Kiss This

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Kiss This Page 24

by Hadley Quinn

  “Agreed. And up close, Max’s eyes are really…”


  “No,” Camryn scoffed. “I was going to say cold.”

  “Cold? Wow, that’s rude.”

  “Well it’s the truth. He just seems cold compared to Teague. And Teague’s eyes are breathtaking. Max doesn’t have that striking Caribbean tone. His are just blue. They’re pretty and they suit him, but Teague’s are a different level of sexy. I can see why his dad wishes his face was on the big screen, but I’m glad he’s not.”

  “So what did Max say to you yesterday? You didn’t get around to telling me because mom called.”

  Camryn gave her an abbreviated version of the interaction as the cookies went into the oven and they filled another cookie sheet.

  “What if they started fighting over you,” Melanie giggled. “Oh my God, that would be so awesome, Cam.”

  “No it would not be,” she scowled. “I don’t want Teague fighting with his brother. Especially over a stupid girl.”

  “You’re not stupid,” Melanie scoffed.

  “I mean just the concept of it.”

  “Well it’s not like it wouldn’t be anything new. There’s all kinds of stuff written about that family.”

  “Mel, don’t get hooked on tabloids. Those things are ridiculous and full of lies.”

  “But damn, are they interesting,” she grinned big. “I did some Internet research on Teague’s family and there is a mega load of stuff about them.”

  “I’m sure. His life growing up wasn’t exactly private. That’s why he completely avoids his family now.”

  “No, I’ve read some stuff about him recently, like he adopted a few kids and then sent them all back and—”

  “Oh my God!” Camryn laughed loudly. “I sure as hell hope you don’t believe shit like that!”

  “Of course not!” Melanie scoffed. “I’m just saying this stuff is crazy. I also read that he’s been married before, his wife left him and she moved to another country. Another story said that Teague’s dad sent him away to reform school when he was a teenager because Teague threatened to kill him.”

  Camryn frowned. “Well if he was married before, he’d tell me. And it’s true that his dad sent him away, but not to reform school. As for threatening to kill his dad, I almost wanted to do it myself.”

  Melanie’s mouth hung open. “You met his dad, too!? Are you serious? When? Oh my God—”

  “His dad was a jerk, and technically I didn’t exactly ‘meet’ him. He just barged into Teague’s house and got into an argument with him.”

  “Holy crap! When was this? Why don’t you tell me this stuff?”

  Camryn gave her a look that should have clearly answered the question, but Melanie was still waiting for an answer. “Because you get excited over this crap and you shouldn’t. And plus, it’s none of your business. It’s Teague’s personal life.”

  Her phone jingled and Camryn glanced at the text just as she peeked out the window. Teague had arrived. “Don’t you dare mention tabloids or his family, Melanie. I’m not kidding, okay? If you do, I will never share anything with you again—”

  “Fine,” she rolled her eyes, waving her hand to send Camryn to the door. “You know I can keep a secret.”

  That was actually the truth. Both girls had always been that way.

  Teague was eyeing the neighbor two doors down when Camryn appeared on the front step, but he kissed her on his way inside and she lightly swatted his butt. “You look yummy.”

  “Yummy?” he cocked an eyebrow. “Hm, then maybe we should—”

  “My sister’s in the kitchen,” she said quietly as she wrapped him up in a hug. She’d missed him, even if she’d just left his house that very morning. She had to return to Fresno to teach a couple of dance classes for Mimi while Teague went to a therapist for his shoulder. He sometimes needed to after certain stunt work.

  He glanced across the room, and sure enough, Melanie had a huge smile on her face as she watched the two of them.

  “Oh, don’t stop on my account,” Melanie quipped. “Teague, I was dying to hear what kind of naughty remark you had for her.”

  “Hmm,” he replied as Camryn led him into the kitchen with her.

  “If you tell me, I’ll give you a cookie,” Melanie added, holding one up to tease him. “And I’ve got two other trays in the making.”

  Teague eyed the ones that were in the oven, all misshapen and different sizes. He glanced at Camryn and caught her subtle command for him to not say a word.

  “Do you want dinner?” Camryn asked him, removing a dish from the fridge. “I have leftover lasagna.”

  “That sounds awesome,” he agreed.

  Camryn stuck it in the microwave for him, so he sat at the counter. Melanie disappeared to her room for a while, leaving Camryn to finish up the last batch. When he was done eating, Teague helped her clean up the kitchen, and then they sat in front of the TV with a plate of cookies. But when Melanie emerged from the hall, Camryn almost birthed a cow.

  “What the hell are you wearing!” she almost choked on a cookie. “My God, put some damn clothes on!”

  “I am dressed,” Melanie scowled, smoothing down the front of the miniskirt.

  “That is not called clothing,” Camryn admonished her, gaping at the tiny cloth wrapped around her ass and the amount of stomach that was showing.

  “I have a jacket,” Melanie told her, slipping into it. “It’s part of the outfit.”

  Camryn shook her head. “Please change your clothes. I’m not even kidding.”

  “I can wear whatever I want. It’s not like you can ground me.”

  “I would hope that you’d change because you look like trash, Mel. I wouldn’t say anything if I didn’t believe it.”

  Melanie strutted across the room in her stiletto ankle boots. “Well I guess you don’t have to look at me, then.”

  Camryn wanted to scream, and after looking at Teague, she could tell he didn’t want to be in the middle of this either. “Where are you even going?”

  She was hesitant to answer, which Camryn knew was a bad sign. Melanie was an excellent liar, but she hated lying to Camryn. “I’m meeting up with Jordan. And before you spew your opinion, just know that he asked to meet with me.”

  “Oh, so after he made you feel like a lying piece of shit when you told him you’re pregnant with his kid, now he’s ready to play house?”

  Melanie wouldn’t answer.

  “Why do you have to dress like that?” Camryn asked.

  “Because we’re going to Loopsy’s.”

  “Ah, yes, it’s a requirement to dress like a hooker when you go there.”

  “Stop being a bitch.”

  “I have every right to be! Melanie, you don’t have to dress like that to make Jordan want you. If he doesn’t have the common sense to see what he’s got, then he’s an idiot and not worth your time!”

  “He’s the father of my child,” Melanie growled. “And if he wants a chance to work things out with me, then who are you to interfere with that?”

  “Because it’s Jordan we’re talking about! I can’t for one second believe that he actually wants a relationship with you! I bet you anything he’s going to talk you into an abortion, or make some kind of arrangement with you so he doesn’t have to claim the kid as his own!”

  “You are so rude!” Melanie shouted. “Why do you have to be so cynical about everything? You don’t even know Jordan! Maybe he really does want to accept responsibility. Maybe he really does want to be with me!”

  “I doubt it,” Camryn scoffed. “He uses women like toilet paper.”

  “Well, Miss High-and-Mighty, maybe you should just shut up and let me figure this out, okay?”

  “Like you’re really going to take off the rose-colored—”

  “She’s right,” Teague finally said.

  Camryn whipped her attention to him. “Excuse me?”

  His face looked hard, angry even. But with Teague it was diff
icult to tell. In a calm voice he said, “It’s not your business to say what Jordan will or will not do, Camryn. You can’t just dismiss him as the baby’s father just because you don’t like him, or because he fits a particular stereotype. Let her figure it out, okay? At least let her talk to him, see what he has to say, and make a decision from there. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like him, Camryn. It doesn’t change the fact that he’s the baby’s father.”

  The room was silent in an eerie way while no one spoke. Finally Teague added, “Mel, you do look trashy, though. It would be in your best interest to change.”

  She didn’t even hesitate and headed straight for her room.

  Camryn felt ambushed and completely confused. She was only looking after her sister and now her boyfriend has to shit on her intentions? She exhaled and scooped up the dishes from the coffee table, refusing to look Teague in the eye when she headed for the kitchen.


  When Melanie came down the hall in a pair of skinny jeans, a tank top with the jacket, and the same heels, Teague sighed his relief. He feared she’d come out in different clothes but just as trashy.

  She offered him a tiny, apologetic smile as she grabbed her purse and headed out the door. But Teague stepped onto the porch with her and felt inclined to ask, “Do you need me to come with you?”

  She barely shook her head. “No. Lynn and Derek will be there, too. It’s safe.”

  “Okay. Well, call me if you need to, okay?” He held his hand out for her phone, and when she gave it to him, he punched in his phone number. “I only put my initials in there as a contact. I know you wouldn’t but please don’t share my number with anyone.”

  “I won’t. And I’m sorry, Teague,” she said, slipping the phone back in her purse. “Please don’t be mad at Camryn. I understand why she’s like that. I’ve given her tons of reasons to be. Please don’t hold it against her.”

  He barely nodded and she clicked down the sidewalk to her car. Teague took a deep breath before he re-entered the house. He wondered if he should smoke a cigarette before dealing with Camryn. Maybe it would help him relax. But he couldn’t. He hadn’t had a cigarette for five days straight.

  Camryn wasn’t even in the kitchen anymore, and assuming that she was either in the bathroom or hiding out in her room, he took up a spot on the couch and flipped through the channels.

  After thirty minutes, she still hadn’t appeared. Teague got up from the couch and headed down the hall to find her, pausing cautiously at the partially opened door. He gently pushed it open further, spotting Camryn on the bed right away. She was lying on her stomach, her face toward the window. Teague stepped around the bed to talk to her, thinking she was ignoring him, but her makeup-streaked eyes were shut.

  She’d cried herself to sleep.

  He sighed, feeling the weight of his actions pressing on his chest. He knew how much Camryn worried about her sister and he was a piece of shit for making her feel in the wrong. He had his reasons, but he could have gone about it a different way.

  He quietly shut the curtains and glanced at the clock. It was just after eight but hell, if he didn’t feel dog tired as well. His lunch with Kate was a nightmare and once again, his stomach was too tied in knots to even eat.

  He went to the front room to turn everything off and then returned to Camryn’s bedroom. She was probably pissed as fuck with him, and he might even find his ass kicked onto the floor once she realizes he’s there, but he climbed onto the bed with her and fell asleep within a minute.


  Camryn’s brain was buzzing. It wouldn’t stop either, even when she squeezed her head. Then she realized it was her phone under the pillow. She snatched it up, and sure enough, Melanie’s face was smiling at her. The room was dark, the clock read 11:20, and everything from earlier came crashing back to her. Shit, she’d fallen asleep when she should have stayed up to make sure her sister was okay.

  “Mel, what’s wrong?” she answered, rolling towards the bathroom out of habit. She hit something rock hard and grunted. “What the—?”

  “Camryn, I-I can’t drive,” Melanie’s voice blubbered. “I’m too upset. I just- I had to pull over. And I threw up. I’m so tired…”

  Camryn turned on the lamp to see what the hell she’d bumped into, shocked to see Teague stretched out on her bed. He squinted from the light of the lamp, but sat up when he realized something was wrong.

  “Where are you?” Camryn asked Melanie.

  “Uh, I’m at the- the quick mart by the hardware store.”

  That was a vague location, but Camryn was pretty sure she knew where she meant if she’d been coming from Loopsy’s. She used the bathroom as she listened to Melanie give her a very jumbled account of her disappointing night with Jordan. Camryn wasn’t surprised one bit and she told her sister to sit tight, lock the doors, and she’d be there in a few minutes.

  “I’ll drive you,” Teague said when she came out of the bathroom.

  “I’m fine. Go back to sleep.”

  He followed her out of the room anyway and put his shoes on by the couch. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he glanced at it and cursed. “She called me too.”

  Camryn was already heading out the door but Teague wasn’t having it when he said, “If you’re picking her up, I’ll drive. Then you can drive her home without leaving a car there.”

  As much as she hated to budge, she silently agreed by heading straight for his truck. They both climbed in and the first silent minute of the ride was torturous.

  “I shouldn’t have interfered,” Teague finally said quietly. “I’m sorry, Camryn. I just… My opinions are sort of warped over that kind of thing. From being an unwanted kid myself and never feeling like I fit in with my dad’s family…to media, lies, secrets… Parents need to talk and be on the same page. I just feel for kids that are jostled around because of family situations. I know it happens, but…”

  He didn’t finish, but Camryn’s heart broke when he mentioned being an unwanted kid. That was horrible. And she could even empathize because of how her own mother always made her feel. She didn’t know what to expect for Melanie’s baby, but she did know that she would love him or her unconditionally and do what she could to help her sister if she needed it.

  “Turn left at this light,” was her only response.

  Teague followed her instruction, and then the next directive at another intersection.

  “Do you remember what you said to me over the phone when I went to get Melanie in San Diego?” she asked quietly.

  He only shook his head no.

  “You told me to just do my best. Do you remember that?”

  “Yes,” he barely replied.

  “Well I am, Teague. I’m trying. And guess what? Sometimes it sucks because I don’t know what the hell is best for me, let alone anyone else. Melanie is my little sister, and I would do anything for her. Sometimes that consists of tough love that she still doesn’t learn a lesson from, and it makes me mad. But mostly my heart breaks every time she does something I advise her not to, and she ends up screwing herself over anyways. I don’t want to keep picking up the pieces, Teague. I want for her to grow up and be an adult for once. And now she’s pregnant… My God, I don’t even know what these next few years are going to consist of…”

  She took a deep breath and released it. Ranting about the struggles in her life wasn’t going to change anything, but while she was caught up in her impetuous outburst, she figured she’d keep the ball rolling.

  “While you’re already mad at me, can I ask you a question?” she inquired.

  Teague sighed. “I’m not mad at you, Camryn. But yes, you can ask me a question.”

  “It’s awkward,” she mumbled, looking out her window.

  He paused for a moment but she decided not to witness his reaction and continued to stare out the window. “Okay,” he finally said. “Let’s get it over with.”

  “You told me to come to you if I heard something I wasn’t sure about.”

  Silence again, but this time she looked at him. With the streetlights flashing across his face, she could instantly tell that his jaw was tense as he stared ahead at the road. “So what is it that you heard?” he asked.

  “Let me first say that Melanie is intrigued with your family.”

  “Yes, I know,” he slowly nodded. “She’s easy to read. So she’s been reading tabloids or something? You know how I feel about that, Camryn.”

  His voice was soft, and he almost sounded hurt. It was like she’d wounded him just by mentioning such garbage.

  “She read some stuff online.”

  “That’s sometimes even worse,” he glanced over at her. But he sighed and added, “So what’d she read?”

  “What didn’t she read?” Camryn replied with a tiny smile. She was trying to lighten the mood, but she didn’t feel humorous in the least bit.

  Teague didn’t seem amused either. “Ask.”

  “Fine. Have you been married before?”

  He actually slowed his truck as he looked at her. He studied her for a second and answered, “No.”

  “Almost married?”

  “Engaged? No.”

  “What about kids? Do you have kids?”

  He took a deep breath and exhaled as he pulled to a stoplight. “I don’t have kids, Camryn.”

  “Are you mad at me for asking?”

  “No, I’m not mad,” he shook his head. “I’m just bothered that you even have to ask. But I understand that we’re still getting to know each other and because of who my family is, it might be more complicated. Anything else?”

  She thought for a moment, debating another question while she had him in the hot seat. “Did you drop out of school?”

  Glancing at her he said, “I thought I told you that I did.”

  “You did, but you dropped out, right? You didn’t get kicked out?”

  He finally smiled. “Are you talking about stealing my dad’s car?”

  “So that was true?”

  “Did I steal his car? Yes. Did I crash it into the school? No. And for the record, I didn’t crash it at all. Someone plowed into me when I was parked.”


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