Summer Heat: Anthology

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Summer Heat: Anthology Page 26

by Sonya Jesus

  I rolled over and wrapped my arms around him. He planted soft kisses on my neck. His hand roamed down to my shoulder, and tugged the strap of my bra down, exposing my breast. He groaned, and his lips claimed my beaded nipple. I gasped at the warm, wet sensations of his tongue and mouth, and ran my hands through his long messy hair.

  His hand roamed back down to my belly and into my panties. I cried out as his thick long finger slid slowly into me. He groaned again, his lips and tongue doing delicious things to my nipple. His finger sliding in and out so gently. He tugged my panties down and off me. It was so natural for me to spread my thighs for him as he cupped my wet mound.

  “I want to taste my wildcat.” He climbed over and laid between my open thighs. His soft wet tongue devoured me, explored me. I cried out, my hands diving into his hair.

  “Eric!” I cried out as my whole body exploded and shook with an intense orgasm that I had never felt before.

  He moved up over me, his tongue diving into my mouth. I tasted the sweet flavor of my own womanhood. His hand fumbled with his jeans, yanking them down. He was hard and enormous, and against my wet opening. We were the only two living souls at that moment as we looked into each other’s eyes. He slowly sank into me. I cried out with both pain and pleasure. He moved slowly, his jaw clenched, until he was completely buried inside me.

  “You’re beautiful” his voice was full of need as he began to move. I clung onto him tightly, my nails digging into the warm skin on his back. He thrusted into me over and over, the movement of his hips in rhythm with mine, our breathing heavy and shaky.

  With one last thrust, he pulled away and was his knees. He gripped his hard shaft with both hands and stroked himself before my eyes. He roared as he orgasmed, shooting his hot milky cum all over my breasts. He collapsed back on top of me. I cradled him between my thighs, feeling the strong pounding of his heart against mine.

  As I steadied my breathing from the most pleasurable experience I had ever felt in my life, I realized that I had spent the whole night with Eric. And that my parents were probably worried half out of their minds. “My parents are going to kill me!”

  “No” he grumbled against my shoulder, “I called your parents last night. Told them you were safe, and I’d take care of you.”

  We took a shower together in Eric’s hotel room, exploring each other’s bodies with slippery soapy hands. I was a bit sore, and even though he became hard again in the shower, he washed my hair and body with his gentle hands. He drove me home and walked me to the front door. He held and kissed me, and our passion for each other began to rise again. He had more self-control than I did and released me from the heated kiss.

  I needed to get ready for my shift at work, and I hurried up the stairs to my room to change clothes and get ready. I also wanted to avoid my parents because I knew they would be very ticked off. My dad followed after me, “Cindy!”

  I got to my room and spun around, “What Dad?”

  He was dressed in a suit, ready to go to work that morning. His tie was still loose, and I knew he was running late, because he was waiting and worrying about me. “You’re going to throw your whole future away over this guy!”

  “No Dad. I’m not. But Eric is a part of my future. I care about him. And he cares about me. I’m not a little girl anymore. I’m old enough to make my own choices. And I choose to be with him.”

  I didn’t see anger in my dad’s eyes. Only sadness maybe? He looked down and exhaled. “You’re right. You’ve grown up to become a very smart and beautiful young woman. You make your own decisions. I just want you to make smart ones.” He pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around me. “We just love you so much and want what’s best for you. If this Eric is good to you, and treats you with respect, then we’re ok with it.”

  I nuzzled my check against his tie. His familiar scent of Old Spice brought back memories of my childhood. He’d kiss me on my cheek as he hurried out the door on his way to work while me, Tommy and Mom sat at the kitchen table, eating breakfast. “I love you too Dad. Thank you for understanding. And trusting me to live my life.”

  It was Saturday night as I primped in front of my bedroom mirror. I was dressed in a hot pink zebra print tank top, a tight black mini skirt, and black stiletto boots. Angie went shopping with me and helped pick out just the right outfit for the night. Steel Dragon was performing at The Bayou in Georgetown. Both me and Angie were ready to head out, and the last thing I needed was for Tommy to come along with us. But my parents insisted that he drive us there though. Even though they were struggling with accepting the fact that I was a responsible adult, they still insisted that Tommy watch over me.

  Tommy parked the car along the curb a block away from The Bayou. He looked over at me sitting in his passenger seat, “You look like one of those headbanger sluts.”

  Angie sat in the backseat. She reached out from behind Tommy and smacked his face with a hard slap, “Shut up Tommy! You’re such a fucking dickweed!”

  “Stop it! Both of you!” I shouted, getting out of his car and slamming the door shut. Tommy climbed out of the driver’s side his eyes grew round as saucers “Fuck Cindy! Don’t have to act like such a bitch!”

  I tuned him out and bolted up the steep concrete sidewalk in my high heeled boots. Angie caught up with me, wrapping her arm around my shoulders “Sorry about that Cin. But a brother doesn’t say nasty things like that to his own sister.”

  Tears welled up, but I choked them down and stopped, wrapping my arms around her. “Oh Ang. You’ve always been like a big sis to me.”

  She squeezed me back, “I know Cin. Now let’s go meet up with Zeek and Eric and have a kick-ass time tonight!”

  We walked together down K Street and saw the sign “The Bayou” glowing in neon red. Two huge black doors hung open beneath it. A crowd of headbangers with teased hair, dressed in animal prints, jeans, and spandex stood in a line outside. I spotted Eric instantly among the crowd. He stood out dressed in a worn jean vest that showed off his broad shoulders. His tight stone washed jeans hugged his muscled thighs. His face lit up with a grin when his eyes met mine.

  I rushed toward him, but Tommy bolted past, blocking my path, “I wouldn’t have driven you and your bimbette friend all they up to DC if I knew you were fucking that dead beat headbanger!”

  Eric was there. Standing behind Tommy. “Hey asshole!” He drew back his fist as Tommy spun around. And slammed it into his jaw. His head flew back, and he fell landing hard on his ass onto the concrete sidewalk.

  Eric’s fists were clenched at his sides. “I love Cindy. If you ever talk to her like that again, I’ll knock your fucking teeth out.”

  Love? Eric said he loved me? My heart skipped a few beats as I stood there frozen. He turned to me, the side of his mouth lifted, and he winked, “Yes I love you Cindy. You’re my wildcat.”

  I flung myself into his arms, “I love you too Eric!” He leaned down and kissed me.

  Angie began to laugh out loud, slapping her hands to her thighs, “Totally fucking far out!”


  The Steel Dragon hit number one on the Billboard Charts in the Spring of 1988. They filmed two music videos that aired on MTV all day that summer as they toured throughout the US, performing at concert halls and arenas. Things happened way too fast in the eighties. And everything was big and loud – the hair, the music, the bright lights and colors of neon.

  While Eric was away on tour, he called me every day just as he promised, whether in a hotel, a bar, or getting ready to perform on stage. But it was never a quiet moment for us over the phone, with loud voices, music, or laughter. I lived with my parents and after a few more years I graduated from college with a bachelor’s degree. By then, Eric’s band had recorded two more albums and they were back on the road touring again. When he came back to my hometown in Virginia, we were always together, practically glued to each other. I missed him terribly while he was away, and it was hard sometimes when I was not by his side, living the crazy Rocks
tar life.

  But we loved each other. We didn’t know what our future held for us, but we cherished every moment we had together. And we both knew that someday we’d could settle down, get married and be together. Eric was my Rockstar and I was his wildcat.

  Linny Lawless

  Linny grew up in Northern Virginia, right outside Washington DC, and has a professional career in sales operations for over 20 years. She’s also spent 13 years riding with her husband on the back of a Harley! Linny loves the feeling of freedom, wildness, and rebellion that comes with it. The biker community can be tribal and primal at times.

  Linny has also been a huge book worm since she was a young teen. She reads different genres of books, but the one Linny loves the most is Romance! She self-published her debut novel, “Salvation in Chaos” in January of 2018. Her stories are about scruffy, sexy alpha bikers who belong to a tribe, their club, and the women they fall in love with. They live in a world full of chaos, not unlike reality. But within that chaotic world, they live their lives the best way they can and discover true love.

  Books by Linny Lawless

  “Salvation in Chaos” CKMC Series, Book 1

  "Deep in Chaos" CKMC Series, Book 2

  “Coveted by Chaos” CKMC Series, Book 3, Coming in June!

  Social Media Links


  Street Team:






  By Sophia Peony


  A tragedy brings Melonie back home, and to the man, she thought she’d lost forever. Matt, her father’s best friend, and Melanie had the hottest affair of her life, but it ended in heartbreak.


  Matt knew he’d messed up when he fell for Melonie. She was too young, he was too old, and she was his friend’s daughter. He walked away but never got over her. Now, they’re both back in Clyde and Matt knows he can’t walking away this time.

  Contains strong language and sexual content. Reader’s discretion is advised.

  Copyright © 2018 Sophia Peony


  Seven years ago…

  “My dad’s going away on a two-week business trip next week. He asked his best friend to stay with me even though I told him I didn’t need anyone there,” Melonie announced to her two best friends, Jenny and Ashley.

  “What happened to that old lady?” Jenny asked.

  “She can’t stay with me. I told him I don’t need a babysitter, but you know my dad,” Melonie answered with a roll of her eyes. Her father was too much sometimes.

  “Best friend, like the hot Army guy who used to visit?” Ashley asked. “Uncle Mike? Or was it Mitch?”

  “He’s in the Marines, and his name is Matt, and he’s not my uncle, technically. And yes, he’s even hotter now,” Melonie answered.

  “And let me guess, you’re going to do uncle good and hard?” Jenny joked.

  “I might,” Melonie replied. The girls laughed, but Melonie was serious. Melonie looked like the sweetest girl-next-door, but all their bad ideas usually came from her. The more her father tried to control her, the more trouble she got them in. She was glad that Ashley and Jenny were accepting of her troublesome ideas and were willing to stick it out with her when they did get caught. The three of them would be leaving for college in another two months, just around Melanie’s nineteenth birthday.

  Melonie had plans to convince, “Uncle Matt” to enjoy their two weeks together. She hoped he’d be willing to let her get what she wanted. She couldn’t wait to see how he looked now. Talking to him on the phone had left her waking up from erotic dreams. God, she hoped he’d let her have her way. She sure as hell was going to try, hard. She was going to make this summer unforgettable.




  Melonie Lovett stared at her father’s coffin with sadness, regret, and bittersweet memories. Her father had been controlling her whole life, but he was her father and the only parent she had left. It wasn’t until the last three years that she and her father had finally found common ground. Maybe it was because she matured. Maybe it was because she understood that he was all the family she had left.

  Her mother had passed away when Melonie was fifteen, leaving her alone with a father who was both paranoid and overbearing. He controlled his family with a firm grip. It was one of the reasons her mother had decided to run away on that one fateful day. After fifteen years of marriage, her mother had finally had enough and decided to run away with the gardener, of all people. The gardener had been a twenty-year-old boy hired by her father and her mother had an affair with him to get back at her husband.

  She almost felt sorry for her mother, to finally see the end of the tunnel, only to find that it leads to a cliff going nowhere. And that’s what literally happened. Her mother hopped into her lover’s truck to escape her marraige, only to die in a violent car accident because they had been too distracted, celebrating their newfound freedom.

  Her father was more angry and embarrassed than hurt at her mother’s transgression. The small town they lived in with the sincere neighbors only to gossip behind their backs about her mother’s offenses. She hated this town, and at the time, she hated her father too. She left for college and vowed to never come back, but here she was.

  College was the best thing that had ever happened to her. She was finally able to live her life without her father breathing over her shoulder. It gave her the freedom to discover herself. It was everything she hoped for and more. True to her promise, she hadn’t returned home during the summers and holidays, and she didn’t return home after she graduated. She stayed in Los Angeles, where the weather was hot, the people were busy and where no one cared who her mother slept with.

  Melonie and her two best friends, Ashley, and Jenny had moved to Los Angeles. The three of them shared a tiny one-bedroom apartment and worked their way through college. Her father had refused to help her pay for her living arrangement since he didn’t choose it. He refused to let her go to college there, he wanted her close to home where he could watch her, and even planned on letting her pay for everything. When he realized she wasn’t going to change her mind, he relented by agreeing to be her co-borrower on her student loan. Of course, he easily paid for his half of the loan. She, on the other hand, was thrown into the workforce with no warning.

  Ashley and Jenny had had jobs in the past, Jenny more than Ashley. Melonie’s father had refused to let her work just like he refused to let her mother work. She had no idea how much energy it took to hold a job. Melonie had to work in retail because she had no experience whatsoever. She hated retail but every time she felt like quitting, she heard her father’s voice in her head telling where she can live, who she can be friends with and what she can study. It was enough to get her through the long holiday seasons. She eventually began to like her job, liked interacting with people all day and was eventually promoted to a store manager. She liked her life in Los Angeles. She never wanted to come back to Clyde, at least not anytime soon.

  But she had to come back and for the worst reason. Her father was gone. He’d suffered a heart attack, and there was no one there to save him. She wondered if she should have been there. She tried not to blame herself for not being home to take care of him. Their relationship was tremulous growing up, and up until the last couple of years, she never missed her father. But now, all she wanted was a hug from him. Her father’s lawyer, Steve, who was pretty much everyone’s lawyer in Clyde, had most of the arrangements for her father’s funeral ready. Her father being the control freak that he was, already had his funeral arrangements set, with precise instructions for Steve to follow. If Melonie hadn�
�t felt like crying, she’d probably laugh at the thought.

  The funeral home was crowded with the people of Clyde, all pretending that he was the greatest neighbor of them all and that he would be very missed, but she knew different. Most of the people of Clyde only cared about saving face. She spoke to no one and quickly excused herself when others tried to talk to her. As far as any Monday goes, this was the shittiest.

  “Melonie?” She turned at the hesitant whisper and found herself staring at Emilia, an old childhood friend. The only person she missed after leaving Clyde.

  “Emilia, it’s been a long time,” Melonie responded as she accepted a comforting hug from Emilia. Melonie can see people whispering already. Emilia’s father had conned the town with fake investments a couple of years back. It was such a big deal that even she heard about it on the news. After Emilia’s father was tried and sent to prison, Emilia had left Clyde and Melonie didn’t blame her. Even though her own father had lost money from Emilia’s father’s deception, Melonie didn’t think it was fair to blame Emilia as well, since she clearly had nothing to do with it. As welcoming as the town of Clyde was, it was unforgiving to those who betray its people, even if it’s by association.

  “I just wanted to say I’m sorry for your loss. I’m not staying, I know you’ll understand,” Emilia explained.

  “I do, and I really appreciate it. Thank you for coming,” Melonie replied. They said their goodbyes as Emilia left the service as quickly and quietly as possible.

  Melonie counted the minutes, if not the seconds until Ashley and Jenny were expected to arrive. Since it wasn’t their father who passed away, Ashley and Jenny hadn’t been able to drop everything at a moment’s notice. Yesterday was a long and lonely day for her.

  A commotion had her turning towards the door. She nearly smiled at the sight that greeted her. Her two best friends, strong, determined, and beautiful had arrived. The two of them marched down the aisle, straight to her, without acknowledging anyone. The moment they got to her, she burst into tears as Jenny took her into a hug. Ashley and Jenny were all she had left, and she knew that they would make everything okay. They have always been there for her and have never disappointed her in the eighteen years she’d known them.


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