Passion at the Opera

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Passion at the Opera Page 2

by Diane Thorne

  The car came to a stop. A valet opened the door and extended his hand towards her. She took it and left the dark confines of the vehicle. Purse in hand, she waited on the sidewalk for Nikolaus and Stephen. They joined her in little time.

  “This way,” Nikolaus said as Stephen led the way towards an entrance with a camel etched on the glass.

  Stephen and Gwen stepped inside what appeared to be a bar. The entire length of one wall was lined with tidy rows of liquor bottles. Only a few patrons sat in chairs in front of the counter.

  “This way.” Stephen strode towards another room.

  They left marble floors and stepped into a cream-coloured room with gold trim, lit by elaborate modern chandeliers. White tablecloths covered the tables with a vase of flowers on each. A light beef aroma lingered with a touch of spices. Although Gwen had no idea about the type of food served, she had a feeling anything she’d put in her mouth would taste delicious.

  Stephen walked to the back of the small room and stopped first in front of a tall counter. An older man with grey hair and a moustache approached. Nikolaus passed her and conversed with the greeter.

  Gwen twisted to face Stephen. “Do you come here often?”

  “With Nikolaus, yes.”

  Nikolaus turned his gaze and gestured for her. “Come. He has a private table for us.”

  Gwen followed the grey-haired greeter past an open doorway on the side. She walked by more white-clothed tables waiting for guests. Rugs covering the hard wood floors muted the clacks of her heels. Oil paintings with thick ornate frames added a sense of elegance. Light from the windows passed through sheer curtains and bounced off the soft cream-coloured portion of the walls, illuminating the area. From one room they entered another quiet one. The man with the moustache stopped at a table with a wraparound red velvet bench and two chairs. He smiled widely and gestured for her to sit.

  Following a nod, Gwen lowered herself into the booth and scooted to the back to face the chairs. Nikolaus opted for the spot next to her on the cushioned seat. He moved towards her until his knee nearly brushed against hers. Stephen sat across from her.

  “Do you like wine?” Nikolaus asked.

  “Yes, preferably red.”

  He looked up at the older man and said something Gwen didn’t understand. Seconds later, the greeter disappeared.

  “This is a nice place. It smells heavenly in here,” Gwen said.

  “The food is delicious. I have never had a bad meal,” Nikolaus said.

  “The President eats here from time to time,” Stephen added.

  “Really? Maybe he can get me into the show tomorrow night.”

  Stephen and Nikolaus chuckled.

  “I’m sure he could. For my sake, I hope he doesn’t show up,” Nikolaus said.

  A young woman with long hair tied behind her head appeared from the adjoining room. She wore dark pants and a white shirt with a black apron covering her lower front. Holding long menus, she strode towards them.

  The waitress stopped at the table and handed each of them a menu. She spoke in their native language and Gwen couldn’t understand a word. Nikolaus nodded and replied to her before he shifted his attention to Gwen.

  “Do you have a preference for anything?” he asked.

  “I’m not a picky eater. I love seafood, pasta, bread, and just about anything. I don’t have any food allergies, so I can eat whatever you select.”

  “Are you sure you don’t mind?” Nikolaus asked.

  “Not at all. I love experimenting.” She grinned at him.

  He cocked a brow and chuckled. “Are we talking about food?”

  “Food comes in many forms.”

  His grin widened. “You are a woman of a special class. I like you, Gwen, and I must know more about you.”

  She stared into his twinkling blue eyes. Desire burned within her. “I’d like for you to know me as well.”

  Stephen cleared his throat, stealing Nikolaus’ attention. “I believe they want our orders.”

  Nikolaus rambled off his request while Stephen reviewed the menu options. The waitress’ hand moved fast as she wrote on a small tablet. At the same time, a waiter emerged with a bottle of wine and filled the glasses on the table. Nikolaus finally finished and Gwen wondered if he’d selected everything available. Stephen’s selection was quick compared to Nikolaus’.

  After the employees walked away, Nikolaus lifted his wine. “A toast to Gwen. May your journey in Vienna be one filled with exceptional pleasure and lasting memories.”

  Gwen picked up her glass as Stephen did. “Now that is a toast I fully support.” She clanked her drink with theirs, then they each took a sip of their wine.

  “So, you’re here alone,” Nikolaus said as he set his liquor on the table.

  Gwen swallowed. “Yes. I’m on vacation. As I mentioned earlier, my daughters are grown. I decided to cash in on some of my accrued leave from my job and travel to Europe for five weeks. Here I am.”

  “I’ve always want to travel abroad for several weeks,” Stephen said. “I doubt my wife and three children are up to it. Maybe in ten or so years.”

  “Are your kids young?” Gwen asked.

  “Five, seven and ten,” Stephen said.

  “Wow. I bet they keep you busy.” Gwen smiled.

  “Yes, they do and I love them dearly. Perhaps when they are grown my wife and I can travel as you are.”

  Gwen nodded. “I highly encourage you to do it. I’ve met amazing people and had the most wonderful time in every place I’ve stopped.” She lifted her palm and held it towards the two of them. “Here is a perfect example. I’m having dinner at a fancy restaurant with two very successful men.”

  Stephen lifted his drink in a toast, then leant back in his chair. “Point well taken.”

  “I never thought anything like this would happen, but when certain opportunities arise, I consider them,” Gwen said.

  “A little risk taking is good for the soul,” Nikolaus said. “Among other things.”

  Gwen smiled innocently. “My choices so far have been well worthwhile. I have enjoyed every adventure and the memories will last forever.” Especially since she wrote down every detail in her journal. If she lived to see her eightieth birthday, she’d read her diary and recall the wonderful time she’d had.

  “Is there a husband or boyfriend back home?” Nikolaus asked.

  She shook her head and held her chin up slightly. “No, I’m a free woman.”

  Nikolaus reached for his wine. “I admire a woman who values her freedom.”

  Gwen chuckled. “Oh, I highly treasure it. No question about it. Freedom is a blessing when certain opportunities spring up.”

  One of Nikolaus’ eyebrows rose and he slipped her a grin before hiding it with the glass pressed to his lips.

  “Have you travelled to many places here in Europe?” Stephen asked as he unfolded a white cloth and laid it across his lap.

  “I spent some time in London, Paris and Rome so far. In a few days, I’m heading to Amsterdam. My last stop is in Ireland.”

  “Did you visit the Louvre?” Stephen asked.


  Nikolaus set his drink on the table. “How did you like it?”

  “Uh… Well, I was a little preoccupied, so I didn’t get to spend much time admiring the artwork.”

  A touch of heat rushed to her head and she quickly grabbed her glass. ‘Preoccupied’ was an understatement. Shortly after she’d met the handsome French actor, Pierre, he’d taken her to a secluded room to share his own form of art with her. He’d fucked her among priceless artefacts. The art she’d viewed in the Louvre was unquestionably incredible, but the sex was even better and she’d never forget having sex in the museum.

  Nikolaus leant back and unbuttoned his suit jacket. “I do hope your visit was a pleasurable one.”

  Swallowing the liquor, she nodded. “It certainly was. I enjoyed a satisfying jaunt to the Eiffel Tower too.”

  Nikolaus quirked his lips. Th
e shimmer in his eyes seemed to indicate he understood the true meaning behind her words.

  “I will have to make sure your time in Vienna is well spent,” Nikolaus said as he slyly placed his hand on her knee.

  Gwen couldn’t help but smile while her heart rate accelerated. The game of seduction was afoot and she suspected he’d play well. “I’m always grateful for company to show me around.”

  He circled his thumb on her leg and longing snaked up her thigh. Moisture seeped between her legs. She lifted her breasts slightly as she leaned towards the table.

  “You wouldn’t possibly have time to escort me to a few of those historic sites you talked about in the car, would you?” Gwen asked.

  “I’m afraid I have appointments tomorrow, but I do have an extra ticket to the show,” Nikolaus said as he slid his hand under her skirt.

  Her panties dampened more. “Can I buy the ticket from you?”

  “No.” He scooted his hand closer to her pussy. “I won’t accept money from such an attractive, smart and daring woman. It wouldn’t seem right.”

  Stephen’s phone rang. Gwen and Nikolaus both jerked their gazes to him as Stephen thrust a hand inside his pocket.

  He glanced at his cell. “It’s my wife. Excuse me.” He rose, pressing the phone to his ear and leaving the white napkin on his chair.

  Gwen watched as Stephen walked away and left her alone with Nikolaus. The timing seemed perfect since Mr Blue Eyes was inching close to her sex.

  “Do you think Stephen has a ticket I can buy?” she asked, spreading her legs wider. “Since I’m guessing I can’t get my hands on yours.”

  He brushed his digits along her shaved lips. “He always keeps a couple for business associates just as I do, but I doubt he’d offer them to you. As for laying your hands on mine, that is a possibility.”

  “You should know I am good with my hands.” She placed her palm on his thigh.

  “They are lovely hands and I have little doubt they are useful.” He slipped a finger into her slit. “Mm…I do love arousing a woman.”

  “Consider me aroused.” She pressed her tongue between her lips.

  He leaned closer to her and put his other arm on the table. “That is a naughty tongue you have there.”

  He rubbed his digit over her clit again and again, making her wetter and setting her hormones on fire. Her body hungered for more of his touch.

  “I do enjoy licking hard objects,” she said, gazing into his gorgeous eyes. She moved her hand to the centre between his legs and found a rather large bulge. “I see you have candy.”

  He chuckled, then pushed a finger inside her. “I certainly do my sweet one.”

  Gwen sucked in a quick breath as he delved deeper and tantalised her swollen nub with his thumb. What was it about this man that turned her on so much? She normally didn’t fall for older guys, but everything about Nikolaus made her want to climb onto his lap and go for a ride. She arched her back, spread her knees farther apart and rocked ever so slightly into his touch. Her hunger for him and the release he could provide continued to climb.

  She smoothed her hand over the solid lump in his pants and felt it twitch. “What’s a woman like me have to do to see the Opera tomorrow night?”

  “I could think of a few things,” he said as he slid within her slickness, bringing her closer and closer to an orgasm.

  Blood rushed through her. She massaged his length and yearned for it to fill her.

  “I have a few in mind, too, but would they get me into the Opera tomorrow night?” A soft moan slipped from her after he pushed another two digits inside her slippery channel.

  “Such an interesting opportunity.” He gazed with wide eyes at her. “Eager to take it?”

  Her heart beat fast. The moment of ecstasy drew near. She stroked his shaft and cupped his balls. “I’m very eager.”

  “Where are you staying?”

  “The Ring Hotel.”

  “Good choice.”

  “Will I get to see the Opera?”

  He pumped his fingers deeper and she lost control. An orgasm broke free and her walls contracted. A wave of bliss drifted through her and calmed her racing heart.

  “I will gladly give you my extra ticket for more of that.” He leaned to kiss her.

  Stephen emerged from the next room. “Sorry about that.”

  Nikolaus backed away with a deep groan. He turned to Stephen with a disapproving frown. As Stephen sat, Gwen withdrew her hand from Nikolaus’ crotch.

  “Did I miss anything?” Stephen shifted his gaze from his friend to Gwen while he scooted closer to the table.

  “No, but I did.” Nikolaus slowly withdrew from her pussy.

  Stephen’s crinkled eyebrows reflected his state of confusion.

  “Is everything okay at your home?” Gwen hoped for a quick change of the subject.

  “Yes, one of my daughters has a play at her school and my wife wanted to make sure I’d be on time. I have a habit of showing up late.” Stephen sipped on his drink.

  Another phone buzzed. This time, Nikolaus reached into his pocket. He tapped the screen before he pressed the small device to his ear. “This is Nikolaus.”

  Gwen inhaled deeply and crossed her legs. She disliked interruptions and wished she could sneak away with Nikolaus. The orgasm he’d given had relaxed her, but now she hungered for more. She rubbed her hands together and recalled the feeling of his hardness. She wanted it, wanted his member pumping into her. Which wouldn’t happen in the restaurant with Stephen sitting at the table.

  “Yes, I am aware of his visit,” Nikolaus scooted away from her.

  He rose from the velvety bench and walked away from the table.

  Stephen set his glass on the table. “Do excuse him. He’s often interrupted and has to leave. It’s a drawback of owning so many businesses.”

  Leave? Anxiety stirred in Gwen’s stomach. She hadn’t confirmed plans for the Opera with Nikolaus. They hadn’t discussed attire or if she should meet him. How would she get inside the building without him?

  “He offered me his extra ticket,” Gwen said.

  “I’m not surprised. He’s fond of you.”

  Warmth breached the surface of her cheeks. “He seems kind and generous.”

  “He’s a good friend. If you join him tomorrow night, I’m certain you’ll have an excellent time.”

  Three male waiters appeared with large round trays. Without delay, they placed plate after plate on the table. Gwen’s taste buds watered at the sight of the variety of beautifully decorated dishes. Had Nikolaus ordered everything on the menu?

  Stephen’s cell chimed. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I can’t believe how much he ordered.”

  Stephen stared at his phone, then sighed. “Damn.” He typed a response on the screen.

  After the waiters disappeared, Gwen asked, “Is something wrong?”

  “Nikolaus had to leave. He said to tell you to enjoy the food and he’ll be in touch.”

  Gwen’s mood quickly plummeted. She feared her chances at getting into the Opera House were shrinking by the second, much like his erection probably had. What a shame. He’d been a gentleman and his touch had delivered a wonderful orgasm. If only she could’ve experienced more with him.

  She glanced at the table. The delicious food no longer appealed to her, yet she didn’t want it to go to waste. She’d have to take a bite of everything to say she’d tried each dish.

  “Don’t worry.” Stephen returned the phone to his pocket. “If he offered you the ticket and said he’d be in touch, he will. He’s a man true to his word.”

  Hope crept into her soul and she perked up. “Do you really think so?”

  He lifted a fork. “Absolutely.” He winked at her. “Trust me.”

  Excitement fluttered through her. He knew the hotel she was staying at and had her full name. All he needed to do was ring the front desk and they’d transfer him. Or he might even show up. Anything was possible. And since he and his cock seeme
d to have a keen interest in her, perhaps he would appear unexpectedly. The chances were looking better.

  Gwen grabbed her golden utensil and speared a vegetable next to a hearty piece of juicy meat on one of the dishes. Thick and solid is how she imagined his shaft based on what she’d felt. And she couldn’t wait to take him deep inside her.

  Chapter Three

  Gwen stepped from the bathroom with a fluffy robe tied around her waist and a towel holding her wet hair above her head. Belly full and body cleansed, she proceeded to the bed. Dinner had been delightful with Stephen after Nikolaus had left. She and Stephen had exchanged comical stories about their children while they taste tested every dish. Somehow they’d switched to the topic of music and he’d rambled on about the various artists who’d preformed at the Opera House. Overall, the evening ended on a pleasant note even though she had no confirmation of admittance to the performance tomorrow night.

  She stopped at the dresser and tugged open a drawer. Underwear and bras were on one side. Next to them, she’d placed a folded silk negligee. Since she didn’t have a man to entertain, she snatched a pair of white panties. She hoped to wear the sexy nightgown and have it stripped off her another night.

  Closing the drawer, the unsettling feeling she’d had after Nikolaus had left her at the restaurant returned in full force. Her expectation of seeing him again and getting into the Opera House was fading. Sure, Stephen had said his friend was a man of his word, but Nikolaus had yet to contact her. Maybe he’d changed his mind about her. Perhaps he didn’t want to see her again.

  Blues crept into her soul. Not only would she have to spend nights alone, the chances of her getting into the performance were slim to none. She’d have to find another place to explore, which wasn’t such a bad thing, but she’d longed to see a performance at the famous historic Opera House.


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