Spark (Boosted Hearts Book 4)

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Spark (Boosted Hearts Book 4) Page 5

by Sherilee Gray

  “I want that, too.”

  “You sure about that?” Say yes. Please, fucking say yes.


  That was all he needed to hear. He leaned in and took her lush mouth in a hard, deep kiss that no matter how out of control it got, it wasn’t enough.

  He slid his hands down to her round ass and lifted her off her feet. Hattie gasped against his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck as he strode out of the garage. Dex pounded up the stairs to his apartment and lowered Hattie at the top, pressing her against the door while he quickly fished his keys from his pocket and opened it.

  Then they were kissing again. Dex held her to him as he kicked the door shut, then scooped her up, took two steps, and took her down to the bed.

  They tugged at each other’s clothes until they were both finally naked. Dex groaned at the feel of Hattie’s soft, smooth skin, warm against his, and ran his nose along the column of her throat. He breathed her in, kissing his way over her collarbone, down to her full tits, and greedily sucked one tight nipple into his mouth.

  Hattie moaned and arched, digging her nails into his shoulder.

  So fucking hot.

  Trailing his fingers over her rounded belly and down between her spread thighs, he cupped her sweet pussy and cursed. “So fucking wet for me.”

  Hattie’s hand dropped, covering his, silently asking him to stay where he was. Well, Dex was more than fine with that. He needed to make her come, get her ready for his cock, and he wanted to watch her while he did it. Sliding his fingers through her slick folds, he spread her juices, gliding over her stiff little clit before circling her opening with the tip of his finger.

  He growled. Christ, he had to have her.

  “I need you inside me,” she said in a way that was so incredibly sexy, precome leaked from the head of his cock.

  He gave her what she wanted and pushed a finger inside her. So tight and hot. He ate up the sight of her hungrily as her tits moved with her labored breaths, thighs trembling, lips parting. So damn beautiful.

  He fucked her with his finger until she was gasping and squirming, then he slid back in, adding a second. He nearly lost his shit when she arched hard, crying out, and slammed her thighs around his hand, rocking her hips. She clawed at the covers under her, inner muscles gripping and releasing his fingers, shaking while she came for him so fucking good.

  Finally, she slumped back, breathing hard. Dex removed his fingers and moved up over her, letting his hard cock press into her thigh as he licked his fingers clean.

  He leaned in and kissed her deep and hard.

  He wanted her.


  Hattie stared up at Dex when he lifted his head and sucked in a trembling breath.

  His eyes were so hot she felt seared to the soul.

  But this time there was no panic, just need. Uncontrollable, glorious need. She didn’t want to run from it or from him, not this time, not after two weeks of regret.

  She was finally spreading her wings, taking what she wanted and not caring how it affected anyone but her. Something she should have done for herself years ago. Because she’d never felt freer, happier, in her life.

  He kissed her again. “You ready to take me, Hattie?” he said against her lips.

  “Yes.” So ready.

  She felt him shudder above her, his entire hulking body shaking slightly as he rolled away, climbed off the bed, and walked naked to the dresser across the room.

  She took in all that was Dex Colton, the naked glory of him. His colossal, scarred frame. His wide back, those massive shoulders and thick waist. And that ample ass and solid thighs. The man was a work of art.

  She’d seen his cock before, but still sucked in a breath when he turned around. The sight of his fingers wrapped around his massive erection was so incredibly hot it was more than she knew what to do with. Had she ever seen or even fantasized about a sight more delicious, more heart-stopping in her life?

  Even her vivid imagination couldn’t have conjured a man like Dex.

  He went beyond fantasy. God, she still couldn’t believe he was real.

  Those long, thick fingers were still wrapped around his cock, and she squeezed her thighs together as she watched him stroke himself on his way back to the bed.

  She climbed to her knees when he was close and took the condom from him. “Let me?”

  He looked down at her, nostrils flaring, and dipped his chin.

  His cock was so long and thick it made her mouth water. She looked up at him. “Can I taste you, too?”

  That massive chest started pumping even harder than it already was. “You can do whatever you want to me, Hattie. Fucking anything.”

  Reaching out, she took the heavy length in her hand. It was so hot and hard—God, perfect. She couldn’t stop herself from leaning in and sucking the fat head into her mouth on a moan.

  Dex barked out a curse.

  Because of his size, she couldn’t take all of him into her mouth, so she worked what she could with her lips and tongue, her mouth, and used both hands to stroke him in time with her sucking pulls.

  His fingers thrust into her hair and he fisted it on a growl.

  That just turned her on more. God, she could feel just how much on her inner thighs. Unable to hold back, she slid a hand between her thighs and pressed on her clit, moaning around Dex’s cock. He jolted, cursing again.

  “Fuck, Hattie, the next time you come, I’m gonna be inside you,” he said before he pulled away.

  Hattie was okay with that, more than okay. Quickly tearing open the condom, she rolled it on him.

  But when she was done, he didn’t come down on top of her. Instead, he sat with his back to the wooden slatted headboard.

  She looked at him sitting there, his long legs stretched out, naked and huge and brutally handsome. He held his hand out to her.

  “Climb on my lap, sweetness,” he said as she took it. “Don’t want to hurt you. This way you take as much of me as you want, go at your pace.”

  Like the first time they were together, Dex was making sure she was okay, that she was comfortable, doing everything in his power to make this good for her.

  Hattie didn’t hesitate. She climbed onto his lap, straddling his thighs. Their width spread her wide as she scooted forward, as her chest met and pressed against his.

  Dex took her ass in one hand, dragging her lower body closer still, and ran his fingers between her thighs. She moaned and her hips worked against his clever digits all on their own.

  “Hands on my shoulders, sweetness, so you can control it.”

  She did as he said, looking down between them at his cock and the way he held it, angling it toward her, waiting for her to lift up and take that fat head inside.

  Trembling from wanting that, too, wanting him, she positioned herself and slowly, so slowly, took the tip of his cock inside her.

  Dex released her instantly and reached back, gripping the wooden slats of the headboard behind him. He gritted his teeth and hissed as she wriggled her hips and took a little more. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as she eased up and then came back down, taking another inch.

  They both moaned.

  Hattie was so wet, so turned on, that there was barely any resistance. Dex was insanely thick and long, the biggest man she’d ever seen, but he stretched her in a way that made her pant from the pleasure of it, filled her like no one else ever had, made her lose all inhibitions, all restraint, and just feel.

  “Oh God, Dex,” she said, her eyes snapping up and locking with his as she took another inch. “You feel…” She started shaking harder, digging her fingers deeper into his muscled shoulders. “So good.”

  The headboard groaned and Dex hissed out another breath. “Fuck, you gonna take all of me, sweetness?”

  Hattie answered him by pushing down and doing exactly that, taking the rest of his big cock right to the root.

  “Fuck,” Dex barked out.

  Hattie kept her hands on his shoulders an
d started to move, rolling her hips slowly to start with, keeping him deep inside her, letting her body adjust to his size.

  Her chest rubbed against his, the hair there abrading her nipples. And when she lifted up, letting that heavy length slide almost all the way out before coming back down, one of his hands flew to her ass again, steadying her, helping her out as she started moving faster and taking him harder.

  The sounds of their panted breaths and the slap of wet skin filled the room, and it only made her hotter, made her grind down harder, fuck the colossal man under her faster.

  There was no slowing or holding off the orgasm rushing up on her, not when the size of him meant he rubbed her inside and out in a way she never thought possible. “Oh…I’m going to…Dex!” she cried out as her orgasm rolled through her, somehow still building and releasing at the same time. She gripped and released around his hard length over and over, and completely lost control.

  Dex’s strong hands held her, supported her, and in the end, he was lifting her body and bringing her back down on him.

  “Jesus Christ.” He started coming with her just as hard, cock pulsing deep inside her, grunting and barking out her name as he fucked her back.

  Hattie buried her face against the side of his throat when he finally finished and wrapped her arms around him, trying to catch her breath.

  Dex wrapped his arms around her as well and stayed where he was, under her, deep inside her. His hands started moving over her skin, gentle, soothing. It felt amazing. She couldn’t move. Didn’t want to.

  “Okay, beautiful?” he rumbled.

  “Mm-hmm.” Then Hattie passed out.

  Sometime later, she woke to the sound of Dex snoring quietly beside…under her. He’d scooted down the bed during the night but was still on his back. She was draped over him, arms and legs wrapped around him tight.

  Lifting her head, she glanced around the studio apartment, then at the window, and realized it was early morning. Light was trying to burst through the curtains. She needed to leave. She needed to get to work.

  Leaving was not easy, not with the way she was wrapped around him. A warm, sexy, sleeping giant. But she’d only been working with Shay for a month. Being late wasn’t a great idea. Hattie wanted Shay to truly believe she’d made the right decision when she agreed to go into partnership with her.

  So, reluctantly, not wanting to wake Dex, she slid out of bed and quickly dressed. Her apartment wasn’t far. She could just call a taxi.

  She opened the door and glanced back at him, and her heart did a weird little skip/flutter combo.

  Dex was still on his back and the sheet was low. One hand was on his stomach, the other at his side, and she could see very clearly through that thin bit of cotton covering him below the waist that he was hard. She swallowed as her gaze moved over him again, back to his face. Yes, she liked that face, his rough-edged looks that were softer in sleep. She liked his mouth that was kind of pouty and so very kissable.

  She liked all of it, and not just the way he looked.

  Hattie quickly looked away. Getting tied up in knots over this man was not something she could afford, not when her parents were waiting in the wings, ready to swoop in with an “I told you so” expecting her to fail. Wanting her to fail and go home.

  Shutting the door quietly behind her, she forced herself to walk away, ignoring her racing heart and the desperate need to go back, to climb into that warm bed with him again and stay there all day.

  Hattie would not be distracted, though.

  And Dex was most definitely a distraction.

  Failing here in her new life wasn’t an option, not when she’d come this far. Which was why she needed to keep this thing between them casual. She needed to keep her head.

  Still, every step away from him felt wrong. So damn wrong.

  What have you done to me, Dex Colton?

  Chapter 6

  “Jesus. It’s like a freaking Sasquatch convention in here,” Joe said, grinning, amused by his own joke as his gaze moved between Dex and Hugh.

  Hugh finished wiping his hands and tossed the rag aside. “And when you’re around, it’s like being in fucking fourth grade.”

  “Don’t lie, you love me, you big lug,” Joe said and slugged Hugh in the arm.

  Dex shook his head and tossed his spanner back in the toolbox. It’d been like this since he started. They gave each other shit constantly, Adam included. Dex wasn’t sure how to deal with it. He’d never had his brothers around growing up, and Zane and he had never had a relationship like that. Of course, now, for obvious reasons, things were more than a little strained in his branch of the Colton family.

  Hugh, Joe, and Lucy had something Dex didn’t really get. Their father had been an even bigger prick than Dex’s, from what he’d been told. His old man had been a cheater and a gambler. His cousins’ father had been a flat-out criminal, getting Hugh and Joe caught up in his shit as well.

  Despite all that, they were tight.

  “You’re an idiot,” Hugh said to Joe.

  “You’re just pissy ’cause you’re not the biggest weirdo in the family anymore.” Joe looked at Dex, tilted his head to the side, and winked.

  “Does he ever shut up?” Dex asked Hugh.

  Hugh shook his head. “If I had a dollar for every time Adam and I have discussed supergluing his big mouth shut, I’d be fuckin’ rich.”

  Dex planted his hands on his hips. “You ever need anyone to hold him down, my big weird ass is at your disposal.”

  Joe burst out laughing. “Holy shit, did you just crack a joke?”

  Dex just stared at him.

  “I’ll grow on you eventually,” Joe said and headed for the door.

  “Like fungus?” Dex muttered.

  “Har har. Catch you tomorrow. I’m going home, where I’m appreciated.”

  “I’ll close up,” Dex said to Hugh and started tidying up his workbench. Keeping busy was good. That way he wouldn’t think about Hattie.

  Bullshit. You haven’t stopped thinking about her.

  She’d snuck off in the middle of the damned night, left him high and dry again, and he didn’t know that the hell to make of it. Was she done with him? He was fucked if he knew. What he did know was he sure as fuck wasn’t done with her. Not that he could do anything about that, though, if the feeling wasn’t mutual.

  He didn’t have her number, so he couldn’t call or text, and it didn’t feel right showing up at her place uninvited. He didn’t want to force her to see him, if that wasn’t what she wanted.

  He frowned down at his toolbox.

  “I’m gonna head out,” Hugh said, pulling him from his thoughts.

  Dex lifted his chin.

  “Shay and me, we’re going out,” he said, giving an unusual amount of information. Hugh was a lot like Dex: a man of few words. It was one of the things Dex liked most about the man.

  He wasn’t sure what to say, so he went with, “Yeah? Have a good night.”

  “Hattie’s looking after the kids on her own, all four of them,” Hugh added.

  Dex stilled, heart banging into action at the mention of Hattie’s name.

  “She offered. Darcey and Joe have a school thing to go to for Noah, and Lucy’s due to have the baby any minute. It’ll be a lot for Hattie on her own.”

  Dex turned to his cousin. “Why are you telling me this?”

  Hugh shrugged. “Just thought you might want to know. She’ll be at our place all alone…with four kids, and two of them take after their uncle Joe.”

  Not sure what to say, Dex frowned.

  “Saw her leave your apartment the other morning,” Hugh added.

  Christ. “That’s my business.”

  Hugh’s hands went to his hips. “Brother, I don’t know what your family’s like back home, but here we look out for each other. If one of us is turning ourselves in knots over something, and it’s obvious as hell that you are…and also being kind of a dumbass, we intervene.”

  What the hell d
id you say to that? Okay, yeah, perhaps he’d been standoffish with everyone here, and he guessed that was shitty after everything they’d done for him. But Dex didn’t know how to be…this. How to do this. “A dumbass?” he repeated.

  “I was there Christmas Day. You want Hattie?” Hugh asked, and waited, the minutes stretching out.

  Was he supposed to answer that? He did not share his feelings. But Hugh didn’t budge, just stood there waiting. For fuck’s sake. He dipped his chin. It was all Hugh was going to get.

  Hugh did the same. “Then, don’t be a dumbass.” Then he walked out of the garage.

  The sound of squealing children could be heard as Dex made his way up the front steps of Hugh and Shay’s house.

  He knocked and stood back.

  What the hell are you doing here?

  If Hattie had wanted him there, she would have asked. She hadn’t. In fact, she’d been avoiding him since they fucked two days ago. This was a mistake. Coming here like this was not cool of him. It was pushy and intrusive.

  He was about to turn away when the door opened and a frazzled-looking Hattie stood there, looking up at him, eyes kind of wild.

  Shit. And beautiful. So fucking beautiful. “Hey?”

  “Hey,” she said back, jiggling baby Gracie, who was wrapped in a towel, in her arms.

  One of the kids shrieked at the top of their lungs.

  “Hugh said…and I thought…”

  Hattie grabbed the front of his shirt and all but yanked him through the door. “Milly’s watching Connor. And Gracie has”—she winced—“God, she pooed everywhere…just everywhere when I stripped her for her bath, and Brody is running around naked somewhere. Find him and dress him. His pj’s are—were—on the couch. He hid them. I’ll make sure Milly is okay with her brother and get Gracie dressed.”

  Dex immediately followed her orders, hunting down Brody, who was hiding under the kitchen table, or trying to, since he was giggling out of control at his own antics.

  Dex moved the table and lifted the squirming naked toddler. “Where are your pj’s, buddy?”

  He laughed harder and pointed to the fridge.


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