Curveball (Barlow Sisters Book 1)

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Curveball (Barlow Sisters Book 1) Page 24

by Jordan Ford

  And with that, he turns and clips out of the room.

  Making two fists in my pockets, I slam my teeth together and glare out the window while I try to cope with the tidal wave that’s about to crash over me.

  It’s been a shit day, and all I want to do is escape.

  With a huff, I push off the kitchen counter and storm out the front door, making sure I slam it as hard as I can behind me.




  Max wasn’t home when we got there, so Chloe and I hung out in her room until I couldn’t handle her pestering anymore.

  “Go and find him… Go and find him.”

  That girl knows how to go on!

  And people think I’m strong-willed.

  “Fine!” I lurch off her bed. “But he’s probably still at the station.”

  Chloe looks at her watch and giggles. “It’s been nearly four hours. We’ve watched a movie and eaten enough chocolate and caramel corn to turn us into blimps. It’s time.”

  I rub my stomach and cringe, feeling the effects of the sugar kicking in big-time. “Maybe I should wait until tomorrow.”

  My little sister rolls her eyes. “You’re only feeling sick because you’re nervous. This isn’t just about you, Mads. He’s probably had one of the worst days of his life. Don’t you want to find him and make it end on a sweet note?”

  I squeeze my eyes shut, my nose wrinkling as once again Chloe’s words unravel me.

  “Okay, fine,” I murmur softly, going to pull out my phone and remembering it’s smashed to pieces. I’ll replace it tomorrow. “Can I borrow your phone?” I hold out my hand.

  “Ugh! Don’t be so unromantic. Just show up on his doorstep.”

  I squirm in my shoes. That’s so not my style.

  “Go on.” Chloe jumps off her bed and starts pushing me towards the door. “I swear, if you don’t leave this house in a second, I’m revoking my blessing.”

  I turn to her with a sharp glare and she just smiles sweetly back at me.

  “All right!” I mutter, reluctantly walking through the door and begging my heart to stop hammering at such a pace.

  Part of me is desperate to see Holden, but another part is scared.

  I’m really doing this. I’m about to make my big statement, which feels so right, but after so much angst today…what if it doesn’t fly?

  I basically threw his best friend under a train.

  What if Holden hates me now?

  Swallowing down my doubts, I slip out the front door before Mom can see me. She’s been hanging out in her room all afternoon, trying to perfect her résumé, which makes her oblivious to the rest of the family. It’s working in my favor…and Max’s.

  I frown, wondering again where my sister is.

  She hasn’t replied to any of my texts. Her phone’s probably run out of battery.

  I roll my eyes, shoving my phone into my pocket and sliding into the car. It’s getting dark out. Clenching and unclenching the wheel, I bite the inside of my cheek and wonder where I should start looking for Holden.

  He could be at home…or at Cresthill…or maybe even the water tower.

  Wrinkling my nose, I think through the options and decide to start with the tower. If I were in his position, that’s exactly where I’d want to go—a private place where no one can find me.

  Reversing out of the driveway, I make my way there, hoping he won’t mind being discovered.

  Words dance through my head as I hash out the perfect speech to win him over.

  My lips twitch with a smile. Excitement swirls through the nerves massacring my stomach. I’m seriously nauseated by the time I pull up beneath the water tower. Holden’s red Mustang is parked exactly where it was last time.

  This is it.

  This is our moment.

  I pull in a shaky breath and get out of the car. My legs feel like silly string as I gently shut the car door and gaze at the ladder.

  Exhaling, I wipe my hands down my thighs and walk towards the tower. It’s an easy climb but my heart is hammering in my throat by the time I reach the top.

  Holden’s sitting in his spot, gazing over Armitage with this sad anguish on his face. My heart aches and expands for him.

  “Hey,” I whisper.

  He flinches and turns towards me, his eyebrows popping high. “What are you doing here?”

  I shrug and take a seat beside him, dangling my legs over the edge. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “Oh.” He kind of grunts and shrugs, looking disappointed and lost.

  Biting my lips together, I tentatively reach forward, gliding my fingers over the back of his hand and threading them between his digits.

  He glances at me, his burning question so easy to read.

  I smile. “I also figured something out, and I wanted to tell you in person.”

  “Oh yeah?” He studies me with slightly narrowed eyes, but his lips are twitching at the corners. “What’s that?”

  “Well, um…” I smile and let out a soft laugh. “I figured out that you’re a really good guy.”

  He gives me an odd look. “Right.”

  “I mean, you’re a really, really good guy.” My cheeks start to heat and I dip my eyes to the floor. “A really, really, really good one.”

  He doesn’t say anything, just squeezes my fingers between his.

  Crap, this isn’t working.

  And if I say really one more time…

  My gaze creeps up his arm until it’s resting on his face again.

  “Do you know the thing about good guys like you?” My voice is husky, making it hard to speak.

  Holden shakes his head, the look on his face turning my heart into a blob of putty.

  “They make amazing boyfriends.”

  He goes still and then his lips slowly curve into a smile. “You want me to be your boyfriend?”

  My laughter is so shaky and pathetic, but I can’t help it. Giddy bubbles are popping in my stomach, making me act like an idiot. I’ve never felt this way before.

  Biting my lips together, I try and hamper the humiliating sound before whispering, “Yeah. Like maybe more than I’ve ever wanted anything.”

  His eyes glimmer with wonder as he places his hand on my neck and starts gently playing with my hair. “What about Chloe?”

  He feels so amazing I can barely concentrate to speak. “She’s…she’s cool with it. Really. She basically forced me out the door to come and find you.”

  He snickers. “Stronger than she looks, right?”

  “Oh yeah.” I laugh with him, but nerves swallow the sound quickly.

  Holden runs his thumb down my jawline. His touch is soft and intoxicating, drawing me in like no one ever has before. I lean towards him, my lips desperate for a taste, but he pulls back before they can be satisfied.

  “What made her change her mind?”

  I brush my teeth over my tingling lips and smile at him. “She saw the way I was looking at you today. You were so amazing. You did the right thing even though it was really hard. You showed up and you saved me, and you made a choice.” My throat is growing thick as I deviate from his question, but these things need to be said. “If you hadn’t already won me over, you would have this afternoon. Not to sound like a girly sap, but you seriously were my hero.” I laugh and rest my forehead on his shoulder. “I’m so embarrassed that I just said that, but it’s true. You’re a really good guy, Holden. And I’d be an idiot to pass up any kind of chance to be with you.”

  Kissing the side of my face, he cups the back of my head and whispers, “Oh man, I so needed to hear that.” His voice is husky, which makes the giddy bubbles pop ten times faster.

  Nudging me off his shoulder, he holds my face in his hands and looks at me like he loves me. I could drown in that gaze right now and happily submit to the power of it.

  With a smile, I lean towards him, resting my lips against his before being pulled into the vortex that is Holden Carter. My insides ar
e going crazy as he wraps his arms around my waist and inches me that much closer. Hooking my leg over his knee, I let him pull me onto his lap and I straddle him. He runs his hand up my back and melds us together. It’s a tight squish between the tower and the railing, but I’m not moving for anything.

  Pulling back for air, Holden leans away to look at me. His smile is dreamy and adorable.

  “So can I call you my girl now?”

  “As long as you promise to never tell anyone that I called you my hero.”

  “Aw, come on.” He tickles my side and I yelp, nearly falling off his lap.

  He holds me steady and wraps his arms around me. Resting his chin on my shoulder, he hugs me tight and whispers, “What’s said on the water tower stays on the water tower.”

  “Okay.” I slide my arms around him until we’re fused together.

  “You know the real me.” He squeezes a little tighter and I meet his hold strength for strength. His voice is husky with emotion, and I feel like there are more secrets to tell on this water tower.

  Nestling my head against his, I stroke the back of his hair and murmur, “You can trust me with anything.”


  A Rare, Amazing Thing


  I can trust her.

  As I slip out of my car on Monday morning, I can’t wipe the smile off my face.

  I know I’m gonna have to face a hallway filled with whispers about Luke. I’ll be bombarded with questions. I should be aching with dread right now, but I’m smiling.

  Because I told Maddie everything on Saturday night—from Luke’s confession at the station to Dad cracking me across the face. It was hard to get it all out, but I can trust her to keep it a secret.

  Now there’s someone out there in the world who knows the real me.

  And the best part is…she’s into it.

  Maddie Barlow is falling in love with me.

  I can tell by the way her tongue curls around mine when we kiss, and by the deep look of compassion she drenched me with when I told her about Dad.

  She knows.

  And I love her for it.

  Pocketing my keys, I slow to a stop when I notice the Barlows’ Camry pull into the lot. “Dirty Little Secret” is blasting out the windows, the three girls singing and laughing as they rock out to the song. I stand there mesmerized until something catches my eye.

  Glancing to my left, I notice Cairo Hale on the stairs. He’s leaning against the railing, watching the car pull in with the same look on his face.

  He’s enamored…mesmerized…just like me.

  My eyes narrow as I subtly study him. His lips twitch with a smile as Maddie parks the car and the three girls jump out. For a second I wonder if I’m about to have some competition, but then I spot a look.

  It’s the briefest connection, but I swear Max and Cairo just had a moment.

  My lips part with surprise. How long has this been going on?

  I glance back to get a better look at Max, but her eyes are cast to the ground and she’s ignoring Cairo like she doesn’t even know him.

  His face flashes with disappointment.

  Huh. Cairo Hale can’t catch himself the girl he wants. That’s like headline news.

  But in no way as interesting as the hottie walking towards me right now.

  A smile stretches over my lips as Maddie stops in front of me.

  Her poor beat-up face is now an ugly yellow, but she’s beautiful in spite of it.

  “Good morning.” Her grin is so damn adorable.

  It’s refreshing to be able to close the gap between us and plant my lips on that luscious mouth.

  We decided yesterday that going public was inevitable, so we may as well get on with it.

  She giggles against my lips, holding my waist like she’s about to push me away, but then I deepen the kiss and she ends up curling her fingers into my shirt.

  It’s a seriously triumphant moment.

  Pulling back with a breathy laugh, Maddie hits me with those fiery blue eyes. “Those lips are dangerous.”

  I smirk and she rolls her eyes.

  “And don’t you dare tell anybody I said that.”

  Swinging my arm around her shoulders, I pull her against me as we start walking into school. “So, what can I tell them?”

  She looks to the sky, her beautiful face too damn pretty not to be kissed.

  I press my lips against her cheek, careful to avoid her bruise, and she gives me a throaty chuckle. “You can tell them that you are the luckiest guy in Armitage, because you have won over a Barlow sister.”

  “You make it sound like it’s this rare, amazing thing.”

  She stops and spins to face me, resting her arms on my shoulders. “It is. We don’t just give our hearts to anybody, you know.”

  My lips twitch with a playful smile. “So what you’re saying is that only really amazing guys get the privilege of dating you.”

  “That’s right.” She nods.

  “Wow, so that must make me like some kind of…hero.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her.

  Tipping her head back with a little laugh, she lightly slaps my shoulder. “Watch it, you.”

  I wink at her and kiss her lips, ignoring the wolf whistle from the top step and drawing out the sweet moment for as long as I possibly can. The way I feel about Maddie is one thing I never want to hide.


  Expect the Unexpected


  Well, it’s been a weird day.

  Good weird.

  And bad weird.

  All the school can talk about is Luke. Holden wanted to keep it quiet, but assumptions were made the second Vincent Mancini was spotted walking back into school. Then Principal Sheehan gave a speech at the full school assembly this morning that basically gave everything away without actually saying it.

  Luke’s off the team, and there’s a pretty good chance he’ll be expelled.

  It’s sad, really. Luke was just doing the wrong thing in order to do the right thing.

  I wish life were easier sometimes.

  I wish justice didn’t have to hurt so much.

  Sorting out the last of my books for the day, my mind wanders to the good weird of my day.


  He’s my boyfriend.

  And when students aren’t talking about Luke being a criminal, they’re talking about the fact that Holden and I went public.

  It feels kind of nice. I’ve always been about ‘the real,’ and I hated having to hide my feelings for Holden all the time. Chloe is seriously calm and cool about this, even though I’ve been watching her like a hawk. When Holden sat down at our table at lunch and slid his arm down my back, I couldn’t help spying Chloe’s reaction. She gave us both a sweet smile, but it was tighter than usual.

  I’m probably reading too much into it.

  Oh man, I really hope she can find a guy who will treat her like she’s the only girl on the planet. That’s all she’s ever wanted. To be special. Adored by the kind of guy that makes her want to fly.

  It’s a seriously euphoric feeling, and I think every person in the world deserves to experience it.

  I wish it for her so badly.

  Flicking my locker shut, I let out a soft gasp when I find Vincent Mancini staring down at me.

  “Uh, hi?” I hitch my bag, wondering what his dark eyes are trying to tell me.

  His expression is impossible to read. He’s studying my face, his eyebrows wrinkling. Is that an angry grimace or some show of sympathy?

  He has a really strong face, angular features and these dark brown orbs that drill holes straight through me. I swallow and stand a little taller, refusing to be intimidated…even though he’s totally broad across the shoulders. He may be shorter than Holden, but I bet he could flatten my guy in a second. There’s just this feisty pitbull vibe oozing out of him. No wonder everyone steers clear.

  “Can I…help you with something?”

  A muscle in his jaw works, his chin jutting out for
a second before he speaks in this soft kind of voice that’s borderline adorable. “Do you still hurt?”

  “Uh…” I lightly brush the bruise on my cheek and shake my head. “Not really.”

  He nods, his eyebrows flickering again. Is that concern?

  Licking the edge of his mouth, he blows out a short breath and mumbles, “Thanks for what you did.”

  Understanding suddenly dawns and I smile at him. “I just told the truth.”

  “Yeah, well, most people think I’m guilty whether it’s the truth or not. You could have easily kept it to yourself.”

  I cross my arms and give him a quizzical look. “Luke beat the crap out of me. He deserved to go down, and you shouldn’t have to take his fall. What he did to you was really unfair, and I’m glad your name’s been cleared.”

  He snorts and shakes his head. “I’m a Mancini. My name will always be mud in this town.”

  My heart cracks a little at the wounded look on his face. “I can’t see any mud…and neither can my sisters. Chloe was convinced you were innocent right from the start.”

  His dark eyebrows pop high with surprise, and then his lips pull into a shy smile. It’s fleeting but kind of beautiful.

  I grin back at him, which only makes his smile disappear.

  Standing up straight, he puts his scowl back on like some kind of protective shield. Before I can react, he spins and walks off without even saying goodbye.

  I shake my head, kind of bemused.

  I so don’t get this place. Is anyone actually brave enough to just be themselves in this town?

  “What are you doing talking to him?” Holden’s words brush my ear, his body soon following as he sidles up behind me.

  I take a second to enjoy his solid torso against my back before answering, “He wanted to thank me for proving his innocence.”


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