Heavy Turbulence

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Heavy Turbulence Page 13

by Kimberly Fox

“There’s my girl,” I whisper when I see the plane parked on the beach where I left it. It’s tied to two stakes dug into the white sand.

  All of the stress, worry, and anxiety that I’ve been feeling in the past half hour just drift away with the breeze when I see my other girl inside the plane.

  Riley is sitting in the pilot’s seat, looking more beautiful than ever. Her brown hair is finally tamed under the headset as she looks over the checklist card. Her succulent lips are moving as she reads, her hands hovering over the instrument panel, pretending to push buttons and flick switches.

  She’s so focused on what she’s doing that she doesn’t notice me approaching. It doesn’t help that I’m sneaking over, hoping to scare her.

  “Ahh!” she screams when I knock on the window, popping up out of nowhere.

  She turns to me with a scowl on her face as she clutches her chest, her heart probably pounding away. “What?” she snaps, not even bothering to open the window.

  Something tells me that if she had a pilot’s license, she would be taking off right now, desperate to get away from me.

  “Are you stealing my plane?”

  She huffs out a breath and then rolls her eyes before rolling down the window. “I was just practicing the safety checks.”

  “It’s against FAA regulations to sit in a Captain’s seat without a licensed pilot observing,” I say, pulling a Riley and throwing the rulebook in her face.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry,” she says, turning red as she unbuckles her seatbelt. “I shouldn’t be here.”

  She tries to open the door, but I hold it closed.

  “It’s okay,” I say, giving her a real smile. I was just trying to bug her. I didn’t want her to actually feel bad. “I’m a licensed pilot and I’m observing. Pretend like I’m not here.”

  “That’s impossible,” she says, her adorable little ears turning red as she looks down in her lap. “Especially after the disaster last night.”

  “Disaster?” I say, jerking my head back. Does she think that kissing me was a disaster? “I had a great time last night.”

  “You did?” she asks, turning to me with raised eyebrows.

  I nod. “Didn’t you?”

  She takes a deep breath, looking too uncomfortable to answer. I decide to save her and change the subject. I know she had a good time no matter what she thinks she thinks.

  “You really like planes, don’t you?” I say, peeking past her to the notes on the passenger’s seat. There are at least six notebooks packed with multi-colored post-it notes sticking out everywhere.

  The redness in her face starts to disappear as she looks at me with excited eyes. “I love planes. I’ve been wanting to be a pilot since I was old enough to point at the planes in the sky.”

  “Have you had any training?”

  “No,” she says, shaking her head. “I mean, I’m self-taught. I’ve read every pilot textbook about ten times each, and I’ve clocked over three hundred hours on my flight simulator on my computer, but that’s it.”

  “That’s it?” I ask with a chuckle. “Shit, that’s more than most graduates have done.”

  “Yeah, but they’ve actually flown a plane,” she says, looking down at the yoke in her hands. “I haven’t.”

  “So, let’s go,” I say, slapping the side of the plane. “The keys are under the seat.”

  She looks so shocked as I duck under the wing and walk around the back to the passenger’s side, untying the ropes as I go. Her mouth is hanging open as I open the door and slip inside.

  “We can’t!” she says, swallowing hard as she looks around. “This is against so many regulations. It’s breaking rules, and laws!”

  “That’s what makes it so good,” I say, grinning at her.

  But she refuses. She may have loosened up a little since she met me, but she still has a long way to go before she’s breaking laws by flying airplanes without a license. We’ll get there one day.

  After a few minutes of arguing, I’m in the pilot’s seat and she’s in the passenger’s seat watching.

  “Okay,” I say through the headsets. “Tell me what to do.”

  She’s gripping the laminated checklist so hard that it’s bending under her fingertips. “Check that the circuit breakers are in.”

  I nod. “Check it.”

  She does and then looks at the shaking checklist in her hands, although I don’t think she even needs it. She probably has every item memorized. “Make sure the avionics power switch is off.”

  “Is it?”

  She nods. She has a smile on her face that cannot be contained as she bounces her knee up and down with excitement. “Yes.”

  I watch her as she goes over the checklist, making sure everything is ready before I start the engine. When it is, I jump out of the plane and push it into the water, jumping back in before it floats away without me.

  I let her start the engine, and she looks thrilled as the propeller starts spinning.

  She watches me like a hawk as I taxi the plane out into the open water, and I watch her like a hawk when she reaches into the back to grab the GPS off the back seat. Fuck, she’s hot.

  Ten minutes later, we’re in the sky, circling around Prince Kalib’s private island and heading out to sea.

  “Should we just leave and never come back?” I ask through the headsets when the island is safely behind us.

  Her little laugh gets my heart pumping. “I hate Kara, and Marv is no treasure, but even I wouldn’t do that to them. They all look so miserable there.”

  “They’re miserable everywhere.” Wait until she sees how much Kara likes Mongolia. I decide to not ruin the moment by bringing that up.

  She married him for his money and he married her because she was the only Hidden Pleasures model who would talk to him. They’re not exactly a model of a happy marriage.

  “How’s our altitude?” I ask, changing the subject to something that will get a smile on her beautiful face.

  She leans over me to take a look at the instrument panel. The fruity smell of her hair is making my heart pound as fast as the engine.

  “Low,” she says with her gorgeous face wrinkled up in concentration.

  “How do we fix it?”

  “Pull the yoke up,” she says, looking like she’s loving every minute of this. If I’m being honest, so am I.

  “You do it.”

  “I can’t,” she says, looking at me with confusion in her bright green eyes.

  “Why not?”

  “Because I can’t reach it.”

  I hold the yoke with my left hand and tap my thigh with my right. “Come on over,” I say, trying to hide my grin. “You’re driving.”

  Her face reddens as she looks down at my legs. “Where do I sit?”

  “On my lap.”

  She bites her bottom lip as she thinks about it, and the sight is so sexy that I’m glad she’s not on me already or else she would be feeling my parking brake against her ass.

  “That would be inappropriate.” She has barely taken a breath since I brought it up.

  “We’re already way beyond inappropriate,” I say, tapping my lap again. “You want to fly a plane or not?”

  After a few seconds of hesitation, she takes off her seatbelt and is climbing over. I can’t believe that actually worked.

  I hold my breath as she straddles me in a reverse cowgirl, lowering her perfect ass onto my lap. Her soft brown hair tickles my face as she takes control of the airplane and I try to take control of my excited body. Don’t get a boner. Don’t get a boner.

  She’ll insist on riding home in the back seat if she feels me go hard against her, and I want to keep her right where she is.

  I’m so distracted by the beautiful curve of her ass on me and my heart that’s pounding furiously in my chest that I completely forget about flying the plane. Luckily, she knows what she’s doing.

  Riley is smiling wide as she holds onto the yoke, steering the plane perfectly. “This is incredible,” she gasps
as she dips left then right, testing out the controls. “I’m actually flying! I can’t believe it!”

  “You’re actually sitting on my lap,” I answer. “I can’t believe that!”

  “Shut up!” she says, playfully swatting me. “Even you can’t ruin this moment for me.”

  “I wouldn’t want to.” She smiles as I rest my chin on her shoulder, watching the gorgeous Caribbean scenery in front of us.

  “Can I go higher?” she asks, turning to me with a beautiful smile on her face.

  “You’re the pilot,” I answer. “You can go wherever you want to.”

  A second later, she hits full power without me having to tell her, and she tilts the plane. I swallow a groan as her round ass presses ever harder against me as the plane climbs into the air. “Good,” I say in a raspy voice when we straighten back out, high above the clouds now. “Did you check your—”

  “Airspeed? Yup.”

  She’s good. As much as I would hate to admit it, she would make an excellent pilot. Her attention to detail, insistence on following every single rule, and quick reaction speed are all excellent traits for a pilot to have.

  We spend the next hour flying around like this with her on my lap. She’s enjoying finally getting to fly an airplane, and I’m enjoying finally getting to touch her ass without getting smacked.

  “I think it’s time to turn back,” I say when I look at the fuel gauge.

  “So soon?” she asks, looking disappointed as she looks at me over her shoulder.

  “We’re getting low on fuel,” I say. “And my legs have been asleep for the past twenty minutes.”

  “Oops!” she says, trying to climb off me. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” I say, holding her in place. I’m not ready for her to leave.

  She’s turned in an awkward angle, her face hovering over mine. I take the yoke with my left hand and hold the plane steady as our eyes connect, heated desire passing between us. Her lips part as her face goes still and her cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink.

  Our eyes are locked on each other like we’re hypnotized and unable to look away. My hand drifts up to her neck, and I cradle the back as I gently pull her toward me. She offers no resistance except for a little moan as our lips come together once again.

  We’re kissing with a greed and hunger that was missing last night. Her hands are all over me, grabbing and pulling as I position her back on my lap. She straddles me as she cups my cheeks and plunges her tongue down my throat.

  I’m so hard. She starts grinding against me, and it’s pure fucking torture, but I have to pull my mouth away from hers to make sure the plane isn’t flying upside down. After a quick check of the instrument panel, our mouths come back together in a desperate crush of lips.

  Our tongues are tangled as our bodies melt into each other. I have one hand on the yoke and the other is clumsily trying to undo the buttons of her shirt. She smacks my hand away as she pulls her mouth away from mine, her lips and mouth red from my scratchy beard.

  She looks at me with pure lust on her face as she quickly undoes her buttons, staring at me under her lush, dark lashes.

  I take one last glimpse at the instrument panel as she undoes the last button of her shirt. She rips it open, and the sight of her on my lap with only a white lacy bra covering her tits is enough to make my dick ache with need.

  She grinds her jean-covered pussy on my erection as my mouth devours the tops of her breasts. I tug her bra down and groan as I take a hard, pink nipple into my mouth, swirling my tongue around it. Her tits are even more perfect than I had imagined, and I suck, lick, and nibble them until her eyes are closed and she’s panting like she’s about to come.

  The soft noises she’s making through my headset are driving me crazy, making me forget all about reality-which is not a good thing when you’re flying a plane.

  She reaches down and is desperately trying to unbutton my shorts, but there’s more body than room in the small plane, and she can’t maneuver in a way that gives her access. I grab her hips and try to move her so I can unbutton my shorts but when I do, she leans back and hits the yoke.

  My stomach flies up to my throat as the ground falls from under us and we plummet.

  “SHIT!” I shout as she flies off of me, slamming into the windshield with a thud. She screams as she looks back at the view behind her which is all ocean as we nosedive toward the water like a missile.

  My heart is going so fast that it’s about to explode as I try to regain control of the plane. We start spinning as the plane engine stalls, and no matter what I try, I can’t get it started again.

  I gulp as I look at Riley who is plastered against the windshield, screaming like a madwoman. The ocean behind her is getting really close, really fast.

  At least I get to stare at those beautiful tits as I die.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I’m going to die. With my tits out, no less.

  My stomach is in my throat as we plummet to the water. With the back of my head plastered to the windshield, I can’t see where we’re headed, but I imagine it’s blue and deep and scary as hell. And from the look on Dex’s face, I’d guess that we’re going to arrive any second now.

  He grabs my belt buckle with one hand and yanks me into my seat.

  “Buckle up, buttercup,” he says, holding me against the seat as he struggles to break out of the nosedive. My fingers feel as nimble as cinder blocks as I try to fasten my seatbelt. I finally get it clipped in without a second to spare because Dex releases me to flick a couple of switches on the flight deck.

  My God.

  The ocean is approaching so fast. I’m hyperventilating as I wonder if we’ll explode on impact at this speed or just rocket down to the bottom of the ocean where our heads will explode from the pressure.

  I try to say a last prayer, one to each of the Gods just to hedge my bets, but I can’t speak. My chest is burning, and it feels like my voice is being shoved down to my stomach.

  Dex’s flexed forearms strain as he pulls the yoke up, starting to straighten the plane out. He flicks a few switches, yanks open the throttle and thankfully, the engine starts back up. The propeller roars back to life, and in the next few seconds, Dex has the plane level and flying parallel to the ground.

  Neither of us says anything for at least a minute. I’m the one to break the silence when he turns over and takes a long look at my breasts.

  “Can you keep your eyes on the clouds?” I ask, yanking my shirt closed.

  “I was keeping my eyes on heaven,” he says, smiling to himself. I’m not in the mood.

  “Are you seriously talking about sex?” I say, my voice just an octave under a scream. “We almost died!”

  “No, we didn’t,” he says, adjusting his shorts in his crotch region. My arousal is somewhere back up there at ten thousand feet, but he’s still as hard as when I was grinding on him. Shit. I was grinding on him.

  How does he keep getting my body to do that so easily?

  “I’m an Air Force pilot,” he says in that smug cocky voice that drives me nuts. “I’ve done more than this.”

  “This is not an F-22 Raptor,” I scream, my blood pressure jacking back up again. “It’s a prop plane. It can’t do stunts.”

  “I just did it,” he says with a shrug.

  “And you got kicked out of the Air Force, hot shot,” I say. It’s a low blow, and we both know it. His knuckles turn white as he squeezes the yoke, his jaw clenched shut as he stares at the horizon.

  I take a deep breath, feeling bad as I look over at him. It was my big ass that hit the yoke and made us free fall after all.

  “Dex,” I say softly after a few minutes of silence. “I’m really sor—”

  He flicks the switch to my microphone off before I can finish.

  Fine, asshole. I’m not sorry.

  We ride the rest of the way back to the island in silence.

  “Dex,” I say when we’re back on the beach. “Are you
not going to talk to me anymore?”

  He slams the metal stakes that the plane is attached to into the sand with a little more force than necessary. I cringe as he picks up the hammer and smashes it down onto the stake, grunting as he’s probably picturing my face on the head of it.

  His body is tense as he moves around with short jerky movements. He looks pissed.

  And it’s my fault. Just as we were starting to get along…

  “I’m sorry,” I say, feeling a lump in my throat. “I didn’t mean it. My adrenaline was going and I—”

  “Do you want to know why I got kicked out of the Air Force?” he asks, waving the hammer around. He stops when he sees it still in his grip and tosses it onto the sand. “Since you’re always bringing it up.”

  “I’m sorry, Dex,” I say again, feeling horrible. He made a dream of mine come true today, and I ruined it all. He didn’t deserve that. He doesn’t deserve any of the ways that I’ve been treating him. “You don’t have to tell me anything.”

  He exhales hard as he places his hands on his hips, staring down at the sand. A bead of sweat drips down his temple as he closes his eyes. “It wasn’t because I messed up,” he says, running his hand through his hair. “And it wasn’t because I was incompetent or negligent.”

  He opens his eyes and looks at me with a sadness that breaks my heart. “I got kicked out because I disobeyed a direct command.”

  “You don’t have to tell me,” I say, feeling terrible that I’m making him tell me his secret.

  “I want to tell you,” he says, locking eyes on me. “I want you to know.”

  My body goes still as I wait for it, my hands trembling by my sides.

  “I was doing a tour in Iraq,” he says with a hard swallow. His eyes are suddenly off the beach and back in the war-torn country. I don’t like this. I wish he was back here with me.

  “I was flying the Raptor on a mission,” he says, his voice thick with emotion. “There was a known high-ranking terrorist in a house, and I was on my way over there. Yazen Maalouf. It had been confirmed that he was in the location, meeting with his mistress. My orders were to take the house down, but when I was approaching with my finger on the trigger, I saw two kids playing in the front yard.”


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