Flawed Perfection (An Eve Sumptor Novel)

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Flawed Perfection (An Eve Sumptor Novel) Page 9

by Jourdyn Kelly

  Sure enough, the door to Eve’s studio was ajar when she got there. Damn it! She hated being so careless, especially on a day like today. She pushed her way in, and stopped dead in her tracks. Photos were scattered all over the floor, and her paintings were ransacked as though someone had been looking for something. When her eye caught the portrait she had painted of Adam, her heart stopped. A knife protruded from Adam’s illustrated chest. She was so focused on that, she almost didn’t notice the word “WHORE” painted in red across the far wall.

  “What do you want from me!” Eve didn’t realize she had screamed the words until Adam ran into the studio.

  “Eve!” When he heard Eve scream, fear made his blood run cold. Finding her standing in the middle of the chaos in her studio, lit a fire of rage in his belly. “My God.”

  Eve’s outburst brought the attention she didn’t want as person after person filed in, with Charlie pushing his way ahead of everyone else.

  Eve couldn’t hear what Charlie was saying over the ringing in her ears. All she could feel was people surrounding her, seeing her in one of her most vulnerable moments.

  “Get them out.”

  “Baby, let Harris …”

  “Get them out, Adam. Now!”

  Adam could hear Eve’s patience slipping fast, so he began ushering everyone out. He caught Lainey’s eye, and she nodded discreetly.

  “Adam, I need to get in there and start documenting this.”

  “Not now, Harris. Let Eve have some space for a minute.”

  Lainey waited until everyone was out, then went to Eve and wrapped her arms around her.

  “Lainey, please go.”

  The words bit into Lainey’s ego, but she held on tighter when Eve tried to break the embrace.

  “I’m here, honey.”

  “I need to be alone.”

  “No. You need to be around people who love you. Stop fighting it, and let go.” She felt Eve’s body begin to shake with silent sobs, and fought to keep her own composure.

  Lainey was soon aware of Adam’s hand on her shoulder, and she gently shifted Eve into his arms.

  “Could you watch Bella while Lexie packs a few things for her?” Adam asked Lainey, softly. “We’re going to leave earlier than expected.”

  “Of course. And, I’ll make sure everyone gets out okay.”

  Adam mouthed his ‘thank you’ and turned his attention to his wife. He stayed quiet, sensing what Eve needed was just the strength of his arms, not his words. There was nothing he could say, anyway. Everything he had in his head held contempt and anger for whoever was doing this to her, anyway. That wouldn’t help the situation.

  “Why are they doing this to me?”

  “Harris, James and Donovan will figure this out, beautiful. You, Bella and I are getting away for a couple of days.”

  Eve sighed. “How can I go now? I have to find out who’s doing this …”

  “That’s not your job, Eve. Let Harris handle it.”

  Eve stepped away from him and wiped the tears from her eyes. Fury was quickly taking the place of her distress. She marched to the painting of Adam.

  “Do you see this?” Eve pointed angrily at the knife. “This is a threat against you! Do you think I’m going to stand by while they threaten my husband?”

  “Baby, look around you. It’s not just a threat to me, it’s a threat to us. For all we know, Bella could be included in that! We are getting out of here, and we’re doing it now.”

  “Adam …”

  “Not up for discussion, Eve. Pack a few things, and let the authorities do what they have to do.”

  Eve raised a brow. Either those around her are getting much more comfortable speaking to her in a way she wasn’t accustomed to, or she was losing her authoritative edge. Either way, she heard the firm resolve in Adam’s voice. So, she did what any woman would do. She changed tactics.

  “There are things in here that I don’t want others to see, amant. Things I don’t think you want others to see. Particularly Billy.”

  “Nice try, beautiful, but we’re going. I’ll talk to Harris and tell him he needs to be discreet. I’ll even talk to Lainey, and see if she can be here while they’re here.”

  Even though she still wanted to be here to find out who was threatening her family, Eve knew she couldn’t argue with him. It made her feel a little better knowing Lainey would be here.

  “Fine.” She went to him, and caressed his cheek. “You owe me for talking to me the way you did.”

  Adam’s lips curved slightly. “You can take it out on me later.”

  Everything okay?

  It was probably the twentieth text Eve had sent Lainey, but she couldn’t help herself. To Lainey’s credit, she wasted no time replying.

  Still fine. Try 2 relax.

  Fat chance of that, Eve thought to herself. Adam was on the couch of their private jet with a fussy Bella. She had already tried calming Bella down, but the little one just didn’t like to fly apparently. When nothing Eve was doing was helping, Adam took over, without much success. She turned back to her phone, and texted Lainey, again.

  Are they still there?

  Eve’s phone chimed a few moments later.

  Yes. Charlie won’t let anyone in the studio unless they absolutely need to be. I’m here, and I’ll be here until they leave.

  Eve thanked Lainey, promising her she wouldn’t keep bombarding her with texts. She put her phone away, and joined Adam and Bella.

  “Did you decide to give Lainey a break?”

  Eve’s eyes cut to Adam. “You’re already in trouble, pal. Do you really want to make it worse?”

  “I don’t know. Will spanking be involved?”

  “You are incorrigible,” Eve laughed. “But, yes, spanking will definitely be involved.”

  Adam’s crystal blue eyes darkened with desire. “Don’t promise something you’re not going to go through with.”

  Eve leaned closer. “Have you ever known me to back down on anything?” With a wink, Eve plucked Bella out of Adam’s arms, and got up to walk around with her, bouncing her on her hip.

  Adam watched Eve closely. He knew she was trying to cover up the fact that she had fear and anger just below the surface, but he saw it. Her body almost vibrated with it. If he could do anything to help get her mind off of what was going on back home, he would do it, whatever it cost him.

  Adam pushed Eve’s hair from her face, using the quiet moment to study her sleeping features. It was times like this, when she was peaceful, that her youth came through. He could forget most days that she hadn’t even turned thirty yet, except when he watched her sleep. He almost didn’t want to rouse her.

  “Wake up, beautiful.”

  Eve groaned, burying her face deeper in the pillow. “I already sexed you up, pal. Leave me alone.”

  Her muffled words made Adam laugh. After they finally got Bella to sleep, Eve certainly kept her word and ‘punished’ him. And, oh, how amazing it was.

  “We’re here, Eve. Up.” Adam emphasized the last word with a sound smack on Eve’s bare ass.

  She jolted and shot him a snarky look before dropping her head back to the pillow.

  “We land in less than ten, beautiful. Up and at ‘em.”

  “Okay, okay. I’m getting up. Sheesh, you’re so bossy.”

  Adam leaned close to her ear. “You know you love it when I’m bossy.” It was a variation of their usual, playful banter when she was being particularly cranky. One he enjoyed a great deal. Adam kissed the small of her back, rolling his tongue down just enough to tease her, and then left her wanting more.

  They walked hand in hand on the sidewalk of the tree-lined, quaint little street that boasted a diversified bunch of small, attractive shops. It was exactly as advertised when Eve found the area online. A small gallery would fit in perfectly here.

  Bella babbled contentedly in her BabyBjorn strapped to Adam’s chest. She seemed to like it here, or perhaps she was just glad she wasn’t on the plane anymore. W
hatever the reason, Eve savored the smiles Bella gave her. To everyone on the street that passed them, they looked to be a happy little family without a care in the world. Eve was determined to feel that way while she was here. She even cut back on texting Lainey for information. A little.

  “Are you hungry, baby?” Eve glanced up at Adam, seeing him take in his surroundings with an architect’s eye.

  “Hmm?” He had been distracted with the beauty of the architecture, thinking of how he would design Eve’s gallery to flow with the construction here.

  Eve stopped in front of a diner with pretty iron chairs and tables out front. “Let’s grab something to eat here before we look at the property. I’m hungry, and I’m sure Bella could eat.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Eve was finding the people to be just as nice as the surroundings, which made her decision to buy here even easier. The owner of the diner, Ellie, had all of the charm of a small town girl, and their waitress, Ellie’s daughter, followed in her mom’s footsteps—no small feat for being a teenager.

  After lunch, they continued their stroll, checking everything out at a leisurely pace. Eve paused in front of a seemingly unassuming flower shop. “Do you mind?”

  Adam was enjoying the afternoon with Eve and Bella so much, that if she had asked him to shoe shop with her, he’d probably say yes. Okay, maybe he wouldn’t go that far, but a flower shop isn’t so bad. He tipped his chin, and opened the door.

  Before Eve could step inside, a raven haired young girl stepped out, locking eyes with Eve.

  “Excuse me. I am sorry.” The girl’s voice held a bewitching English accent, but it was her eyes that intrigued Eve the most. They were almost translucent, and Eve wished then that she had thought to bring her Nikon with her. She smiled at the girl, letting her pass, and letting her photographic memory take in the features so she could at least paint her later.

  “I wish I had brought my camera,” she heard herself mumble to Adam.

  Adam’s response was preempted by yet another accented voice.

  “It was her eyes, wasn’t it?” the woman asked Eve. “I deal with beauty every day, and I’ve never seen anything like them.” She smiled sheepishly at Eve. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop. I’m Blaise Knight. I own this shop.”

  Eve cocked a brow, and shook Blaise’s outstretched hand. And, for the second time wished she’d had her camera. With such beautiful people around, the artist in her was working overtime.

  “What an interesting name,” Eve replied with a grin. “Eve Riley. This is my husband Adam, and our daughter Bella.”

  Adam nodded his greeting, while Blaise gushed over Bella.

  “Oh, she is precious!” In an abrupt movement, Blaise turned on her heel, motioning for them to follow her. “What can I help you with?”

  Eve’s brows drew together. “I’m trying to detect your accent. Australian?”

  “Kiwi,” Blaise smiled. “I’m from New Zealand.”

  “Blaise?” A man walked up that almost gave Adam a run for his money in the looks department. Not quite, in Eve’s mind, but very close.

  “I’m busy, Mr. Steele.” Eve noted that Blaise’s attitude cooled a good amount. “I have customers.”

  “Fine. I’ll be back.” The man nodded in Eve and Adam’s direction and took off.

  “Sorry about that.”

  Eve chuckled. It was certainly interesting around here. “Not a problem. I’m actually looking into buying the establishment next door, so I thought I’d stop in and get to know the neighbors.”

  “Oh? That’s fantastic! Unless you’re planning on opening a flower shop.”

  That extracted another laugh from Eve, as well as Adam.

  “No, though I do deal with beauty, as well. It will be an art gallery.”

  “Now, that is fantastic news. I love art.”

  Eve took a moment to look around the shop. The flowers were exquisite, and unlike anything she’d seen before. “Your flowers are quite beautiful. I would love for you to do the arrangements when we open.”

  “Really? I would be honored! Let me get some information from you, and give you my card. We’ll get everything set for when you need us.”

  Eve followed Blaise to the counter, glancing back at Adam who was pointing out pretty flowers to Bella.

  “What will the name of the gallery be?”

  “Sumptor Gallery, LA.”

  “Oh my god, you’re Eve Sumptor? I thought you looked vaguely familiar. I’ve been to some of your galleries. They’re absolutely amazing!”

  “Thank you.”

  They exchanged information, and a few more pleasantries before Eve and Adam left.

  “Friendly people.”

  Eve smiled up at Adam. “Yes. Almost makes you want to think about moving here and forgetting all of the shit happening at home.”

  “Could you do that?” Adam was more than a little surprised by that.

  Eve hesitated for only a moment. “No. I’d miss New York too much.” And Lainey, Eve added silently. “But, it’s nice to know we have options.”

  The rest of the day was spent scoping out the property, and talking about all of the possibilities. After discussing it with Adam, Eve made an offer on the place. Since her offer was so generous, it was instantly accepted, much to Eve’s delight. She was actually looking forward to working closely with Adam on the design. Of course, the fact that she found Adam to be extremely sexy when he was in work mode was an added bonus.

  Eve spent a little time getting in touch with her contacts to let them know she would be opening a new gallery. They were happy, obviously, knowing the business Sumptor Galleries bring in.

  Adam was also on the phone a lot, putting out fires or making last minute changes. He was ready to make the break from the firm. There was just too much mirco-managing for him, and he’d be much happier not having to deal with the politics anymore. As it were, he had no other choice but to get back to New York immediately. Something he was actually dreading since Eve seemed to be more at peace here, away from all that was going on.

  Dragging his heels, he left the office of the suite they had booked, to look for Eve. She was feeding Bella a snack when he found her.

  “Hey beautiful.”

  “Hey gorgeous.” Eve glanced up at him with a smile, that faded when she saw his expression. Instantly alert, and scared something may have happened to Lainey, Eve’s pulse started racing. “What’s wrong?”

  Adam noticed the fear in Eve’s eyes. “No, nothing’s wrong. Nothing like what you’re thinking,” he said quickly. “I just have to get back sooner than we intended.”

  Eve drew in a deep breath. This shit was really getting to her and she hated it. If Charlie and the others didn’t come up with solutions soon, she was going to go crazy. “Oh. That’s fine. I knew coming out here it was going to be a short trip.”

  Eve said she was fine with it, but, in reality, she was torn. It had been easy for her to forget, even just a little, about the threats against her and her family. Going back meant having to face it all. Did she have the strength to do that? If it meant saving Adam and Bella, Eve would find the strength, no matter what she had to do.

  Lainey found Eve standing in her studio, her hands on her hips, just taking everything in. She was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, her feet bare, and her hair up in a ponytail. So young, Lainey thought sadly. She’s been through so much in her life, it isn’t fair she has to go through more.

  “Eve, honey?”

  “Did you cover it?” Eve asked without turning around.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “The word on the wall. Did you cover it?”

  Damn. Lainey had hoped that Eve hadn’t seen that awful word. She had been so focused, and rightfully so, on Adam’s portrait and the threat it insinuated. Lainey should have known that Eve’s sharp eyes would see everything.

  “I didn’t think you should have to deal with it. I cleaned up as much as I could after the crime scene guys left.” />
  “Thank you.”

  The words were whispered, and Lainey could feel the emotion in them so deep, it rocked her.

  “I took inventory. I don’t know how you keep track of what you have here in your personal studio.” Lainey handed Eve the folder she brought with her. “But, I thought it would be easier for you to see if something was missing if I wrote it all down.”

  Eve looked down at the folder with puzzlement.

  “You took inventory?”

  “Yes. I just …”

  Eve surprised Lainey by taking her in her arms and holding tight.

  “I don’t know how else to express my gratitude to you,” Eve whispered close to Lainey’s ear. She pressed her lips to Lainey’s cheek, letting them linger. Backing away slowly, she laid her forehead on Lainey’s. She wanted to kiss Lainey, and she didn’t want to want it. Her life never could be uncomplicated, could it?

  “Eve.” God, she wanted Eve to kiss her. But, with the way things were, she didn’t know if Eve would do it because she needed it, too, or if she just felt grateful enough to do it.

  “Just give me a second, Lainey. Please?”

  Lainey’s eyes fluttered shut when she felt Eve wrap a strand of hair around her finger. With a sigh, Eve finally backed away. Lainey took the silent moment Eve gave her when she opened the folder to study the list, and caught her breath, steadying herself.

  “You catalogued everything?” Eve flipped through several pages in awe.

  “Well, not quite everything. I didn’t do the stuff in your back room.”

  Eve’s most personal creations were in that back room, and it stayed locked unless she absolutely needed to get in there.


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