Aiden (A Next Generation Carter Brother Novel Book 2)

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Aiden (A Next Generation Carter Brother Novel Book 2) Page 14

by Lisa Helen Gray

  I spin around, meeting his eyes. “I think I’m good, thank you.”

  He loses his amused expression. “No need to get pissy.”

  I shake my head as I walk to the other side of the bar. A couple waiting meets my gaze, and I hold up my finger before turning back to check that Dad isn’t looking. He isn’t there, so I quickly pull my phone back out.

  ME: What is she doing? Send me another picture. X

  I just manage to hit send before the phone is snatched out of my hand. “Hey,” I yell, spinning around and coming face to face with my dad.

  He reads the message before shaking his head. “Nope. You can have this in an hour. You need to do work.”

  “But, Dad,” I whine, going to reach for it.

  “Nope. You were warned.”

  “What if there’s an emergency?” I argue.

  He grins. “Nice try. But your mum has everyone’s number and I’ll keep an eye on your phone. If she messages, I’ll bring it to you. Now, get some fucking work done.”

  My shoulders slump. There’s no use arguing because he’ll never give in. And deep down, I know he’d tell me if something was wrong. Both dad and Mason would.

  I just don’t know how they managed to survive with us. Having kids isn’t just feeding, bathing, and loving them. You worry about them twenty-four-seven. They literally suck all the energy out of you. And the love? God, I never knew love like I have for my daughter even existed. She’s opened my eyes to a lot of stuff, but not as much as she’s opened my heart.

  I think it’s why I can’t stop thinking about Bailey. I’ve never looked at a girl through my heart or mind. No. I’ve always checked them out and saw them through my dick. It’s all it’s ever been for me.

  With her, I feel. I feel so fucking much it scares me.

  And it’s that fear that’s stopping me from pursuing her, from making her mine, and mine alone.



  Work got busy after Dad took my phone, helping me keep my mind off things. He kept me updated every thirty minutes, for which I was thankful.

  Though that doesn’t mean I wasn’t tense for my entire shift. My muscles ache. I just want to go home—and hope Sunday sleeps long enough for me to run a bath and soak for a while.

  Dad pulls into my drive and I open my eyes, frowning when I see Maddox and Landon’s trucks in Bailey’s driveway.

  “What the fuck?” I growl, undoing my belt.

  Dad pulls the car to a stop, chuckling. “It’s a shame you don’t like her like that, son. She seems to get on with the family.”

  “They shouldn’t be bothering her,” I tell him, stepping out of the car.

  “Looks like she doesn’t mind.” Dad shrugs, grabbing Sunday’s stuff from the boot. I take her out, her beautiful face relaxed with sleep.

  “I’m gonna go over there. Thanks for the ride home, Dad,” I say, quickly taking Sunday’s bags from him.

  “Thanks for the hundred quid I earned tonight.”

  I stop on the edge of her path and slowly pivot around to face him. “Are you serious?”

  He grins, shrugging. “I’m a Carter. You can’t blame me.”

  “I’m your son,” I yell.

  “And such a good boy you are,” he tells me, before getting in his car.

  “Fucker,” I growl, watching him drive down the path. Sometimes I wonder why I put up with them.

  Because you’re as crazy as they are.

  Taking a deep breath, I make my way up to Bailey’s front door. I bang on it, pissed Maddox is here. Landon, I don’t have to worry about; he has no charm or sex appeal. I’d be surprised if the fucker ever got laid.

  The door clicks and opens. I paste on my best smile, wanting her to forget all about Maddox and his flirting.

  Maddox’s bare upper body greets me, sweat dripping down the hard lines of his chest. Slowly, afraid Sunday will sense the anger inside of me and wake up, I place her down on the floor, and then her bags.

  “What. The. Fuck. Have. You. Done.”

  The second I see his smug smirk, I want to wipe it off.

  He scratches his bare chest, leaning against the doorframe. “Whatever do you mean?”

  “You know what the fuck I mean. I swear to god, if you weren’t family, I’d lay you out right now.”

  Not that we haven’t gotten in a fair few fights. There’s a lot of testosterone in our family, so it’s bound to happen.

  “I was just about to take a shower, man. She’s tired me out, you know. I’m all dirty and sweaty now.”

  Fuck him being family.

  I take a step forward, my hands balled into fists, when the door swings open further.

  “Hi, Aiden, do you want some dinner too?” Bailey asks cheerfully. “I’ve cooked everyone dinner to thank Maddox for fixing my shower for me. It was nice of him to come and do it in his spare time. Landon, Charlotte, and Lily are in the kitchen.”

  “I would love to,” I tell her, beaming. I pick up Sunday and her bags and push past Maddox. I make sure the bags smack him in the chest, and I’m satisfied when I hear him grunt.

  “Here, let me help you.” Bailey takes two of the bags from my arm.

  “Cheers, babe.”

  She ducks her head, cheeks turning pink. “It’s all right.”

  “I’m just gonna go wash up,” Maddox says.

  Turning in his direction, I give him the middle finger. “Isn’t it past your bedtime?”

  “Nah. For Bailey, I’d stay up all night,” he tells me, winking.

  I growl, taking a step towards him, but Bailey’s voice stops me. I don’t think she even realises she’s saved him twice tonight.

  “Are you coming in or what? Let Maddox clean up before his food goes cold.”

  “Coming,” I tell her, giving Maddox one last warning look. He just grins, uncaring.

  I give a chin lift to Landon when I step inside the kitchen, and Charlotte a quick kiss on the head and a side hug, before placing Sunday on the floor.

  When my eyes lock on Lily’s, I walk over, concerned. I pull her into my arms, shivering from how cold she feels tonight. She looks tired, the dark circles under her eyes a tell. I worry about her a lot, hating that she won’t let any of us live with her. The only person she lets stay more than once a week is Maddox. Why? I have no idea. Those two are polar opposites. But then again, Landon and Charlotte’s friendship never made sense to me either. She’s all smiles and Landon doesn’t know how to crack one.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, just tired.”

  “You need to rest more,” I tell her, before letting her go. She smiles, kissing my cheek.

  “I’ll be fine. You know me.”

  Her eyes are filled with pain and sorrow. The torment there has always been easy for us to see, but she has times in her life when it’s hidden, or temporarily gone.

  “I do, which is why I know you won’t listen.”

  She pushes my shoulder, a cute pout forming on her lips when I don’t budge. I chuckle, pulling out a chair to sit on.

  “So, what’s for dinner?” I ask, realising how hungry I am after today’s shift.

  “Just a cottage pie,” Bailey says, grabbing a tray from the oven. The smell that fills the air has my stomach rumbling. Getting up, I walk over to help Bailey. She looks over her shoulder at me. “Sit down. I’ve got this. You’ve been at work all day.”

  I grab a pair of spare oven mitts and lean over, brushing my body against hers. She pauses, her body shivering, and I grin at the effect I have on her.

  “I want to. You grab the gravy while I take this to the table.”

  “I’ve got the plates,” Lily says gently.

  “Do you want me to get everyone a drink?” Charlotte asks.

  Sighing, Bailey steps out of my embrace, and I can’t wipe the grin off my face when I notice the goose bumps raised on her skin.

  “Yeah, there’s some cans of pop in the fridge or soft drinks in the top cupboard,” Bailey
tells Charlotte. “And glasses are in the cupboard above where Lily just got the plates from.”

  “Okay,” Charlotte answers.

  I take the cottage pie over to the table by the window that looks into the conservatory and dip the serving spoon inside. I don’t waste time piling up the plates Lily has set down, my stomach demanding I eat now. I make sure mine and Landon’s are filled after putting enough on the girls and little on Maddox’s.

  Fucker doesn’t deserve any.

  Lily glances down at all the plates, raising her eyebrow at me. “You not hungry?”

  I smirk. “Of course I am. That’s Maddox’s. He ate a big lunch.”

  “He said he was starving earlier,” Lily whispers, so Bailey doesn’t overhear. “She’s gone to all of this trouble to cook for us and he isn’t even hungry. Why would he lie?”

  “He was just being polite, Lil. Now, sit down before it gets cold.”

  Landon walks over, sees the plates, and I swear I see his lips twitch. He takes a seat between Lily and Charlotte, Lily to his left.

  Maddox walks in and Bailey smiles at him. “Take a seat. Food’s ready.”

  He rubs his stomach, which, thankfully, is now covered in a T-shirt. “Great. I’m starving.”

  “Fucker,” I mumble under my breath.

  “What did you say?” Charlotte asks.

  “I said I’d best grab Sunday,” I tell her, getting up to bring her to the table.

  “Oh yeah, you don’t want her to wake up and think you’re gone,” she says gently.

  Shit! I hadn’t even thought of that. I place her so the first person she sees when she wakes up is me. When Maddox goes to take a seat at the place set for Bailey, I kick him, warning him to move with one look.

  He pouts, then looks down at his food with disgust. “Where’s the rest?”

  “Here it is,” Bailey replies cheerfully, setting two pots of gravy down on the table.

  “Why do I get a small amount?” Maddox whines as Landon shovels food into his trap.

  I pour gravy all over mine as Bailey asks, “Were you not hungry?”

  “Starving. I forgot to eat my snack earlier.”

  “You eat snacks?” Bailey asks, her lips twitching.

  “Got to; I’d starve otherwise. I always have food to hand,” he answers, before narrowing his eyes on my plate. “Hungry?” I grin, moaning over a bite. “Wanker.”

  “Here, have mine. There’s too much and I’m not really hungry,” Lily says, pushing her plate over and taking his.

  I’d say something, but the tired look on her face shows she doesn’t need any more stress right now. And me arguing with her best friend would do that.

  Maddox looks down at her, his forehead creasing. “We’ll help Bailey clean up and head home. Is it okay if I sleep at yours tonight? The new family that moved in next door are keeping me up at night with the noise, and I need sleep.”

  You can hear the lie in his words, but Lily, too tired to read into them, doesn’t even blink. In fact, she looks relieved he’ll be staying.

  “Of course. You should have said they were keeping you up. I wouldn’t have made you go home last night.”

  “It’s fine. I didn’t want to trouble you.”

  “Well, you’re more than welcome,” she tells him, taking a small bite of food.

  I glance at Bailey, lifting a fork of food up. “This is amazing. Did you make this yourself?”

  A light tinge of pink hits her cheeks. “I did. I was going to put the rest in the fridge and bring it over tomorrow for your lunch.”

  I narrow my eyes at everyone at the table, who look like they’re enjoying my food.

  “It’s really good,” Charlotte compliments.

  “How was your first day back at work?” Landon asks, looking smug.

  “Great. Why?”

  “Just surprised you weren’t home earlier, is all.”

  I roll my eyes. “Your dad told you, didn’t he?”

  He nods, not bothering to answer me. “Told him what?” Bailey asks as she pours more gravy on her plate.

  “They all bet I’d leave work early to pick Sunday up,” I tell her. “I was fine though. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”

  Maddox covers his mouth when he starts choking on his laughter. “Dad said you were ready to go after ten minutes.”

  “Your dad wasn’t even there,” I tell Maddox snottily.

  He shrugs. “He had Myles keep him informed.”

  “I think it’s sweet you didn’t like leaving Sunday. It just shows what a good dad you are. Some dads are quick to get out and leave the mum to deal with everything these days,” Bailey adds.

  “That’s true. At the school its mostly mums that pick the kids up. There’s only a few dads who show up,” Lily says.

  “I think I’ll be fine next shift. I guess the first time is always the hardest.”

  She places a comforting hand over mine and our gazes meet, locked in a trance. Something passes between us, and I feel like I’m really looking at her for the first time. She gets more beautiful every time I see her.

  “You’ll be great. She’s lucky to have you,” she tells me, her voice low, almost seductive.

  “Hey,” Maddox says, interrupting our moment. I glare, really wanting to strangle him right now. “You should come to the pub with us next weekend. We’re all meeting down there for a bit.”

  I feel her gaze burn into the side of my face, so I turn to look at her.

  “Will you be there?” she asks, biting her bottom lip.

  Knowing she doesn’t feel comfortable being out, I nod. “I will. Mum is having Sunday for me that weekend, so I can catch up on sleep and work. We try to meet up all together once a week, but our lives have been busy lately.”

  “And you don’t mind me coming?” she asks shyly.

  “Nope. You can meet the other crazies in my family.”

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t decide on a future with me until you meet the rest of my family,” Maddox tells her teasingly, grinning.

  “Good job she won’t be with you then, isn’t it,” I snap.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m right here,” Bailey interrupts. “And, Aiden, I’ll come with you, but only for a little while.”

  “Good,” I tell her sincerely, wondering if I can get some alone time with her.

  Charlotte’s phone dings with a text. I look up to see her face scrunch up with confusion.

  “What’s wrong?” Landon asks softly, glancing down at her.

  “What does DP mean?” she asks. “A guy just asked if I wanted one.”

  I choke on my food.

  “Who the fuck asked you that?” Landon demands, snatching her phone out of her hand. He reads the screen, his eyes widening, and a look of revulsion passes over his face. “What the hell, Charlotte?”

  She still looks confused. “I don’t know why you’re so mad. Hayden told me about Maddox using it.”

  “Using what?” Maddox asks slowly, pushing his half-eaten plate away. I know how he feels because I push mine away too, no longer hungry.

  “Dating App.”

  “One: didn’t you learn anything from Faith’s experience with dating sites? And two: why the hell would you do something he did?” Landon demands. “Nothing he does is a good idea.”

  “But he met loads of people on there. I can’t stay a virgin forever, you know,” she tells him.

  His face reddens as he pushes his chair back and stands up. “Come on, I’m taking you home so you can delete this account.”

  “Okay,” she says, her expression filled with sadness, before turning back to Maddox. “If you can recommend a safe app, can you send me the link, please? The men on this one keep asking if I want a DP or if I’m looking for a good time. Whenever I tell them yes, I’d like to go butterfly garden for our first date, they never answer me back.”

  “Come on,” Landon growls, pulling her away from the table.

  “See you later,” she calls out, wavin
g at us.

  “Does DP mean what I think it means?” Bailey asks quietly after the front door slams.

  “Dick pic?” Maddox says. “Yeah, it fucking does.”

  “He’s gonna kill you,” I tell him, grinning.

  “I don’t care. Maybe then he can knock the image of her sexting someone—even if she doesn’t realise it’s what she’s doing—out of my mind.”

  “You mean someone was going to send her a picture of their… you know?” Lily asks, her face bright red.

  “Yes,” I growl, scrubbing a hand over my face.

  “Oh, dear,” she says, glancing at the door they left through. “He’s going to be so mad.”

  “He’ll sort it out,” Maddox assures her. “You haven’t—you know… signed up for one, have you?”

  I look up, narrowing my eyes. “Please tell me you haven’t.”

  “No!” she squeaks out. “After what happened with Faith…” She shakes her head as sadness fills her eyes. “If I knew Charlotte had signed up for one, I would have told her to delete it. I know they’re not all dangerous, but you can never be too sure.”

  “Good girl,” I say, relaxing back in my chair.

  “I’ll start cleaning this up,” Bailey tells us, picking up Landon’s empty plate and Charlotte’s half-eaten one.

  “We’ll help,” Maddox says, picking up his own.

  “You two go,” I tell him, glancing down at Lily, who yawns once again. “I’ll stay and clean up.”

  “You sure?” he asks, and I nod. He helps Lily out of her chair, letting her lean against his body before turning to Bailey. “Thank you for dinner, and sorry it was cut short.”

  Her expression softens. “It’s my pleasure. It’s nice not having to cook for one for a change.”

  “Thank you,” Lily says, sounding more tired by the minute. “I’ll see you next week when we meet up.”

  “Looking forward to it,” Bailey says.

  We quickly finish clearing the table before Bailey walks over with a plate of brownies. I grin over the fact Maddox just missed out. I’ll be texting him to gloat later.

  “Those for me?”

  She tilts her head. “Kind of,” she says, passing me the plate.

  “Kind of?” I rip off the cling film but she places her hand on top, stopping me.


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