Ruby: Uncut and on the Loose (The Veil Book 1)

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Ruby: Uncut and on the Loose (The Veil Book 1) Page 24

by Danica Avet

  “You’re so hot,” he whispered around her flesh, his tongue working her nipple expertly. One of his hands slid over her hip, pulling her harder into the taut muscles of his stomach. “I want you to ride me, mate,” he demanded harshly.

  Nearly mindless with need, Ruby could only obey, sliding her hips further down his body until his cock was poised at the entrance of her swelling flesh. Some voice in the back of her mind told her she was playing with fire and he would demand even more from her, but her body overrode all logic.

  With a cry, she impaled herself on his massive cock, her inner walls stretching to accommodate him. Once he was fully embedded in her flesh, she let out a sigh of relief. It felt right to have him as a part of her.

  His hands roamed up her torso to cradle her breasts, his thumbs flicking over her taut nipples and sending a blast of sensation to her womb. She threw her head back, gasping as the reflexive clenching of her womb caused his cock to jerk inside her.

  “Move, Ruby. Ride me,” he urged her, his voice a growling bass. He emphasized his words by pinching both nipples.

  Ruby moaned loudly and began to rock her hips on him, his cock gently retreating and filling her to the brim over and over again. She panted, sweat gathering on her skin as Lucian stroked his hands over her, murmuring approvingly.

  When one hand slipped down to where they were joined and gently plucked at her swollen clit, she cried out and began moving faster. Soon, Lucian was as lost as she, thrusting his hips up at her when she lowered her own, driving himself deeper into her body.

  “Baby, ah, baby, come for me,” he rasped huskily, his fingers playing her like a piano. He thrust harder, making Ruby clutch at his shoulders to hold herself in place.

  He turned his head and grabbed her wrist with his free hand, bringing her vein to his mouth. When his fangs pierced her skin and began drawing on her, Ruby bucked, a scream working its way past her tight throat as she came.

  The frantic bucking of her hips and strong clenching of her inner muscles brought Lucian’s climax, which he poured into her welcoming body just as her blood rushed eagerly down his throat.

  The fingers tormenting her clit never slowed, just continued to rub and circle until Ruby’s body pulled tight with another orgasm, this one stronger than the first. She fell, her body draped over Lucian’s chest as the wetness of her orgasm coated both of them.

  Pulling back from her wrist and gently licking the punctures before kissing them, Lucian wrapped his arms around her, pulling her deeper into his body. They were still joined, and Ruby felt a contentment she hadn’t experienced since the last time they made love.

  Sex was the only thing they seemed to agree wholeheartedly on, she thought fuzzily. Their bodies recognized each other, and the pleasure they experienced managed to eclipse any argument they had, at least temporarily.

  Ruby didn’t fool herself. She knew Lucian was still trying to protect her from herself, and she’d have to disabuse him of that. How she still wasn’t sure.

  She wasn’t about to tell him about the duel. It went without saying that if Lucian knew she was going to deliberately place herself in danger, he’d tie her up and take care of Bianca himself. She wondered if he even knew the extent of his mentor’s spiral into darkness. Since he hadn’t said anything, she suspected he didn’t know.

  It isn’t my place to tell him. If he was still convinced Bianca was an innocent and worthy councilor, then nothing Ruby would tell him would make a difference.

  A rumbling purr erupted from Lucian’s throat as his hands leisurely stroked her back. His satisfaction in their bed play made Ruby glow with triumph. She wasn’t an oddity in the Veil, she now knew. Big, strong women were respected as warriors and Lucian apparently heartily approved of her body since every time they were together they went off like roman candles.

  “Ruby,” he breathed against her temple, pressing a kiss to the tender skin. “Woman, you are hotter than Hell.”

  “I’m glad you think so,” she said back in a shy whisper. She still wasn’t used to being considered hot.

  His arms tightened around her as he gently eased their bodies apart and laid her next to him. With his arms around her and their legs entwined, Ruby felt replete. This was where she belonged, in his arms.

  But how could they resolve their problems if he refused to see her as a strong individual instead of another burden? She didn’t kid herself. He cared about her, at least a little, but caring wasn’t the same as love, especially where obligations were concerned. If he loved her, his protectiveness could be understood and welcome. Without love, however, he would eventually come to resent her, and her love for him wouldn’t be enough to make them equal partners in their relationship.

  The problems whirled around her mind, but no words passed her lips. This time with him was precious. Tomorrow she would set up the duel and, then, she’d take control of her life.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  With Ruby pressed against his side, Lucian could finally breathe. The passion they just experienced had him buzzing like the finest whiskey. Ruby was everything he could’ve hoped for in a mate: strong, beautiful, smart, and sassy. He admired her determination to fulfill the duties of her office while at the same time his mind reeled in horror to imagine the danger she courted.

  She just didn’t understand that making herself available to the Veil put her at risk. Someone would take it into their head that she needed to be destroyed lest she reveal a leader they didn’t want in place. Her life depended on her staying away from the general populous.

  His arms unconsciously tightened around her as his primal self snarled at the idea of someone hurting his mate for any reason. Bianca would be dealt with, he decided firmly. Council would learn about her betrayal tomorrow.

  Right now was meant to be spent with his mate, bonding with her, making sure his possession was branded on the surface of her heart. His chest hurt it was so full of love for her. When it happened, he didn’t know, but he suspected he’d fallen for her when she escaped from his house.

  Seeing her determination to live her own life was something to be admired even as he feared it. He could see living with her for all of eternity because she’d never do what he expected. She’d fight with him tooth and nail, but she’d never betray him. Their sex life would be beyond amazing, he thought with a soft chuckle.

  “What’s so funny?” she mumbled against his shoulder, her voice husky with satisfaction and sleepiness.

  Lucian brushed his lips over her forehead. “Just thinking we should make sure there’s a fire extinguisher nearby anytime we’re in bed together.”

  She giggled. It was a soft, girlish sound that melted his heart. He couldn’t resist placing a soft kiss on her mouth. He almost blurted out his love for her but held back because the last time she’d asked him if he loved her he hadn’t been able to answer.

  “How did your grandmother find you?” Lucian asked out of the blue.

  He’d been stroking his fingertips up and down her spine, setting off tingles and soothing her at the same time.

  Ruby nestled closer. “I ran into her in the swamp when I escaped your house. She wanted to take me away then and there, but I thought I’d give you a chance. When she didn’t hear from me for a couple of days, she and two of the other women broke me out.” She stated it all matter of factly, not wanting his guilt.

  His arms tightened slightly, and he tensed but didn’t defend himself. She surprised herself by giving him a detailed description of what she remembered from her childhood spent with them, stories they’d shared with her during the feast mingling with her own memories. He laughed several times, the sound rending her heart.

  “What about you, Luc?” Ruby asked when she’d finally emptied herself of stories. “I’ve known you for a little while now, but I don’t know you. Not really.” And that bothered her. She had been intimate with him, but all she really knew about him was that he was apprenticed to Council and was stubborn as a Mississippi mule.

p; He sighed, his chest rising and falling under her cheek and Ruby could sense that he really didn’t want to answer. She was surprised when he began talking.

  “I’m the oldest son in my family. Well,” he paused with a wry laugh, “I thought I was the oldest son in my family. Seems mom was an unhappy housewife and had a little fun with one of dad’s clerks. The result? A baby vampire-demon Halfling who became the scourge of the Veil.”

  Ruby sat straight up and looked at Lucian incredulously. “Malachi?” she whispered in shock. She could actually see a resemblance between them. They both had strong jaws and, though their coloring was different, they had the same shaped mouth and eyes. “Holy cow.”

  Lucian laughed harshly, pulling Ruby down into his arms again. “Yeah, that’s pretty much how I felt too. I didn’t find out until last night either. I grew up with him, thinking he was the son of one of the servants, and he was my brother. I liked him a lot back then. We were best friends. Then, mom had Uri and Bernard.” His voice was strained as he said his last brother’s name. “Uri was just like me, boisterous and loud. Bernard was more…gentle. He didn’t like playing with swords or playing soldiers. He read a lot and studied botany. When we were older, it was obvious to everyone that Bernard was gay. It didn’t bother me or Uri, but our parents hated it.” He paused, his voice tight and his body tense.

  Ruby pressed a gentle kiss to his chest and stroked his arm. This was obviously a very painful subject, and she wished she could tell him it didn’t matter, but it did. She needed to know what drove him so she could understand him better.

  He took a deep breath. “Mom and dad arranged a marriage for him to some debu-vamp who was related to the area’s coven master. She was a timid little thing and wouldn’t have caused her mate any problems, but Bernard only wanted his Ryan. Ryan was a jazz entertainer, a human who’d fallen in love with Bernard without knowing what he was. When Bernard told our parents he wouldn’t marry anyone because he was going to live with his male lover, our father kidnapped Ryan and had him killed.

  “I’ll never forget that night, Ruby. We were sitting in the study, having another family discussion about Bernard’s marriage. Mom and Dad were frothing at the mouth, but Bernard refused to give in. I was so proud of him. Uri was too. Then, one of Dad’s guards walks in with this dead human in his arms. It was Ryan. The guard threw Ryan at Bernard’s feet and, oh God, the pain on his face.” He was whispering now, his voice barely audible over the sounds of the camp’s festivities. “Bernard just stopped living. He wouldn’t eat no matter how willing the donors were or how hungry he got, he refused to eat. Then, one day he stepped out of the house during daylight and let himself burn to death.”

  Ruby’s heart was in her throat. The pain in his voice was evident and Ruby knew if she looked at his face, she’d see every pain etched upon his face. Instead of looking at him, she wrapped her arms around him, giving him her unconditional support. He’d suffered so much. The death of his brother, his parents’ betrayal, the loss of a brother he hadn’t even known was his.

  “After that, I decided I was going to make it my purpose in life to make sure everyone has a voice. If Bernard would have had somewhere else to go other than home, he and Ryan might’ve had a chance. As it is, the way the houses are set up, the house is everything. If you’re cast out, you have nowhere to go. I want to change that, so I sent myself to the Guardian Guild for training and, once I was finished there, began campaigning for a spot on Council.”

  Ruby nodded against his side, finally understanding. He was protective because he hadn’t protected his brother. He was never going to change because that’s what made him the person he was. Could she give in to him and let him protect her against her better judgment?

  * * * *

  Lucian mentally kicked himself. What a way to ruin a perfectly good afterglow, he snarled in his head. He hadn’t expected to expose so much of his soul to her, but in the quiet of the bed, with his heart so full of love for her, he’d given her the power to unman him. He’d wasted so much time with her, he thought with a groan.

  When she’d asked him if he had feelings for her several days ago, it had caught him so off guard he’d been simply too stunned to answer. Then, her temper set in, which meant she’d never hear a word he said. They were like fuel and fire when they were both trying to get their way, but he believed she’d see things his way if he could impress upon her the danger of her position in the Veil.

  But not now, he told himself as he gently rolled her onto her back. Right now, his hunger for her refused to fade.

  He kissed her, trying to show her how he felt, his heart pounding like a bass drum when she kissed him back so sweetly. God, this woman would drive him mad, but he’d go gladly.

  * * * *

  When Ruby woke the next morning, it was to find herself in bed with Lucian. They’d made love so many times during the night her body was feeling a bit raw and more than a little lazy.

  Sprawled there with him draped over her like an overheated blanket, Ruby finally admitted the depth of her love for this male. She would give her life for him, she thought fiercely, hugging him close as he slept. He may never return her feelings, but he couldn’t fake his desire for her and his honor would demand he remain at her side protecting her from all he believed would harm her.

  She winced. She didn’t want his damned honor. She wanted his love. She wanted him to love her as fiercely as she loved him, willing to give up everything for her as she’d given up her freedom when he asked it of her, but she had a feeling that would never happen. Lucian’s honor and strong sense of duty were so ingrained he’d never willingly toss them aside, even for his mate.

  Not only that, she thought grimly, but she had a feeling he was going to try to lock her away again. Oh, maybe not in a luxurious Council room, but he’d stash her away somewhere and make it impossible for her to fulfill her destiny. That thought made her slip out of bed, careful not to disturb him.

  As she quickly dressed in a spare set of leathers, Ruby stared at him, basking in the sight of his naked body spread out over her bed. The blood he’d taken from her had given him back his color and peace, his face completely relaxed in the aftermath of their lovemaking. Ruby watched the vampire she loved, wishing he could give her the heart he so closely guarded.

  When she heard the camp beginning to awaken, she took a deep, fortifying breath. She had to do this. Pride and honor demanded she take action against the one who wanted her dead. Duty and destiny urged her to take this final step towards her future, whatever that might be. With one fleeting press of her lips against Lucian’s, Ruby left the tent.

  Chapter Thirty

  It had been laughably easy for Ruby to set up the duel with Bianca. The witch had been waiting for Ruby to contact her. She seemed so pleased with the duel it was almost as though Bianca had planned everything from start to finish.

  The guidelines for the duel were worked out between Ocean and one of Bianca’s seconds. They agreed to meet in the middle so neither had home field advantage and they’d worked out the agreement that if Ruby won the duel, she would no longer be hunted by Council. If Bianca won, Ruby would submit to Council punishment. Of course, they all knew if Bianca won, Ruby was dead.

  It was something none of them openly discussed. Ruby knew Bianca wouldn’t let her walk away from the field if she won. Ruby wasn’t too sure she could return the favor to Bianca, but conceded it was something to think upon when the time came.

  It hadn’t been easy for Ruby, Ocean, Bretina, and Sheena to get away from the camp. Though Lucian was still asleep, Malachi had been on the lookout and made his displeasure at seeing her prepping to leave, very clear. Ruby had a feeling if Albreda’s guard hadn’t appeared, Malachi might’ve attempted to truss her up and carry her back to bed with Lucian. The last she’d seen of the Eturian leader he’d been imprisoned inside a Watching Wall—this one showing a cell—and though he’d glared at his captors, he hadn’t attempted to harm them. Something told Ruby his da
ys of being the plague of the Veil were nearly over.

  Mangus hadn’t been happy about their leaving either but had understood. He’d pointed out they were going to be in a world of trouble when dusk came because Pagan had intended to take part in the duel as a second, and Mortimer had wanted to give Ruby last-minute instructions on the potions before the fight. Ruby was glad they’d left when they did because she was already feeling nervous enough having her grandmother and aunt with her. To have a full entourage would’ve distracted her too much.

  It was nearly ten in the morning before they left camp. Sheena drove while Ocean and Bretina gave Ruby last-minute pointers on the fight until she begged them to leave her alone with her thoughts.

  Not that her thoughts were in any way calming. She went over the night before with Lucian, reliving every caress and kiss. She loved the stubborn vampire to pieces. He was the one for her even though he was the most overbearing, arrogant, and protective male she’d ever met. His past hurts had shaped him into the man he was, and she couldn’t deny that his flaws made him lovable.

  She sighed, looking out at the passing scenery. Lucian would never be malleable or passive and neither would she. If they couldn’t work out this problem he had with her being her own person, they would have frequent explosive arguments. But the make-ups would be sweet, she thought.

  The biggest obstacle was Lucian’s position on Council. He deserved his seat and was the best candidate for it, but his position would require her to be locked away. Ruby didn’t fool herself. She knew she could probably survive being confined by Council, but this would slowly kill the love she felt for Lucian, knowing he was her prison guard.

  The best thing would be to break things off completely. She’d tried it once before and, though she hadn’t been happy, she’d survived. She could do it again on a permanent basis. She had to. Wasn’t there some proverb about loving something and setting it free? Living in a constant state of unrequited love was hell on earth, but living as a prisoner would kill her. There was no happy medium unless Lucian suddenly changed his ways, which was impossible, considering he was over two hundred years old and stubborn as all Hell.


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