The Nearness of You: A British celebrity, standalone love-at-first-sight romance

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The Nearness of You: A British celebrity, standalone love-at-first-sight romance Page 17

by K. G. Fletcher

  “Well, I have some news for you. The lab just got your test result back, and it is confirmed you are pregnant. Because you have a head injury, we still need to proceed with the scan to rule out any bleeding or structural damage just to be on the safe side. We just have a different form for you to sign moving forward and we’ll take extra precautions as well.”

  Lauren could barely comprehend what the doctor was saying and her eyes were wide with shock.

  “I’m sorry. Lauren is… pregnant? Are you certain?” David asked tentatively. His heart pounded with the news as if he had just run a fifty-yard sprint.

  “Very much so. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or hcG was detected in the urine test. We’ll do a blood test to make absolute sure, but these urine tests are pretty accurate.”

  Lauren put her hand up to her mouth and David looked off into space, his mind reeling with the news.

  “I’ll leave you two alone to digest the news. This is obviously a surprise, am I correct?” She stood and waited for a response clutching the clipboard to her chest. Lauren nodded. “Have you taken any precautions during sexual activity? Birth control? Condoms?”

  She quickly nodded again, her eyes darting to David. “Yes, I’m on the pill. How could this have happened?”

  The doctor pursed her lips. “Well, unfortunately, birth control isn’t 100 percent effective. There is a slight chance it won’t work, especially if you’ve been taking it with other medication or forgetting to take it here and there.”

  “I took it religiously,” she interrupted. “And we used condoms.”

  “Have you noticed any symptoms lately? Loss of appetite? Nausea? Lethargy?”

  David eyed Lauren with unease. “She’s lost a significant amount of weight since I last saw her two months ago. Could that be pregnancy-related?”

  “Hmmm. I see. In the first trimester, a lot of women experience sickness and loss of appetite. That could explain the weight loss. We’ll do a blood test to confirm and get you started with pre-natal care right away. If it’s been two months, you may already be eight to ten weeks along.” Dr. Hogan opened the door and stood in the threshold, a sympathetic smile tugging on her lips. “The nurse will wheel you in for the scan in a few minutes.” She paused. “Congratulations.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The ride back to the St. Regis was quiet and dark. Lauren tucked her body into the corner of the large sedan, hugging her arms around herself, trying to come to terms with everything that had just happened. There was a dull pain in her head—and in her heart. The CT scan revealed nothing out of the ordinary, which was good news. When the doctor announced she was pregnant, she and David were both stunned. David barely said two words to her, only conversing with the doctor about her concussion and what needed to be done moving forward. She had no idea what he was feeling or thinking about the pregnancy announcement. Sitting stoic next to her in the back seat of the car, he looked out the window into the night, his expression unreadable. She wondered what was going through his mind. What if he didn’t want her anymore? And a baby? How in the world could she take care of a baby?

  Because she had a concussion, the doctor told her she needed to remain awake for the next several hours until the swelling went down on her head. Exhausted and overwhelmed, sleep seemed to be the only thing she craved in that moment. To be unconscious and not have to think would be a gift. David assured the doctor he would make sure she was taken care of, much to her relief.

  The car pulled up to the familiar lobby entrance of the St. Regis, the gas lanterns flickering in the spring evening. Before she could even attempt to open the car door, David was opening it, standing next to her and extending his hand to help her out.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, looking up into his shadowed face.

  He offered her a slight smile before putting his arm around her so she could lean steadily against his strong frame. They slowly crossed the massive, marble lobby and entered the elevator. It was a stark contrast to the last time they were in the elevator with their hands all over each other. With wide eyes, Lauren looked up at the numbers as they ascended, chewing on her lower lip in an effort not to lose it completely. When they arrived on their floor, she exited a little too quickly and teetered precariously, feeling dizzy.

  “Steady, Lauren,” David whispered, his arms enveloping her before she had a chance to collide with the ground.

  A minute later, she found herself seated on the same couch in the same hotel room from the night of his sister’s wedding. It was all so surreal. She watched him retrieve a large bottle of sparkling water out of the mini-frig and pour the liquid into two clear glasses, handing one to her. When he finally sat down in the desk chair directly across from her, he palmed the glass with his hands, and looked straight at her. She couldn’t help but gaze at his handsome face, thinking to herself he was the most gorgeous man she’d ever laid eyes on.

  “How do you feel right now? Is there anything you need?” he asked caringly.

  There was no doubt she loved him and her heart beat with the anticipation of hearing him say those precious words again. She wanted to hear those words again, but the news of her pregnancy might have changed everything. The intermittent thought of another good-bye rocked her to her core. The cool water in her mouth suddenly felt like a thick paste and she could barely swallow. Closing her eyes, she willed herself not to cry, but it was too late. The glass she held fell from her grasp and landed on the carpeted floor, spilling everywhere. She covered her face with her hands trying to stifle her sobs.

  David was by her side in an instant, his arms wrapping around her like a blanket. She hid in the crevice of his neck while he stroked her hair, his clean, musky essence infiltrating her senses as she huddled deeper into his warmth. She would do anything to keep him from leaving… anything.

  “Shhh… Lauren, you mustn’t get so worked up. You’re in a precarious condition,” he whispered against the shell of her ear.

  With each tender stroke of his hand, she began to calm down, her eyelids feeling heavy from her tears. Exhaustion crept into her bones and all she wanted to do was sleep in the warm nook of his neck. Holding her by the shoulders, he gently pulled back to where he could look her in the eye.

  “You can’t go to sleep. I’ve got to keep you up all night. Lauren, if anything were to happen to you….” His voice cracked with emotion as he quickly embraced her again.

  “You’re not mad? You’re not leaving me?” she whispered breathlessly.

  He pulled back from her and wiped his cheeks with the back of his hand. He’d been crying too. “Is that what you think I’m going to do? Shun my responsibility as a father? Leave after I’ve just proclaimed my love for you?” There was a pained look on his face.

  Lauren guiltily looked away and swiped at her own tears. His fingers gently gripped her chin, and he lifted her face so they were eye to eye. “Never… I will never leave you, or our child.” Leaning in, he kissed her lightly on the lips. “I love you, Lauren. I’ve loved you since the day I walked into that lounge and heard you singing. I want to spend the rest of my life with you….” He rested his hand tenderly on her belly, his eyes never leaving her gaze. Lauren lay her own hand over his as they stared at each other, the love in the room evident.

  David seemed to relax, and leaned his head on the back of the couch as he pulled her tightly against his chest. “Did you know Catherine is pregnant too?”

  “What?” she exclaimed tilting her head and looking up at his handsome profile.

  “Yes. She told me a few days ago. I think it happened around the same time as you. She’s just at eight weeks.” He sighed. “I must confess, when she told me, I was actually jealous. I wanted it to be you and me. I wanted it so badly.”

  Lauren was flabbergasted. She and David had only been together a total of nine days. Nine days! In a very short span of time, they’d fallen head over heels in love and had a baby on the way.

  “Are you sure you even want a child now? Your career ha
s taken off. I don’t want to be a burden to you.”

  “Nonsense. I’ll hear none of that.”

  Her eyes began to pool with tears again, spilling onto her cheeks. Embarrassed, she brushed them away with her fingertips, overwhelmed with so many emotions and the fear of the unknown.

  David furrowed his famous brow as if perplexed by her reactions. “Your hormones must be going bonkers from the pregnancy. Please don’t cry anymore. We have an incredible life ahead of us.”

  “But this is my fault,” she blurted, sitting upright.

  “What are you talking about? It takes two to shag, love.”

  “No. On our first night together when we… had sex….”


  “You told me you would never compromise my future. You used a condom, and I told you I was on the pill.”

  “Which you were, correct?” His blue eyes were like laser beams focused on her face as he waited patiently for an answer.

  She sighed, not sure if she should continue and looked down at her hands nervously twisting in her lap. “I had been on the pill before, while I was with my college boyfriend. I was not actually on it that first night we were together, but you used condoms. I remembered I had an extra three months’ supply at home and immediately started to take it the next day.” Biting her lower lip, she slowly looked up at him. “I messed up. I should’ve known medication takes time to get into your system. I was so caught up in our week together and the sex was so incredible… It never occurred to me we should’ve continued with the condoms every time to be extra safe.”

  The room was quiet except for the faint rhythm of her heart beating fretfully in her chest. She was sure David could hear it. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “How long has it been since you were with him?” he asked matter-of-factly.

  “With my college boyfriend?”


  Lauren hesitated, the truth of the matter hitting her over the head like a piano. “Almost four years…”

  They both sat in silence for a moment, David intertwining his fingers with hers. His soft voice reassured her. “It seems you’ve also been taking expired medication.” He paused. “Your intentions were noble, but your prescription was unimpressed. Add to that the incredible sex, and I can understand how we were both caught up in the moment. I, too, wasn’t thinking clearly at all that week. Totally smitten from day one.” He started to chuckle, pulling her tightly into his arms. “I adore you.”

  With a contented sigh, she realized, David wasn’t going anywhere. “I love you David.”

  “I love you too.”

  They were meant to be together. And together, they were going to have a baby.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  David had no clue how he was going to keep Lauren from falling asleep. His own eyes were growing heavy with exhaustion from the long day he had endured, starting with the early morning appearance on Good Morning America and then traveling to Atlanta. After they changed into something more comfortable, he ordered room service and they chatted quietly while waiting on the food, catching each other up over the past two months they’d been apart. In the back of his mind, he thought about returning to her favorite indulgence, New York City. He wanted to show her up close the giant billboard for Drive overlooking Times Square. Unbeknownst to her, she was the one who instigated the new image that pushed his campaign into stardom. People were going nuts over the new fragrance and the images promoting it. To see the look on her face when he finally told her she was a big part of the successful launch was something he looked forward to.

  “You’ve barely touched your food,” he scolded, looking at her with concern. He was stretched out on the floor leaning against the sofa having just splurged on a large cheeseburger and side salad. Lauren sat across from him, shoving food around her plate with a fork, looking like a petulant child. He couldn’t help but think she looked incredibly young wearing his lounge pants and t-shirt, devoid of any makeup with her honey-golden hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun.

  “I guess it’s the pregnancy. Food tastes weird and when I do eat, I feel nauseous.”

  “Come here,” he requested with his arms open wide. She fell comfortably into his embrace snuggling against his chest.

  “How do you really feel about having a baby?”

  She seemed taken aback by the question. “I’m honored to be the mother of your child. But I have to admit, motherhood has never been something I’ve thought much about. It’s kind of scary.”

  He rubbed her arm gently. “Don’t be scared, love. We’re in this together.” He kissed her temple. “I’ve always wanted a beautiful daughter, but I’d be just as happy with a cheeky son.”

  Her smile was warm. “Whatever we have, with your genes it’s going to be gorgeous.”

  “With both of our genes,” he interjected squeezing her close.

  A happy sigh emitted from her body as she tried to stifle a yawn.

  “Oh, no. Don’t be starting that again.” He shifted and pulled himself up to his feet. “Come on, then.”

  She looked up at him as he stood before her with his arm stretched out and palm wide open. She placed her hand in his and he hoisted her up and immediately started to sway in a dance pose.

  “Sing for me, Lauren,” he whispered into her ear.

  A lovely blush spread across her cheeks before she started to hum softly. He immediately recognized his favorite Tony Bennett song and joined her with his own baritone hum, his lower region tingling with want. They stared into each other’s eyes and softly sang the familiar tune together, lost in a moment of profound commitment, the last phrase sung in unison. “In other words… I love you.”

  Both of their chests heaved with anticipation when they stopped dancing. David cupped her cheeks with his hands and crashed his mouth against hers in a passionate kiss. When he pulled back, they were both breathless and wide awake.

  “Make love to me,” she whispered, her eyes displaying need.

  He easily scooped her up into his arms and carried her into the bedroom.

  Several hours later, when they had finally reached the safe zone and Lauren hadn’t had any more dizzy spells, David allowed her to fall into a deep sleep in the crook of his arm. The sun was rising and the faint sound of a vacuum could be heard coming from the hotel hallway. He was perfectly content for the first time in weeks, grateful for his lot in life and the woman in his arms. He stared at the sliver of bright sunlight coming in under the drapes and caressed her cheek tenderly with his fingertips.

  The thought of being a husband and a father was magical to him. Being an English gentleman, he knew the next logical step for the both of them was marriage. The Randle name would be on the birth certificate of their baby and he would legally be wed to Lauren by the time she gave birth. But how? He needed to propose, and they needed to start making arrangements for their nuptials soon. Having a pregnant bride wouldn’t bother him in the least. He just hoped she would be up for it in all her expanding glory. His thoughts went back to their time in New York during the cold month of February. As he started to drift off to sleep with a smile grazing his lips, visions of Tiffany diamonds and horse drawn carriages trotting through Central Park lingered in his mind.


  Lauren returned to her apartment late in the afternoon while David remained at the St. Regis, reluctantly finishing several Skype interviews already on his schedule. They decided to take the rest of the weekend and drive south to Valdosta where she could formally introduce him to her parents. The idea was his, and he seemed excited and ready to move forward, making long term plans regarding their future.

  With the key barely in the lock, the door suddenly opened and Jordan’s pink head startled her.

  “There you are! I’ve been dying to know what happened.”

  Lauren quickly dropped her keys and purse on the side table while being pulled by Jordan into the living area.

  “Jordan, stop, you’re hurting my wrist,” she gi

  The two girls plopped onto the sofa before Jordan sat up straight as if anticipating the details of everything that had happened since the previous evening. “He obviously came, or you would’ve been home last night. And you’re still in your show dress. Where is he now?”

  “Yes, he came. God, there’s so much to tell you. I don’t even know where to begin.”

  For the next half hour, she told her roomie everything, including her fainting spell when she first saw David, her trip to the ER and the news of her pregnancy. She hesitated to tell Jordan the pregnancy was her fault for taking expired medication and not being extra careful during that first passionate week she was with David. She had to endure a scolding from her nurse/roommate for being so stupid, but Jordan wasn’t mad for long, wanting to know what was next for the happy couple.

  “He wants to take me to Valdosta so we can tell my parents together.”

  “Oh, how chivalrous of him. I’ll bet he’s going to ask your dad for your hand in marriage.” She paused and looked embarrassed. “I mean, if you’ve even talked about marriage. Have you?”

  Lauren blushed and felt a surge of love run through her body. “Yes. He told me last night he wants to make an honest woman out of me.” The two girls laughed.

  Jordan laid her head back on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling. “Oh, man. This is like something out of a movie.” She suddenly turned to her. “Are you ready for your life to change like, forever?” Her eyes were wide with excitement.

  “Yes. I’m ready for forever.”

  Lauren showered and packed a bag for their getaway. She’d already taken the weekend off, anticipating her reunion with David. Calling her father, she told him they would be arriving around dinnertime for a visit. He seemed ecstatic and anxious to meet the new man in her life. The plan was to spend the evening with her family and then head to the Valdosta airport the next morning to take a chartered plane to New York. David was scheduled to introduce an up and coming designer at the Independent Fashion Awards on Sunday night and insisted she accompany him to the ceremony. At first, she balked, remembering the chaos of the last awards show she was supposed to go to. And once again, she didn’t have the right dress for such an important occasion. David had already done his homework and made sure everything was lined up, much to her chagrin. He reassured her he would be by her side every minute and it would be quite a different scenario all together. Her mind swirled with all that had transpired in the last twenty-four hours and the new plans they were making. She had to pinch herself several times as a reminder it was all very real.


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