Stone in Love

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Stone in Love Page 11

by Cadence, Brook

  True to form, Charlie leaned down and kissed her, before exiting without question.

  Looking in the huge mirror above Charlie’s bathroom sink, Lindsay dabbed her eyes with a tissue. Planning for the humidity, she’d made the smart choice to wear her waterproof mascara. Her teary eyes hadn’t caused the slightest run in her makeup. She powdered her face, put the compact back in her purse, and rested the palms of both hands on the sink. “Curses,” she groaned to the reflection in the mirror.

  She took a deep breath and walked over to the window overlooking the back yard. Her jaw dropped open, and she covered it with a hand, her eyes opened equally wide.

  Charlie must have heard the struggle in the hallway closet as he passed by, and had shown mercy to Asher and Miranda. The two of them were in the limbo line, followed by: Mr. Corbin, Ireland, Jeffrey, Mrs. Martin and Kelly, Janice, and Becky.

  Lindsay laughed out loud when the limbo line turned into a Conga line, each person holding onto the shoulders of the person in front of them, wiggling and gyrating in every direction as they waited their turn. It was the most unlikely gathering of personalities, yet somehow … tonight … it made perfect sense.

  Once the group had tired of Conga’ing, the crowd started to disperse. Lindsay embraced her mother and kissed her goodnight, and sent her sister off with a cheerful farewell.

  She would have that heart–felt conversation with her mother in due time. The strain on their relationship surely had to affect her mom as it had Lindsay, and there was no use prolonging unnecessary heartbreak.

  Lindsay had just kissed her associates from the mall goodbye and promised to keep in touch, when Ireland took her aside. “Dad, Jeffrey, and I are going to head back to the apartment. I need to finish packaging up.” She lowered her head and took a deep breath. “I’m flying out tomorrow.”

  Lindsay couldn’t believe her ears. “So soon?” She knew the time was coming, but didn’t know it was so close at hand. “And to think, I was about to give you a hard time for inviting my mom and sister tonight. I can’t send you off with a scolding, though.”

  Ireland giggled.

  “Sorry about that. I just wanted to help.”

  Lindsay waved her hands. “Forget it. I have to be honest, I never dreamt you and I would become this close. It seems like just yesterday we had our infamous dance off.”

  Ireland nodded, smiling. “I know. I thought you would be my biggest foe and look what happened—”

  “We became best friends.”

  “Yep. The best.” Tears formed in Ireland’s eyes.

  “Two girls from completely different worlds,” Lindsay said. “When I saw you that day shaking your bon bon on the bar, I thought, ‘just another dumb blonde.’”

  “Typical airhead, right?”

  Lindsay wrapped her arms around Ireland. “No. You’re so much more than that … so very much.” Lindsay held on to Ireland and added, “You’ve been a shoulder to cry on, a giver of great advice, and my biggest champion.” She backed away a few inches to meet Ireland’s eyes. “Thank you, my sister.”

  Both girls held onto each other and quietly sobbed. “You know I can’t tell you goodbye,” Lindsay said.

  “You don’t have to because this isn’t goodbye. I’ll be back. And when I return, you won’t believe the new me. I’m going to clean up my act, get a real career, and maybe even get married.”

  “I wish you all the luck in the world. As for that new career, maybe you should take up photography. You did a heck of a job on that photo of me. Charlie absolutely adored it.”

  Looking up, Ireland put her index finger to her chin. “You have a point. And it’s something I loved doing. I’m seriously going to consider it.”

  “You should.”

  A horn blew outside. “I better not keep Dad and Jeffrey waiting. Listen, if you ever need anything, I’m just a phone call away. Don’t ever hesitate.”

  “I won’t. I think I’ll stay here tonight. You won’t be mad if I don’t see you off tomorrow, will you? I don’t think I can bear it.”

  “I understand.” Ireland opened the front door and stepped onto the porch, before looking back one last time. “Don’t forget me.”

  Lindsay stood in the doorway. “How could I?”

  Ireland smiled, waved with her fingertips, and strode off to the limo.

  Charlie approached from … Lindsay wasn’t sure where, and rubbed her shoulders as she watched the limousine pull away. After it turned the corner, Lindsay let her head rest against Charlie’s chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held tight.

  Looking toward the sky, Lindsay thanked her lucky stars once more, for the surprise … the gift, of her faithful friend Ireland.

  It was obvious that Lindsay was going to need some consoling. Charlie had tipped the hired bartender, then walked inside where he’d spotted Lindsay and Ireland embracing. To offer them privacy, he’d quietly stepped away.

  His heart ached for the pain Lindsay was feeling, and he wanted to comfort her. He’d waited until Ireland had left to let his presence become known.

  “I can’t believe she’s gone,” Lindsay said to him. “She came into my life without warning and left it just as fast.”

  Charlie rubbed her shoulders. “I know you’re sad, doll, but you’ll see her again.”

  Lindsay took a deep breath and blinked away tears. “I know,” she said softly, turning to face him, “I know. But, let’s talk about something else now. This is too depressing.”

  Charlie smiled. “Wanna hear something funny?”

  “I’d love to.”

  “I think I caused Miranda to get arrested.”

  “You’re kidding? How?”

  “She and Asher were in the back seat of his car, parked in my driveway. When I knocked on the window to ask them to leave, she shot me an obscene gesture. So, I got on the phone with my buddy down at the Sullivan’s Island P.D. When he knocked on the window, she opened the door in all her naked glory, and stepped out of the car.”

  Lindsay gasped, covering her mouth. “She must’ve thought it was you again.”

  “Yep. She’s probably getting booked right about now for indecent exposure.”

  “And Asher?”

  “Apparently he had an outstanding warrant, because the officer put handcuffs on him too. They were both taken away. Look,” Charlie said, pointing over her shoulder. “That must be the tow truck coming to get his car. It will be impounded, I’m sure.”

  Lindsay shrugged. “I guess what goes around comes around, just like they say. Wow, what a crazy night.”

  “Did you have fun at least?”

  Lindsay arched her brow and formed a sly smile. “A little.”

  “Just a little?”

  “The real fun hasn’t begun yet.”

  Charlie recognized that look and indulged her in a drawn–out kiss.

  “Wait,” Lindsay said, pressing her hand against his chest. “Your kitchen is a mess. First let me tidy up the place; it’s the least I can do.”

  “Sssh,” Charlie said, pressing his finger against her lips. “The dishes can wait. Right now, all I care about is you.”

  Charlie picked Lindsay up, cradling her as he stepped up the dimly–lit stairs. His gaze locked with hers, his mouth salivated as he thought about what he wanted to do to her.

  All evening long he’d patiently bided his time, waiting for this exact moment. No woman had ever done what she did to him—made him feel so alive, fulfilled, perfectly content.

  So content in fact, he’d misjudged the location of the next step. Stumbling, he grabbed the rail with one hand and held on to Lindsay with the other, protecting her back from crashing against the wooden steps.

  “That was a close one,” Charlie said, perched above her, nose–to nose.

  “It sure was. Thank you for saving me.”

  “You know I would never hurt you. I would lay down my life for you. I love you that much.” It was true, and he had no problems letting it be known. He knew the
chances of hearing her say it back were slim, but he’d accepted it. In time it would come, is what he kept telling himself.

  “Charlie,” Lindsay said.

  “Don’t,” Charlie shot back. “Stop telling me not to say that. I’m not okay holding in my feelings for you any longer. You don’t have to say it back but—”

  “I wasn’t going to stop you,” Lindsay said softly. “I was going to say I love you too, Charlie.”

  Charlie released her and sat beside her on the stair. Had he heard her right? “Say it again.”

  “I love you, Charlie. I was unsure of what I was feeling for the longest time. What we have is something I thought only existed in fairy tales, but you made a believer out of me.”

  Charlie’s eyes stung, and he looked away. Men don’t cry, he told himself. A couple of deep breaths later he said, “You don’t know what it means to hear you say that.”

  “I’m sorry I made you wait to hear it,” Lindsay said. “Thank you for being patient with me.” She put her hand on his chin and gently turned his face toward her. “You’re crying.”

  “No, my sinuses are acting up, that’s all.”

  “Sinuses?” Lindsay asked, less than convinced.

  Charlie shook his head.

  “Whatever you say.” Lindsay wrapped her arms around his neck. “Take me to bed already.”

  Charlie gathered her in his arms. “My pleasure,” he said, and finished the trip up the stairs.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Perfect bliss. That was the only way to describe the last few days with Charlie. Every day they made love; each time better than the one before.

  Lindsay had four days off between the last day at her old job and the first day of her new job. She took great pleasure in being Charlie’s housewife during that time, and was more convinced than ever that she’d found her once–in–a–lifetime love. There was nothing, it seemed, that could ever come between them.

  By the time Thursday rolled around, Lindsay had to get back to her apartment. She kissed Charlie goodbye that morning and told him she wouldn’t be there when he returned from work that night, hard as it was to pry herself away.

  She needed to get ready for her first day of work the following day. Of course, she already knew what she would wear: scrubs. The challenge though, was having everything clean and organized, so she could have a stress–free morning.

  * * *

  Lindsay opened the door to her bare apartment. No noise, no mess … no Ireland. Eerily quiet was a more accurate description of the stillness.

  This was going to take some getting used to. For so long, Lindsay had taken Ireland for granted. She would miss her advice. Advice that she’d always expected to be outrageous, but usually ended up making a lot of sense. She would miss her infectious zeal for life and how she could instantly put Lindsay in a better mood just by being in the same room.

  Lindsay sat in the recliner and lifted the leg extension. Hands folded over her stomach, she stared at the ceiling thinking about all the changes in her life. The job she’d been wishing for had come. Her best friend had moved away. And the love of her life had appeared when she wasn’t looking for him at all.

  It was a lot to absorb, but she felt extremely blessed, and ready to start the next chapter of her life. The ticking of the Betty–Boop wall clock sang her to sleep.

  Friday morning Lindsay woke up at 5:30 a.m., thirty minutes earlier than her alarm time. Sheer thrill and excitement had caused her to toss and turn all night.

  In the kitchen, she had a pep in her step as she switched on the under–the–cabinet radio. She put on a pot of coffee and swayed her hips to the beat of the music, as she waited for the brew.

  For a second, it crossed her mind to turn the radio down, as to not disturb Ireland’s sleep. Then she remembered Ireland was gone. She wouldn’t let that bring her down, though.

  She removed a wallet–sized picture of herself and Ireland from her purse, and stuck it to the refrigerator with a palm–tree magnet. She studied the picture as the coffee pot trickled to a halt. In the photo, they sat side–by–side at the apartment complex pool, with their arms draped around each other.

  That was a great day.

  She closed her eyes and made a wish that today would be just as happy.

  “Good morning, Charleston,” the deejay said when the song was over. “I hope you put your right foot down first when you got out of the bed this morning. It’s Friday the 13th.”

  Lindsay ignored the comment. Superstition wasn’t about to get her down now. She pushed the power button on the radio and hit the shower.

  * * *

  Driving to work, Lindsay thought how unlucky it seemed to start a new job on Friday the 13th. She told herself to think positive, and turned on the car radio, hoping some music would calm her. A few miles from the medical center, traffic became congested. Bumper to bumper, she rolled at a snail’s pace.

  “What the—”

  She flipped through channels, listening for traffic updates. She caught the end of a report about a fire causing onlooker delays.

  Great! Late on my first day of work.

  Perhaps there was something to superstition. This was not a good day, however, for her to learn that lesson.

  Thirty minutes later, the car had only moved half a mile. Thick, black smoke clouded the sky ahead. Leaving the apartment an hour ahead of time had seemed sufficient, but it soon became clear she wouldn’t make it to work by eight.

  Sitting at a standstill, she took her cell phone out of her purse and looked up the number to North Charleston Medical Center on her contacts. She hit send and after a few rings, it went to voice mail. She left a message on the general mailbox, and hoped this setback wouldn’t tarnish her image.

  Five minutes left until her start time, a cold sweat puddled on Lindsay’s head. Then, a lane opened to traffic. Though only moving five miles per hour, at least she was making progress.

  When the cell phone buzzed inside the cup holder, she was certain it was her boss calling back. She snatched it up and looked at the caller ID. Charlie.

  “I’m freaking out right now,” Lindsay said when she answered.

  “Well, hello to you too, doll. What’s the problem?”

  “I’m late for work. That’s what.”

  “I was surprised when you answered. I was expecting to leave a message wishing you luck. Why are you running late?”

  “One word: traffic. I’ve been in it for an hour. Why does this have to happen to me today?”

  “I heard about a building on fire. Do you think that has anything to do with it?”

  “Definitely. I can see the smoke and smell the burning.”

  Lindsay’s car went around a slight curve and she could see exactly what was on fire. “Oh God … no.”

  “What’s the matter? Are you okay?”

  “Charlie, this is bad.” Her hand shaking, Lindsay struggled to hold on to the phone. “The burning building is North Charleston Emergency Care. I have to go.”

  “No, don’t hang up. Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I have to park the car and find someone from the medical office. They need to know that I attempted to come to work. I can’t be absent on my first day.”

  “You’re not thinking rationally,” Charlie said. “Don’t you dare go anywhere near that building. Find a safe place to turn the car around, and get as far away as you can.”

  “But I’ll be fired. I can’t just leave.”

  “Their brand new office is on fire. I doubt anyone will notice.”

  “So, what … now you’re saying I’m not important?”

  “Of course not!” Charlie felt his own pulse starting to race. “I’m not going to let this turn into a fight. I have to go. My flight is scheduled to leave in an hour.”


  “Go home. Try to relax and put this into perspective,” Charlie said. “I’m sure you’ll still have your job once they form a plan. I’ll call you tonight. I love you.”<
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  By now, Lindsay was perceptive enough about Charlie’s thought process to know what he was thinking. He would offer to pay her bills and provide for her during her setback, but she wouldn’t have it. She’d rather exhaust herself job hunting twenty–four hours a day, than depend on anyone.

  * * *

  Charlie picked up the remote next to him on the sofa and powered off the television. He wasn’t listening to the news anyway. All he could think about was the near–fight he and Lindsay had gotten into this morning. He’d managed to put it out of his mind during the flight, but as soon as the plane had landed safely, he’d switched back into worry mode.

  He stepped onto the back deck to get some fresh ocean air and gather his thoughts. Reclining in a lounge chair, he concentrated on the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.

  Lindsay was beautiful inside and out, and he admired her independence, but wished she would scale it back a bit. Her illogical thinking demonstrated just how important that new job was to her. This setback could jeopardize her sanity.

  Certainly once the medical center was rebuilt, her position would still be available to her. Charlie wondered though, how long could she pay the bills without any income in the interim. It frightened him to think what she would say, or do, if he tried to help. Why did she have to be so stubborn at times?

  How could he help her without her knowing he was helping her? It seemed a nearly impossible feat. Charlie stood and paced the deck, both hands behind his head.

  He’d wanted to inquire where Lindsay had applied for employment that night at the campground. He’d stopped short because, maybe subconsciously, he thought he may have to help her eventually. His dad has close ties in the medical community and could easily secure her employment if Charlie asked. But if he did, that could be the breaking point of their relationship.

  Now he had to decide if helping her was worth the risk of losing her.

  * * *

  A full twenty–four hours had gone by since Charlie had heard from Lindsay, so he went to her apartment.

  Lindsay answered the door after Charlie knocked three times. Her hair was disheveled, and her eyes sunken behind huge bags.

  “Come in.” She left the door wide open and walked off.


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