An Unhuman Journey

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An Unhuman Journey Page 8

by Candace Blevins

  I usually have to tell people to leave my clit alone, but he’d only ventured close to it once before retreating, thank goodness.

  I moaned in protest as he withdrew his fingers, and he chuckled yet again as he said, “I’ll take care of you, my horny little human.”

  “Thought you were the one with horns!” I gasped, and then yelped as his cockhead pressed into me and he hadn’t been kidding about it being hot.

  “Fuck! It’s too hot, shit, Sir!” I tried to scoot up the bed but discovered he’d locked my legs to the bed. Panic shot through my veins as he pressed in farther, burning me inside as he stretched me open once again.

  “You’ll take what I give you, tiny human.”

  My heart beat wildly and I fought my invisible bonds in a state of true panic, and he put his hand on my back and said, “Breathe, Chère. I promised you I’d cause no damage. It hurts and burns, yes, but you won’t be burnt. Have I lied to you yet?”

  No, as far as I knew he hadn’t lied to me.

  He was still pressing his hard, thick length into me, and it still burned, but I chose to trust him and try to relax around the pain.

  “Fuck me, but you’ve been trained well.” He hit bottom and kept going, and I lengthened my body to try to make room for him. “Yes, one of the biggest problems with such tiny little humans.” It wasn’t an apology. If anything, he enjoyed knowing he was ramming beyond my capacity.

  He pulled out and thrust back inside until he found a fast rhythm and I couldn’t tell whether my groans were from pain or pleasure. “But that reaction — doing your best to accept me because I order you to, no matter the pain — would make you worth my time even if I weren’t fucking you as part of a deal.”

  His words were like a wet rag on my libido. He was only fucking me to fulfill his bargain with Mordecai?

  Every muscle in my body worked against my invisible bondage a few seconds before I went still and demanded, “Let me up. I’m never going to be a pity fuck.”

  “Whoa, you’re not…” He pressed in and held, and I squirmed as best I could, trying to buck him off because I did not want him inside me anymore.

  “Chère, I’m having fun playing with your body and throwing in a few mindfucks here and there. Looks like that one backfired. If I didn’t want to fuck you, I wouldn’t.” He rubbed my lower back around my sacrum. “Relax for me. I’m going to fuck a few more orgasms from you, and then I’ll devise the right tortures to put you through. I’ll need to figure out if your clit is hypersensitive or unresponsive, but I’m really hoping it’s the former.”

  “Leave my clit the fuck alone.”

  “Supersensitive, then. You see how I’m holding you down now. There’s nothing to stop me from holding you down the other way and running needles through it. I can make sure there’s no infection, and they’ll be tiny needles and will likely heal in hours. But oh, the fun we can have.”

  He’d already admitted to mindfucking me, so I arched my back and milked his cock with my pussy muscles. “Shut up and fuck me properly, Demon Lord.” Maybe he meant to use needles on me, maybe not — I’d deal with it when we got to it, if he was serious.

  He slid out, and when he pressed back in he scraped over the magical spot inside me and my groan was about ten octaves deeper than normal.

  “Such lovely music you’re making, Chère. You aren’t terribly close, if I were to order you to orgasm, would you?”

  “Maybe. I don’t know.”

  His fingers closed around my hips and his cock scraped over my g-spot another dozen times before he went in and held and ordered, “Come for me, Chère.”

  My insides gripped, relaxed, gripped again, and then I pulled oxygen into my lungs as pleasure surged through every nerve in my body and I spasmed around the large, fiery-hot cock filling me.

  His grip on my hips meant I couldn’t move as I wanted to, and he didn’t move inside me as I rode the bliss for several long moments, screaming my pleasure the entire time.

  When at last I could breathe again, he pulled out and said, “Lie on your back, Chère.”

  “Can you give me my sight back, please?”

  “Not just yet.”

  He let my arms loose and I rolled to my back. He levitated me up, moved me over, and gently let me back down.

  I sat up, my heart racing in a whole new way because I was suddenly terrified — I’d forgotten I could levitate. What the fuck.

  “What’s wrong, Chère?”

  I mentally felt for the ground beneath the bed, and reversed polarities until I went into the air. Without my eyesight I couldn’t tell if I was moving laterally or not, so I sank bank onto the mattress and grabbed fistfuls of sheets beside my thighs to anchor myself in the darkness.

  “How is it possible I forgot I could do that? I didn’t even remember when you flew with me, it took you levitating me for the memory to come back!”

  “Close your eyes. I’m going to return your vision and you’ll want to let your pupils adjust.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and nodded, and saw the red of this world through my eyelids as my vision returned. I made a mental note that he didn’t touch me to return it, and likely hadn’t had to do so in order to take it, either.

  “Aquila was in your head once you had his offspring’s blood in you. As the Celrau blood is burned off, any other suggestions he put in your mind will also fade.”

  I looked at his cock, still hard — and glowing, and without thinking I exclaimed, “Holy fuck!”

  He gave a cocky chuckle. “Many would argue with the term holy, but I’m not one of them.”

  “Why does it glow?”

  “Now that it isn’t in you any longer I don’t have to fight to keep it cool. It’s glowing because it’s several hundred degrees.”

  “Was it that big when it was in me?”

  “Yes, Chère.” He sighed, and a loincloth covered him once again — completely smooth, as if he weren’t sporting a huge glowing erection. “Before we get started again I think you need to understand some things.”

  He touched me before breaking the circle around my things. “I won’t touch your belongings unless there’s a reason, but you should drink some water while we talk.”

  I levitated myself to the side of the bed, got a bottle of water, and levitated myself back. Yeah, it used a little of the energy I was supposed to be hoarding, and I wouldn’t do it without reason again, but it’d been necessary in order to reclaim the ability. Sure, I’d done it without my sight, but I needed to do it again.

  He sat on the bed with me and the world around us went quiet. I hadn’t realized how much noise the dozens of fires just outside the dwelling had made until I could no longer hear them.

  “No one can hear our conversation in this circle. I’ll trust you’ll be judicial in who you give this information to, should you choose to share it with anyone in your realm.”

  I nodded, unsure of what to say.

  “In your mythologies, on the good side you have either a God, or a bunch of gods, and then the angels are a step down from the deities. However, you only have demons on the other side. Do you see the problem with this?”

  “It isn’t balanced. Yin and Yang have to be in balance. The ones and zeros in the computer have to be just right or you get BSODs.”

  “What the fuck is a BSOD?”

  I shook my head. “Blue Screen of Death. It’s what the computer does when there’s a fatal error it can’t recover from.”

  “Yeah, fatal error if things aren’t balanced — that part I agree with. Okay, so there are demons on this level, but there are also Lords — the equivalent of a God in Asgard.”

  “And you’re a Lord, equal in power to… can I say his name in the circle?”

  He nodded, his eyes sad. “Mordecai and I were brothers before the split. It’s why we can still talk to each other despite the rift driven between us when we were put on opposite sides.”

  “Put on opposite sides? You didn’t choose sides?”

  He shook his head. “When the world was divided into nine realms, I ended up here and he found himself there.”

  “Time began when the world was split, so you’re both older than time.”

  He smiled. “Very good, Chère.”

  “A third of you were supposedly put here… but if two thirds were there, that wouldn’t give much balance.”

  “A third are in Asgard, a third here, and the rest were scattered amongst the other realms.”

  “Earth is Midgard, right? Did we get any?”

  “No, though each realm has limited access to Midgard.” He shook his head. “Look at the state of things in your realm now — more wars are fought in the names of various gods than for any other reason.”

  “So the gods left us, thinking they were doing more harm than good?”

  He nodded.

  I’d kind of guessed that — it’s the only thing that makes sense, when you consider all the miracles in the Bible, and the fact we don’t have talking bushes burning, or oceans parting, or angels appearing, or any of the other stuff anymore.

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “If you’re involved in the war we all see approaching, I’d like to see if a human might shift some of our realities. If you can see the Lords and Gods as different sides of the same coin, as the ones and zeros you keep prattling on about, maybe you can find a way to resolve the conflict in a new way.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t see how I could. I long ago learned things can be all nice and pretty when looked at philosophically, but the real world doesn’t work that way.”

  “Your long ago is what... five or ten years? Maybe fifteen, tops?”

  I laughed. “Yeah. A drop in the ocean to someone older than time.”

  “And yet, comprehending the ways theory and reality don’t always work the same is important, and something most people much older than you haven’t grasped. Sometimes it’s because the theory isn’t exactly right, but even when it is, reality has a way of teaching its own lessons.” He sighed. “There’s something else, and believe it or not, it didn’t occur to me until I saw you levitate.”

  I felt sad for him as he shook his head — he seemed genuinely unhappy. “It may not mean anything, but sometimes these things have unexpected consequences.” He took a breath and gave an almost apologetic smile. “You’re the first human, the first being, actually, to have sex with both my brother and I since the world was divided. We’re the only siblings who were split between the realms, so no other being has bridged siblings of our power — opposing powers — before.”

  I laughed. “So I’m going to be… what? Some kind of prophesied harlot?”

  “No, Chère. I don’t know what it means, if anything, but it won’t be a judgement type thing. Of that I’m sure.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  “The only times sex is seen as a bad thing — outside of Midgard, anyway — is when it’s used as a power play. You aren’t playing brothers against each other or trying to fuck your way to a seat of power. You enjoy sex and sensation for the pleasure of it.” He lifted my hand and kissed the back of it, almost affectionately. “If it means anything at all, it won’t be because of the sex so much as the connection. We’ve been trying to find a way to bridge all of us back together for eons.”

  I didn’t want to be that bridge. I wanted to go home and be a mom and a therapist. Since I’d first learned of a coming war between good and evil, I’d assumed I’d be part of it. I’d looked forward to fighting on the side of good and pushing evil back, but now — a realm away from my daughter and dependent on a Demon Lord to return me home — I wanted nothing more than to go home and never leave my house again. I’d homeschool Lauren and make sure we both stayed safe.

  As soon as I had the thought, I knew I couldn’t keep her home, just as I knew I’d have to go to work. However, I was still serious about withdrawing from the supernatural world, and all of the politics entailed. I’m a mom and I can’t just be abducted to other realms willy-nilly. Priority one if I got home — when I got home — would be the best way to extricate myself from this fight so no one wanted me on their side anymore.

  But first, I had to get home, which meant staying on top of my game. I sighed and asked, “Is Mordecai going to be pissed you just basically confirmed he’s one of the gods of old?”

  He grinned. “Perhaps, but he’ll get over it.”

  “His cock doesn’t get hot and glow.”

  “No, we were given physical bodies that worked with the world we were placed in.”

  “How much more do we need to do before I can go home? Are we halfway there?”

  His head tilted like an insect again, but he quickly corrected it before telling me, “About a third, I think.”

  Not too bad. We’d need to do that much two more times. I’d prefer we were half, but I could live with a third. “Once I go back, is there a way for us to talk to each other?”

  “There is. I can make a device and send it home with you, if you’d like.”

  “Once you’ve fulfilled whatever bargain you struck with Mordecai, I’ll have to be careful not to owe you, right? I’ll have to be watchful with my words so I don’t accidentally make a deal with you?”

  He grinned. “Of course, Chère.”

  “I kind of like being able to trust you. I’ll miss this side of you.”

  “Sometimes I miss this side of me, too.” His voice was flippant, and yet I had a feeling he spoke a truth so deep, he could only joke about it if he voiced it at all.

  “This place, it makes you... I don’t know how to describe it. It makes you lose your empathy, doesn’t it?”

  He nodded. “Amongst other things, but I’m not sure it’s a subject we need to spend time on. Right now, I want you to finish the bottle of water and then I think perhaps I’d like to whip you.”

  I remember the beginning of the whipping, and the fact he only gave me a few moments of a warm-up before he laid into me, but the rest of our time together is mostly a blur. He alternated whipping, spanking, and fucking me until I was out of my mind with pain, pleasure, and sensation. Can one have earthshattering orgasms when one isn’t on Earth? Hellshattering orgasms doesn’t sound quite right, but it felt as if he took me apart and put me back together again, and when he finished, he was tender, and he held me and cared for me in gentle ways one wouldn’t expect from a Demon Lord.

  Chapter 10

  Nathan was on the same boulder when Xaephan once again took me to the outer edge of the realm.

  “I won’t escort you all the way to him this time, since we know you can levitate now.

  I hugged him, emotional at leaving him in spite of my relief at finally being able to go home. “Thanks for everything.”

  “I enjoyed it, Chère. I’d keep you if I could, but I’ve already agreed to send you home.” He touched my chin. “Fair warning, though. If you end up back here again…” He shook his head and kissed my forehead. “Go, before I change my mind.”

  I felt a slight change in air pressure, and a split second later the Prince of Hell was standing beside Xaephan.

  He gave me what others may have seen as a stern look, but I could see his eyes dancing with mischief so I said, “I’m leaving, sweet cheeks. Thanks for giving me a little time.”

  He nodded. “I’ll see you again. Run to your kitty cat, for now.”

  “You know the future?”

  He looked at Xaephan, then back to me with a shake of his head. “Not in this case, but you’re too unique for me to not run into again. Whether we’re on the same side, or battling each other? Only time will tell. However, unless you’re Xaephan’s property or a prisoner of the Celrau, you can’t stay here.”

  I smirked as the thought of when hell freezes over went through my head, but I merely nodded to them and turned away as I lifted into the air and pushed myself towards Nathan.

  “Chère.” I turned back to Xaephan and saw concern in his eyes. “My bargain is complete when you make it t
o the Amakhosi. The ground between here and there isn’t always stable — there are some solid places, but you have to know where they are in order to use them. Stay in the air.”

  I was several football fields away from Nathan and something didn’t feel right, but there was nothing to do but traverse the final distance so I could get the hell out of here. Literally.

  Every one of my nerves were screaming something was wrong as I pushed forward through the sulfurous air, but it seemed my best course of action despite the fact I knew something wasn’t right. I was hungry, thirsty, and exhausted, but supposedly only minutes away from returning to Earth and hopefully eating and drinking my fill. However, I wasn’t surprised when there was movement below my feet, and a huge net came from above and behind me and tried to pin me to the ground.

  I quickly created the turtle-shell-of-light Mordecai had been working with me to learn to create, and the net gave way behind me as I burned through it. I went backwards a dozen or so feet from the effort of fighting it before it disintegrated, and then I pushed myself higher. I saw movement around Nathan and realized he was singlehandedly fighting another several dozen people. I pressed forward faster as his roar seemed to echo throughout Hell.

  They’d pissed the Lion King off.

  Xaephan’s words came back to me — when I reached Nathan he was no longer responsible for protecting me. I turned to him and yelled, “If he’s fighting for his life when I reach him, you haven’t safely handed me over to him.”

  He spoke in a normal voice, and yet I heard him as if he were right beside me. “Then you should’ve argued that point when I gave the parameter. You agreed to it at the time so it’s now a binding agreement.”

  I could levitate back to Xaephan and be safe, but that would leave Nathan to fight on his own — and that wasn’t going to happen.

  I turned away from the Demon Lords as I spoke in a normal voice. “I enjoyed my time with you, Lord Xaephan. Thank you for taking care of me as long as you did. Peace be with you.”


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