A Nurse for the Wolfman (Chimera Secrets Book 1)

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A Nurse for the Wolfman (Chimera Secrets Book 1) Page 13

by Eve Langlais

  But it just went to show that the clinic was doing good, no matter what Luke thought. And today, he’d finally see the doctors only wanted him to get better.

  Shoes on his feet, thick sweater for him and her, eventually she deemed him ready and off they went, two guards leading the way, another on each side, and two behind. She tried to pretend they weren’t boxed in and hoped Luke didn’t notice the guards had their hands on their holsters.

  During their trek, Luke remained placid. Behaved. Anyone spying would assume him the perfect patient, but she knew him now from the shared dreams. Knew that he longed for nothing more than to escape.

  She had to wonder if he’d try this first excursion outside. And if he did, would she let him?

  Would she let him flee without her?

  During their dreamtime together, he’d mentioned his plan as they lay entwined in each other’s arms.

  “I’m going to escape one day.”

  “To go where?”

  “Anywhere the doors have no locks and there’s a window I can look out of.” He then rolled her atop him, so their gazes aligned. “I want you to come with me.”

  “Run away with you?” The very fact he asked filled her with warmth. Then reality poured cold water on it. “But my job. My life.” If she ran, she couldn’t return to it.

  “You’ll get a new job.”

  “I guess I could. A nurse can work anywhere.”

  “Do you need to prove you’re certified?”

  “Of course, otherwise anyone could claim they were capable.”

  He shook his head. “Sorry, Flo. But if we run, you’ll have to change your name. We can’t have them tracking us down.”

  “But nursing is all I know.” It was also something she’d worked hard for. “Why do you have to run? Surely the doctors see how well you’re doing. I’m sure they’ll release you soon.”

  “I told you, Flo, they’ll never let me go.”

  He truly believed it, and at times, she did, too. Because, despite those patients who’d woken, she’d yet to hear of any leaving.

  Could be she just wasn’t privy to their departure given she didn’t care for them.

  Or maybe he’s right and they never leave. Maybe there is something weird afoot.

  Luke’s paranoia proved contagious.

  As they exited the elevator to the main level, the tension in the guards ratcheted up a level. Their bodies betrayed their tenseness as they moved through the doors to the antechamber.

  Luke couldn’t hide his excitement. When the door opened, he squinted at the bright, streaming sunlight. Then stepped out into it, hands extended, face upturned, basking in the rays.

  The sadness hit her suddenly as she understood, in that moment, he truly was a prisoner. No matter the intentions of the doctor, there was no reason to hold him here. No possible excuse for not letting this man be outside.

  As they stepped away from the door, he breathed deep. “I’d forgotten what real air smelled like.”

  She had to swallow the knot of tears. “I hope you don’t mind the feel of real grass since I didn’t bring a blanket,” she remarked as they walked away from the concrete ringing the building to the grassy area by the lake.

  “I love the feel of grass on bare skin.”

  There was nothing overtly sexual about the words, and yet, she knew what he said. He reminded her of their dreamtime. When he would lie on his back and she rode him.

  “Keep your clothes on,” grumbled Jett.

  “Don’t worry, dude, I won’t show you how inadequate you are,” smirked Luke.

  Margaret rolled her eyes. Men. Always comparing penis size. Inwardly she smiled at the fact he jested. Much better than fighting or trading truly vicious barbs.

  The soldiers spread out into a wide circle as she found them a spot by the water, the scrubby grass ending at the large rocky edge. She sat down, plopping the packed lunch beside her.

  “Lake is gorgeous,” he said, standing and staring at it.

  “Cold too, so no swimming.”

  “It’s not the cold you need to worry about,” he muttered. “Did you know this lake is several hundred feet deep?”

  “Aren’t they all?” she replied as she unpacked the food.

  “The sides to this lake are almost sheer instead of sloping like most. Most likely an underground cavern collapsed, hence the sharp drop-off.”

  “Here’s to hoping nothing more collapses given the clinic is built not far from it, using more of the underground cave system.”

  “Convenient given it keeps it from prying eyes.”

  She wondered at his brazen words, until she realized none of the soldiers reacted.

  “Relax, Flo. They can’t hear us. Which means I can say things like I wish I could peel those clothes off you and kiss every inch of your body.”


  “I’d let you keep the hat on.”

  She shook her head at his temerity, her cheeks heating. Another glance at the soldiers showed all but one looking outward. Jett, however, stared at Luke. Who, being a shit disturber, blew him a kiss.

  “Don’t antagonize them,” she hissed.

  “Just having some fun, Flo. Chill.”

  “I’d rather this day not end in your butt getting darted.”

  “You and me both, but I think we’re good.” In between bites of food, he spoke in a low murmur. “Chimera’s up to something.”

  “Have you spoken to him?”

  He shook his head. “There has to be a reason he’s letting me outside.”

  “Recognition of your good behavior?”

  He snorted before taking a bite of his thick sandwich. He kept an eye on the soldiers nearby, close enough to act, but far enough to not hear his murmurs. “He wants me to escape.”

  “How do you figure that? Six armed guards. I’d say it’s the opposite.”

  “I can handle six.”

  “But you’re not going to. You just got your outdoor privilege. Which I take as a good sign. Maybe he’s getting close to letting you go.”

  “Don’t be gullible, Flo. He’s playing us.”

  “Or you’re being paranoid again.”

  Luke sighed. “I wish you’d believe me, Flo.”

  “I believe that you believe what you think.”

  “In other words, you think I’m nuts.”

  She chose her words carefully. “No, I think you’re a man who doesn’t easily trust.”

  “I trust you.”

  “Then listen to me when I say patience. Today you’re outside for an hour. Maybe next week, you’ll be able to move around without a posse.”

  “The minute those guards take their eyes off me, I’m gone.”

  “Gone where?” She didn’t gesture to the mountains, knowing they were watched, but she did say, “There are no roads out of here and you can’t exactly hijack a helicopter.”

  “I don’t need a road. I’ve got two legs and a keen sense of survival.”

  “Please, don’t do anything rash. Not yet. Give it a little more time.”

  He glanced away from her. “I can’t promise you that, Flo.”

  He didn’t say much after that, lying on his back, sunbathing in the late fall sun. She knew he was a little angry at her for not encouraging him. But really, how could he expect her to condone such a crazy idea?

  These mountains were considered impassable for a reason. Not to mention, there were wild animals in them. There was no point getting into a heated argument about it now. Not with guards watching. She’d try and work on him tonight when they dreamed. Perhaps use her feminine wiles to sway him. The very thought caused another blush.

  She leaned over, lying on the smooth rock edging the lake. It felt nice to be outdoors again and, even better, not panicked. It helped she not only had Luke beside her but six armed guards. Nothing could get her. She was safe.

  The clarity of the water beckoned. She trailed her fingers in the water, causing a ripple effect that made it seem like a shadow moved un
der the surface.

  A shadow that grew…closer?

  She leaned down to look, her fingers still in the cold water.

  Was that a curious fish? The strange shape neared the surface.

  Before she could remove her hand, something grabbed hold of it and wrenched her in!

  Chapter Fifteen

  Flo uttered only a tiny squeak before she was yanked under.

  And he meant yanked!

  Jumping to his feet, Luke scanned the water while the guards shouted.

  “What the fuck took her?”

  “Get him inside,” barked another.

  “Save her, motherfuckers,” Luke yelled. Why did none of them dive in?

  Because they were afraid. Loaded down with heavy clothing and gear, the water arctic in temperature, and whatever took Flo to contend with.

  Luke didn’t have such constraints or fear. It took only a second to kick off the shoes and dive in.

  The water proved brisk, shockingly so, and his core temperature plummeted.

  But he didn’t care. Through the clear water, he could see Flo struggling, pulling against the tentacle wrapped around her arm.

  He kicked toward her, even as bullets peppered the water.

  Fuckers were shooting at him.

  Luckily the liquid slowed the bullets enough they passed harmlessly by. He kept swimming, kicking hard.

  When he reached Flo, he wrapped his arms around her and added his strength to her struggle. To no avail. The appendage remained tightly wrapped around her arm and her mouth, agape, her eyes wide with fright. Not a bubble emerged.

  She was out of air. She went limp, and Luke knew he had to do something. Releasing her, he grabbed the tentacle, the flesh of it rubbery. Before he could think twice about it, he opened wide and bit down hard.

  The spongy texture reminded Luke of his dislike of raw seafood; however, he had no other choice. Flo needed him. Flo would die if he didn’t save her.

  He kept chomping, ignoring the squirt of fluid, holding on tight despite the wild thrashing. When the tentacle finally loosened its grip, he quickly grabbed Flo and headed for the surface, his own lungs ready to burst, his body cold. Oh, so cold. And Flo. So still. Lifeless.

  Too late.


  He emerged from the water and sucked in a deep lungful of air. The guards shouted, and hands reached for him as he kicked towards the rock. He let them yank Flo from the water, even let them drag him forth.

  He shook them off as soon as he hit firm ground. Ignored their shouted orders. Let them shoot him. He couldn’t stand by and do nothing as Flo lay there, her skin a waxy blue, her chest not moving.

  He grabbed hold of her and turned her on her side, whacking her on the back, emptying her mouth of water.

  Flipping her back, he began mouth-to-mouth, still ignoring the commotion and orders to stop.

  Fuck that.

  He used his own breath to expand her lungs. Used his will to silently chant, Breathe. Open your eyes. Do something. Live. Dammit all, Flo. You can’t die on me now.

  Despite the threats, the guards didn’t shoot, nor did anyone stop him from blowing into her mouth over and over as he applied chest compressions.

  Only when she twitched, then coughed, did he rock back on his heels, his hands deftly rolling her that she might wretch out the lake water. So much fucking water and coughing and more liquid.

  “Jeezus, Flo. Did you have to drink the whole lake?” His shitty attempt at humor.

  He heard someone shout, “She’s breathing.”

  Fuck yeah, she was breathing, because she wasn’t allowed to die. He scooped her into his arms as she weakly said, through teeth that chattered, “What happened?”

  She’d almost died. Because of something in the lake. Something that shouldn’t exist.

  “You went for a swim,” was his reply. Not that she heard. Her eyes fluttered shut, and her head lolled to the side as deep shivers shook her body. The cold had its grip on her. He needed to get her somewhere warm.

  He began striding toward the building, toward his old buddy Adrian coming at a run.

  Chimera stopped a few yards away, held up his hand, and said, “Hand over the girl, Luke.”

  “I need to get her warm.” Could use a blanket. Maybe two. Didn’t they say to combat hypothermia you should get naked and huddle?

  “We can help her, but you need to give her to us.”

  Around him the soldiers held themselves ready. Ready to loose their darts, or would they choose to use bullets? What if they hit Flo? Her body couldn’t handle any more. She needed help and arguing or fighting only delayed it.

  “Save her.” Luke held her out and let the guard with dark skin take Flo from his arms, even as a part of him wanted to howl and fight and never let her go.

  He then went to his knees, hands laced behind his head. He knew the drill. He didn’t fight as they put him back in his cell.

  Not yet.

  However, more than ever he knew they had to escape. And soon, before the next monster killed her.

  Pacing his room, he wanted to rage and pound and demand an update on Flo.

  Did she live?

  Would she be okay?

  He refused to even contemplate her dying. Besides he’d know if she kicked the bucket. He’d feel it.

  They’d better hope she didn’t die because there would be no stemming his rage.

  She was the only thing keeping him sane. The only thing making him want to live.

  About three hours after the ill-fated picnic, he heard the locks on his door being pulled. He whirled, fists clenched, ready for anything.

  Anything but bad news.

  Please, let her be all right.

  The door opened, and just one man filled the space, although he could see the movement and shape of others at his back.

  “Chimera.” He couldn’t help the growl and curl of his lip.

  “Is that any way to greet me? And to think I came to give you news. Unless you’re not curious about the fate of Nurse Henley.”

  His anger at this man wasn’t greater than his need to know. “How is she?”

  “Recovering. A lucky thing you were on hand to rescue her. A few moments more in the water, a little longer without air, and we might not be having such a pleasant conversation.”

  “So she’ll be okay?” The relief eased the knot inside him.

  “As far as we can tell, she’ll not feel any ill side effects, although it will be a few more days before we can say for sure. She was suffering from severe hypothermia, and so we’re having to raise her core temperature slowly so as to not shock her system. At the same time, the deep cold permeating her should have prevented any brain damage from the lack of oxygen.”

  Good news. “I want to see her.”

  “Is that wise?” Chimera asked. “It’s been brought to my attention that you seem unduly attached to the lady.”

  “Isn’t that what you planned?”

  Chimera arched a classically shaped brow. “If I did have plans with Nurse Henley, they wouldn’t be with you. You might be one of my greatest successes, but you’re also far from perfect.”

  “Don’t blow smoke up my ass. We both know you’re dying to see if I can make a monster baby.”

  “You presume to know my mind, and yet you couldn’t be more wrong. You’re not ready yet.”

  “Worried my mutated sperm might do something to her?”

  “There is nothing wrong with you. And for your information, the genetic changes we accomplished are not transferable.”

  “Says you.”

  “If they were, don’t you think we’d have exploited that aspect?” Chimera offered him a cold smile. “Surely you must have realized by now that we’ve already tried.”

  “Funny how the body can be willing even when asleep.”

  The anger burned hot and fierce inside. However, for once, Luke controlled it. “What a surprise, you milked me like a breeding bull. Did you do it yourself, or was Sphincter gett
ing his jollies off doing it?”

  “The extraction isn’t anything so crude. What is interesting is the lack of motility in your swimmers. It would seem our treatments didn’t repair them, as they are quite sluggish and low in number.”

  A man had his pride, even a prisoner. “Maybe you’re not getting a good sample.”

  “And how exactly do you propose we retrieve it? Is this another hint about using Nurse Henley to slake your lust?”

  If only Chimera knew he’d been slaking it every night when he closed his eyes. “You said it yourself, she’s attractive.”

  “She is also an employee of this clinic. We assigned her to you because you showed an interest, and I will admit, under her care you’ve made excellent strides. However, the reality is Nurse Henley isn’t interested in you amorously. And you really shouldn’t be thinking of her in those terms, especially since she is only here for a few more months. At the end of her contract, she will move on.”

  “Whereas I’m a prisoner for life.”

  “Only if you choose to be. Today was a taste of the freedom you can enjoy again.”

  “If I agree to be a good boy.”

  “What are we asking that’s so difficult?” Chimera cocked his head.

  “I don’t want to be a prisoner.”

  “Very well. What if I moved you to a room where the only lock is one you can engage?”

  Luke eyed him, a crease on his brow. “I don’t understand.”

  “You’ve made great strides. You have your emotions, especially your anger, under control.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  Chimera spread his hands. “You’ve yet to try and throttle me.”

  “The temptation is still there.” But Luke wasn’t dumb. The fleeting pleasure of crushing Chimera’s throat wouldn’t get him what he wanted.

  “You might be tempted, but you’re controlling it. Which means I think it’s time for you to perhaps become more involved again in the clinic.”


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