Magical Misfit (Magic And Metaphysics Academy Book 3)

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Magical Misfit (Magic And Metaphysics Academy Book 3) Page 3

by Laura Greenwood

  "If you're going to worry, then we're not going to go any further," Brooks warned me.

  Francis pulled away, and I whimpered at the loss of his touch.

  "I'm not worried." I lied.

  Brooks' face was masked in shadows, but his bemusement flowed through our bond. I let out a loud sigh. "I'm sorry, I'm overthinking," I admitted.

  "If you're able to do that, then we're not doing this right," Francis murmured.

  Despite myself, I laughed. It was just like them to put me at ease this way.

  "I want this. Please?" I wasn't above begging them.

  Brooks shuffled up the bed so he sat next to me. He leaned in, his hot breath fanning against the skin of my neck.

  "There's something I've always wondered about vampires," he whispered.

  "What?" I breathed.

  "Do they like being bitten as much as they like biting?"

  I squirmed. "Why don't you find out?" Though there was no doubt in my mind that he already knew the answer from the surge of desire that traveled down our bond. I wasn't sure if the desire came from me or him.

  He nipped at the skin of my throat.

  This time, I wasn't able to stop the moan. Why should I when his touch was so delicious?

  Francis unbuttoned the shirt he'd given me to wear with deft fingers, slipping it off my shoulders. It fell to the bed, exposing my breasts to the cold air.

  Brooks kissed his way up to my ear. "Lie down, Lou," he whispered.

  I whimpered but did as they asked. The covers had been pulled back at some point, leaving me completely naked. I should've left my panties on when I got into bed. Except, no, that wasn't right. If I had, then they'd have been in the way now. It was better that I hadn't.

  Francis trailed his hand up the inside of my leg, touching the sensitive skin of my inner thigh. "You have to tell us if you want us to stop," he said.

  "Uh-huh." I couldn't get the words I needed out. But it didn't matter. They experienced my emotions through the bond. They knew desire flooded me, and I wanted them to move faster. I needed some kind of release, and at the rate this was going, it would take all night.

  Maybe that was part of their plan.

  "You're thinking too hard," Francis said. He ducked his head and nibbled my stomach. I squirmed beneath him, desperate for him to go lower and nervous about it happening. What if he didn't like me in the morning?

  No. That wasn't fair.

  He pushed my legs apart. I followed his directions willingly as he settled between them, his fingers dancing up and down my legs.

  Brooks distracted me with a deep kiss. I relaxed into them both, only squirming again when Francis nipped at the inside of my thigh. Was he going to bite me there? I'd only ever been bitten on my neck, and since he took blood earlier, I wasn't sure I'd be able to take more blood loss.

  "Bite Brooks," he instructed me, the words causing his breath to fan against my center.

  The witch broke our kiss so I could reply.

  "Why?" I panted.

  "You’re thinking about blood," Francis responded, a seriousness in his voice that didn't quite match what was happening between us. "You'll connect with him better if you bite him too."

  "Is that okay?" I asked Brooks. The last thing I wanted was to do something that made him uncomfortable. This was his choice as much as it was mine.

  "Yes." I felt rather than saw the nod.

  He leaned across me so his neck was inches away from my mouth. It was an awkward position, but with Francis between my legs, there was no real choice.

  I licked my lips, avoiding cutting myself on my sharpened fangs thanks to years of practice with them. There were certain things vampires needed to learn early, and that was one of them.

  His blood pounded in my ears, making my mouth water. I hope he hadn't been lying to me when he said he was ready because there was no way I'd be able to stop.

  Francis chose that moment to slip a finger inside me.

  I cried out in pleasure, but that only spurred him on. His tongue traced me, circling. He was driving me crazy, and I wouldn't be able to last long.

  I bit into Brooks’ salty skin, and the sweet metallic tang of blood filled my mouth. I drank it down as if I hadn't had any in a long time. My mind hazed as blood lust set in. I wouldn't drain Brooks, not even close. It was almost impossible for me to lose control after I'd cast a spell on myself to use as a fail-safe. It was something that reassured me when I was drinking, even if it was never truly an issue.

  The combination of blood hitting my tongue and the increased pressure from Francis was all it took to push me over the edge. My whole body shuddered and the world dimmed. This was more than I could have ever imagined. I wanted more.

  No. Needed more.

  Even as I came crashing down to earth, I knew we weren't done yet. I had their bodies to explore like they had mine.

  With every moment, the bonds between us strengthened. I hoped this would be enough. That it would hold Estelle out of all our minds. There was no hope for us if it didn't.

  Chapter Five

  I GRINNED AT THEM AS I came back to myself. The blood I'd consumed had heightened my vision and other senses, and I saw them clearly in the dim room. "My turn," I said.

  Rolling over, I pushed against Brooks until he laid back in the spot I'd vacated. I wasn't sure where my confidence came from. It had to be the desire flowing from both of them in their bonds. They wanted me with a passion that made head spin. More pleasure built inside me and they hadn't touched me yet. It made me bold.

  Arching my back and presenting Francis with a view he'd never forget, I ran my hands up Brooks’ legs, leaning forward until my mouth hovered over him, there was no doubt he was ready for me. I wasn't sure when they'd undressed, but I enjoyed the sight of Brooks’ muscular body as I homed in on him.

  Brooks reached up to brush my hair away from my face, as Francis put his hands on the top of my ass, kneading.

  "Lou," Francis said. His voice was strangled, and his fingers bit more into my skin. "Birth control?"

  "Oh, yes." I'd forgotten. What the hell? I never forgot. A baby before I was ready was the last thing I needed.

  Closing my eyes, I focused on the words my mother had taught me when I first began showing an interest in sex and protected myself from a baby that would complicate matters more than help right now.

  "Done," I said when the protection spell slipped into place. The real beauty of it was that it would also protect against diseases.

  Francis' hands moved, sliding up and down my ass, his thumbs drawing in to squeeze at the bottom. It only built anticipation.

  Focusing on the man in front of me, I tried to let Francis have his fun and see to Brooks at the same time, but it wasn't easy. Behind me, Francis slipped a finger inside, not ready to stop playing with me.

  As I began pleasuring Brooks, Francis curled his finger inside, making me groan. My vocal cords moving and neck muscles tightening with him inside me must've been good for Brooks because my groan pulled one out of him. His hand, still on my face, stroking and teasing, moved to my hair. He didn't pull it, but his fingertips put pressure on my scalp.

  I had no idea why, but the pressure he put on my head caused zings of pleasure on top of what Francis did on top of me. The pleasure inside me went from a steady build to me standing at the edge of a precipice.

  I was beyond ready to jump.

  Wiggling my hips, I tried to tell Francis without words that I wanted him inside me. Then I remembered the bond. Splitting my attention, I gave Brooks all I could while sending a direct thought to Francis, hoping the bond worked that way.

  Enough teasing!

  Francis sucked in a breath. "Damn it, Lou, when you do that I can't say no."

  His finger pulled out of me, and within seconds he pushed at my entrance.

  I'd had sex a small handful of times. None were very impressive, and the two guys hadn't been anything to write home about, size-wise.

  My brain knew that ev
en if they'd been enormous, I’d tighten up immediately after. But insecurity had to remind me that I'd be providing a tight sheath for Francis to enter, which should give him maximum pleasure.

  That made me powerful.

  A guttural moan left his mouth as he moved. The stretch that accompanied his movements put me over the edge, and the pleasure that had been building crashed over me.

  My movements on Brooks stopped as I allowed myself to ride the wave, enjoying the sensations and emotions flooding through me with my release.

  When it was over, Brooks raised his head. "I felt that," he said with a grin. "We need to come together. All of us. And eventually, Jayse, too."

  The idea of all three of them made me shiver, which pushed me back toward Francis. He'd been trying to go slow, and my movement fully seated him inside me.

  He groaned. "Are you okay?" he asked. "I don't want to go too fast and hurt you."

  "I'm not a virgin." I looked over my shoulder at him. I could handle him moving. He didn't have to move slow and careful. "Carry on." I winked and turned back to Brooks, taking him into my mouth again. He let his head fall back on the pillow and his fingers resumed their tightening.

  I never knew I'd like that. I wonder if I'd like him pulling my hair.

  He must've picked up my thoughts, or at least a sense of them because he tightened his fingers more until he had a large chunk of my hair in his hands. With a small tug from Brooks, I discovered I liked the sensation of my hair pulled.

  Good to know.

  Francis began a rhythmic in and out, setting the pace for all three of us. As I moved toward Francis, I pulled off of Brooks.

  Nothing in my past encounters could have prepared me for this moment. I didn’t know if it was just because they were better than the other guys, or if it was because of the bond between us, but I felt more connected than I ever had to anyone. Every nerve ending was on fire. I was both aware of everything and nothing at the same time. I’d never experienced anything like it.

  My third release pounded through my body, coming closer and closer. Popping Brooks out of my mouth, I panted, anticipating the coming release. "I'm not going to last much longer." My words came out choppy around my deep breaths.

  "Me either," Francis said.

  Brooks shook his head. He wasn't there yet.

  I moved faster, using my tongue to add pressure. The idea of the three of us reaching our peaks at the same time was stuck in my head and wouldn't go away.

  The pressure of Brooks’ fingers shifted and he began to guide my head, controlling the speed of my movements. I was glad for it because Francis’ movements seemed to have become more erratic.

  I tried to moan but the sound was cut off my Brooks filling my mouth. He must have liked the vibrations from my throat as he tugged on my hair a little harder. His body began to shudder beneath me and he lost control. That was fine by me, I was already riding the edge.

  Francis pushed deep, pulling on my hips as he cried my name.

  My body exploded, pleasure coursing through every nerve ending.

  It took a moment for the world to come back into focus. Once it did, I rested my head on Brooks’ stomach, enjoying the small waves of pleasure that still racked through my body. He panted under my head, his stomach moving up and down. His fingers released my hair, then smoothed it back. He combed through the strands, caring for me and about me. I felt the latter in my bond.

  Francis slid out of me with a sigh that I took to mean he’d enjoyed it just as much as I had.

  "I need a towel," I whispered. If I moved an inch, we might have a mess.

  “I’ll get you one,” Francis rumbled.

  "Wait." He froze in the act of getting off the end of the bed. "I forgot I'm a witch."

  I focused my magic and cleaned us all up so we’d be more comfortable. Unbidden, I giggled as I collapsed to Brooks’ right. Crawling up the bed, I snuggled into his arms as Francis disentangled the blankets from under us.

  He tucked himself in behind me and covered all three of us up.

  I fell asleep in their arms, in Jayse's bed with his scent permeating all three of us.

  The only thing missing was Jayse himself. I drifted to sleep with him on my mind and vowed to finish the bond with him at the first opportunity.

  Chapter Six

  A LOUD SLAM WOKE ME from the sweet embrace of sleep. I sat up, the sheet falling to my waist again and the cold air reminding me that I was naked. The lack of Francis and Brooks on either side of me only made me colder. I looked around for them, but neither sat on the bed.

  "It's not her fault," Brooks growled.

  "How do you know that?" Jayse returned.

  They were the other side of that door, I was certain of it. But why weren't they in the room?

  "You're going to wake her," Francis scolded them, his voice a lot less angry than the other two. I wondered what had happened.

  "Isn't that what you want to happen?" Jayse snipped. "That's a mug of blood, isn't it?"

  "I'm not talking to you while you're like this, and you're not coming into the room either." Francis must not have wanted to wait for a reply as the door swung open and he walked in, with two steaming mugs of blood in his hands. "Ah, too late." He threw a dirty look in the direction of the door.

  What was going on? Did I dare ask?

  "I figured you'd need some actual blood." His eyes twinkled.

  "But yours and Brooks' taste so much better," I croaked. Now he mentioned it, I could feel a little blood hunger inside me. "Thank you." I took the mug from him and brought it to my lips.

  "You're welcome."

  "I thought you had a store of blood in here?" I looked around and sure enough, the microwave and mini-fridge sat in one corner.

  "Something happened to my supply." He shrugged as if it was no big deal, but I could tell from the expression on his face that it worried him.

  "What's wrong with Jayse?" I took a sip of my blood to give him the time to come up with an answer he was comfortable with.

  "What do you think is wrong with him?" he muttered darkly.

  "Oh." I wasn't sure what to do about that. Jayse had probably fallen back under Estelle's influence the moment he'd stepped back onto campus. Or maybe even earlier than that. I had no idea how far the book's power spread. He could have been at home hating me this entire time.

  Dread settled in my stomach, curdling with the blood. Great. Just what I needed. I tried to set the mug down, but Francis shook his head.

  "You need to drink it, especially if you have a big fight coming up."

  I groaned. I didn't want to fight with anyone, let alone my sweet gentle giant of an anaconda shifter.

  "Let me talk to him," I suggested. I could still hear the muffled sounds of Brooks and Jayse arguing on the other side of the door. That wasn't going to do if we wanted to find a way to stop Estelle from keeping control of the academy.

  "I don't think..."

  I held a hand up to stop him from saying the rest of what he planned. "Would you have believed Brooks if he told you what was going on with me?" I asked.

  He glanced away, but not before I caught the guilt in his eyes.

  "I didn't believe him," he admitted.

  Ah. That was the guilt. At least that made sense.

  "Exactly. So let me talk to Jayse."

  Francis nodded and rose to his feet.

  I instantly missed the weight of his body on the bed. Being so close to them was reassuring in a way I'd never have suspected. Maybe it was the bonds between us.

  I felt both Francis and Brooks buzzing through my veins. Jayse's link felt just as weak as it had yesterday, and maybe even a little fuzzy. I didn't like this one bit, and I had no idea how I was going to convince Jayse what was going on. I didn't exactly have a great track record with convincing people the first time. But I had no choice. I didn't have the energy for a drawn-out argument.

  It was already too late to back out anyway. Francis pulled the door open, revealing Jayse glar
ing at me with a huge dose of mistrust in his eyes. It was only a result of Estelle interfering. If I could remember that, then this would be a lot easier.

  "Why is she naked?" he demanded.

  Brooks rolled his eyes. "You can't tell us that you don't know the answer to that."

  "Which is why I'm also annoyed at the two of you." He glared at each of them in turn.

  "Will you snap out of it?" Francis demanded. "Don't you think we've been where you are? Asking why we ever trusted Lou? And do you really think we'd have invited her to stay in our room last night if we thought she was capable of all this? Because I don't think any of us want to be excluded over one night of fun."

  I gulped. Excluded. Somehow, it hadn't crossed my mind last night that the academy had rules about what we did. I doubted they'd find out about it unless Jayse felt like filling them in.

  "Fine. But someone give her a shirt." He crossed his arms, making every muscle on his body pop.

  Francis grabbed one of the shirts strewn over the end of the bed and threw it in my direction. There was no way of knowing if it was his or Brooks' until I was wearing it.

  "Thanks," I murmured, pulling it over my head. One whiff and I knew this one belonged to Francis. It smelled like him. That should help during the conversation.

  "We're going to be right outside the door. Shout if you need us," Brooks said.

  "Are you talking to her or me?" Jayse snapped.

  Hurt threaded through me. He was really in Estelle's thrall. I had to hope it wouldn't take too long to convince him, I didn't want to be stuck in this impasse for long or I'd start to feel the effects. Estelle couldn't win. Not if there was anything I could do about it.

  "Does it matter?" Francis asked him. "We're outside if either of you need us."

  Jayse nodded finally.

  The door swung closed, cutting the two of us off from Brooks and Francis. My only two allies in all of this. How was I supposed to get through to him without them?

  "Did you have to use my bed?" He raised an eyebrow.

  I sighed. "The others said I could."


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