The War of All Wars

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The War of All Wars Page 29

by J. Eric Booker

  After clearing his throat several times, he added, “However, the Vompareus were not expecting me to betray them, as I tricked them into the Realm of Darkness by telling them that I had some critical information they needed to know about a surprise attack that was only hours from being launched by the Arch-Devils. Once they were all inside, I teleported myself back outside the door, magically transformed the rod into a key, and closed and locked the door, so they were trapped, enclosed within. It was then that I decided to begin calling myself a Watcher—to watch and ensure they never again escaped, although they eventually did, thanks to the Arch-Devils alliance and trap on me.”

  After releasing a deep sigh, Trendon concluded, “But yes, my apprentice, I agree…we won’t need the rod anymore, once they are all trapped or destroyed again, since you have the natural magical ability to teleport at will, we will destroy the key once and for all.”

  Sounding relieved, Baltor proclaimed, “Yes, my master!”

  With another snap of the fingers, Trendon allowed Time to recommence.

  Baltor, who was all too aware of this fact, as well the fact that the barmaid was on her way back toward them, quickly changed the subject, “So tell me, my friend. What sort of hobbies are you interested in?”

  Just then, the barmaid had arrived—she interrupted before Trendon could answer, “I hate to interrupt and all, but I must know…so what did you do after you were knocked unconscious from behind by the dark gnomes?”

  Looking over with a small smile, Trendon answered, “What else could I do? I fought back…because of my determination and my strong will, I not only was successful against the dark gnomes but equally successful with my other hopes and dreams in life and then some.”

  “Wow. That was very deep,” she cooed. “Listen, I don’t know your name, but my name is Panda. That was a very good answer, sir…thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, Panda. My name is Trendon.”

  Despite the wistful look he saw in her eyes as she gazed longingly at the empty seat next to him, he politely replied, “Nice to meet you too, Panda. However, I must be frank when I say that my friend and I are having a very important conversation now regarding a top-secret mission. Now perhaps some other time in the near future, I can come back, and we can chat some more, but right now is not really a good time. Sorry, beautiful.”

  Convinced, she replied, “No problem, Trendon, I understand the need for secrecy.” As she began to turn away from the men, Trendon called out to her, “Panda…?”

  “Yes?” she relied while slowly turning back around.

  Trendon asked, “How much is the tab? We must leave this place in a few minutes.”

  She answered, “Oh, for you guys…on the house. Come on back whenever you want too.”

  “Thank you,” Trendon said graciously, “But I insist I must pay.”

  “I insist that it’s on the house this time…it’s my house, after all. So when you come back next, then you can pay,” Panda said firmly, just before her right hand planted itself on her right hip. “Okay?”

  “Okay,” Trendon said while shrugging his shoulders, “Thanks again.”

  “Yes, thanks,” Baltor added.

  The two men exited the tavern and entered the alleyway that was void of people.

  Trendon wasted no time in opening a portal, just before he and Baltor walked through the portal and returned to the tower.


  After both men had sat down on his own plush leather chair located inside the luxurious living room, Trendon released a deep sigh before stating, “My apprentice, before I reveal our battle plan to defeat the Vompareus that will be followed by all your training, I have a particularly important subject that you need to learn first. A subject I’m confident that you will enjoy learning, called ‘Universal History.’”

  While nodding his head affirmatively, Baltor replied with a small smile, “Yes, my master, I have always loved any type of history, including having learned yours…thank you for teaching.”

  “You’re welcome,” Trendon replied. After leaning forward in his seat, he took a deep breath through just his nose before saying, “Now, get comfortable and close your eyes so that you can see this all unfold in your mind’s eye, as well hear it with your physical ears—it really is the best way to learn.”

  “Yes, my master,” Baltor said, before he sat back in his seat and closed his eyes.

  Trendon began teaching, “Per the Chronicles of Time, which you can see is a nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand page book made of gold and the size of the Library of Pavelus, and which I will let you read for yourself after we win this war… The Creator God created but one physical universe—two trillion, thirty-five billion, four hundred thousand, three hundred and fifty-two years ago…understand me so far?”

  Baltor nodded his head once.

  Trendon continued, “Perfect. Now most scientists call this anomaly ‘the big bang theory,’ in which one sun that was the size of one hundred galaxies all put together sitting there in the very middle of infinite black space—exploded outwards in one big bang. Though these scientists are indeed correct with their physical theory, most have yet to learn on a spiritual level that this sun was the physical manifestation of the Creator, who literally spread Himself across every subatomic fragment of that physical universe, essentially becoming the game board and the book. He still exists on a super-conscious level…and shall exist until the End of Time.”

  After a short pause without interruption, he continued, “Only a single nanosecond after Time had begun, per the Chronicles, five master races instantly existed in different quadrants of the universe, though each group had a different number of participants, attributes, and powers to play in quote-unquote, ‘THE CREATOR’S GAME OF ULTIMATE CONQUEST BETWEEN GOOD VS. EVIL.’

  “There was no master race any more powerful than any other…and of course, good, neutrality, and evil were equal in power. These races consisted of nine Arch-Devils, seven Arch-Angels, sixty-six Vompareus, and only thirty Dragons—ten dragons that were good, ten that were neutral, and ten evil.

  “The fifth master race, which is one I know that you’ve never heard of before but you will probably deal with sometime in the future, are called Romata, and though there were only two of them in the beginning, a male and a female, now there are millions—they were the first race who learned how to clone using science. Although I could tell you ten libraries worth of information about this neutral-aligned race alone, or about any of the other master races for that matter, let me state in a nutshell that Romata look-and-act the most alien out of the bunch, possessing the greatest amount of scientific technology, but, possess not an ounce of magical power.”

  “Now…not only were all these master races given the power—via science or magic—to make lesser races, but yet to create their very own dimensional planes. The nine Arch-Devils (two of the original members still rule) created the Nine Planes of Hell, as well dozens of immortal lesser races like lesser-devils, daemons, demons, and even hundreds of living races like goblins, ogres, trolls, etc. The Arch-Angels—all but one are still the original members—made the Seven Planes of Heaven, and their created races were lesser-angels, elves, humans, dwarves, gnomes, nymphs, sprites, etc., etc. Losifer was the only Arch-Angel who ever abandoned his post in the Seventh Heaven, in order to conquer-and-command the First Plane of Hell, just before rising his way through the ranks.”

  It was at this point that Trendon sat back in his seat, before continuing to teach, “The Dragons co-created but one Dragon’s Realm for them all to share, while making tons of sub-races like dinosaurs, basilisks, draconoids, lizard-men, medusas, etc., etc. The one leader in each alignment possessed five heads, of which Tiamat is the only five-headed dragon still alive out of the bunch, and not only that, yet as you already know, an Arch-Devil. Like the Dragons, the Vompareus created but one realm—the Realm of Darkness—as well all the lesser-undead races like zombies, specters, vampires, ghouls, etc. Before I go on any furth
er…do you have any questions?”

  After opening his eyes, Baltor asked, “One…what’s a draconoid?”

  “Close your eyes…as you can see, a draconoid has the scaly skin and head of a dragon, but the rest of the hulk body shape is humanoid, except of course for the large tail that protrudes out the backbone and slithers all around on the ground…go ahead and open your eyes.”

  “I understand.”

  Trendon continued, “Very, very vicious creatures, I might add—anyways, to keep with the point, ever since the very beginning of Time, this game/war has been waged nonstop. Sometimes the side of good is stronger, and sometimes, evil—never has either side won the war, yet…nowadays, evil is far, far stronger. When that day comes when one side wins, the war will be over—and the good shall forever be separated from the evil. And the rest is history…”

  “I see, very interesting, master. So what is our battle plan?”

  “Well…the very next planet that they plan to destroy is called Earth, located in the Milky Way Galaxy on the opposite side of this universe—in their year of 2,012 A.D. Besides your home-planet and Earth, there are twenty-eight inhabited planets containing intelligent races in this universe alone—three of these planets have already been conquered by the Vompareus already.

  “The first thing we are going to do after your training is to teleport to Earth to their year of 2011. As soon as I have recuperated from the journey, which will take me a week of continuous sleep, we are going to steal and re-modify a spaceship, and make it powerful enough deliver a laser blast as strong as one thousand nuclear missiles put together. Once the enemy arrives near Earth, in which I’m not sure how they will arrive yet as they can now manipulate Time and Space, we will fight them until the alien invasion is over.”

  After giving Baltor a moment to digest all that information, Trendon added, “We will then launch our ship out into space, find the rod, entrap the billions of Vompareus in there and relock the Realm of Darkness, before destroying the rod. Following that, we will find those conquered planets still inhabited by Vompareus, and blast those planets into oblivion…unfortunately, it’s too late for the original inhabitants, as they’ve either been killed, or transformed…”

  “Any questions yet, my apprentice?”

  “None yet, my master.”

  “Great! Last but not least, we will ensure that the Earth remains safe from not one but two natural cataclysmic destructions that are coming their way in that same time period…and once we are victorious with everything, the war will be won and we will be done! You may open your eyes now.”

  After opening his eyes, Baltor pointed his left-index finger up into the air before replying, “When do you want to leave?”


  “So what’s our next step?”

  After stroking his hairless chin with his right hand for a few seconds, Trendon answered, “In about five-or-so minutes, after I’ve discussed a few more need-to-know details regarding our plan, I am going to train you on the technological wonders of their 21st century, of which you’ve had a fractional taste during your time spent in the Eighth Plane.”

  “How did you find out what happened in my nightmare?”

  “Simple answer, my apprentice. I’ve already searched your entire memory banks through the Hells, and seen all the things you’ve seen, and heard all the things you heard and said…by the way, you really did do a most impressive job!”

  “Thank you…I tried.”

  With a confident smile and a nod, Trendon replied, “And that, my apprentice, is why our battle plan can’t fail ultimately…because you never stopped trying.”

  Baltor nodded.

  Trendon cleared his throat, before stating, “While I am taking my nap, you will get a chance at a short vacation, yet I do hope that you spend a bit of the time training with real machines until you achieve perfection in your operational abilities. Also, it will be up to you to retrieve the supplies so we can rebuild our spaceship, which ship we will have to first steal from the country called Russia…I will give you the supply list shortly before I nap.”

  “Russia, hmm? Is there anything I need to know about this country?”

  Trendon answered, “Yes. Russia is a vast country that has existed for many-a-centuries, although there have been nomadic people who have lived there for millenniums. In the late-1940’s, they managed to conquer a dozen-or-so other countries, after having begun a communistic-government called the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic. The U.S.S.R. quickly became a threat to the entire free world—that is, until the mid-80’s when a nuclear-powered factory in one of their cities called Chernobyl blew up one hundred and eighty tons of radiation into the sky in a major, fiery blast. Although only four scientists died right away, deadly radiation inevitably killed all of the guards and firefighters, and forced the forty thousand citizens of the city to evacuate. Overall, more than one hundred thousand deaths occurred from cancer…only a few years following the explosion, the U.S.S.R. collapsed. Ever since, the country is known as Russia.”

  After taking a deep breath through his nose, he pointed his index finger into the air before saying, “The only object that survived inside the factory without a scratch sat inside the top-secret machine workshop that was heavily guarded by technology. This object happened to be an alien spaceship that had crash-landed in their country five years earlier, but had not been breached, despite their continued efforts to do so. The contents inside remained a mystery.

  “When the explosion occurred, it was partially because the Russian scientists assigned to working on the ship had figured out the first complex code that would temporarily disarm the ship’s force field, but for only a minute’s time. They were in the process of trying to figure out the complex code to open the door and would have done so, but little did they know, there was another spaceship invisibly hovering in the skies nearby.

  “The alien commander of this second ship ordered and caused the reactor to overheat in the first place! The ship that sat in the machine shop, of course, remained unscathed, yet it did emit a short burst of deadly radiation that killed the two scientists who were working on it in under a minute.

  “Not surprisingly, the ship—under wraps—was the first object to be transported to another top-secret location by other scientists wearing radiation suits…hundreds of miles underground.”

  “Of course, not an ounce of this ‘top-secret information’ was ever leaked out to the public, so very few people in the world knew what truly caused the downfall of the U.S.S.R. Nor were there any scientists who could figure out the code to disarm the force field and the code to open the door until the middle of their 21st century, in which we are about to alter Time…”

  It was during this pause that Baltor asked, “I have a couple questions…what’s socialistic and communistic?”

  Trendon answered, “Good questions. A socialistic government is where the government controls everything and everybody, yet everybody receives the same wage as everyone else, no matter what job they hold. In other words, a clerk gets paid the same as the president of that country, so there is very little motivation amongst the people for a better career, and so, the people and the economy inevitably and ultimately suffers. Unfortunately, as history always proves, because this type of government does not work, it leads to communism.”

  “I see,” Baltor replied.

  Without pause, Trendon added, “Communism is a governmental system that is very militaristic in nature, where any violators of their dictatorship-like laws gets punished/tortured, if not kidnapped and/or killed—the conquistador-like government officials are very well paid and treated like kings and queens, while the people suffer even worse…just like slaves.”

  With a sneer, Baltor responded, “Sounds like two crappy forms of government to me…I like the ‘capitalistic republic’ I established on my home planet—obviously, as was indicated by our new friend Panda, my governors haven’t yet screwed it all up.”

  “They haven
’t screwed it all up…at least not yet. But we’ll talk about that subject later, after this ‘war of all wars’ is over.”

  “Thank you for revealing that useful information to me.”

  “No problem—so, what’s your second question?”

  “What is a truck?”

  “Another good question…I’m about to show you.”

  With that, Trendon stood out of his seat, walked over to where Baltor sat, extended out his index fingers and touched Baltor’s temples—over the course of the next minute to pass, via video and audio simulation, Baltor ever-so-rapidly learned—how to operate all sorts of modern-day vehicles like cars, trucks, boats, planes, helicopters, etc.

  The next minute was spent learning how to assemble, lock-and-load, and fire modern-day weapons like pistols, shotguns, assault rifles, anti-tank rockets, etc.

  After sitting back down on the couch, on the third minute, Trendon continued, “Perfect job! The next lesson I’m going to teach, in which there isn’t much to teach but practice, revolves around telekinesis—by psychically willing an object, you can physically make it fly to your hand. Observe…”

  With that, he extended his hand out toward one of the hundreds of vintage wine bottles sitting on the wine-rack located on the other side of the room—three seconds later, that bottle had flown into his hand.

  While squinting his left eye combined with a half-smile, Baltor said, “Nice…”

  “Piece of cake…now you try, with another bottle,” Trendon said before he physically set his bottle on the table next to the couch.

  With that, Baltor extended his own hand out toward another bottle, and attempted to will it into his hand—after ten seconds of “unwavering concentration,” the bottle flew into his hand.


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