The Nearness of You: A British celebrity, standalone love-at-first-sight romance

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The Nearness of You: A British celebrity, standalone love-at-first-sight romance Page 6

by K. G. Fletcher

  The band leader encouraged guests to come out onto the floor and dance and while some did, others made their way to the beautiful tables looking for their assigned seat in anticipation of the delicious meal. Lauren stood a little taller when she realized David was headed toward her, Brian and Catherine on his coattails.

  “Lauren, may I introduce my sister, Mrs. Catherine Brady.” He gently pulled her by the elbow into their circle.

  “Ooo! I like the sound of that! How do you do, Lauren?” Catherine replied, holding her hand out. Up close, she was just as gorgeous as her brother, her image belonging on the cover of a glamorous bridal magazine. Lauren briefly thought her bright, red lips made it look like her teeth were glowing.

  “Fine, thank you. It’s so nice to meet you. Your ceremony was gorgeous.”

  Catherine beamed raking her blue eyes up and down Lauren. “David, you didn’t tell me she was so stunning.”

  Lauren blushed and Catherine looped her arm with hers, walking her away from the men. “I’m so happy you accepted my brother’s invitation to come today. He can be such a bore at big events, hiding childishly in the corner nursing a cocktail. Thank God you came along.”

  Lauren looked over her shoulder and smiled at David who winked. Catherine was bubbly and energetic, acting more like a best friend than someone she’d just met seconds ago. They stopped at a small table near the front of the room and Lauren noticed right away the place card with her named calligraphed on it next to David’s. She wondered how they prepared her card so quickly being an “add-on” guest.

  The music was festive and the food, phenomenal. The menu wasn’t particularly fancy, but flavorful and delicious. They dined on herb roasted chicken and beef tenderloin served with roasted fingerling potatoes, asparagus, and brussels sprouts. Several rousing champagne toasts were offered during the meal and Lauren felt like she was in a lovely dream among the candlelight, the food and drink with David’s hand firmly planted on her thigh throughout most of the meal.

  “So, David told us you’re a singer here in Atlanta?” Brian asked leaning his head forward over the table so he could see her. He was sipping on a bottle of beer.

  “Yes, I am. I’m a regular performer at the St. Regis Hotel in Buckhead. That’s where David and I met the other night.” It felt like forever ago when, in fact, it had only been two days.

  “What kind of songs do you sing?” Catherine asked raising her voice to be heard over the horn section of the orchestra. She and her maid-of-honor, Kimberly, both looked at her expectantly.

  “She has the most incredible voice, Catherine. She sings all of the classics brilliantly!” David interjected squeezing her thigh.

  Catherine’s eyes widened and she stood quickly, gathering her tulle skirt into her hands and rushing to Lauren’s side. She leaned down and whispered animatedly into her ear. Lauren grinned, but hesitated.

  “I don’t know, Catherine. This is your day. You’ve never even heard me.”

  “Please, duchess. Think of it as your wedding gift to me,” Catherine pleaded.

  “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll do it,” Kimberly interjected, one thin eyebrow raised.

  “What are you trying to do, Catherine?” David asked, a look of concern crossing his face.

  “Uh-oh,” Brian added.

  Lauren exhaled and nodded. “Okay. My wedding gift to you and Brian.” The bride squealed like a little girl and clapped her hands. “If you’ll excuse me for a moment.” The men stood in unison like perfect gentlemen as she arose from her chair, and she was delighted when David gave her a quick a peck on the cheek. “I’ll be right back.”

  Catherine grabbed Brian’s hand. “Well, come on then!” She pulled him back out onto the dance floor.

  David watched as if unsure what had just transpired between the two girls. Kimberly stood by his side with her hand on her hip taking it all in. “There’s no telling what Catherine just talked your date into.”

  Lauren stood by the stage riser and motioned for the band leader to come over. He leaned far enough to where she could speak directly into his ear over the loud music.

  “Catherine would like me to sing a song. Do you know At Last in the key of F?” she asked boldly.

  The band leader raised his eyebrows and smiled, briefly looking over at the newlywed couple who were waiting with anticipation. Catherine nodded her approval at the leader.

  “Sure thing. Come on up,” he replied.

  Lauren walked up the rickety stage stairs onto the stage riser and waited for the band to finish their current song. The band leader grabbed a microphone off a stand and brought it over to her as they finished their last note. He nodded at her during the silence and she cleared her throat walking out to center stage.

  “Good evening. I’m Lauren Rose.” There was polite applause, and she squinted her eyes in the bright light looking over at David who had his arms crossed against his chest. She took a deep breath in an effort to calm the wave of nerves that washed over her. “Catherine has asked me to sing a special song. It’s a love song, which seems appropriate. This is my wedding gift to the happy couple.” She nodded at the band leader and a solo piano intro played a familiar scale.

  “At last….”

  The crowd immediately erupted into a thunderous applause, Catherine and Brian twirling out onto the dance floor as Lauren’s voice echoed throughout the room. The look on the band leader’s face was priceless, as if he were surprised she could really sing. She knew from experience that most guests who wanted to get up and perform during a paid gig had no business doing so and usually embarrassed themselves. Unbeknownst to this group, she was a professional and loved proving them wrong.

  When the song ended, Lauren bowed and put the microphone back on the stand. The band leader approached her, palming her back graciously.

  “Wow, you’ve got some pipes, girl. You got a card or a way I can reach you? We’re always looking for female singers.”

  “Sure. I’ll get you my contact info at your next break.” She started to walk away but paused. “Hey, can you play one more request after this next song? I’d like to dance with my date.” He nodded, and she whispered the title into his ear.

  “No problem.”

  David was waiting for her at the stage stairs and helped her down the last step, pulling her into a bear hug. “That was amazing. You are amazing!”

  Before she could reply, Catherine was pulling her out of his embrace and kissed her hard on the cheek.

  “Lauren! That was bloody-brilliant! Thank you!” Her blues eyes displayed pleasure as she gripped her by the hands.

  “You’re welcome. I’m so glad I could do that for you.”

  A familiar tune started to play and Lauren looked up at David and blushed, thrilled the band leader granted her request. “Would you care to dance, kind sir?”

  He licked his lips and nodded. “You are a clever girl.” Taking her by the hand, he whisked her onto the dance floor as the band played, Fly Me to the Moon.

  “You remembered,” he whispered closely holding her shoulder with his right hand and her fingers in his left.

  “Of course, I remembered.” She was blissfully happy as he glided her in between the other dancers, the warmth from his body penetrating her skin. She felt like Ginger Rogers dancing with Fred Astaire.

  “You have a large, red lip imprint on your cheek from Catherine,” he chuckled trying to wipe it off with his thumb. “It’s her trademark stamp, you know.”

  “Oh! So that’s where that came from!” She laughed.

  “What do you mean?”

  Leaned into his ear so he could hear her better, they continued to sway to the loud music. “Last night, when you stopped by. You had a red lip stamp on your cheek. I thought you might have cheated on me,” she teased, pulling back, and looking up to see his reaction on his handsome face.

  He bit his lower lip staring down at her, his blue eyes glowing like the moon’s reflection on the sea. “Never.”

They danced to a few more songs before watching Catherine and Brian feed each other cupcakes at yet another photo op in front of a gigantic, multi-tiered, cupcake tower. Each tiny cake in its own delicate, laser-cut silver wrapper was an intense flavorful explosion for the taste buds—tart lemon with berry swirl buttercream frosting and a chocolate with ganache frosting dusted with chili cocoa powder. Lauren had never experienced anything so delicious in her entire life.

  “You have a sweet tooth?” David laughed as she licked chocolate off her fingers.

  “Guilty!” she replied with her mouth full.

  The entire evening flew by in a rush of music, romantic lighting, and glorious food. After several more champagne toasts, including a poignant one from Brian thanking David for introducing him to his sister, the entire group lined the ancient stairs outside the Callanwolde mansion. The happy couple ran through a sea of sparklers into a white Bentley and sped off into the Atlanta winter night.

  Lauren shivered in the cold air, her eyes misty from saying good-bye to her new friends. David pulled her into his side and she couldn’t help but snuggle up next to his warm body.

  “Let’s get you inside,” he murmured softly into her hair before placing a chaste kiss on her head.

  Nodding, she slipped her arm around his firm waist and they meandered slowly across the lighted path toward the mansion. She would never forget this night as long as she lived.

  Chapter Nine

  Lauren sat on a chair in the empty ball room and watched the last of the musicians pack up their equipment. Earlier, she’d given the band leader her contact information, and he promised to call her for some future gigs. If nothing became of her and the gorgeous British supermodel, at least she wasn’t leaving empty handed. A new gig with a great band would be a consolation prize of sorts.

  David was off somewhere taking care of the vendors with checks Brian left him in charge of as a few of the staff continued to clear off tables around her. A smoky haze filled the space from the aftermath of blown out candles used to decorate, the aroma reminding Lauren of moments after making a wish on a birthday cake.

  It wasn’t even midnight yet, and she wondered if David might have the energy to join her for a quick nightcap before the inevitable farewell would have to be uttered. Thinking about their whirlwind evening together, she was happy he was able to be a regular person during the festivities and not a celebrity in the limelight. David Randle was simply the brother of the blushing bride, treated like everyone else and able to enjoy uninterrupted pleasure. What a nice change that must have been for him. He was allowed to fully be… himself.

  “Well, Brian will be happy to know all of the vendors have been paid in full.” He towered over her with his hands on his hips and she had to shield her eyes from the backlighting to see his expression. When he held his hand out to her, she reached for him, her entire body feeling the heaviness of the impending minutes to come.

  Raising her fingertips to his lips, he kissed them, surprising her with his next comment. “The night is young. What shall we do now?”

  She flushed with relief. “I was hoping you would say that.”

  Several minutes later, David managed to fold his large frame into the front seat of her car, having to ease the seat back to accommodate his long legs. He laughed. “Reminds me of one Brian’s racecars.”

  Lauren turned the key, revving the engine to warm the car up. She grabbed her North Face jacket from the back seat and shrugged it on. “I can guarantee you this is no racecar. And my heater is broken, so I apologize for the chilly ride back to the St. Regis.” Embarrassed by her foggy breath coming out in puffs in the frigid interior, she was determined to get to the hotel as quickly as possible.

  “That’s terrible. Now I understand the large parka you’re sporting.” He flashed an understanding grin her way.

  The drive back to the hotel didn’t take long and she found a convenient parking space on the deck next to the elevators. Lauren threw the coat she had just put on into the back seat before quickly exiting the vehicle. David held his hand out for her to take and flinched when her icy fingers interlaced his.

  “You’re frozen through and through,” he admonished, pulling her into his warm side hooking his arm around her waist. His delicious warmth seeped into her pores.

  They rode the elevator up to the lobby and exited, walking silently to the concierge desk. A middle-aged man dressed in a dark suit looked up and offered a polite smile. “Good evening, Mr. Randle. How can I help you?”

  “Yes. I would like a bottle of champagne and a cheese and fruit tray sent up straight away.”

  “Yes sir, Mr. Randle.” The man grinned and proceeded to type on a keyboard.

  David pulled Lauren by the hand toward the elevator banks that took hotel guests up to their suites. He paused by the grand staircase as if he forgot something. “Pardon me, Lauren. Are you comfortable going to my suite? It offers a large sitting area. I thought we could lounge and talk in privacy. But I don’t want to come off as presumptuous.”

  Her heart pounded as she anticipated there might be more than small talk happening in David Randle’s suite. “Sounds good,” she managed to squeak.

  He flashed her his trademark, drop-dead-gorgeous smile and turned on his heels, pulling her into an empty elevator. They both looked up and watched the floor numbers ascend, not saying a word. When the double doors opened, David motioned his hand out to allow her to exit first. They continued to walk down the long hallway to the last suite where he pulled a white key card out of his jacket pocket and waved it over the electronic lock. He palmed the door allowing her to enter first.

  The hotel room looked more like an elegant, upper-class apartment with an entire living room filled with high-class furniture, including a comfortable sofa and two arm chairs in a soothing color palette of cream, taupe and mineral green. The windows rose from floor to ceiling and a sleek, forty-eight inch LED flat screen television took up part of one wall edged with elegant crown moldings. Sprays of fresh flowers added just the right touch to the soothing space and Lauren noticed a MacBook open on a quaint, mahogany writing desk in the corner. She assumed the large, closed door led to the bedroom and blushed.

  David pulled off his jacket and hung it over a chair. He started to take off his platinum cuff links. “Our refreshments should be here shortly. I’m going to change into something more comfortable. Would you like to do the same?”

  “Umm… I don’t know.” She wasn’t quite sure what he meant by his question and he immediately seemed to sense her uneasiness.

  “I’ll be right back. I’m sure I have some extra lounge pants and a t-shirt you can borrow.” He winked and handed her the TV remote. “Find a program on the telly and if you don’t mind, if room service knocks, have them put everything on the coffee table.” He paused, and slowly lifted her chin up with his index finger. “Don’t be so nervous Lauren. Relax.”

  With wide eyes, she nodded slightly before he grazed his knuckles across her cheek, offered one of his megawatt smiles, and disappeared into the bedroom, closing the door behind him. She collapsed with a swoony sigh onto the sofa and couldn’t help but run her hand back and forth across the ultra-soft upholstery, her mind reeling with potential thoughts at what might happen in this very room. To say she was nervous was an understatement.

  Lauren experienced one of the best days of her life being with David. He made her feel respected and beautiful, his adoration for her evident. But she wondered if he might expect her to put out. Surely, his motivation for bringing her back to his hotel suite wasn’t for sex? But how could she know? They had just met and were slowly getting to know each other. Perhaps she was overthinking things. Perhaps she needed a drink.

  A soft knocking interrupted her thoughts. Hoisting herself up off the sofa, she approached the door and opened it wide.

  “Good evening,” the man dressed in a bleached white uniform coat and black pants greeted.

  “Good evening,” she replied, motioning for him
to come in.

  “And where would we like this?” he asked, pausing in the hallway.

  “The coffee table, please.”

  As the man wheeled the cart toward the coffee table, David quickly came out of the bedroom, pulling money out of his wallet. He had changed into red and black checkered lounge pants and had a t-shirt draped over his shoulder. Lauren inhaled sharply and swallowed at the sight of his magnificent, exposed chest and thick arms.

  The employee efficiently placed a silver bucket with a chilled bottle of champagne, two flutes, a cheese tray, a fruit tray, and a basket of assorted crackers onto the table.

  “Thank you kindly, sir,” David said to the man handing him a fifty.

  “Thank you!” the man exclaimed, a wide grin crossing his face. David followed him to the door and said good night before locking the deadbolt. As he came back into the room, he rubbed his hands together with glee.

  “Now, where were we?” He snatched the bottle out of the bucket causing a few ice cubes to scatter across the dark furniture. With one hand, he pulled the foil back and used a small towel to pull the cork off in an effortless motion with a loud “pop” making Lauren jump. Before the cascading bubbles could overflow onto the carpet, he managed to pour the pink liquid into the two crystal flutes and handed one to her.

  “Cheers to the best night I’ve had in my entire life,” he exclaimed, tilting his glass to touch hers. His blue eyes were bright and alive.

  She blushed awkwardly, taken aback by his candid comment. “Ditto. Cheers.” Ditto? Another lame remark….

  They stared at each other as they took in large sips of the alcohol. Lauren tried desperately to keep her focus on David’s gorgeous face and not gawk at his famous exposed arms, chest and hips radiating heat so close to her. His body was flawless.


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