Stone in Love

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Stone in Love Page 4

by Cadence, Brook

  “No,” Lindsay said, her heart pounding.

  “No?” Charlie ambled over to his black Toyota Camry, parked two cars away. Standing with one leg inside the car and a hand on the open door, he smiled from underneath those long, dark lashes. “I’ll show you instead.”

  Chapter Six

  When Lindsay turned the key, her car didn’t start. Really?

  Charlie had backed out of his parking place, but pulled back in when Lindsay’s car didn’t move. He walked to her window. “What’s wrong?”

  She opened the door. “Damn car won’t start. Wouldn’t even turn over.”

  “Hmm. Sounds like the battery. Do you think it will be okay to leave it overnight?”

  “Yeah. It stays pretty well lit around here.”

  “I’ll see that it’s fixed tomorrow,” he said, extending his arm around her back. He escorted her to the passenger–side of his Camry, and closed the door behind her.

  The embarrassment of her ten–year–old Ford breaking down in front of him was almost more than her pride could handle. Must have been Ireland’s cursed Volkswagen parked so close by, that caused it to stall.

  At least Charlie drove a normal car—not a Mercedes or Land Rover. His muted taste appealed to Lindsay’s blue–collar upbringing.

  “I love your car,” Lindsay said.

  “Thanks. I do too. It gets me where I need to go, and it’s easy to maintain.”

  “Camrys are my favorite. If I ever get a new one—which I should really consider at this point—it would be exactly like this, but only, mine would have a sunroof.”

  Charlie studied her for a moment and gently swept a hand through the length of her hair. “I can see you driving a car with a sunroof—your long hair catching the wind, a pair of dark sunglasses over your eyes. Oh yeah, that’s you all the way.”

  A horn sounded nearby, and Charlie turned to see what was happening. “We better get going. The parking lot’s getting cramped, and people are losing their cool.” He powered on the GPS. “Type in your address.”

  “Why? I can tell you which way to go.”

  He put his hand on her leg. “Because I don’t want to talk directions when there’s so much more about you I want to know.”

  “Like what?”

  Charlie pulled onto North Rhett Avenue. “Are you looking for a relationship? I shouldn’t be so direct, but I need to know if you’re feeling anything like I am.”

  Lindsay angled toward him, curling one leg underneath her. “I have to be honest. I was rattled when I left your house the other day. Being in your huge abode, kissing a pilot—a damn good kisser by the way—it was a little overwhelming.”

  “That explains the brush–off. Your reaction when I attempted a kiss goodnight bothered me. I thought I’d said or done something to upset you, and that’s the last thing I wanted.” He tightened his grip, massaging her thigh. “Your kissing is pretty incredible too.” His gaze lowered to her mouth. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about those beautiful, soft lips.”

  Lindsay smiled and dipped her head bashfully. “Better keep your eyes on the road.”

  “Please don’t feel nervous in my house. I know it’s kind of cold, but it needs a woman’s touch. I’m clueless when it comes to interior decorating. And my being a pilot isn’t a big deal, trust me. I transport people from one place to another. It’s no different from driving a taxicab.”

  Lindsay playfully slapped him on the shoulder. “Shut up!”


  “You know you can’t compare those two occupations. I’m sure yours took years of training. You’re just trying to make me feel better since I work at the mall.”

  Charlie pulled the car off the road, stopping in the parking lot of a closed FedEx warehouse, and shut off the engine. “Listen, I wasn’t looking to get involved with anyone. I was perfectly content nursing my hurt feelings over my last relationship. I couldn’t feel my heart beating before; there were times when I didn’t care if it was. You changed all that. Your occupation—my occupation—isn’t an issue. It wasn’t an accident, us meeting.”

  He put his hands on her face and moved dangerously close to her lips. “I want to know all about you, so I can do everything in my power to make you happy. Forget how you’ve been treated in the past. I can take care of your needs like a man should. I want to know every inch of your body, and you to know mine. Do you object to any of this?”

  Of course you object. Don’t let him capture you under his spell.

  She leaned in … reached across him … and turned the ignition. “My apartment is just past the traffic light.”

  * * *

  “It’s small, but it’s fine for Ireland and me,” Lindsay said, opening the door to the apartment.

  Charlie followed close behind her. “Uh–huh,” he said, sliding his arms around her waist, and pushing the door closed with his foot. His grip tightened as he pulled her against his chest. He swept her hair away from her neck, kissing and nibbling.

  Little did he know, she was the one who’d be doing the seducing. In her familiar surroundings, she felt fully confident. Could this perfect, manly–man keep up with her domineering style?

  Unfortunately, this was when she typically had her way with the guy, then never saw him again. She’d scared the other guys into hiding, after she put something on them they’d never had. At least that’s what she liked to think. Or maybe, they never cared much for her in the first place. She tried not to believe it was the second possibility, though the thought remained in the back of her mind.

  Essentially, most of her relationships fizzled out after their first sexcapade.

  She put her hands on Charlie’s arms and forced herself out of his grip. She circled around and held up her index finger. “Hold on. This is going down Lindsay–style.”

  Charlie’s lips parted and his brows arched up. “Show me what you got, then.” Stepping back, he put his hands on his waist. “I’m waiting.”

  Lindsay pointed down the hall. “The second room on the right. Go there, turn on some music—whatever kind you’re in the mood for—and I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Charlie did as instructed and yelled from the room, “I’ll give you one minute, but that’s all. And I’m counting, so you better get a move on.”

  Lindsay went to her bedroom and opened her top drawer, tossing garments over her shoulder. Who does he think he is, giving me orders? I’ll show him.

  She could tempt and tease him with a wide variety of lingerie she’d accumulated shopping with Ireland. She picked up some pink fishnets and considered pairing them with her pink cheetah–print body suit with strategically placed cutouts. Sexy, but too girly.

  She needed something darker, edgier.

  “I guess Lindsay–style means making a guy wait?” Charlie shouted from Ireland’s room.

  Obviously the stripper pole and velvet sofa hadn’t intimidated him at all. He was so in–for–it.

  Lindsay’s hand swiped a sturdy piece of cowhide leather, stuffed at the bottom of the drawer. She lifted it up, and held it in front of her. “Ca–ching!”

  “Be right out.” She dressed and spritzed some of her favorite perfume, Sensual Suede and Spice, on her pulse points. “Ready or not!”

  Perfect beat, she thought, hearing the song that was playing inside Ireland’s room: “Personal Jesus” by Depeche Mode. She pushed opened the door with her black cane—that she didn’t have for health purposes—and shimmied up and down to the beat, holding onto her gray fedora. She flipped a switch on the wall that simultaneously turned off the light and dropped down a disco ball. Ireland mentioned that Jeffrey had installed that thing, but Lindsay thought she was kidding.

  She upheld the serious look on her face as she watched Charlie’s mouth form a distinctive O. His forehead and eyebrows wrinkled as if he was in agony. He squirmed and readjusted his position on the prized sofa. “Oh, I’m ready.”

  She turned her back to him and put one hand on the newly installed pole.
This was her first time trying it, but she was confident she could improvise. She swayed her hips back and forth, a sassy smile forming on her lips as she imagined the look on Charlie’s face.

  From the front, her black panties resembled a string bikini, but the back had a lot more going on. There were three strings across each butt cheek, with a bowtie at the top that accentuated the dip in her back.

  She wrapped her other hand around the pole and slid it up and down in a … suggestive manner. She skimmed her tongue across her top lip, and Charlie wiped his palms on his jeans. Rolling her hips, she dipped down with the final … stroke, and tossed her head back, catching a glimpse of the seemingly oxygen–deprived Charlie. His chest pumped wildly.

  She slowly came up and turned her back against the pole, facing him. She unzipped her black, leather bustier, teasing him as to what was underneath. She reached both arms behind her head, grabbing the pole, and the corset opened wide, her firm C–cups now fully exposed.

  Charlie took off his jacket and put it on the seat beside him, never taking his eyes off his very own private dancer.

  I’ve got him right where I want him. Lindsay slid down, her knees falling apart, revealing that her strappy panties were also crotch–less. She displayed a perfectly shaped triangle, just in case Charlie was directionally dysfunctional.

  Charlie stood up—in both ways—and approached the … stage. Lindsay pushed the heel of her six–inch stilettos against his belly. “Not so fast, aviator, I’m running this show.” With the palm of her hand, she shoved him back to his seat.

  Poor guy was in a bad way, but she was having too much fun to stop now. She straddled him and shook the tiny straps of the corset off her shoulders. When they dropped, all that was left was a long, silver chain that fell into her cleavage.

  Charlie had just removed his T–shirt when the disco ball retreated, and the light switched on. Ireland and Jeffrey stood there, stupefied.

  “Here—cover yourself,” Charlie said, putting his T–shirt over Lindsay’s breasts. He picked up his jacket and slung it around the back of her, so Jeffrey couldn’t look at her perfect ass. No man would ever tread on his territory again.

  “I’m sorry about what happened tonight.” Lindsay crossed her arms, standing at the front door of the apartment.

  Charlie rubbed the outside of her arms. “I am too. Talk about a buzz–kill, huh?”

  “I know. I had no idea Ireland would be home so soon; there was still a good hour of trivia left. Figures, tonight of all times, there would be a bar brawl and the place would shut down early.”

  “At least her boyfriend turned his back when he saw that you were more or less naked. He’s lucky. Had he gawked at you, he would’ve had to pick his eyes up from the floor.”

  “Sounds like you’re claiming me as your property, Charlie Mundy.”

  “No, but I won’t stand for someone disrespecting you. Jeffrey seems like an okay guy, though. I don’t think I’ll have to worry about him.”

  “He’s pretty decent compared to most of the other guys Ireland has dated. He’s quiet, which is a great offset to her big mouth.”

  “So, what time are we leaving in the morning?” Charlie said.

  “I’m thinking around seven,” Lindsay said. I’m sorry you have to drive, when I was the one who invited you.”

  “I would have driven anyway. By the way, I have a surprise for you, and I’ll only say this: we’re not taking my car.”

  “You’ve definitely piqued my interest.”

  “I think you’ll like it.” Charlie gave her a kiss. “Rest well tonight. You’ll need it for what lies ahead this weekend.”

  Lindsay grinned. But I’m still calling the shots.

  It was a long, lonely drive back home to Sullivan’s Island. Never had a man been as worked up as Charlie had been tonight.

  Lindsay’s dominance was unexpected. The day they’d kissed at his house, her body went limp. He hadn’t been sure whether she’d been completely turned–off by him, or if she was nervous.

  What made the difference—he did not know, but it was ultra–sexy. He’d never seen a show like the one she put on in all his life. In a way though, it was a good thing that they’d been interrupted. When they did make love, he would not submit to her demands. He planned to hold, touch, and kiss any part of her he dang–well pleased, and treat her with the tenderness she deserves.

  Chapter Seven

  Lindsay opened the door to her apartment Saturday morning, with a towel wrapped around her hair. “Hey, come on in.”

  “Morning,” Charlie said, and gave her a peck on the lips. “We did say seven, didn’t we?”

  “Yeah … one of my worst habits is I’m perpetually late.”

  “Finish getting ready and I’ll watch some television, if you don’t mind,” Charlie said, sitting in the living room recliner. He grabbed the remote and turned on Sports Center.

  “Okay, I’ll try to hurry.” Lindsay scampered off to her bedroom.

  Charlie noticed some pictures displayed on the wall behind the television and went to inspect them. He favored the photos of Lindsay and Ireland making goofy faces for the camera. The most interesting one, however, was a recent–looking picture of Lindsay holding a framed certificate. Charlie strained to make out the writing: Associate Degree of Health Services. Interesting. Lindsay hadn’t mentioned that she’d gone to college.

  “All ready,” Lindsay said, rounding the corner.

  Charlie couldn’t help but smile at the youthful looking girl who’d stepped into the room. Lindsay looked five years younger with her hair in a high ponytail. Her hazel eyes sparkled, and her dewy, soft skin begged to be touched.

  He reached for her overstuffed suitcase. “Let me help you with this. What all do you have in here? This is a two–day vacation, right?”

  “I have to admit it’s excessive, but better to have too much than not enough,” Lindsay admitted.

  “Well, we definitely have the space for it. Come on, you’re going to love what’s in the parking lot.”

  They walked down the outside stairs of the apartment building and Charlie pointed to the sleek, beige van in the first space. “This is it. Weird looking, isn’t it?”

  Lindsay studied the odd–looking vehicle with wide eyes. “It’s futuristic, that’s for sure. What is it?”

  “Get in, I’ll show you.” Charlie unlocked the door and let her in. He hopped into the driver’s seat and said, “Did you look in the back?”

  Lindsay turned and Charlie watched her face light up with pleasant surprise. “Wow, I’ve never seen anything like this. Is it considered a van or a camper?”

  “Not sure. I borrowed it from a friend of mine, Phil. It’s a state–of–the–art vehicle. It’s not available to the general public yet, but my buddy is tight with some executives at Volkswagen, and he was able to get one of the prototype models.”

  “From the outside it doesn’t look large enough to furnish a bed, queen size and all. Did it come with the black satin sheets and pillows?”

  “No, I threw those in,” Charlie said, with a devilish grin.

  “It’s very nice.”

  “There’s more to it than meets the eye. But the rest, you’ll have to find out later.

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  Charlie turned the engine on and pulled away from the apartment building. “Would you mind typing in the name of the campground in the GPS? I can’t remember which one you said we’re going to.”

  Lindsay fiddled with the small black screen. “Givhans Ferry State Park. It’s about forty–five minutes from here, from what Ireland said.”

  “Are Ireland and Jeffrey meeting us there?” Charlie asked.

  “Yeah, they went to buy a tent. We should be arriving around the same time. Ireland asked me if she should get one for us, but I told her no. I wasn’t sure if you’d rather rent a cabin.”

  “I’d rather stay right in here,” he said, putting his arm around the back of her seat, “if that’s a
ll right with you.”

  “That’s fine. Ireland and Jeffrey can pitch their tent on our campsite. I have a feeling we are going to have an unforgettable time.”


  Driving in the rural area outside of town, Lindsay said, “Isn’t it nice out this way, with all the undeveloped land?” She looked out the window and pointed, “Is that a cotton field?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “I’ve never seen one. Look at that dilapidated old barn over there.”

  They slowed to a near stop—which wasn’t a problem since the area was far from congested—and peered out the window at the rusty, Civil War–era barn.

  “You don’t see that every day,” Charlie said.

  “It makes me wonder how secluded this campground is from the rest of civilization. And where’s Walmart?”

  Charlie laughed heartily.


  “That reminded me of ‘Where’s Waldo’, but with a modern spin.”

  “I’m serious. If there’s no Walmart, you know we’re in the boonies.”

  “That’s camping, doll. It’s going to be just me, you, and nature.”

  “And Ireland and Jeffrey,” Lindsay reminded him.

  “Yes, but they can go their way, and we can go ours.”

  The campground came upon them so fast they almost missed it. A narrow road led to the entrance that, instead of a guard, hosted a tiny box for payment. Charlie put the cash in the envelope, deposited it in the box, and grabbed a pass for the rearview mirror. As the road curved, Lindsay leaned across him to look out the window.

  “Do you know what body of water that is?” she asked, pointing to the wide river, lined with houses on each side.

  “It’s the Edisto, the longest blackwater river in North America.”

  “That’s the Edisto River? I thought it was part of Edisto Beach?”

  “The mouth of the river opens to the waters of the Atlantic at Edisto Beach, yes.”

  “What do you mean by ‘blackwater’?”

  Charlie turned into the primitive camping area. “Let’s walk down to it, so you can see for yourself.”


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