Summer Heat: Anthology

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Summer Heat: Anthology Page 6

by Sonya Jesus

  I smile down at her fondly. "Any time, Lys, you know that."

  "I know." We stay silent, preserving the moment. We both know nothing will ever be the same again after the ceremony.

  "Besides," I say, "I wouldn't miss this for the world. I'll get to meet a goddess! And I can't let you be the only human present. Well, almost human." I look down and sigh, gathering my courage. Elly's right, I should tell Lys how I feel. "Look, I know Damien's going to make you happy, and I'm pretty sure you've already made him happy, judging by the grin he's been wearing. But don't forget the rest of us. Don't disappear off into the sunset with your happily ever after."

  She shakes her head vehemently. "Shawnie, you know I have no intention of leaving you behind. Why do you think I'm so happy you and Selene have hit it off? You may be the only person I'll get to keep with me. I want my bestest buddy right here with me in the future like you've been for the past eight years."

  I hug her as she blinks back tears. I can only imagine how she feels, staring down the barrel of losing her friends and family. "Oh, Lys. I understand. But don't give up hope. You have years to figure out how to make it all work. And I'll help. You know I will. After all, what are friends for?"

  "Thank you, Shawnie."

  My watch starts beeping, relieving the tension. With a smile, I offer her my arm. "Come on, time for your Bonding, Lys."

  Damien and his father stand in a circle formed by the rest of the family. I walk Lys over to them with a mixed sense of joy and sadness and hug her tightly. "You'll always be my best man, Shawn," she whispers.

  I pull back and grin at her, ignoring the tears gathering in my eyes. "Yeah, I know."

  The ceremony is fantastic, and by the end, Lys is literally glowing. I can hardly believe everything that happened. But now I need to clear my mind and focus on talking to Mr. Delanciennes.

  I grow increasingly nervous as the car winds through the streets of the gated community near Selene's house. My stomach feels like it's literally tied itself in knots by the time the car pulls up the drive.

  "You must speak to my father now, Shawn," Selene whispers in my ear. "I doubt you'll get another chance tonight."

  I turn to stare at her, painfully aware that my terror is plainly visible on my face.

  "You'll be fine," she tells me, rubbing my arm lightly. "There is no need to worry." Easy for her to say!

  The car stops, and I have no time left. I swallow thickly and get out, offering Selene a hand to help her out of the car as well. She thanks me but gives me a pointed "get on with it" look. Her father is already exiting the car ahead of ours.

  "Mr. Delanciennes!" I call out quietly, knowing he'll hear me. He stops and turns toward me, face passive, waiting for me to catch up. He clasps his hands loosely in front of him as I reach him.

  "May I —" My voice breaks. I clear my throat and take a deep breath. I have to do this properly. I have to show him that I'm worthy of his daughter. I try again, more calmly. "May I speak with you a moment, Sir?"

  He nods. "Yes, Mr. Dooley. How may I help you?" I follow him as he takes a few steps away from the house. I doubt it will make any difference to those who might be listening, but I appreciate the façade all the same.

  "Sir, I would like your permission to court your daughter Selene." I force myself to hold his gaze and keep my hands loose at my sides. "I realize we haven't known each other long, but we both feel a connection between us, and would like a chance to explore it. I'm fairly certain I'm falling in love with her, and I think she feels the same."

  His demeanor remains unreadable, and I have no idea if that's good or bad. I hope he's at least kind enough to ignore the loud pounding of my heart. I'm sure he can hear it.

  "I appreciate you coming to me for permission, Mr. Dooley." He says suddenly. "But, if I may be blunt, what do you think you have to offer my daughter?" He gestures vaguely with his right hand.

  Shit! I was afraid of this! My heart plummets to my stomach, and I drop my head with a sigh. "I have nothing right now beyond my feelings. Feelings that I think may become true, honest love if given the opportunity." Thinking about Selene and how I feel about her gives me some courage. I meet Mr. Delanciennes' gaze again.

  "I doubt I'll ever be able to offer her the life she's used to as a princess, but if given the opportunity, I'm willing to work as hard as I have to in order to give her the best life I can." He arches an eyebrow, and I experience a sudden feeling of doom.

  Mrs. Delanciennes appears beside her husband and whispers something directly in his ear. She offers me a small smile when she's done.

  Whatever she's said has completely transformed him from stern king to relaxed father. "I appreciate your honesty Shawn. Ask my daughter to tell you about the provisions in place for her future. I leave it to her to judge the best time to inform you of them fully. I will say only that she will never find herself without the means to care for herself."

  I stare at him, hardly breathing, my heart pounding in my ears. I'm having a hard time processing his words. It seems like he's okay with Selene and I pursuing a relationship, but I don't want to assume anything.

  He slides his arm around his wife's waist and pulls her closer to him. "You have my permission and," he gestures at the two of them, "our blessing." He holds his hand out to me, and, hardly believing my good fortune, I shake it and allow myself a relieved grin.

  "Thank you, Sir. If you don't mind, I'd like to go tell Selene."

  He waves me off. "Of course, go on. I imagine she's eager for your report." I nod my thanks to them both and take off into the house.

  Unbeknownst to me, Selene is waiting for me just behind the stairs. She grabs me as I run past, completely oblivious to her presence. For half a moment, I tense, but when her floral scent hits me I relax into her light embrace.

  She takes in my excited smile and the corners of her mouth lift in a pleased grin. "Good news, I take it?"

  I nod. "Yeah. I don't know what's happened, but they've both given their blessing for our relationship."

  The pure, unadulterated joy that shines in her eyes moves something in me. I pull her to me tightly and crash my lips against hers. I feel like I'm branding myself on her soul. There aren't any more obstacles to our relationship, meaning we can belong to each other like we're supposed to.

  My hands twine into her hair and angle her head to claim her more fully. In response, her hands roam up my back and over my shoulders.

  Just as my pants are getting uncomfortably tight, she pulls away from me, breathing hard. She looks deliciously disheveled. "Shawn, we don't have time for this right now. We're expected in the dining room. And we're supposed to be there before Lys and Damien."

  Damn! My dick twitches, probably in protest. Sorry, buddy, you'll have to wait. I smooth my suit jacket and try to control my smug grin as she finger-combs her hair. "Okay, lead the way."


  Once we've seen Damien and Lys off, I pull my mother aside to let her know I'm taking Shawn home. While I haven't been obligated to tell her my whereabouts in a few decades, she appreciates the courtesy of at least knowing if we won't be home.

  She thanks me and waves me off. I'll have to speak to her soon. Something must have happened to change her mind about my pursuing a relationship with Shawn, and I'd like to know what it was. Shawn is in the foyer as I descend the stairs.

  "Are you waiting for me?" I ask him playfully, head tilted.

  He nods. "I can't leave without saying bye, that would be rude."

  I grin at his equally playful tone. "You can't leave without me, period. Or have you forgotten that I brought you here earlier today?"

  His eyes go wide and he places a hand over his heart. "How could I forget? The fun we had served to distract me from my nerves over talking to your father."

  I bump his shoulder as I walk past him to the front door. "Come along, you big baby." I toss him a smile. "Let's get you home."

  "Hey!" He calls out with mock outrage, following me through the door
. "You're a girl, and a princess. I'm guessing you've never had to ask someone's father for permission to date his daughter." He watches me, eyes wide and head tilted as he waits for my answer.

  "Well, no," I admit. "I haven't. But it can't be that bad."

  He shakes his head. "Not usually. But I'm not usually asking to date," he clears his throat, "excuse me, court, a vampire princess. And your dad is pretty intimidating!"

  I grin. "It's mostly an act." I brush his chin with a finger. "But still, you survived."

  "I did." He waggles his eyebrows at me and bites his bottom lip. "I should get a prize."

  I raise an eyebrow at his antics. "You mean aside from me?" I ask with a dismissive sniff.

  Shawn stands silent for a moment as his brain works out where he's gone wrong. It takes him less time than I expected.

  With a wicked grin, he steps forward and grabs my waist, pulling me close. He leans over me, lips brushing my ear as he speaks. "If you were my prize," he whispers, "I'd want to take you home and thoroughly enjoy you." Oh my! My heart speeds up, spreading a flush to my cheeks and chest.

  He leans back and looks down at me tenderly. "But we both know you're so much more than a prize."

  My heart melts a little at his words, but my body screams for his attention. I pull away from him and walk quickly toward the car. "We need to go, now."

  Looking startled, he asks, "Why? Did I do something wrong?"

  I shake my head. "No, but I think we should get you home so you can enjoy your prize."

  A look of understanding blossoms across his face. "Oh. Oh!" He hurries to the car. "Let's go!"

  The drive is easy, completely unencumbered by traffic at this time of night. I speed down the streets, eager to experience my mate again. This time, we will not be interrupted.

  "Selene, um, before we get to my house, I want to make sure we're on the same page. I don't want to assume anything or make you feel pressured."

  It's cute how hesitant he sounds. I can appreciate the point he's making, though. "Don't worry, Shawn," I say, briefly placing a hand on his shoulder. "Age has its benefits. I am completely comfortable with my decision and wouldn't be here if I wasn't."

  "That's, um, that's great, but..." As he trails off, I realize I haven't answered his question.

  "To clear your conscience of any chance of miscommunication, my intent is to, well," I stumble over the words, trying to figure out how best to convey my meaning. We certainly won't be making love, not yet. "To be crass, I intend to fuck your brains out."

  The arousal he's been fighting since we got in the car envelops him completely. With every breath I draw in more of the tantalizing cocktail of man and desire. It's a heady mix, made all the more powerful for knowing the strength of his physical attraction to me.

  "Do you have any other questions before we arrive?" I ask him to distract myself.

  He swallows roughly. "What, um, what do you like? What gets you going?"

  Despite how nervous he sounds, the forthright question is refreshing. It saves embarrassment later.

  "My nipples are incredibly sensitive." I say with a grin. I don't tell him that I'm able to climax just from having them touched. "I very much enjoy cunnilingus, of course." Really, I don't know a woman who doesn't. "I prefer to ride a man, rather than be ridden. Oh, and ropes and a blindfold are great fun, for either party."

  I pause a moment, waiting to see if he has anything to say. "Does that answer your question?" I ask him after a moment of silence.

  I glance at him. His eyes are wide, but I can't tell precisely what he's thinking. "Oh, um, yeah, it does. Thanks."

  "Wonderful." I hope I haven't shocked him too badly. "And what do you like?"

  "I, ah, I like having — I mean, my earlobes are really sensitive to, like, kissing and biting. Biting lightly!" He says forcefully. "Like nibbling."

  I nod. "I understand. Don't worry, the earlobe is not a good source for blood, I won't drink from you there."

  "Right, um, okay."

  "The penis, however," I say with a grin, "has a wonderful blood supply."

  "Oh, right, wait, what?!?" His words come out strangled. I catch his movements out of the corner of my eye. His legs cross and his hands come down protectively over his crotch.

  "Relax, Shawn," I laugh. "I was teasing you."

  "Oh, okay." He relaxes, but his cheeks are bright red. I hope I haven't pushed him too far.

  "What else do you enjoy?" Perhaps if I get our conversation back on track he'll relax.

  "Um, I like, you know, having my d— um, I mean, I like fellatio."

  "Shawn, while your care for my comfort is certainly admirable, and rather adorable, your comfort is important to. Feel free to use whatever language you prefer. I assure you, you will not offend me. I have almost certainly heard it before."

  "Oh, okay. That's great. I feel better. I really enjoy doggie style. I'm kind of an ass man."

  "Good to know. I'm rather fond of mine. I think it's a good shape. Would you agree?"

  "It's fabulous! Oh, um, I mean..."

  "Thank you," I say brightly. "Vampires are sexual creatures. Physical attraction is important to us, so it's good to know you find me attractive."

  "I think you're fucking perfect."

  I beam at the compliment as I turn into his driveway. "I don't need a tour," I tell him as I turn off the car. "Unless it's of your bedroom."

  He nods. "Noted. I'll introduce you to my sheets."


  We hurry to my bedroom, kicking the front door behind us as we go. I'd intended to make a joke about my bed being happy to meet her, but Elly pounces on me almost the moment we step into my room. I drop my suit jacket to wrap my arms around her.

  "No. Interruptions. This. Time," she says between kisses. I couldn't agree more. I need to feel her, all of her, but there's way too much clothing in the way.

  As though reading my mind, her hands snake down my chest, making pit stops at each shirt button on their way to my pants. When she hits my belt, she tugs my shirt free and flings it over my shoulders. My arms are trapped until I manage to free my hands from the cuffs.

  She takes advantage of my impromptu bondage to rub her face against my chest. "Warm," she murmurs. "And you smell delightful."

  My arms free, I slide my hands up her back and into her hair to tug her head to the side. I kiss my way up her neck and nibble on her earlobe. "You're wearing too much, Elly."

  "Am I?" She asks breathlessly. "Let me change that." She pulls her dress over her head and off in the blink of an eye, and my brain officially goes offline. All future thinking will be done with my dick.

  She's standing in a warm pink see-through corset. There are little straps hanging down that connect to thigh-high stockings. Just looking at her has me ready to blow my load.

  She cocks a hip as my eyes rake up her body and raises an eyebrow when I reach her face. "Like what you see?"

  "Like it? That's like saying the ocean is a puddle. My God, Elly, you are one beautiful woman." I take a step toward her but she holds up a hand, stopping me.

  "Sit," she says, pointing to the bed. "The anticipation will make everything sweeter."

  "Haven't we had enough anticipation?" I grumble as I follow her orders. My complaints disappear when she turns around and bends over to unfasten her stockings. With agonizing slowness, she releases one, then the other. My eyes are glued to her ass as she rolls them down her legs.

  She steps daintily out of her shoes to roll her stockings completely off her feet. Her toenails are a deep cherry red. Not the color of blood; the color of passion.

  She stands and turns back toward me and starts unfastening the corset. She alternates between the top and the bottom. One loop at the top, two at the bottom, so I have to wait to see her breasts. "You're killing me, Elly!" I groan. I wouldn't be surprised if I pop my zipper.

  Finally, she opens the last loop and lets the corset fall away. "Come here!" I growl at her. Her mouth curves into a smile as she step
s forward slowly.

  Unwilling to wait, I lean forward and grab her waist, dragging her to me. "You're gonna get it now, you little tease."

  Her little laugh turns into a gasp as I fasten my lips on her nipple. She grinds into me with a moan as I suck on it lightly, and her fingers twine into my hair to pull me closer.

  I lave her nipple slowly, then nibble and bite it, experimenting to see what will get the best reaction from her. She seems to love everything. Her declaration that her nipples are sensitive wasn't a lie.

  I switch to her other nipple and let my hands drop to knead her ass. I deliver a firm spank just as I suck hard, pressing her nipple to the roof of my mouth, and she explodes.

  She's glorious in her orgasm. I hold her tightly to keep her from falling over. Her body is still shuddering when I work a hand under her panties and hiss in a breath at how wet she is. "You're soaked, Elly."

  I dip a finger into her, and then another, and her head falls back with a moan. She clutches at my shoulders and I feel her walls flutter around me when I slide my thumb around her clit. She lets out a surprised "oh!" when I press my thumb firmly onto it.

  Her eyes meet mine and take in my pleased grin. Something in her gaze shifts. She shoves me down onto the bed and, in a heartbeat, we're both naked. Another nearly invisible movement, and I've got a condom on. "I can't wait any longer," she says, crawling up me. Her hands slide up my stomach to my chest as she positions herself over me.

  She presses down slowly, letting my dick sink into her. "Oh, shit! You fit me like a glove!" As our hips touch, we stare at each other, and a moment of unspoken understanding passes between us. This isn't going to be slow and sweet.

  My hands fly to her hips as she starts moving, letting her lift up, then pulling her down onto me. She sets a fast pace that I'm more than happy to keep up with.

  I grip her hips tightly, making sure she moves in just the right way to rub her clit with each thrust. We're both covered in a thin layer of perspiration as she continues to slam down onto me. The smell of sex fills the room as a perfect companion to her pleasure-filled moans and my much-less-sexy pleased grunts.


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