An Unhuman Journey

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An Unhuman Journey Page 1

by Candace Blevins

  An Unhuman Journey

  Only Human, Book 2

  Candace Blevins



  Connect with Candace


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Also by Candace Blevins

  The Dragon King

  About the Author

  More From Excessica!

  eXcessica publishing

  An Unhuman Journey © June 2016 by Candace Blevins

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

  This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

  Excessica LLC

  P.O. Box 127

  Alpena, MI 49707

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  Cover design © 2016 Syneca Featherstone

  First Edition June 2016

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  There’s a war brewing between good and evil, and the chess pieces are being set…

  Aaron has gone missing, and Mordecai has taken over Kirsten's training. She's learning by leaps and bounds under the god-of-old’s not-so-gentle tutelage, but with Nathan in charge of Drake Security during The Dragon King’s unplanned absence, everything is upside down.

  The evil Celrau vampires were banned from creating new offspring, but they’ve bargained for permission to do so in the Underworld, where the Concilio has no authority. As part of their army-building, the Celrau vampires kidnap Kirsten and take her to the Underworld with the intention of making her one of them. Alone in another realm, Kirsten must form unexpected alliances to survive a most Unhuman Journey.

  Chapter 1

  I moaned in pleasure as the whip struck my upper back. Mordecai had been doing this long before the English language was first spoken — he knew what he was doing.

  Some Tops spend an hour getting me to the place where pleasure and pain no longer exist, where everything is sensation and you only want more, and more, and more. It felt as if Mordecai got me there in ten minutes or less, every damned time.

  I was bound as if I were on a Saint Andrews Cross, except nothing was physically holding me. I was held up by magic instead of wood and leather, which meant he could walk around to my front and tilt me back as if the cross were at my back, so he could whip my breasts.

  I screamed at the first impact to my front, both wanting it and not.

  After a dozen or more strikes I wanted it, and now I moaned in bliss with each punishing blow to my tender flesh.

  Ten minutes later I whimpered in protest when I heard the whip hit the floor — both because it meant the whipping was coming to an end, and because I knew what came next.

  Aaron had almost always started from the top and worked his way down my body, forcing energy into one chakra at a time before he connected the first and last chakras.

  Mordecai did everything at once, and his strategy was nothing like Aaron’s.

  Strands of energy pulled my arms higher and my legs farther apart, and Mordecai’s magic levitated me until I was a foot over the floor, though I was as stable as if I were still standing on a solid surface.

  He’d lifted me to the right height to fuck me, and I opened my eyes to meet his gaze as he stepped closer. My pulse raced faster and my fight-or-flight response tried to kick in, but I was trapped.

  “I’m afraid.”

  His head dipped in acknowledgement, but not sympathy. “It’s neither good nor bad, it just is. Don’t prejudge it. Embrace the pain and be thankful for the growth it’s giving you.”

  I nodded, and he cupped my cheek in the warmth of his huge hand. I’d like to say his eyes were gentle, but I could see his lust — the anticipation of doling out pain. He preferred I look at him when he hurt me, though he let me close my eyes during the worst of it.

  I groaned as his cock pressed to the outside of my entrance. Everything about Mordecai is larger than life, and besides being metaphysically burned from the energy he was about to force into me, I would also be bruised — inside and out — from his physical power.

  But I was grateful he was gifting me with his attention and energy. In the few short months Mordecai had been working with me, I’d expanded to more than double the capacity I’d gained in the years Aaron had worked with me.

  Of course, it hurt exponentially worse, too.

  I gasped and tried to make myself taller as Mordecai slammed in and bottomed out. High-pitched squeals escaped my throat with each shove, and with each new bruise inside me.

  And yet, I teetered on the edge of an orgasm, and I once again both wanted the pain to stop, and wanted him to do whatever he had to do to pull me over the edge into the screaming bliss I knew he could take me to.

  His hands moved to the top of my head and energy streamed out of his palms into the chakra at the top of my skull at the same moment it shot from his cock. He didn’t stop fucking me as he inundated all of my chakras with energy, and directed everything that came out to stay within my shields until I was so full, every cell in my body burned with the excess.

  With so much sensation flooding every millimeter of my body, there was no way to concentrate on any one piece of information. I was on sensory overload and I only stopped screaming long enough to pull more air into my lungs — and as always with Mordecai, I’m pretty sure my screams only urged him to pour more agony onto what he was already doing.

  Aaron had worried I’d have a heart attack or a stroke, so he’d only done so much at a time. Mordecai assured me he could take me right to the edge of what would kill me, and hold me there as long as necessary to achieve results with every session.

  There’s no safeword with Mordecai, no way for me to stop him, no way to end the relentless torment. I experience the energy both physically and metaphysically,
as if electricity is streaming through me, scouring and cleaning every nerve pathway in my body and every circuit in my brain. I don’t know why I always feel it the most in my nipples and clit. He says he doesn’t focus it there, but it feels as if the energy pools in my most sensitive places when it can’t find anywhere else to travel.

  And the really fucked up part, is when he was almost finished with me, when I was physically and metaphysically battered, bruised, burned, and exhausted — when he finally ordered me to come, my body obeyed and my mind nearly splintered as bliss poured into every cell of my body, raged through my veins and arteries, and pounded in harmony with my pulse.

  Mordecai orgasms without physically ejaculating, but I can always tell when he’s close and I braced for the ending, relieved it was almost over but anticipating the pain of the wild energy he’d force into me during his release.

  He lost his rhythm and ran his hands over my spine, pushing energy into my back chakras with his hands, into my front chakras with his body, and into my root chakra with his cock while his chin rested on top of my head and didn’t allow anything out while he poured more and more in. My screams echoed back to me in the Drake Security interrogation room as the pain literally ripped them from my already raw throat. Mordecai’s bliss took over and he made small grunting sounds as he fucked me harder and faster, without a care for how he bruised me inside with the length of his thick cock.

  And yet my body was still in the throes of ecstasy while I drowned in the river of agony and torment he poured into me with his hands, body, and cock.

  When he at last stopped moving, stopped fucking me, his hands stilled, the energy flowing into me stopped, and he held me a few brief seconds — more to find his own equilibrium than to comfort me, but I still valued the few moments of touch without pain.

  I still don’t know much about Mordecai. Aaron tells me he used to be worshipped as a god, and I have no trouble believing this. I know he’s truly immortal and not just long-lived. Vampires and a few other supernaturals live until someone or something kills them, but Mordecai can’t be killed. As long as at least half of him is in one place, even if it’s ashes, he’ll regenerate. You can keep him from regenerating by keeping the parts of him in different places, but I’m told the parts will eventually find each other again. It might take thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, but it will eventually happen.

  He stepped back, looked me over, and nodded. “Aaron isn’t available today. Nathan will handle your aftercare.”

  He turned and walked away, and my already racing heart kicked up even faster as I said, “No! He can’t see me like this!”

  “He can, and he will. It can’t be avoided.”

  Always before, Mordecai had let my hands down, put a robe on me, and sat me in a chair before leaving. Today, he left me hanging, naked — still held up by magic.

  Nathan walked in as Mordecai left, and I noted the Lion King’s eyes were dark, his expression pissed. I turned my head to the side, rested my cheek on my upper arm, and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and softly told him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t agree to this. He just told me it would be you instead of Aaron.”

  “Aaron will be unavailable for an indeterminate period of time. I volunteered, but warned him you likely wouldn’t agree to it.” He put his arms around me and the magic holding me up dissipated. Nathan was now supporting me because my legs didn’t seem capable.

  I groaned a lengthy, “Fuck,” and Nathan chuckled.

  “Think you’ve had all you can handle of that for the day. Let’s get you clean.”

  He picked me up like a baby, cradled to his chest, and I wasn’t strong enough to fight him or protest. This room has an open shower area in the corner with a drain under the showerhead. He turned the water on just a little cool as he held me under the spray, but kept my face out of the stream.

  “Your clothes are getting wet.” My voice was scratchy from screaming, and I missed the homemade throat lozenges Aaron always gave me.

  “They’ll dry. You’re soaked with sweat. Why do you let him do this to you? I understand sadism and masochism, but Kirsten, this is…” He shook his head. “Even in my world, this is too much.”

  “He gets results. Someday I may need a huge energy capacity to save my life, or the lives of people I love.” My words were slurred, as if I’d been drinking, and I leaned my cheek against his chest and closed my eyes, exhausted.

  Somehow, he managed to clean me with soap and wash my hair while supporting me the entire time.

  Instead of drying me with a towel, he brushed energy all around me, and himself, until we were both completely dry. Even my hair.

  It should’ve hurt, but it didn’t, and I stumbled over my words as I tried to ask why it didn’t. “How did… it’s impossible for extra energy to touch me right now without hurting.”

  “I could heal the damage, but it would undo much of what Mordecai did, so I won’t. My energy isn’t quite the same as his or Aaron’s.”

  He helped me into a robe and I told him, “Thank you. For helping with the shower without making it sexual, and for… well, for being nice.”

  We’d had dinner a while back and come to a little more than a truce. He’d explained he kept his distance from humans because he didn’t deal well with watching us age and die, and so it had been easier to be an asshole to me than to befriend me. However, I’d apparently earned enough of his respect, he was willing to give me his friendship despite the pain he’d feel at watching me die a little every day.

  Yeah, the Lion King definitely has some issues.

  Now, he continued to support me, his arm around me casually so he didn’t make a big deal of it as he said, “I know you don’t want anyone to see you like this, but I don’t want to spend any more time in this room than I have to. Will you trust me to carry you from here to my office without encountering anyone in the hallway?”

  “Yeah, I trust you. Even when I hated being around you, I trusted you.”

  He lifted me in his arms again, made sure my robe was secured around my torso and legs, and I buried my head in his chest as he walked into the hallway. Shifters would know it was me with a simple sniff, but even the humans would immediately know who he was carrying — no other females at Drake Security have my red hair.

  He carried me into a side room twice, and waited for the hallway to empty before he carried me out again. He heard people long before I could, and he was true to his word about getting me to his office with no one seeing us.

  He locked the door as we went in, and sat on the sofa with me still in his lap.

  Several small bottles of orange juice were in a bowl, covered in ice, on the table beside the sofa, and he opened one and handed it to me. “You’re dehydrated, and you need the calories, too. Aaron says you have trouble keeping things down the first couple of hours, but see if you can manage a few sips.”

  I barely managed to do more than wet my mouth and throat before nausea threatened, but even the ounce or so I got down made me feel better, and I thanked him as he accepted the bottle back, put the lid on, and returned it to the bowl of ice before holding me once again.

  “Where’s Aaron?” I asked.

  “He’s wherever crazy old dragons go when they’ve lost their fucking mind.”

  I tensed with worry, and he rubbed my back and said, “He’s fine. I don’t know when we’ll see him again — he’s totally out of communication for an unforeseen amount of time. He isn’t stupid though, so I have no doubt he’ll figure his way out of the mess he’s getting himself into.”

  He sighed and added, “Officially, he’s on a covert operation for Drake Security, and he’s gone dark and is out of contact even in the event of an emergency. He signed the necessary paperwork, so I’m in charge of Drake Security until he returns.”

  “That sounds like a pretty big deal.” God, my voice was still scratchy, and my brain wasn’t operating on all cylinders either.

  “It is. Now be quiet and breathe.
I can’t heal you without undoing Mordecai’s work, but I can help you sleep. Close your eyes and we’ll both fall asleep together.”

  * * *

  I awakened lying on Nathan’s chest, one of his arms resting on my back, the other fiddling with my hair.

  And I felt so much better. It felt as if days had passed, and I hoped we hadn’t been in here that long.

  “What time is it?”

  “You slept two hours. Think you can drink some more orange juice?”

  I nodded, and he sat both of us up.

  I took a long drink from the bottle, all thoughts of nausea now gone. It soothed my throat, it filled my stomach, and it pushed some of the cotton from my brain. I took a breath and downed the rest of the bottle.

  “If it’s been two hours, I have to fill back up with energy.”

  He nodded. “I can give it to you like Aaron did, if you’ll accept it from me.”

  I was still in his lap, still in the robe, and one of his arms was still around me.

  “This is terribly… intimate, for two people who just work together.”

  “This is me taking care of you when you’re injured. I have no doubt you’d take care of me, should I need it. Our work involves saving each other’s lives on occasion — we’re more than just two people who work together and you know it.”

  I gave an uncomfortable laugh. “Well, at least there isn’t any awkward sexual energy. Thanks for that.”

  He gave me an odd look, and I added. “I know you aren’t attracted to humans, or mortals, or whatever. Still, you bathed me when I was naked and didn’t do anything sexual. Thanks.”

  He sighed. “In the interest of full disclosure, I’d like nothing more than to flog you senseless and then fuck you into a mattress. I want to see how my belt looks striking your ass and thighs, I want to watch your face as I give you pain and pleasure at the same time, but I know I fucked up with you by being an ass for so long so I’ll settle for being your friend.”


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