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by K'Anne Meinel

  “Oh, I liked quite a few of them, I certainly don’t remember all the titles but I actually followed more of your career last year after you came out. I read your book ‘Inspired.’ That was really brave of you and I sympathized.” Karin went on to tell her of the music she had enjoyed and why. She was well informed for someone from the literary community and spoke knowingly about Cassie’s first love, music.

  Cassie was really flattered that someone of Karin Myers stature had read her book much less that she knew her music. She did know her music too and this was a surprise, she was well informed and very astute. It made her feel warm for some reason. She too had experienced a sensation when their eyes met and she was surprised that someone like this was as knowledgeable as she was. She found her interesting and fascinating and could have spoken to her all night.

  “Well, this is all very interesting but I promised a few people I’d introduce Karin to them if I got her here and I see Cedric McCormick over there. It was nice to see you” Elliott nodded to the others effectively taking their leave.

  The other’s murmured polite good-bye’s but Karin held out her hand to Cassie and said “I’ve enjoyed meeting you, I hope we run into each other again sometime” she smiled a genuine smile this time as she looked deeply into Cassie’s eyes.

  Cassie returned the smile as she nodded and shook Karin’s hand. She was pleased when Karin gave it an extra squeeze or she thought she did with a glimmer in her eye as she left.

  “An amazing woman” Michael commented. “She’s handled the career of many people and done incredibly well even with some real duds, she’s cold though, very cold.”

  “I didn’t think so” Cassie said quietly as she watched the brunette across the room.

  “I’ve heard people say that she’s one of the coolest women they have ever met but then I don’t think they met her in a social setting” Michael answered and then changed the subject. Cassie watched her as she was paraded and introduced to several other people in the room. She found her watching Karin throughout the evening as she herself did the same with Michael and Travis. She was pleased to see Karin look up and look for her several times as she quickly looked away. For some reason she found herself blushing at the thought of someone like Karin looking at her and yet she couldn’t help herself from looking back.

  “Hello, what would you like me to write” Nina Lall asked the next person in line giving her one of the smiles she reserved for her public, Karin had taught her well. She was sitting at the table the manager had set up for her in Barnes and Noble as she waited for her public. Karin had made sure there was a good showing with all her handiwork in advance, the line stretched the length of the store.

  “Oh, my name is Janet Hoskins, I don’t know whatever you want to write” Janet enthused thrilled with meeting the author of all her favorite novels.

  Karin grinned; this was so typical of her client’s fans. As Janet went on about the stories she had liked best, Karin opened the book and using her Sharpie Nina wrote ‘Dear Janet, thank you for being a fan, best regards, Nina Lall’ It was simple and most times, depending on the fan, she just wrote her name. People didn’t realize how exhausting it was to write for hours at a time, hear all the same stories, and deal with the public, over and over. Many times it was the same but it was all part of the fame thing and Karin knew it was the way to keep them coming back besides writing an excellent story. Janet thanked her gushing and Nina looked to the next fan, she tried to make each of them feel special and as though they had made an impression on her. She didn’t want any of them to feel cheated or neglected or that they were the thousandth person that she had heard with the same story or that she had done this way too many times. Her next fan though surprised her as she looked up into a pair of very pretty gray eyes that weren’t even looking at her much less the book she held in her hands. She recognized her instantly.

  “Hello Karin, I’ve come to buy ‘Ominous’” Cassie Summers smiled into her face as she looked over at her standing behind her client.

  Karin was enchanted. It wasn’t often she was surprised and this time, delightfully so. Nell looked from the fan to her promoter; she knew the attraction was there, she too had been at the party last night. She grinned a real grin this time as she asked “and what would you like me to write?”

  Cassie shrugged. To a degree she was in this whole fame thing too although on a different level. “Why don’t you surprise me?” she challenged.

  Nina thought for a second as she opened the cover and wrote “Nina Lall” on the first page. That was all as she handed the book back to Cassie. Cassie stepped away from the table after thanking Nina to make room for the next fan.

  Karin stepped away from behind the table “Are you busy later?” she asked boldly.

  The question surprised Cassie. It secretly delighted her too. She hadn’t been sure when she decided to come to this book signing but she was grateful no one recognized her as this was Nina’s moment and not hers. Her hair pulled back in a ponytail and hanging out of her baseball cap as well as the large black sunglasses helped disguise her. She had pulled them off as she handed Nina the book. “No, what did you have in mind?” she asked curious.

  “I’m outta here in 45 minutes if you’d care to wait? Maybe...dinner?” Karin asked. Her heart was beating its way out of her chest and if she wasn’t careful she was going to have it in her throat too in a moment and be unable to talk.

  “I’ll wait” Cassie said as she returned the glasses to her face and clutched her autographed book. She walked away from the signing table but looked back to see Karin watching her walk away. She smiled to herself as she began to look at other books.

  Karin turned to her client and smiling she asked “doing okay?” as she went back to making sure that all her needs were met.

  “There’s a fan that’s been watching Nina for a while, do you want me to have security escort her out?” The manager asked as Karin gathered their things. The book signing had gone half an hour over but Nina had cheerfully signed everyone’s books and she knew the fans had appreciated it. She had tried not to act hurried or in a rush and the fans had all been accommodated. Karin knew how to keep her client’s happy and going towards their own goal. She explained early on in their relationship that she was there to promote them, their books, and their careers. They needed to trust her and listen to her advice; rarely did she lose a client over her advice.

  Karin looked over to where the manager indicated with a nod of her head towards her client’s potential stalker and nearly laughed. She was pleased that Cassie had waited and she did indeed look like one of the fans with the hair pulled through the back of her cap. Her casual clothes made her look like thousands of other people who lived in LA, no one would have guessed she was a recording artist and had as many if not tons more fans than Karin could ever hope to. “No, that’s okay, she’s waiting for me.” Karin smiled at the manager and thanked her for the nice afternoon and her cooperation.

  “Oh no, we thank you, it was an excellent turn out for Ominous. I hope tomorrow is just as good over at the other store” she enthused with the subtle reminder to Karin of tomorrow’s obligations.

  Karin nodded, shook her hand, and checked that Nina was set and ready to go on her own as she casually walked over to Cassie.

  “Hi, I’m sorry you had to wait so long” she apologized.

  “No, that’s okay; it was interesting watching you handle your client’s fans. It’s so personal. I’m lucky to even sign my name but she actually gets to talk to them” she enthused admiredly.

  Karin grinned “wanna get out of here?”

  “Where did you have in mind?” Cassie asked.

  Karin didn’t even hesitate “I would like to go to Carl’s Jr. if you don’t mind. I’m craving a Western Bacon Cheeseburger.”

  Cassie blinked in delighted surprise. She had worried that Karin would want to go somewhere fancy that she wasn’t exactly dressed for in her jeans attire. Karin of course was dressed up for
the signing in a business suit but to hear she wanted to go to a fast food restaurant relieved Cassie immensely. Casual was good. She smiled and said “that sounds great, let’s go.”

  Karin linked her arm as they strolled out of the Barnes and Noble bookstore and onto the street. Looking up and down the avenue Karin asked “any idea where one is?”

  Cassie laughed “I have no idea; I usually catch a taxi or have someone drive me places in this town.”

  Karin joined her laughter. “Hang on, I’ll ask” before letting go of Cassie’s arm and popping her head into the store again she asked the manager who had followed them to the door “Where’s the nearest Carl’s Jr.?” The manager looked at her oddly but smiling told her. Karin thanked her and turned to Cassie. “Care to walk a couple of blocks?”

  Cassie laughed again, just happy to be with her “no, I don’t mind. It would probably be good for us to work up an appetite” and then blushed at the double innuendo she had unintentionally uttered.

  Karin pretended to take it at face value as she put her arm through Cassie’s again and began walking down the sidewalk. “So what are you going to have?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. I don’t know if I have ever eaten at a Carl’s Jr.”

  “You have never eaten at a Carl’s Jr.?” Karin pretended to be aghast.

  Cassie laughed and shook her head. Karin was being silly and Cassie was enjoying it. Not many people dared to just be silly around her unless they knew her well. It also showed that Karin wasn’t the cold woman that her reputation said she was.

  “Oh my dear, you are in for a culinary delight” and Karin went on to compare the food from this fast food restaurant to that of Burger King’s, McDonalds, and Wendy’s. She went on for a while as though comparing the finest restaurants in the world and they were both laughing uproariously as they made their way the couple of blocks to the restaurant.

  Cassie had a great time at dinner over hamburgers, criss cut fries, and a soda. They didn’t talk about anything serious and it set the tone for their evening. Karin ordered a taxi after dinner and had it take them to the Santa Monica Pier where they walked around to see the carnival delights. Cassie convinced Karin to go on some of the rides and then tried to win her a prize at some of the carnival games. She didn’t succeed but they had a good laugh over it. Then Karin surprised her by shooting basketball and winning her a blow up guitar. She looked really hot in a suit shooting the ball into the hoop three consecutive times in a row making it look easy with the flex of her wrists and her finger tips on the ball.

  “How in the world did you do that?” Cassie asked in amazement.

  “Now you have to dedicate your next song to me as you create it on this guitar” Karin told her solemnly as she handed it to her.

  Cassie grinned; she was having a delightful time with her new found friend. She hadn’t been silly like this in a long time and was having so much fun. “I’ll do it!” she promised.

  Cassie took Karin back to her own hotel in a taxi and walked her upstairs. “I’ve really had a wonderful time” she told her with a smile as she held her silly blow up guitar under her arm.

  Karin returned the smile and Cassie found herself slightly breathless for a moment. “I had a great time too, I hope to see more of you” she said quietly, for the first time that evening serious and not joking.

  They both wondered if they should end the evening with a kiss but Karin gave her a hug and unlocked her door she gave Cassie one last look as she smiled and closed the door behind her. Cassie wondered how she would get a hold of Karin again as she reached into her purse to grab her phone she saw a card had been shoved inside. Pulling it out she found it had Karin’s business numbers and business address in New York listed and a handwritten cell number on the back. Smiling she felt the raised print thoughtfully before she shoved the card deep in her pants pocket so as not to lose it. When had she snuck that in?

  Karin had realized early in the evening how attracted she was to Cassie Summers. It wasn’t just physical although she was a beautiful woman, as she got to know her it was mental, she was intelligent, fun, and Karin enjoyed talking with her all evening. They both had demanding careers though and while she was certain Cassie was attracted to her as well she wasn’t sure where this relationship could possibly go. She was hopeful though as she really enjoyed their silly evening together. It was so spontaneous; she enjoyed surprising Cassie as they impulsively did things all evening. The look on Cassie’s face as she lost time and again trying to win something at the carnival and then Karin shooting hoops to win her that blow up guitar, it was priceless and very memorable for both of them. Karin had wanted to kiss her desperately many times throughout the evening but had held off since they didn’t know each other very well yet. As they rode up in the elevator she had wondered if there would be a good night kiss at her door she had discretely put her card in Cassie’s purse, she figured if they did see each other again it would be up to Cassie as Karin didn’t have her number and didn’t want to be pushy.

  “Hello?” a very groggy voice answered the phone and Cassie wasn’t certain is was Karin who had answered.

  “Karin? Do I have the right number?” Cassie asked looking down at what she had punched in her phone and checking it against the card.

  “Yes?” Karin didn’t bother opening her eyes. She had stayed up half the night thinking about Cassie Summers, researching her on her laptop, and dreaming about her until she fell asleep in the wee hours of the morning, with the time difference of different coasts, she was exhausted. Now she was hearing things or at least a voice that sounded like one Cassie Summers, her mind was playing tricks on her she was convinced. She tried to read the display, Tennessee?

  “Karin? It’s Cassie....Cassie Summers?” saying it as though Karin wouldn’t know who she was.

  Karin forced herself to wake up as she sat up in her bed. She strained to read the digital clock on the television across the room but her eyes wouldn’t focus enough for that and she rubbed her right one with her fist. “Cassie? Well, Good Morning!” she enthused trying to sound more awake than she felt.

  “Is it too early to call?” Cassie sounded worried.

  Karin shook her head and answered “No, not at all. I just....didn’t get much sleep” she finished lamely.

  “Why? Did something happen?” she wondered if a client had needed her.

  “No, I just couldn’t sleep” Karin frowned into the phone as she began to focus and could read the digital clock 8:04. She had to assume it was a.m. She should have set her alarm. She had two hours to be ready and at the bookstore for her client.

  Cassie had trouble sleeping last night too but she was a night owl after years of playing bars and honky-tonks and it didn’t affect her as much. She could sleep for only two hours and feel refreshed and ready to go. It was a good thing too as last night she had been lucky to get three. She had spent most of the night kicking herself for not kissing Karin when she had the chance and then thinking about all she knew about her. She had Googled her and while there was a lot on the PR firm she worked for there was nothing really personal about her. Most of the stories about her segued into the famous client’s she had over the years, the public relations she had done for them, even a couple of times she had done some management. Her behind the scenes talents were well known which was why Cassie had heard of her before she had met her. “I was hoping you and I could meet for breakfast or at least coffee?” she hesitated not sure if she was overstepping some imaginary line or if she had imagined the mutual interest, maybe Karin had just been nice to her last night because she was famous.

  Karin smiled into the phone, interest, definite interest. “Yes, that would be great. There is a Starbucks at the Barnes and Noble we will be at this morning. I have to be there by 10. Would you like to meet me there at 9?”

  Cassie agreed and Karin gave her the address of where the store was located before ringing off and diving into the shower. She gave herself only half an hour to be washed, ma
de up, and dressed but she left her hotel room looking impeccable and not at all like she had hurried.

  She was sitting in Starbucks reading the L.A. Times when she felt Cassie walk in. Using her sunglasses to her advantage she pretended to be reading when in all actuality she watched the woman walk across the magazine section to the little coffee area set aside for the bookstores readers. She didn’t realize she had a slight grin on her lips as she put the paper down to acknowledge Cassie as she rose from her seat.

  “Why hello!” she smiled, a genuine one.

  Cassie admired the tan suit she was wearing. Everything matched beautifully from the suit jacket, matching slacks, to the satin blouse and low heeled shoes. Her own jeans and blouse made her feel a little dowdy next to the attractive brunette. “Am I late?” she breathed suddenly feeling as though she had run.

  Karin shook her head amused; she had been waiting all of three minutes maybe before she spotted the blonde. “No, not at all, I just got here. Would you care to order?” her hand indicated the glass display and chalkboard.

  Cassie walked up to the counter and asked for a ‘mocha latte and a blueberry muffin’ while Karin ordered a ‘strawberry shake and blueberry muffin’ and then proceeded to lay down a $20.

  “Wait, I’ll pay, I invited you to breakfast and coffee!” Cassie protested.

  Karin shrugged and said “it’s okay, I’ve got it already.”

  “You paid for dinner last night.”

  “And you paid for the rides” she countered.

  They stood there amused trying to stare each other down but the cashier had already scooped up the $20 and put the change and receipt on the counter as they argued. They laughed and shrugged it off as each grabbed her tray and headed for the table Karin had vacated.

  “Do you always pay for everything?” Cassie asked as she sat down.

  Karin shrugged; she was used to covering things. It came out of her expense reports and she had discretely pocketed the change and the receipt. It was part of what she did for a living, it had become natural and she was used to it. She hadn’t battled anyone for a meal in a long time. “I’m sorry, did it offend you?” she sounded concerned as she sat down.


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