Home > Other > REPRESENTED > Page 34

by K'Anne Meinel

  “I’ll go call Don!” Cassie said excitedly and got up to go inside.

  Karin smiled and exchanged a caress of the hand with her fiancée as she went inside. There, that was one problem that had taken months to solve. Cassie hadn’t wanted to leave her but Karin knew she needed to get out there. Karin could be left alone now, in the beginning she had needed the nurse and she appreciated Cassie’s help and company. She hadn’t told anyone but she was certain she was still being watched, they were waiting for an opportunity to ‘teach her a lesson’ again. It was why she kept the body guards. She was still frightened they might get to Cassie too.

  It had been a long eighteen hour day. The guys were exhausted as well. Cassie had been recording for weeks with them. Sending them the music and recordings she had made on her computer had been smart as they were all familiar with the new items, had made suggestions, and they had all altered the new songs. They had enough for three albums and while Don had frowned at the expense Cassie had insisted they record them all. She hadn’t told him or Karin but she wanted the other two albums in the can ‘just in case’ anything ever happened to her. She also hadn’t told Karin but she was pretty sure someone was watching her these days. She only felt safe in the apartment. Having a body guard along with her almost all the time was a pain in the ass and she didn’t feel safe going to the store or even catching a cab to anywhere. They had brought the Pathfinder back to the city and she used that occasionally as well.

  “Man, my ass is draggin” Chet said in exhaustion as he slumped on a couch outside the recording studio.

  “So what would be different from normal?” one of the others commented just as quickly to beat someone else from saying it. Several members of the band chuckled knowingly because they had been about to say something similar.

  “Cassie, when are we going to be done?” someone else asked her. They didn’t understand the need to record two dozen new songs that might never see the light of day.

  Cassie shrugged. Don was getting upset at the amount of money Cassie was spending. She hadn’t let Karin know about it but then Karin was busy these days with a lot of swimming therapy as she was out frequently and when Karin managed to come home at a reasonable hour and her excuse was always the same, physical therapy.

  “Why can’t you find anything?” Karin said irately trying to control the anger that was always just below the surface. Her therapist couldn’t explain to her why it was always there, the suggestion that she was still angry at her attackers was too obvious.

  “Look Karin if you want to hire someone else” the guy said in a whiny voice, he was real tired of her constantly harping on the fact that there was no one bragging about beating up Karin Myers, none of the people she would have thought were her enemies, even a few she thought of as friends were talking. Elliott had come and visited her shortly after she got into the hospital in New York and again when she finally went home, he assured her it was none of ‘their’ people. Not the ones that worked for him but rather implying the powers that be. No one they knew was that stupid. The few ‘leaks’ that Karin had engineered in revenge had hit home, they wanted nothing to do with her, no one had ordered an attack on Karin Myers. But someone had attacked her and she couldn’t fathom for the life of her that it could possibly be a random attack or a break in. They had stolen nothing, they had destroyed the inside of the house from the pictures she had obtained through her sources from both the police and the F.B.I. but there were no clues as to their identity.

  “Not that again, just do your god dammed job!” she snarled in exasperation. “I’ve paid you enough for it!”

  “And I’ve gotten you a lot of information” her returned spiritedly and then cringed at the look. He was glad she never got physical or he would probably be black and blue. He had seen the photos of what she looked like after her beating, that was some nasty shit.

  “But not the last of what I need” she reminded him but she knew that was unfair. They couldn’t pull a suspect out of thin air. These many meetings would have to stop, she couldn’t lie to Cassie anymore about how much physical therapy she actually did which was a lot but not nearly enough to lie to her. Fortunately the many songs she was recording kept her out to all hours. They each kept a body guard with them at all times, her own was sitting about ten feet away, far enough that only her raised voice reached him but close enough that he could move should she be attacked as he looked around keeping watch on those people coming and going around her. They were in a wide open area in the park so anyone coming too close was suspect. She sighed “look, I know you are doing your best but it isn’t good enough!”

  “Maybe we should go over them again” he suggested trying to help. He knew whoever had attacked her was going to be dead; he’d had clients before with vengeance in their eye. With her new facial features he was reading Karin’s expression totally wrong.

  Karin wanted revenge but she didn’t want anyone dead, not yet anyway. She was angry but she wanted to see who had brought this about, who had caused her such misery. She had often thought they should have killed her rather than cause such excruciating pain. The months in the hospitals and in rehabilitation had been awful. The operations to repair the damage had caused more pain. “We’ve gone over everyone with a fine tooth comb” she answered exasperated. Looking around she noticed the white car across the park again, the sunlight reflected off a camera or a set of binoculars. “Look out we are being observed again” she said loud enough that her bodyguard looked around too.

  “I’ve got to go” he said as he ducked back into his car.

  Karin watched as the little Honda coupe sprinted away. She hoped that she wasn’t endangering him with putting pressure on him. She glanced at the white car across the park and saw the windows were rolled up now. Flicking her head the bodyguard joined her in the Pathfinder and they headed into traffic.

  “Christ, I don’t think I want to think about music much less sing another note ever again” Cassie said as she sprawled on the couch in the apartment.

  Karin laughed as she washed up from the dinner they had just shared. Her leg dragged slightly irritating her and causing her to punish it by stomping, it didn’t help but it didn’t hurt either. “So when are you going to tour?”

  “Don’s setting that up now” Cassie told her. She sat up to face her “thank you for cleaning up the apartment, you didn’t have to move all that, I would have.”

  Karin shrugged “I had nothing better to do.” She had finally gotten all her things out of the boxes in the bedroom. She had to admit the things in Milwaukee spread out around this apartment made it look a lot more homey and not nearly as cold and sterile. The dog and cat had thoroughly smelled each additional item, a few things had been knocked off tables in their play but they learned to keep it in front of the couch now and didn’t body slam into furniture anymore after Karin yelled at them repeatedly. They had been crushed by her anger and it was an effective way for her to learn to curb her always handy anger.

  “Come with us” Cassie pleaded for the umpteenth time. “We can take the bus again or the jet” she said excitedly. They were having new posters and banners made up; they were all getting excited after their year off from touring and all the new songs.

  “I will but not right away” Karin said tiredly, she was sick of this line of questioning. She didn’t want to leave New York; she wanted whoever was following her and now she was certain someone might be following Cassie too to make a mistake. The F.B.I. wasn’t interested in helping her, the cops were under-staffed and the security company that Karin had hired had been unsuccessful in catching whoever was watching them. They were either really good or really lucky or there were enough of them that they blended into crowds easily. The other thought that Karin was being paranoid wasn’t being considered, there had been enough incidents that she knew they were being watched. She only wondered would they follow Cassie if she went on tour too? Or, as she had planned, could she use herself as bait and get them to come here, to t
he apartment to send her another warning? This time they might kill her….

  “Aww but baby I will miss you then…” Cassie pleaded prettily.

  Karin smiled and finished in the kitchen throwing the towel into the sink and turning. With a look on her face she stalked across the space dividing them her gimpy leg barely bothering as she looked on her prey.

  Cassie smiled in anticipation. Karin looked great these days. That new cheekbone placement meant the easy wink on her face was attractive, the water therapy made her body fit and healthy; Cassie swallowed as she watched her come towards her and straddle her on the couch.

  “I’ll miss you too” Karin said as she leaned in for a kiss tasting the dinner they had just finished on both their tongues, the wine had been excellent. She put both her hands into Cassie’s hair and held her head still as she thoroughly kissed her and welcomed the feel of Cassie’s hands on her back and butt. The slight squeeze pulling her butt closer causing her crotch to rub against Cassie’s jeans caused her to moan. “I’ll really miss you” she murmured against Cassie’s lips.

  Cassie was totally turned on. Her fatigue from hard work, the excellent meal, and the relaxing effects of the wine all made her feel relaxed enough that the sexy woman straddling her made her extremely horny. She lifted up slightly to rub her own crotch against Karin suggestively. The catch in Karin’s voice told her she was successful and she turned slightly tumbling Karin to the couch before lying on top of her to kiss her more thoroughly. The months of not making love to this beautiful woman were long behind them. Karin had needed to heal for a very long time and Cassie couldn’t love her more than then she did now. The wait had been worth it, their sex life was as wonderful as it ever had been, and in fact they both had to admit it was better because they had nearly lost each other. When Karin first initiated love making after her long recovery Cassie had treated her with kid gloves but Karin’s passionate nature and Cassie’s own long wait soon overcame that and the passion they soon shared led to some wild and wooly times. Almost any time and almost anywhere were not off bounds. The apartment had never had so many spots broken in. Karin had never had too many women to her apartment and Cassie had taken her or been taken in every room as well as on nearly every flat surface or piece of furniture.

  Quickly Karin plunged her hands into Cassie’s well-worn and faded jeans, her nimble fingers going under the lacey underwear she found beneath them to the smooth flesh below squeezing the roundness of her ass. The warmth of her hands against Cassie’s skin had them both groaning in anticipation of what was sure to come. She reached one hand between them to the snap of Cassie’s jeans to release it and the zipper to plunge her fingers into the V of the panties.

  Cassie sighed into the shared kiss at the touch of Karin’s fingers on her crotch. It was hot but the knowing hand touching her was hotter and felt so good touching her there.

  “These need to come off” Karin murmured against her mouth as she didn’t want to stop kissing her.

  “Let’s go to the bedroom” Cassie tried to say but Karin wasn’t having that. She wanted her and she wanted her now!

  Scooting sideways she managed to pull at Cassie’s jeans bringing them down with her panties to her knees. She started to laugh as she tried to get between her legs before they were down. Cassie joined in with her as Karin pulled frantically at the material. Cassie sat up to pull her blouse over her head and distract Karin as her breasts swelled over the material of her matching lacy bra. It gave her enough time to pull down her jeans and panties as Karin reached for the exposed orbs.

  “Mmmm” she said as she buried her face between them.

  Cassie smiled in anticipation of how Karin could and would make her feel. After their years together there were still surprises and delights between them but they also knew each other very very well. Sitting there in her socks and bra Cassie felt a bit exposed as Karin kissed across her breasts and down in the V between them. She pulled at the blouse that Karin was wearing to expose her upper torso to her roving hands. “Mmm” Cassie said as Karin hit a particularly sensitive spot as she moved up to her neck with her lips. Karin’s hand weren’t idle either and Cassie gasped as she touched up and down her legs, caressing them. Finding that she was still wearing socks she smiled as she tugged them off one at a time and then dropped to her knees between her fiancée’s legs and began to kiss and tongue along them catching spots that had Cassie gasping.

  Cassie looked down at the woman between her legs and gently put her hand on her head to encourage her, she needed her, she wanted her, and she couldn’t wait for her.

  Karin looked up from beneath her long lashes and grinned as she hooked Cassie’s knees over her shoulders and began to rise causing her hips to rise with her as she took her first loving taste.

  “Grrrmmmm” Cassie responded as she closed her eyes to the sensations that Karin was causing.

  Karin’s hands reached up to touch the bounteous breasts that were threatening to spill over the bra holding them in, her palms warmed them beneath the fabric. Her agile fingers rubbed and pinched through it.

  “Oh gawd” Cassie arched in supplication wanting Karin to take her. Her hand pushing at her lover’s head, absently realizing she could feel the plates in the skull beneath the hair. It had caused problems in the past but Cassie had learned that it didn’t hurt Karin to touch her like this and she wanted to convey her need to her lover.

  Karin was well aware of what she was making Cassie feel. She could smell her body essence, she could see the wetness laid out before her, and she had to taste. Dipping low the legs on her back she rolled her tongue around Cassie’s clit and heard the sharply drawn in breath from her. Her hands flexed as she tasted her lover, spending the extra time touching every inch of her wetness with her tongue. Slowly she removed her right hand to bring it into play as she reached one finger inside of Cassie. She could tell that wouldn’t be enough and soon a second and then a third was brought into play. She flexed them gauging Cassie’s reactions as she began to writhe beneath her. She made a ‘come here’ motion with two of her fingers, almost ‘accidentally’ petting Cassie’s G spot and had the delightful reaction of Cassie nearly coming off the couch in her response.

  “Ohhhh” Cassie groaned as she tried to grind her crotch down on Karin’s face and hand. Her legs on Karin’s back giving her an unbalanced feeling but spreading her wide for Karin’s ministrations.

  She started to plunge harder with her fingers in a steady firm rhythm taking care to keep her tongue and lips on Cassie’s clit and swirl it around across her tongue, rubbing along one side like she knew Cassie enjoyed.

  “Oh my gawd” she breathed as she felt the sensations inside of her building, the untold pleasures that only Karin gave her.

  Just when Cassie was near the breaking point Karin changed positions and started again causing Cassie to writhe harder beneath her, to get her own orgasm, to protest the change of pace. Karin started again in the steady rhythm, the flicking of her clit, the rubbing of her tongue along the side, unbalancing Cassie and causing the sensations to rise higher and higher. This time she didn’t tease as long or change it up on her lover but she did firmly pull aside her bra and begin to pinch and rub her nipple causing numerous corresponding sensations to Cassie’s over heated body.

  “Oh Oh OHHHH” Cassie screamed out as her body orgasmed without any finesse, without any control, her legs beating out a tattoo on Karin’s back.

  Karin didn’t let up despite the abuse her back was taking, she plunged and sucked and licked until she could tell the various orgasms were subsiding from her lover’s body before she began to kiss up her mound, then to her belly button and on up to the pointed nipple that she lovingly kissed, mouthed, and sucked gently on the painfully erect nipple before proceeding up the now sweaty body to lick and kiss along her neck, her arms coming around the supple body and holding her close to her own warm body.

  “You are going to kill me” Cassie breathed as she came down from the high that Ka
rin had instigated.

  “Yes but what a way to go” Karin laughed in her neck.

  Cassie could feel the smile against her skin and laughed with her. “You aren’t getting off that easy” she told her lover.

  “Oh yeah?” Karin could hear the challenge in Cassie’s voice.

  “Yes, let’s retire to the bedroom; as much as I’ve enjoyed this, we have an audience.”

  Karin looked up and started chuckling at the dog and cat watching their antics. D.O.G.’s head even cocked a little to the left like ‘what are you DOING?”

  Slowly Karin raised up off the nearly naked woman and giving her a hand pulled her up from the couch. She didn’t let go of the hand as she welcomed Cassie into her arms for a full body hug and a squeeze. “I love you, you know that don’t you?” she said affectionately.

  “I’ve never doubted that” Cassie said against her lips before kissing her deeply and then pulling loose she led Karin from the living room.

  Karin smiled; she could see that there was moisture running down Cassie’s legs from what she had done to her.

  “Wait here” Cassie told her as she went around the bed releasing her hand and heading for the bathroom.

  Karin watched the bathroom door eagerly and waited, and waited, and waited. “Do you need some help?” she asked anxiously wondering what Cassie was doing that was taking so long.

  “Nope, I got it” Cassie called hoping she did have it, the straps were confusing her and she had ridden horses with leather straps all over the place, putting them on herself was proving to be quite a different matter.

  Karin wondered if she should get undressed as she stood there in her jeans and bra. She at least could take off her shoes and stockings and sat down to do so. Because her back was to the bathroom she didn’t see Cassie when she came out of the bathroom completely naked except for the strap-on she was wearing.


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