall. There sat her sister on her throne, surrounded by members of the Order. The inauguration was finally happening.

  Forgive me, Elijah, she thought. As much as she wanted to follow through with their plan of winning this battle together, she knew this was the only way. This had started with her and Freya all those years ago when Freya had killed their family. Now it had to end with just the two of them.

  “So nice of you to join us, Kaylan.” Freya grinned.

  “This isn’t going to work,” Kaylan told her. “Geth made a cure for the shifters which reverses the change. Without them killing everyone, none of you are going to be immortal.”

  Norbert’s eyes narrowed, he raised his hand, but Freya was too quick and struck all five members of the Order to the ground.

  “You’re not going to have anyone left at all if you keep killing them.”

  Outside, she heard the echo of shouts and screams over the roar of loud growling. She only hoped Elijah and
the others would prove to be victorious.

  Freya shrugged. “They’re not dead, and I don’t want them around forever,” she said and held up the Amaranthine Chronicles.

  The blood drained from Kaylan’s face. “How…” This could not be happening. She’d made sure the book was safe and hidden by taking it back to her father’s tomb on her way to the mansion.

  “Not all of your band of shifters are loyal to Aiden.” Freya motioned to the body of Emily lying behind her throne.

  She winced; shocked to see her suspicions had come true. Of all the shifters to be a traitor Emily was the last one she had suspected.

  She knew Elijah and the others would be outside fighting against Freya’s troupe of shifters, but she’d managed to slip away without them noticing before they prepared to defend the city. This was between her and Freya. Not anyone else. Elijah wouldn’t be happy, but if she died, she didn’t want him to witness it. She wished she could have said goodbye, but they didn’t need words.

  Freya had started this the night she’d murdered their parents, and now it was Kaylan’s turn to end it.

  She turned and saw a crystal orb on the side of Freya’s throne. The final piece she needed. It already contained drops of their parents’ and brother’s blood. Now all she needed was Kaylan’s own blood after she killed her to trigger the spell.

  The room darkened as sun and moon slowly began to merge. Time was running out.

  Freya hurled a fireball at her.

  Kaylan dodged it, pulled out her knife and flung it at her sister. Freya ducked as the blade flew over her head.

  No, Freya wouldn’t give up so easily.

  The two continued to exchange blows, hurling fireballs at each other.

  Kaylan knew she was going to have to get close in order to stop her sister. But could she do it? Could she really kill her own sister? She knew she had to, but part of her still held back.

  As she dodged the next fireball, Kaylan scooted out of the way and made a grab for the crystal.

  “No!” Freya screamed, tackling her to the ground.

  They crashed to the floor, a jumble of arms and legs as they fought to grab the orb.

  Kaylan struggled to shove Freya away as she finally caught hold of the device.

  “I won’t let you ruin this,” Freya vowed.

  The orb slipped from her grasp, rolling across the floor just out of reach. Freya clawed her neck, drawing blood as she fought to get away.

  Kaylan pushed at the floor with her foot, it was enough to trigger her flying ability as she took to the air, Freya still clinging onto her tightly. Now Kaylan had the advantage. She rolled her shoulder, punched her sister in the face and sent her spiralling to the ground. Kaylan dove for the orb but Freya was too fast to her as he scrambled across the floor.

  Freya grabbed the orb, clutched under her arm and hurled a bolt of lightning at the ceiling.

  Kaylan dodged, feeling static fly past her. She flew at Freya but this time she was too slow. Another bolt hit her shoulder causing her to fall. Freya grabbed her foot as she struggled to remain airborne, dragging Kaylan back to earth.

  Another blast sent Kaylan staggering, unable to reengage her power.

  Silver flashed as Freya descended on her with a knife. Scrambled up, raised her arm to block the blow. Metal slashed through her forearm, ripping through her leather jacket, blood spurting out. Freya put another way, letting the drops fall from her knife into the orb.

  Kaylan gasped. White lightning swirled inside the crystal orb, charging the air with static.

  “At last, immortality will be mine.” A grin spread across Freya’s face. “With your death.”

  Freya held a knife towards her, Kaylan stumbled, still reeling from the last attack as she narrowly dodged the flying blade.

  She knew she would probably die here. But she’d be damned if she went down without a fight. She drew her own knife as she sidestepped a fireball and through it with all her might.

  Freya didn’t have time to avoid the blow, her eyes widened in shock as the weapon embedded itself in her wrist. The crystal orb clattered to the floor, rolling straight towards Kaylan.

  “No!” Freya screamed.

  Kaylan ducked and grabbed it, gripping the crystal and threw down with all her remaining strength. A brilliant explosion of white light reverberated through the room. She felt a violent rush of energy course through her body, and braced herself for the inevitable.

  Freya let out a howling screech as she flew herself into the maelstrom of power.

  “Freya…” Kaylan’s choked out her sister’s name just as the final blast sent her hurtling through the room.

  When she opened eyes, and stared around the room she saw only remnants of shattered glass and the unconscious bodies of the surviving Order members. All the remainder Freya was one of her fallen Amaranthine knives.

  “I hope you find peace now, little sister.” She sighed. “I’m sorry had to come to this.”

  Elijah rushed into the room. “What are you doing?” he demanded. “How could you just leave without me?” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his embrace.

  She sniffed, feeling tears prick her eyes. “I didn’t want you to watch me die,” she admitted and buried her face against his shoulder. “She’s gone. It’s finally over.”


  Kaylan stood on the great bridge, watching as the first bright orange rays of dawn appeared on the horizon as she held hands with her new husband. Geth and Sierra also held hands which made Kaylan smile. About time those two admitted they liked each other.

  After rounding up the last of Freya’s shifters, those who had survived had been offered the cure and most had decided to change back. She’d been surprised when Elijah had refused to take the cure, but respected his decision. It didn’t matter if he was shifter, sorcerer or both.

  It would take time to rebuild their shattered city, but as she and Elijah stood watching the sun rising over Ormere, she felt a renewed sense of hope for them, the city and whatever the future held for them.

  The end

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for reading The Final Battle.

  I hope you enjoyed this book and the rest of the Amaranthine Chronicles. I’d love it if you could post a review about it on Amazon or another book site. Getting reviews for my books gives me a big thrill and I look forward to hearing what you thought. Perhaps you can mention who will your favourite character was and which parts you liked best.

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  I look forward to hearing from you.

  Tiffany Shand.



  In a city of lies and deception, only one thing stands between chaos and justice. For centuries, a band of outlaws called the Amaranthine has kept the peace in Ormere and hidden in plain sight whilst the Order of Sorcerers spreads their deadly magic among the city’s inhabitants.

  After losing her fiancé in bust gone wrong, Amaranthine Agent Kaylan Avilion returns home to discover that Elijah didn’t die but instead was changed by the twisted guards of the Order, who seek to find a dangerous artefact tied to Kaylan’s past. How will Kaylan react when she learns Elijah’s secret and can they come together to stop the Order’s plan before it’s too late?



  Darkness is sweeping through the city of Ormere as unnatural creatures stalk through the streets. People are dying and time is running out as a new evil threatens to take control of everything. The Amaranthine Order has been decimated leaving only a few of its people left to fight the coming terror.

  Stunned by her sister Freya’s betrayal and plot to take over the city, Kaylan Avilion must do everything she can to find out what Freya plans to do when she finds an infamous book linked to the murder of their family. A bo
ok considered so dangerous that the last High Lord erased its location from history, the Amaranthine Chronicles are said to contain the darkest of all magics.

  Kaylan is happy to finally have her ex-fiancé, Elijah, back in her life but he’s not the man she once knew and loved. After being turned into a shapeshifter, Elijah struggles to control his inner beast and his lingering feelings for Kaylan.

  Can Elijah and Kaylan come together to stop Freya and uncover the secrets of the book before it’s too late?



  Cate McCray is no ordinary witch.

  Prophesised to be the one to destroy the Covenant, an age-old organisation who seeks to enslave all Magickind, the race is on for them to kill her before she receives immortality.

  But before receiving the phenomenal power that comes with it, she must first survive the ascension and the only person who can help her is her elemental partner, Jason Talbot. But when the time comes, her forbidden love for Jason threatens to destroy them both.

  As leader of Excalibar, an elite team of Enforcers, they work to infiltrate the Covenant leading Cate into life-threatening situations. Can she outwit them before it’s too late?



  Denai witch, Cate McCray should be enjoying married life with her new elemental husband, Jason. But their arrival in a new city soon has them stumbling headlong into a new case with dangerous connections to the very people that govern their world.

  Cate and Jason face opposition from those they once considered allies. Together with their team of enforcers, they must find the killer before anyone else dies.

  With danger from all sides and the threat of ancient, dangerous magic, the team must pull together and use all their strength to find their enemy before disaster strikes.



  Bethany Turner knelt within the spell circle, the wind whipping her long, dark hair and making the flames from surrounding candles flicker wildly. Blood dripped from her palm onto the large pillar candle in front of her.


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