Flawed Perfection (An Eve Sumptor Novel)

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Flawed Perfection (An Eve Sumptor Novel) Page 14

by Jourdyn Kelly

  Lainey took the diaper bag from Eve, and even though the questions were in her eyes, she kept her smile and easiness. Eve wouldn’t be able to thank her enough.

  “Not a problem. It’s my pleasure.”

  They walked to Lainey’s front door together, two women, carefree and happy. That’s how they would look to the eyes watching them. Once inside, Eve’s façade faltered. She could stand there and crumble, or she could do what she needed to do.

  Lainey closed them in, immediately turning to Eve.

  “What is going on?”

  “They have Adam.” Eve’s voice trembled saying it out loud. Focus! You said it, now you have to fix it!

  “Oh my God! Did you call Charlie?”

  “No!” Eve winced at the harshness of her voice, and took a steady—or a steady as she could get—breath. “I can’t call anyone. If they see me with anyone, they’ll …” her voice hitched. Eve couldn’t bring herself to say the words, so she left it hanging.

  “What do you mean if they see you? Eve, you can’t go after them by yourself!”

  “I don’t have a choice, Lainey.”

  “You’ll get killed!”

  “If I don’t go, they’ll ki … goddammit!” One more not-so-steady breath. “They want me to lose everything.”


  “I don’t know! God, I wish I knew.” Eve crushed Bella to her, hugging her fiercely. “Momma loves you, baby girl,” she whispered before handing her to Lainey. “Take her.”

  “Eve …”

  “Lainey? What’s … Oh, Eve, I didn’t know you were here.” Jack looked from Eve to Lainey to Bella and back again. The fear in the room was almost palpable. “What’s going on?”

  “Jack,” Eve tried to hold back the desperation in her voice, but didn’t succeed. “You have to get the boys, take them and Lainey, and … Bella out of here.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “They have Adam. They’re threatening everyone I hold dear. Please, I don’t have much time.”

  Jack instantly went after the boys, calling them to pack get dressed.

  Eve took the instructions out of the diaper bag, and handed them over to Lainey. “You’re going to get on my plane. Steve is picking the destination. I won’t know.”

  “Eve, there has to be another way.”

  “There isn’t. Once you’re on the plane, wait ten minutes, then open this and follow the instructions. Ten minutes, Lainey. Do not do it before. I need to know you understand this. I need to keep Bella, and you, safe. In order to do that, you have to do exactly what I ask.”

  Lainey nodded, unable to speak over the lump that formed in her throat.

  “I’m going to borrow Jack’s truck. It’s the only one they’re not following.”

  Lainey nodded again.

  “Give me a five minute head start, then load everyone up and get to the plane. Once you’re in the hangar, there will be people there to hold off security. Steve is instructed to take off as soon as you get there. Are you clear so far?”


  “There are a few clothes for Bella, but Steve will give you the money you need to buy other things. Clothes, necessities and anything else.”

  “We can take care of that.”

  “I don’t have time to argue with you, honey. Just do as I ask.”

  Lainey nodded, again. Her entire body seemed to shake uncontrollably, and she clutched Bella tighter to her.

  Eve saw the movement, and tears sprang to her eyes. Lainey would keep her safe. She moved closer, taking Bella’s face in her palms. “I love you.” She kissed Bella gently on the cheek, then glanced over Lainey’s shoulders. Jack and the boys were still getting things ready. Eve hugged both Lainey and Bella to her, holding on as though it was the last time she would see them. God, she hoped it wasn’t. “I love you, both.” She whispered, kissing Lainey’s cheek. “Take care of her.”

  “You take care of yourself, Eve.”

  “I have to go. Explain everything to Jack. Explain that the instructions need to be followed or something will happen to Adam.”

  “I will. Jack’s keys are by the garage door.”

  Eve nodded. When she made a move to leave, Lainey grasped her arm. “Come back. Both of you. Please, Eve, I’m begging you.”

  “I’ll do my best, Lainey.

  Eve pulled her hair into a messy bun, and borrowed one of Jack’s caps to pull over her head. Please work. The mantra kept repeating in her head, over and over, as the garage door lifted and she carefully backed out Jack’s Ford F150. The windows were tinted enough where she thought she had a chance to get past the sedans without being noticed. Please work.

  When she turned off her street, she checked the rearview mirror constantly to see if she was being followed. It was only when she made it to the expressway without a sign of anyone trailing her, that she gunned it. Traffic was surprisingly light, and, again, she sent up a silent prayer. She had a little more than thirty minutes to get to her destination, and according to the GPS, she was only twenty minutes away.

  Eve tried coming up with a plan, but there was nothing for her to go on. With Bella and Lainey, she knew what she needed to do. Just get them out of here. With Adam, she had no idea what or who she was up against, so trying to plan anything was a waste of time. She could only do what she was told. She would walk into this blindly, and then do everything she possibly could to keep Adam alive. She could only hope that Lainey would follow her instructions exactly.

  When the building she was ordered to come to came into view, Eve killed the lights on Jack’s truck and pulled in. The tires crunched over the rocks and dirt, making it that more ominous to Eve. With ten minutes to spare, Eve cut the engine and took in her surroundings with the help of street lamps.

  It was an old, dilapidated warehouse, encompassed by a chain link fence topped with rusted barbed-wire. Behind the building, the river. Whomever was fucking with her, just led her into a trap. There was nowhere for Adam and her to go if they got out, except the way she goes in. She left the key in the ignition, the doors unlocked and the windows down.

  Eve tucked her phone into her pocket, took off the cap she had borrowed from Jack, drew in a breath and stepped out of the truck. She listened carefully to every sound, not knowing how many people she would be up against. She heard nothing but the faint noise of distant traffic and honking horns. It did nothing to help her confidence that someone would be around to help. Checking the phone once more for the time, she carefully pushed through the rusted door, hating how it creaked to announce her arrival.

  She stood just inside the door, her eyes trying to adjust to darkness. It was eerily quiet, but she could feel Adam’s presence. It killed every bit of hope she had that this was just a ploy to get her alone.

  “I’m here,” she called, her voice echoing back to her. When she wasn’t acknowledged, she tried again. “I’m here! I’m alone! I did what you asked, now where is my husband?!”

  The bright light blinded her, and Eve raised a hand to shield her eyes. Once they adjusted, she squinted around her and saw him.

  “Oh God! Adam!”

  He was strapped to a chair, his beautiful face bloodied. All she wanted to do was get to him, but when her legs started moving Adam cried out in pain. Eve stopped abruptly. “Stop! Please, don’t hurt him!”

  Eve’s phone chimed, and she scolded herself for not turning off the sound. She was so afraid that the sound would lead to Adam getting hurt again, that she considered throwing the phone across the room.

  “He wants you to check the phone, baby.”

  Adam’s voice sounded so small and filled with pain it made Eve flinch. She almost didn’t comprehend what he said until the phone chimed again. Quickly, she took the phone out and checked the text.

  Don’t come near him. What I want from you now is for you to tell him the truth.

  Eve frowned. Adam knew everything about her. What was she supposed to say?

  “I don’t understand. Wha
t do you want me to say?” Eve called out again.

  Adam gritted his teeth as the pain seared through him. He tried so hard to hold in the agonizing sound that wanted to escape for Eve’s sake. Unfortunately, he was too weak and the howl ripped through him.

  “Please! Stop! I’m begging you. I will tell him whatever you want. Just tell me what to say!” Eve’s voice came out as a sobbing plea, but seeing Adam in pain drained her of courage.

  Adam closed his eyes. Seeing Eve like this was destroying him. He didn’t know who the person doing this to her was, but Adam wanted nothing more than to kill him. He could also figure out what he wanted Eve to tell him. It was the only secret she hasn’t revealed to him.

  “He wants you to tell me about your affair with Lainey, Eve.”

  Eve’s eyes widened in complete and utter shock. “What?” She stared at Adam with a mix of fear and guilt. She couldn’t find the strength to respond, or tear her eyes away from him. Eve’s phone chimed, making her jump. Her hands shook like an earthquake as she checked the text.

  You told him?

  Eve shook her head in a daze.

  Then he speculates. Tell him. Everything.

  Eve forced her eyes back to Adam. He was watching her closely, but she couldn’t see any anger or hatred in him. Maybe he was too hurt physically. Of course she had hurt him emotionally. How could she forgive herself for that? How could he forgive her?

  She couldn’t find words. What does she say? If she took too much time, would he be tortured again? Because of her.

  “You knew?” She finally asked carefully.

  Adam’s throat constricted. He hadn’t been completely sure until just then. He couldn’t deny that it hurt. A lot. With the added pressure, his dry throat burned.

  “Of course I knew,” he rasped, and tried clearing his throat. “You never let anyone in, Eve. I knew Lainey was different when you took her away and let her stay with you.”

  Eve stood there, unable to move from the shock. She stared at Adam. Why she didn’t find betrayal behind those swollen eyes, she couldn’t fathom. Her legs buckled beneath her and she dropped.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Adam.” Tears didn’t come, but she hoped he could hear how heartfelt the apology was.

  “Has it happened since we’ve been married?” God, he didn’t want to ask that question, but he couldn’t stop himself.

  “No! No, baby, it hasn’t.”

  His heart lightened a tiny bit at her answer, but there was more he needed to know.

  “Have you wanted it to?” Adam watched as she lowered her head in shame, and he knew. But, he needed to hear her say it. “The truth, Eve.”


  Fuck that hurt. So, why didn’t he hate her? Why wasn’t he pissed at her?

  “Why didn’t you?”

  She looked up at him in shock. “Because of you!”

  “Do you love her?”

  “Of course I do,” she answered honestly.

  “Are you in love with her?”

  “I’m in love with you, Adam.”

  “Eve. Answer me.”

  “Adam, I love Lainey. She’s my best friend. She helped me open my heart. Once I was able to do that, you were there. You are my heart. I’m in love with you.” Eve placed her hand over her heart. “Forgive me, baby. Please.”

  Adam was silent for a moment. He studied the woman he loved, on her knees in front of him, asking him to forgive her. Eve Sumptor. A woman who had been to hell and back, more than once in her life. Lainey helped her. He should be grateful, right? He was jealous as hell, but could he understand?

  Eve held her breath as she watched him process everything. The person doing this must be waiting for his answer just as much as Eve. If she didn’t see Adam’s wounds, or see him bound to the chair, and been forced to stay more than thirty feet away from him, she would’ve forgotten where they were and what was happening.

  “I forgive you,” he said finally, his voice just barely above a whisper.

  Eve’s breath left her in a rush, and she dropped her hands to the floor, sucking in another breath. She saw the uncertainty, but she would prove to him that he made the right choice. Just as she did.

  “No!” The outburst of anger startled both Eve and Adam. “You are not supposed to forgive the bitch!”

  Oh God! That voice! She knows that voice. Heard it in her nightmares for years before Adam chased them away.


  Eve stood on shaky legs. She refused to be on her knees in front of him again.

  “Why? Why are you doing this to me?”

  “You took everything that was precious away from me, Eve.”

  His French accent saying her name made her skin crawl. To other women, this man would be considered handsome with his blonde hair, cropped close in a sophisticated cut, and sprinkled with just a touch of salt and pepper. His eyes, although cold and evil to Eve, were a warm golden brown. She had wished for years that she didn’t know that. His body was long and lean, strong, especially when raping a seventeen year old girl …

  Eve swallowed hard to keep from getting sick. There was nothing handsome or good about this man. She knew him for exactly what he was.

  “You’re doing this because of paintings?! Six fucking paintings, Laurence, to pay for what you did to me! That warrants what you’re doing to me now?!”

  “Careful, Eve.” Laurence opened the jacket of the gray double breasted suit he wore, and revealed a gun. “You wouldn’t want to upset me while your husband is here next to me.”

  Pure hate coursed through Eve so violently she had to clench her fists and bite her cheek to keep from saying something that would cause Adam to get hurt.

  “I will give you the paintings back.”

  “You think this is just about those fucking paintings? Non, Eve, tu me dois tellement plus que cela.”

  She wanted to scream at him. How dare he say she owes him? After what he did to her, those paintings didn’t even come close to repaying her for that.

  “What do you want? Money? More paintings? I’ll give you everything I have, just let Adam go and leave us alone.”

  “I told you what I wanted. I want you to lose everything the way I did.”

  Eve wasn’t getting anywhere being antagonistic with him, but she didn’t know how to separate the hatred she felt with what she needed to do. She didn’t think anyone could be worse than Tony, but this man? This man that tore her apart, and worse, hurt her husband? There was a special place in hell for this man.

  “I don’t understand, Laurence. I took paintings, that’s all.”

  “The photo,” he said simply, as though she would understand his meaning.

  Confusion settled on Eve’s face. “I never showed that photo to anyone else.” She glanced at Adam, who had murder in his eyes looking at Laurence. “I only gave that photo to you so that you would be motivated to do as I asked.”

  “It did not matter that you didn’t use it against me, Eve. You gave it to me. My wife found it.”

  “You kept it?!” Why in the hell would he keep … she shuddered when she thought of the answer.

  “Because of you, my wife thought I was having an affair.”

  Eve scoffed. Certainly not the smartest thing to do in this situation, but she couldn’t hold it back. She knew what that photo looked like. It was burned into her brain. How could anyone think that was consensual?

  “Seriously? She thought that a seventeen year old girl would want to be brutalized by you? Was she crazy?”

  Laurence’s jaw twitched, as he fought to hold on to his control. “She left me and took my daughter.”

  “You can’t possibly blame that on me! You should have been smart enough to destroy that photo!”

  Laurence’s face flushed with anger. He reached for the gun, and Eve thought of nothing but getting to Adam.

  “No!” Eve ran the distance separating her and Adam, positioning herself in front of him. “You want to kill someone for your mistake, kil
l me! Adam did nothing wrong!”

  “Eve, don’t.” Adam’s voice pierced her heart. She would kill Laurence for the pain he put Adam in.

  “Here I am, Laurence,” she said, ignoring Adam’s pleas. “Your wife left you because of me. You want me to pay for that, then kill me.”

  An ugly smile marred Laurence’s face. She didn’t know they were alone. She had no clue that he had told those working for him that he wanted this for himself. He could tell her whatever he wanted, make her do whatever he wanted. Then, he would go after her daughter.

  “No, I’m not going to kill you, Eve. At least not right now.” He flicked his gaze up, and around as though he were looking at others. “I’m going to make you do what I had to do. You see, my wife came across your ‘sob’ story here in the States. Unfortunately, she recognized your face, only older now. The damn bitch looked you up, put two and two together and realized you were underage when the photo was taken. The greedy cunt asked for more money, or she would go to my business associates and the authorities claiming what a monster I was. Even went as far as to say that I would hurt my daughter.”

  “Oh, God. You killed her.” Which meant, he wanted her to kill Adam. Not a chance. No matter what he threatened her with, she wouldn’t do that.

  “She gave me no choice. You gave me no choice.” He pointed the gun at Eve, then glanced behind her at Adam. “I’m actually giving you a choice. Either you do it, or I will. Either way, you lose everything.”

  Oh, Adam, please forgive me for saying this, Eve begged silently. She looked at him briefly, trying to convey to him that she was only saying and doing what she needed for their survival. “I will still have Bella … and Lainey.”

  Adam repeated over and over in his mind that Eve was his, and only his. She said these things to help them, not because that’s how she felt. Did it hurt? Fuck yes. But, he had to keep focused. He had to find a way out of this. If anything happened to Eve, or if she were forced to hurt him, it would be devastating. Adam didn’t think Eve would be able to come back from something like that. She has been strong, enduring so much that Adam found it amazing it all didn’t bring her to her knees. However, if she had to do this, he was afraid it would be the one thing that breaks her. Adam continued what he had been doing since waking up here. He pulled on the plastic ties wrapped around his already bloody wrists with the little strength he had left. That son of a bitch had been zapping him with electricity just for the fucking fun of it. Adam would give anything to be able to put this fucker out of Eve’s misery.


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