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Page 30

by K'Anne Meinel

  “What about sanitary needs?” Cassie looked on wonderingly.

  “Did you ever see the movie ‘Panic Room’ with Jodie Foster?”

  Cassie shook her head and looked around for a shower or toilet she watched as Karin showed her how it flipped down and lined up with a discrete covered hole that allowed drainage. “Well this is a self-contained room like they had in that movie, I can’t believe you never watched it” she teased knowing she was the movie-holic in this relationship. “The room is separate from the rest of the apartment, even the rest of the building actually, the phone line is separate and as I pay for it by the year no one would ever question its existence, they might think it’s for my office.”

  “Does it hook up through your office?” Cassie asked still not getting the whole picture.

  Karin shook her head “no, it has its own separate line, in fact if you didn’t know this room was here you would never know the lines, the batteries that control the power, the separate water supply even existed. It’s a safe room in case of an emergency.”

  “But why would you need something like this?”

  Karin didn’t want to scare her “you never know, New York can be a frightful place and I wanted you to know about it. Come here, I want to get your hand print on file for the computer to recognize it in the event you need to use it.”

  Cassie was overwhelmed; she had never imagined such a thing existed. It was creepy. Karin powered up the computer and pulled out a tray that quickly took a scan of Cassie’s hands, first her right and then her left. Kiddingly Cassie asked “wouldn’t a retina scan be more accurate?” thinking this was all too science fiction for her.

  Karin actually nodded “probably but I don’t want to bring anyone in here to change the technology, the blueprints on this building show nothing of this room and only one of the apartments I own has one as well, I started looking in each of them when I renovated them, I rent out the entire place to someone very important who has need of such a room.”

  Cassie shook her head as Karin explained how the monitors worked and that there were discrete hidden cams around the apartment. She showed her how to fire it all up and where the cameras were.

  “I didn’t want to say anything when I thought the place was bugged. Only someone with incredible depth perception would see that this room, the bathroom, and my office don’t quite line up exactly. It’s how this room is invisible to the average person.”

  “But why baby, what possibly could happen that a room like this would be necessary. I know New York is a dangerous place but come on, a nuclear catastrophe?” Cassie wasn’t buying it but with her down-home country attitude she hadn’t really thought this way.

  “Baby, you never know and although I like the security measures in my building, you never know and I prefer you to know about this and never use it. You can’t mention this to anyone, ever.”

  Cassie agreed and wondered if they would ever use it. D.O.G. and C.A.T both came in to sniff around the unfamiliar room as Karin showed her how to power down the system. It wasn’t that difficult or complicated. “So you can see the whole apartment, outside, even tap into the elevator and the buildings security system from here?” she asked as Karin showed her the gadgets.

  “Well the elevator and buildings system I had to bribe someone, I’ve checked, they never said anything that I can tell but I paid enough for their silence and they don’t know about this room anyway, for all they know I’m just a voyeur” she grinned to show she was joking.

  Cassie shook her head and watched as Karin showed her how to power it down, how to use the toilet, and what supplies were in the boxes which also included ones for the pets. “If all hell breaks loose though baby, just save your own ass” she advised nodding toward the animals which could probably take care of themselves pretty well on their own if an intruder made the mistake of breaking in. There had been that bug on the phone though so someone she knew had planted that. She wondered who had and how long it had been there since she rarely had people up here but with a dog walker, a plant waterer, and maid service you never knew.

  Cassie shivered hoping she never needed this claustrophobic room. “What about breathing?” she asked looking around.

  Karin showed her the filter system that went through a discrete pipe to a wall over the bathroom to the outer wall of the building and was hidden “I’ve checked, there is a brick on the outside of the building that looks like a normal brick but is actually a vent” she informed the amazed Cassie. “It comes in here through the filter before you even breathe it; it also takes out the air from here so you aren’t asphyxiated.”

  Karin had Cassie close up the room after they herded the curious pets out. “Have you ever used it?”

  Karin shook her head “nope, no need but it is here if you ever need it.”

  “Not likely” Cassie said what she was hoping and decided Nashville looked better and better.

  Monday morning Karin walked into her office and asked if Mr. Kreske was in the office yet. It was 9a.m. and Karin was pleasantly surprised to find that he was. She didn’t realize her formal use of the name “Mr. Kreske” instead of Elliott set some antennae’s up. Walking back to his office she indicated to his personal secretary if she could go in and was waved on. Elliott was reading over the morning paper as he sat on his couch, reclined.

  “Well good morning” he said with a smile at his favorite PR expert.

  Karin smiled back as she opened her case and handed him an envelope “Good morning Elliott, I hope you had a nice weekend” she responded pleasantly.

  “I did, we went out to Montauk and had a barbeque. The first of the season, you should really come out this summer” he answered as he took the envelope from her “what is this?” he asked.

  “It’s my formal resignation” she told him and then held her breath a little trying to calm her beating heart.

  “You’re what?” he asked incredulously looking up at her in alarm.

  “My resignation” she said quietly staring him down.

  He opened the envelope and read quickly. It was all very much in order. He looked up at her angrily and asked “and what do you intend to do?”

  She shrugged non-commitally. “I need a long vacation. I’ve worked non-stop for years. Its time I took some time for myself and enjoy what I’ve earned.”

  “We gave you plenty of vacations” he began.

  “Working vacations Elliott, working vacations” she clarified. “I need time for me. I’ve done a lot for you and surely you don’t begrudge me time for me.”

  “You could take a vacation anytime” he began again.

  She smiled “and how long until I received that first phone call that my presence was absolutely necessary for some client somewhere” she shook her head. “This is the only way I can see to make a total break.”

  “Are you starting your own agency” he eyed her speculatively. She had all the skills and contacts.

  Again she shook her head. “I don’t care if I don’t work anymore. I’m set for life, I have enough. I want to enjoy life while I’m still young enough to. By the way, you owe me for vacation time that I never took and I expect to get paid for it.” She tried to joke with him even if she was serious.

  He didn’t believe her. A noted workaholic in his own world he couldn’t understand someone not working for more money. “Has someone made you a better offer?”

  She shook her head. He would never understand. “No Elliott. Even if they had, I don’t think I’d have the autonomy you allow me here. I’m done. I’m finished. I will work out my notice as I’ve outlined in that letter. My teams are excellent, you know that. I plan to take an extended vacation and then I’ll decide what I want to do with the rest of my life.” She honestly believed what she was telling him at that moment and her sincerity came through in her voice.

  Elliott didn’t believe her though. He wanted to, but it was too incredulous to believe. She had always had the company’s best interests at heart though and while other
reps had milked the company for ‘benefits’ she had been scrupulously honest with him, always. Her teams had to account for every expense because ultimately it had been her shoulders that it fell upon. She had trained some of the very best in the industry. He knew her teams would be of immense benefit to him and his company but without her at the helm he wondered if they would be as successful. “What about Cassie Summers?” he knew they had been lovers “what about her contract?”

  She shrugged again. She knew this would be the tricky part. “If you notice in my reports I’ve been letting my team handle most of her appearances and concerts. It’s not really my venue anymore. I felt distancing myself would be for the best” at his inquiring look she added “you knew we were a couple, I felt it was a conflict of interest if I personally handled her.”

  He had to admit that would be correct. Advisors, managers, handlers who got involved with their clients usually mucked it up. She had been wise to ‘distance’ herself. He knew that Cassie had been one of their most profitable ventures though in the short year plus that they had handled her career. “What does she say?”

  She grinned “I think you should ask her since it’s her contract, her career, her life. Mine is involved with her life only, not the rest. We fulfilled the terms of her contract when she won that Grammy. I think you should talk with her yourself.”

  “Why, do you know something?” he asked astutely.

  She grinned shaking her head; she wasn’t stupid enough to offer information even if she did know. “It’s not my business to know, you know that. I did my best to fulfill every iota of her contract for Kreske. We did that and more. Do you know how many clients came in as a result of you landing Cassie Summers?” she used that question to distract him and it worked.

  Elliott mused for a moment. His firm was one of the strongest in the industry thanks to that contract and others that Karin and her teams had handled over the years. The amount of money they had made off of Cassie and the people who had come on board as a result was legendary. He wondered if she would be willing to stay on when Karin left though. He wondered how many others would leave when their terms of contract were up because Karin Myers was no longer there to give her magic touch. “Could you talk her into signing a new contract?”

  She smiled “I’m not her agent anymore, see if someone on the teams could. Actually, maybe you yourself should talk to her.”

  “Why? Would that make a difference?” he asked astutely.

  She shrugged her elegant shoulder “I don’t know if it would or not, we don’t discuss business when we get together. She came to you remember for this original contract, maybe if you talked to her you could get her to sign again.” She left him hope even knowing there was none.

  “I’ve been after you for months to get her to re-sign” he pointed out.

  “And I made a strategic withdrawal a long time ago. My teams will tell you that. They’ve been handling many aspects of Cassie’s career themselves under my direction. I however did not take a personal interest in a lot of it for obvious reasons” she tried to reason with him.

  He sighed. She was right. If you wanted something done right, you did it yourself. He hadn’t risen this high in the PR field not to handle someone of Cassie Summers caliber himself. He was sorry to lose Karin though. “Nothing I can say to change your mind? More money? That VP spot?”

  She shook her head a final time. “It’s time for me to move on Elliott. I’d like it to be a good thing for both of us.”

  He thought of using threats and then thought better of it. He wanted to be fair for some reason although he had been ruthless for years. She had given his company a lot, she had made it millions. He had to give it one more shot though, if only for forms sake “you know I could make you stay” he informed her.

  The look on Karin’s face nearly staggered him it changed so dramatically. The pit-bull in this woman came out at the subtle threat. “No Elliott, you can’t make me do anything anymore” she said quietly. She left it at that, she didn’t explain, she didn’t apologize, plead, or threaten in return. She simply left it at that.

  He believed her. He didn’t know if she had something on him too but he wasn’t willing to take the chance. Karin Myers was a force to be reckoned with in the industry. Her look said it all. You push me, I’ll push you back, twice as hard. He had to let her go. “You’re right Karin, its time. I wish I could convince you to stay.” He stood up and held out his hand for her to shake.

  She shook it gladly. She was so relieved this hadn’t ended ugly as it really could have.

  “They might not like it though” he warned and she immediately understood the veiled warning.

  “They might not like the results” she answered readily.

  “They’ve been known to take chances” he advised fatherly as he sized her up. She was impressive.

  She smiled; it was a smile that made many people back up, Elliott kept himself from taking a step back but only just “if something should happen to me or mine they won’t like the results. I take my information to the grave, but only to the grave” she left after saying that with a look that told him she meant it. It was then that he realized the subtle warning within what she had said.

  Karin spent the next week bringing her various teams up to speed. She informed the team leaders of her decision to retire. That Kreske was in no way responsible for her decision. She made sure they all had what they needed to succeed with the various clients that they handled. Many meetings were attended where she shared her information and expertise with others who would benefit and share her duties after she left. Carol Lemke was brought in to ‘supervise’ her teams until a final decision was made on who would replace Karin. Carol was a good possibility, a little cold but efficient at her job. Karin didn’t particularly like her but then maybe she wouldn’t like anyone who might replace her.

  “Have you spoken to Cassie?” Elliott stuck his head in her office on one of her last days.

  She looked up from the report she was going over with Carol and said “Carol, will you excuse us?” she waited until Carol had left and closed the door before answering Elliott’s question. “Nothing other than personal things, why?” she looked at him inquiringly.

  “She says she won’t be renewing her contract with Kreske. She says she wants to try other avenues” he watched her carefully, like a hawk and its prey.

  Karin kept her features carefully schooled; this was a dangerous game and could get ugly if she wasn’t careful. “Other avenue’s?” she asked.

  “Yes, apparently she is working with her label at setting up an agent who will handle things for her personally. Are you that agent?”

  Her look was genuine in its surprise “no, no one has approached me about that” she could answer honestly. It was a good thing she let that surprise show though; it was what kept Elliott from losing his cool.

  He relaxed only minutely but enough to know she wasn’t stealing a client from him and his firm. It could be a business move on Cassie Summers part after all. Her label could be making suggestions in her best interest. He ran a hand over his face, he was a little tired. After the announced ‘retirement’ of Karin Myers he had worked harder than he had to in years. He hadn’t realized how much she actually did in the course of a day, a week, or a month. He knew of the many offers she had from rival firms, all turned down as far as he knew. He had tried countless times to get her to change her mind, even offering her a limited partnership. She had adamantly refused. Especially after his mouth went off despite his better judgment and he threatened her with their long held secret. Her temper was something to see; even he who had known her for years had never seen such a display. His threat, while tentatively idle, had been met and matched in a way that left him breathless and glad he hadn’t put it into action. Karin had been the consummate professional over the years and the knowledge she took with her about him, his clients, and his firm made him realize her integrity. She hadn’t betrayed him, she had just had enough. “What if s
he wants you to represent her in the future?”

  She smiled relaxing “Elliott, what if she does? It’s entirely plausible that many people will approach me over the years to come. My name is well known in the industry after all. That doesn’t mean I’d take any of them on. I want to tell you something and I would like your promise you will keep it a secret.” She waited for him to nod before continuing “Cassie and I are engaged” he glanced at the ring on her finger; he had seen her wearing it for a while and wondered at its significance. “I would do anything for that woman as she would for me. I’d like to keep it quiet for a while. But right now, I have no intention of representing her or anyone else.”

  Elliott had to admit to himself that she was being more than fair. He acknowledged it even if he didn’t really like it that he was losing his best employee as well as a lucrative contract. “Congratulations” he offered lamely knowing she had beaten him and he hadn’t even realized the game was being played. He could have made it ugly, gone public with his threats but she had handled everything with class, what she had on him could ruin him as well as many other people and he liked making money too much to do that.

  “Well honey, you’re officially retired” Cassie called to congratulate her. She was appearing in Atlanta at a GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, and Trans-sexual) benefit.

  “I wish you could have been here for the party” Karin said as she looked around her apartment at the balloons and presents that she had received. She hadn’t had the party at her apartment, it had been too large for that but the piles had been delivered and she had watched that everything was dumped in her living room. She had used her gadget to check for bugs, she was still feeling a bit paranoid.

  “Can you join me?” Cassie asked hoping to see her. The new promoter her label had hooked up with she didn’t feel comfortable with. She realized she was biased but Cassie was good at her job, loved her, and knew things instinctively. This man and his team didn’t have the velvet gloves that she had always enjoyed and taken for granted under Karin’s tutelage. Despite the ‘teams’ that had worked under Karin she had always felt Karin’s touch somewhere in the chain of command.


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