A New Paige: Stained Souls MC - Book 2

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A New Paige: Stained Souls MC - Book 2 Page 9

by Zara Teleg

  “Now, close your eyes.”

  “Kai, I—”

  “And…open them.”

  He had a stupid grin as he pulled the blanket.

  “A TV? You got me a TV!”

  “I remembered I had one in the basement a previous tenant left behind. If you don’t want it—”

  I threw my arms over his neck. “Thank you, Kai, I love it.”

  “You can start catching up on all the movies in my collection.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  I took the bag that was next to my tree and handed it to him. “This is for you.”

  After removing the stuffing, he unrolled the fabric until it revealed the black leather knife sheath. He took a long pause, and I began doubting that I did the right thing. Maybe Amber was wrong. Perhaps it was trash?

  A heavy hand fell on my shoulder as he pulled me in and looked up to the ceiling.

  “How did you…? Where did you…? Thank you,” he said as he shook his head.

  I gave him a squeeze and might have held on a bit too long while inhaling his masculine scent.

  “Amber found it. She said it must have fallen off when you were in the lot. She said she never saw you without it. I stitched it up and gave the leather an oil massage. It should be good as new.”

  “Tink, you don’t know how much this means. I thought it was gone forever.”

  He just stared at it, flipping it over and examining the new stitches and running his finger across the flower embroidery.

  “Can I ask you something?” I asked. He looked at me quizzically and nodded for me to speak. “What does DML mean?” I was referring to the initials on the inside of the sheath.

  I watched as his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. He took a deep breath.

  “A friend from a very long time ago made it for me. It’s not something I like to talk about, but I do cherish the knife sheath, and always felt like it brought me luck.”

  Kai stood, lifting the leg of his jeans and pulling out the long dagger he always carried. The top of his jeans dipped low, exposing his muscled lower abs as he placed the heavy blade into the newly attached case.

  We pulled down the long drive to the clubhouse. It was only the second time I had come here. The coffee and donuts sloshed in my stomach as the anxious feeling took over.

  The day started out great. Ivy was there and put me right at ease. She introduced me to everyone and had me helping in the kitchen. Every time the door to the kitchen opened, I jumped. I felt an impending doom at the idea of seeing Juliet.

  Juliet, Juliet, Juliet, I rehearsed in my head, remembering that she was no longer Ana, which was convenient considering she was no longer really my sister.

  I carried the trays of food to the long tables that were set up.

  “Need any help?” Hawk smiled as he took the two trays from my hands. “Just tell me where you want them.”

  I pointed to the red and gold table where the water trays were heating. “Hawk, you better be putting those down for everyone, not stealing the tray for yourself.”

  He inhaled loudly, shaking his head over the giant silver pan. “Candied sweet potatoes are my favorite.”

  The room was beginning to get filled. Shots were being toasted, “Jingle Bells” was being sung, and I was starting to feel more at ease after having a shot or two myself.

  The hall doors burst open as Lord, Juliet’s handsome white pit bull, ran through them. He ran to greet each person. Everyone was making a fuss. The pup nearly lost his mind when he spotted me. He galloped through people, pushing his way across the room, and almost knocked me over, licking my whole face. His massive head was all I could see.

  “I’m so sorry,” Juliet huffed, out of breath from chasing the dog through the house.

  She didn’t realize it was me at first. Then the tears came. She had always been a crier, even when we were little. She wore her heart on her sleeve.

  She reached her hand to mine, pulling me back to my feet. “Oh, Paige.”

  She pulled me in, my body staying stiff as her arms wrapped around me. I hugged her back uncomfortably. Rage’s gaze met mine, and he gave me a nod.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” she whispered in my ear before another set of arms embraced us both.

  “I’m so glad you are both here.” Ivy squeezed us together.

  “Aww, can we all get in on the group hug?” Kai spread his arms around us all.

  “Kai!” we all said, practically choking from his bear hug.

  The clinking of glass brought the awkward moment to a halt. Colt stood at the head of the long tables that had been pushed together to make a giant one.

  “I would like to make a toast to everyone who helped get this fucking amazing-looking meal together.”

  Ivy smacked at his arm. “Don’t cuss, it’s Christmas.”

  Everyone laughed and raised their glasses. Kai handed me a shot.

  “To everyone, merry fucking Christmas.” His arm raised in the air as we burst out laughing, our eyes on Ivy, who was shaking her head.

  I was seated next to Kai and Ivy, so I was able to avoid Juliet, and I made it through the meal. I had several glasses of wine.

  The men took out the trash, cleared the tables, and gathered around smoking cigars. Most of the women were in the kitchen cleaning up. I was in front of the large stainless-steel sink, washing a pot when I felt a tug on my hair. Juliet always tugged on my hair to get my attention.

  “Hey, sis,” she tucked her gold and red-streaked hair behind her ear, looking at the ground instead of me. “Can we talk?”

  “Sure,” I said, the wine I had giving me strength.

  I wiped my hands on the towel and followed her to a private room off the kitchen. The chatter and music faded as she shut the door.

  “Paige, I’m so sorry.” There were the glassy eyes again.

  “I know you must hate me for what I put you through. I never wanted you dragged into this. I love you so damn much. You are my baby sister, and it was my job to protect you. I failed you,” she pleaded with me as if she was asking forgiveness.

  “I know it’s not all your fault. But you have to understand that while you escaped to Sugar Maple to make a new life, you left me with Mom and Dad, and it was me who couldn’t live the life I wanted.” I poked my hand on my chest, revealing the suppressed resentment. “I found a lot out about myself over the past few years. I’ve changed. You don’t even know me.”

  “That’s the point. You won’t let me know you,” she cried. “I’m begging to have my sister in my life again, and you just keep rejecting me. I feel guilty enough about what happened, and now I have you back, you’re just shutting me out?”

  “I’ve watched you in there.” I pointed to the room we had just left. “Everyone here knows you, knows Juliet. I moved here knowing Ana, and I need time. I just want to start a life of my own before I get your hand-me-down life. I need space to create my own life.”

  “By what? Working at The Ridge? Hanging out with that batshit-crazy Amber?” Her judgmental words hurt.

  My jaw ground. I stood up. “That batshit-crazy Amber is my friend, and she’s made me feel welcome and caused me to have more fun in the last few weeks than I have in the last few years.”

  “We could have fun, not you and Amber. I love you, Paige. I want you in my life. And not just as sisters who fight all the time.” She raised her hands to her face to wipe her tears.

  It was then the glint of her ring caught my eye.

  “Is that…?” I stared down at the engagement ring that adorned her left ring finger.

  “Paige, I was going to tell you today. I was hoping we could talk first.”

  I just shook my head rapidly. “Great. You’re getting married? You’ve got to be kidding me. Every time we spoke the past four years, you downplayed your life. I kept worrying about you, and there you were having the time of your life, while I was—” I yelled, my fists clenching at my sides.

  “You know what, I need space. And l
ike it or not, you are going to give it to me.”

  She gave a soft nod.

  “And tell Rage to stay out of my life, I don’t need sisterly speeches anymore from him.”

  Leaving the room, I noticed Kai and Rage quickly retreating to the great room. They had definitely been listening. Kai caught my eye and waved the keys in the air, thank God.

  I said a few thank yous and goodbyes. Ivy put her fingers to her mouth and ear, mouthing “I’ll call you” as I gave Lord his belly rub on the way out.

  She was getting married. I should have been happy for her. But I was so angry. Not really at her, more at the world and how unfair life had been. She had everything while I had nothing, not even the truth. I needed to find out who I was or I was going to destroy everyone I loved by holding all this against them.


  Christmas did not go as I had hoped. Rage and I thought the holiday spirit would bring Paige around to forgiving Juliet and moving past the anger she was holding. We did not expect it to end in an argument and make them break further apart.

  The ride home was quiet. I could see that there was a lot on Paige’s mind.

  “You want me to come in and hook up your TV?” I leaned against her apartment door as she unlocked it. Her eyes looked so sad, so conflicted, I wanted to hold her, to make her feel better. Instead, I just stood there asking the stupid question about the TV, not knowing how to make her feel better.

  “Kai, you don’t need to say anything. Thanks for the ride, I’m sorry if I ruined your Christmas. Maybe you can go back? I’m sure the party is just getting started.”

  “Nah, Tink, don’t give it another thought. There is always drama at the clubhouse.” I laughed.

  Embarrassment blushed her neck and rose to her face, coloring her fair skin a shade of red and making her look even sexier than she already did.

  “Can I get a rain check on the TV? I had too much wine and just want to drink lavender tea and go to sleep.”

  “Sure, doll.” I pulled her in and kissed the top of her head. “Night, Tink.”

  Two days until New Year’s Eve, and I had only briefly seen Paige running in and out since Christmas. The Ridge was always busy during the holidays with the college kids home. I was determined to convince her to come to the clubhouse for the party we were hosting. Our New Year’s bash was like no other—I usually drink up, smoke up, and wake up in a pile of women. What a great way to start the year. Before I could even dream about the party, I had some serious work to do.

  Hack’s van was already in the parking lot when I arrived back home. He was scrolling his phone and didn’t notice me pulling in next to him. I tapped the horn once, enjoying seeing him jump.

  “Asshole,” he growled, grabbing his energy drink along with his bag.

  “Couldn’t help it, you weren’t watching porn, were ya?”

  “I’m not you, Kai. Sex isn’t the only thing on my mind.”

  I guessed I deserved that. No one ever took me seriously, unless I was wielding my knife. Women were my vice, and after being burned once in my life, I couldn’t understand guys with only one woman; they must be so bored.

  We climbed the steps in silence. I opened the door and watched Hack’s face scrunch as he entered the apartment.

  “Dude, don’t you ever clean up? Light a candle or something. Your place smells like sex and weed.”

  “My two favorite things. Now, why would I want to change that?”

  Hack just rolled his eyes. “Someday you should think about growing up, Kai. You can’t live like a frat boy forever.” He stepped over the trash and clothes that were laying around as he entered the kitchen.

  “Oh, grow up like you? You have your head constantly buried in a screen, you live on energy drinks, and you don’t even take full advantage of the pussy magnet that patch makes you. You’re too serious.”

  “You know what, let’s just get this done.” Hack wrinkled his nose as he picked up the empty cups and old pizza boxes from the small table and piled them on the counter. He grabbed a paper towel and wiped the table down before placing his laptop on the now clean surface.

  Once fired up, Hack typed furiously, going over the notes that I gave him.

  “These buildings were all purchased by the same corporation—V.L.II, Inc. Each building was in foreclosure, and they were purchased straight from the bank. A cash deal. When I dug into V.L.II, the articles of incorporation list Victor Lawndry II as the president.”

  “Now it makes sense why Vicious’s bike was outside the building. Even though the buildings look like pieces of crap, that area is booming. They had to have cost them a lot of cash,” I said. My eyeballs nearly fell out when he pointed to the numbers on the screen.

  “And that is before renovations,” Hack pointed out.

  “Holy fuck, how the hell are they banking that much cash?”

  “I pulled all the properties V.L.II owns or has a stake in, and the list is long. They have loads of rental properties in New Orleans, and their biggest moneymaker is a microbrew called Voodoo King Bayou Brews.”

  Hack left me with a bunch of addresses in and around Torrentsville to look into. I teased the guy all the time, but man, he was good at finding shit out.

  Chapter Ten


  With all the turmoil that had been going through my head since the argument with Juliet, I was hoping that New Year’s Eve wasn’t only going to be a pretty paycheck, but also just the busy distraction I needed to keep my head on straight.

  Self-torment was my latest pastime—imagining this other family of mine that was out there somewhere. Did I have other siblings? What were my parents like? There were about a thousand more questions like these that passed in and out of my mind daily. I tried to be reasonable and tell myself that I’m twenty-three and they have never come for me, maybe never even thought of me. I wished I could undo my curious nature, but the overthinker with high anxiety would have none of it.

  Unfortunately, my plan of being super busy at The Ridge tonight was disappointingly altered. Sully scheduled me to work the day shift tomorrow. The Ridge hosted an annual New Year’s Day buffet; they were the only restaurant in Sugar Maple open on New Year’s Day. Lucky me for being one of the last girls employed, I got the sucky day shift. And there was no way I was going to the Stained Souls’ club party. So, it was a binge-eat-and-celebrate-myself kind of night for me, hence all the bags of food and drinks I was carrying into my place.

  “Whoa, are you having a party and forgot to invite the sexiest biker in town, your favorite neighbor?” Kai pulled down his signature shades and looked at me with his oh-so-sexy and mischievous eyes.

  “Is that why you turned down my invite to the clubhouse? I see how it is.” His hand hooked through the plastic bags I was carrying.

  “Thanks, Kai.”

  “Tink, that’s not an answer. What’s with all the liqueur? Aren’t you working tonight?”

  “Self-pity and no, I’m not.” I threw my head back, shaking it in frustration.

  “Sully has all the veterans working tonight, and I work tomorrow. Yay me.”

  “Why don’t you come to the club with me like I asked a million times?”

  “Nah, I appreciate the offer, but I’m going to wallow in drinks and fried okra.”

  “Well, if you say so, but I can hook up your TV right now and you can grab something from my phenomenal DVD collection if you want.”

  “I might just do that.”

  “You can thank me by saving me some of that okra for tomorrow.” He placed the bags on the counter.

  “How can you eat so much and stay like that?” I pointed up and down to his tight white tee that hugged his pecs, accentuating each perfectly sculpted muscle.

  “Ahhh, you like this?” His smile was wide as he winked and poked my side, causing me to smile back. “I could ask you the same thing.” His eyes swept over my body, sending heat searing through me.

  “I have a high metabolism. And I don’t know what you mean
, I have noticed nothing.” I turned my head away from him to keep from letting him see me smile.

  “Liar.” He began tickling my sides until I was uncontrollably laughing and fighting him off.

  “Admit it, Tink, you think I’m hot.” He kept tickling me.

  I was almost out of breath. I couldn’t fight him off anymore. He was too big and strong.

  “Say it, you think I’m hot.”

  “Okay, okay, you’re hot, you narcissist.”

  He let up then. His smile was wide and his eyes were twinkling.

  “I knew it, Tink, you love me.”

  I threw a pillow at him. “You love you.”

  “Yep, I do.” He checked himself out in the mirror and blew himself a kiss.

  The guy knew how to make me laugh. He had brought tears of laughter to my eyes more times than I could count the last month. His silly humor, sarcasm, and the faces he made, oh God, he’s just…he’s Kai.

  Kai installed the TV and gave me a quick lesson on the remote and DVD player.

  “So you got this?”

  “Yes, Kai, I got it.”

  “Alright, I gotta get ready to go to the clubhouse. Are you sure—”

  My finger went to his mouth, halting him. “No, I’m not coming to the clubhouse.”

  “Suit yourself. You are going to miss a hell of a party, and all of this.” He did a little shimmy and had me laughing again. “I’ll drop my key by before I leave so you have access to my impeccable selection of movies. I know you’ll find something.”

  “I don’t have to worry about accidentally choosing porn, do I?” I arched my eyebrow and zoomed in on the deep blue of his eyes.

  “Me? Porn? I don’t need to watch porn. Porn should watch me.”

  “You are insufferable.” I folded my arms and rolled my eyes.

  At eight o’clock, I had my feast prepared and just finished slicing oranges when Kai tapped against the door.

  “Come in.” I was washing the stickiness from my fingers when Kai walked in, twirling a key around his finger.


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