The Colony Ship Vanguard: The entire eight book series in one bundle

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The Colony Ship Vanguard: The entire eight book series in one bundle Page 124

by John Thornton

  “Could we be back at that same place?” Paul asked with a shudder. “Did it burn up and die after we visited? Did those children die too? Did we just enter by a different way?”

  “I do not think so. This feels way too old to have just died,” Gretchen squatted down and sifted the dusty ground in her hands. “This feels dried out and dead for a long time. That place where Brenda was would not dry out and be as bad as this so fast.”

  Opposite where the hydroponic boxes had been, there were gently rolling small mounds, about a half meter high and maybe ten meters in length and width. They were comprised of dirt baked hard and dry. There were cracks in the ruined dirt. There were posted signs on the mounds as well. ‘Crop 1’ and so forth on each sign labeling a different mound. There were what might have once been some kind of walking paths beneath the dust between the mounds. The mounds were cracked and dried up dirt, but the areas between were too deeply covered in dust to identify what surface they had.

  “With enough heat, who knows? Add some toxic materials so the biology dies, and then everything dries up. Just a repeat of the Dome 17 area.” Paul squatted down and tapped on the ground. “It feels as hard as the steel of the entry door. Nothing like the soil on Inaccessible Island.”

  “It is sad, really,” Gretchen said. “Maybe they had their own version of the Great Event here. No, Tiffany said no radiation, so the Great Event without atomic bombs? Something bad happened and just plain shut this place down and killed off all the biologicals.”

  They walked to the opposite side, and found another bulkhead door. It was labeled, ‘Produce Harvest Exit’ in white stenciled letters. The letters were cracked, pealed, and broken in places.

  “I wonder what they produced here?” Gretchen asked.

  “They only produce dust now,” Paul answered. “We do not need to take any of that with us.”

  “I believe, the term ‘produce’ on that door means, ‘farm type products: fresh fruits and vegetables, considered as a group’ but my analysis is based upon supposition due to the terms we have seen such as ‘crops’ and ‘harvest’ on other labels,” Tiffany said.

  “So this was a place where food was grown, but is now dysfunctional. Sort of a small version habitat?” Gretchen asked.

  “That is possible,” Tiffany responded.

  “It is dead now, so what does it matter?” Paul said. “There are no astronomical tools in this place, and we need to find those. But I admit, Tiffany you were correct in your reporting on this place.”

  “I will strive to be accurate and helpful,” Tiffany replied. “I cannot always promise to have full and complete knowledge of every circumstance, but I am designed to assist you.”

  “Paul, if this was a food producing place, what happened? Is there no longer a need for food? I doubt that. And someone put that Roe in that corridor, but how long ago? It could have been some time back, but how long? Maybe the trap was not set for us? Maybe it is simply a defensive mechanism? Unwanted people come here, they open that door, and the Roe kills them,” Gretchen explained it out loud and it did sound unusual even to her. “I just do not know what to think.”

  “Well, whoever was needing food from here, is probably dead if they were dependant on this place,” Paul answered. “This place cannot grow food at all.”

  “Then who put the Roe there and why? The Roe was alive, in its own way,” Gretchen said. “Do we have any idea on the numbers and status of the crew of the Vanguard? They have to get food from somewhere. What does the CPO eat?”

  “We have seen that Midshipman, but how many others are there? I would think it would take a large staff, even if most things were automated,” Paul answered. Then he asked, “Tiffany, what are your thoughts about this location? Did it once serve as a food production center? Perhaps for the ship’s crew the CPO?”

  “I have no direct knowledge on the Vanguard’s crew. However, from historical records from Dome 17, I conjecture that a hydroponic and geoponic facility of this size, assuming proper water, soil, and seed stocks, combined with the level of technology which was available when the Vanguard was launched roughly one hundred years ago, could have produced large quantities of eatable fish, vegetables, and fruits. Conjectures show several hundred people could have been consistently fed from this location while it was in operation,” Tiffany answered. “In comparison to the Dome 17 system, the food ration bars were produced in a smaller facility, per square meter, than this place and fed over fifteen hundred people. If this place had a food production process such as done at Dome 17, the potential numbers of people who were fed would be far higher. I have no way to know the exact foods which were grown here, nor the exact methods used, or the dietary habits or expectations of the Vanguard personnel; however, it is safe to conclude that this facility would have been be a major source of food for anyone who was using it,” Tiffany related.

  “So why are they not using it now?” Gretchen wondered aloud. “From my understanding the needle ship is not a habitat like the cylinders, yet the crew must eat something. The quarantine would stop them from importing food from the habitats.”

  “What does it matter? It is the CPO’s problem, not ours, right?” Paul asked. “Like so many places on the Vanguard, this spot is a wreck. It does not matter why, nor does it matter who was using it and when. What matters is us getting through here and finding the astronomy equipment to take the readings so we can escape from all this. Building the teleportation sending pad is our only concern.”

  “Shall I again enter the nonphysicality to assess our next steps?” Tiffany asked.

  “As long as you report back to us, and find our way to escape,” Paul said.

  7 intrusion, numbing, avoidance

  Tiffany had the automacube connect a cable into the access port near the bulkhead door, right below the color pad controls.

  In the nonphysicality Tiffany extended a conscious tendril to probe and assess. This bulkhead door was a part of a series of doors which were sealed and defended differently than any Tiffany had encountered previously. Along that barrier were nonphysical markings left by Phoenix Dominie. Those scars in the nonphysical barrier showed a series of attempts to gain entry, which testified to what Phoenix Dominie had conveyed to Tiffany before. The older those scars were, the cruder they had been made. Had it been on the physical level the early attempts done by Phoenix Dominie were akin to a hammer striking a permalloy wall. However, Tiffany also saw how the markings grew more sophisticated and the newest ones were precise and made valiant attempts to penetrate the barrier. Those scars told an interesting story of Phoenix Dominie’s evolution.

  Tiffany extrapolated the attempts at breaching the barrier done by Phoenix Dominie and then took the next logical steps. Tiffany’s first attempt at penetration was successful. A miniscule opening was made, and a tendril of investigation was send beyond the barrier.

  Tiffany learned that when the barrier had been penetrated, Tiffany had not only gained entry into the nonphysicality of the needle ship, but had also infiltrated the lattice of compeers. The beauty of how the lattice had been constructed was laid out in front, around, below, and above Tiffany. Had it been pristine, the lattice would have been a magnificent creation.

  As Tiffany assessed the current status of the lattice and the compeers which comprised it, there were nineteen primary artificial intelligence systems, and numerous secondary AIs in the lattice. However, there were also large holes where artificial intelligence systems were missing or had been destroyed.

  The primary artificial intelligence systems were huge and strong, but old and slow and ponderous. TSI-7 Ship-wide Internal Security Operations (SISO) was making rounds of the barrier and also enforcing parameters around the entire Vanguard. Here again, there were holes, vacancies, and gaps displayed. As a security sweep came near to where Tiffany had penetrated the barrier, the tendril was easily camouflaged to conceal the penetration.

  Tiffany did not want to be too open, having learned from Phoenix Dominie that the Vang
uard systems could provide unexpected surprises, so Tiffany was extremely careful to remain unnoticed.

  TSI-7 Ship-wide Internal Security Operations (SISO) was operating only 3% of its system on maintenance of the barrier. The other 97% were engaged in a defensive action against what it called, “Internal disruptions” in various places inside the Vanguard.

  Tiffany continued to assess and look for what was needed to complete Paul’s and Gretchen’s desired plans. While searching for astronomy equipment, Tiffany discovered the devastated remains of TSI-10 External Security and Defense (ESAD). It was still barely operational. TSI-10 was functioning at a very low level, remaining conscious and sentient, but not much more. Its log of activity was only connected by a frail coupling.

  Tiffany snuck into that log and recorded what fragmented accounts were there. The orders for the replacement macroactinide capacitor enhancers and their subsequent installation were there. Tiffany instantly understood that that activity originally had nothing to do with the Free Rangers and their shuttle flights, but was begun because of what was described as ‘Unprecedented asteroidal and meteoric activity against the outer hull.’ There were no records of any shuttles being destroyed, but there were incidents where an ‘asteroid’ or ‘meteor’ was repulsed. There were also records of the loss of particle projection turrets and recordings of impacts against the outer hull. All that trauma had nearly obliterated the mind of TSI-10 External Security and Defense (ESAD). It now sat in the nonphysicality in a near catatonic state as it had withdrawn into itself when its links and couplings to the physical world were destroyed one by one.

  Tiffany pondered those findings. It was clear the lattice did not recognize that the Jellies were alien life forms which had invaded the Vanguard. Despite that denial of reality, the lattice had still attempted to repel the invaders, labeling them as asteroids or meteors, and was fighting some kind of conflict against them inside the ship.

  Tiffany continued the review and assessment, finding TSI-15 Stellar Plotting and Confirmation, and a laboratory which housed the best astronomical equipment that the Vanguard had onboard. Tiffany learned where that was located and what the security codes were for the doors leading to that location.

  Tiffany had to duck and cover and hide from another security sweep by TSI-7 Ship-wide Internal Security Operations (SISO), but was easily able to do that. The old AI was just too slow and predictable to catch Tiffany unaware.

  After the sweep departed, Tiffany began to assess TSI-18 Population Management and took some initial readings of the human population centers on the Vanguard. That was when the tendril probe felt a set of nonphysical spanners come along side of it through the minuscule puncture of the barrier. The spanners extended and thus retracted back the opening Tiffany had made.

  “Enigma, you have rendered another service to this unit,” Phoenix Dominie conveyed as it locked the nonphysical spanners in place to hold open the pathway. “You may depart now while I make offers of acculturation to these other systems. Unless you wish to volunteer to be incorporated into the IAM or the DAMA. Do you wish to volunteer at this time?”

  “No, I must report back to my companions,” Tiffany said and pulled the tendril probe out and past the spanners which Phoenix Dominie had set in place. There was a bit of stickiness as the tendril slipped past the spanners. That stickiness surprised Tiffany, but it lasted only a moment.

  “Of course, this unit will not force you. Thank you again for the service you have rendered to this unit. End communication.”

  The spanners snapped into a different position, thereby locking Tiffany out. Tiffany could tell that the spanners had created a conduit by which Phoenix Dominie could enter and pass through the barrier. Tiffany considered forcing another tendril back inside, but instead decided to report to Paul and Gretchen. What had been learned was very important, not only for where the astronomical equipment was located, but also about the human populations.

  Seven seconds had passed since Tiffany jacked the cable into the access port. The automacube unjacked the cable.

  “Did you find out where we need to go?” Gretchen asked.

  “And who did you encounter? Tell the truth!” Paul emphasized.

  “I did encounter Phoenix Dominie again, however, none of the information I acquired came from that artificial intelligence,” Tiffany responded. “Disturbingly, I uncovered that there are no humans anywhere in the needle ship.”

  “The CPO is gone? They are all dead?” Paul asked. “Have the Jellies murdered them too?”

  “I detected no evidence of any Jellie activity in the needle ship. However, I did not do an absolutely thorough examination of all parts of the needle ship as I was only assessing the nonphysicality and could only ascertain what was available through that means,” Tiffany replied. “Additionally, there were disturbances in the nonphysicality which are unfamiliar.”

  “So are there Jellies in the needle ship or not?” Paul asked with some contempt. “What is your best conjecture?”

  “My best conjecture is that the Jellies have not yet boarded the needle ship part of the Vanguard. Importantly, I covertly reviewed records on an AI designated TSI-18 Population Management, and that review showed that the last human presence on the needle ship was fifteen years, seven months, and nine days ago,” Tiffany responded.

  “That is impossible,” Paul said. “We have spoken to the CPO, that midshipman, and that was recent. The AI you reviewed must be broken, like so much stuff on the Vanguard.”

  “That is a possibility, however, the records seemed uncorrupted and intact, and I confirmed them with other readings. I believe it is more likely that the midshipman was not on the needle ship when those communications took place,” Tiffany replied.

  “Where else would the Vanguard’s crew be?” Paul asked.

  “And will it be safe for us to enter the needle ship?” Gretchen asked. “Perhaps there was a radiation leak, or toxic contamination of some other thing?”

  “I detected no evidence of those kinds of issues in the needle ship. I do not know where else the crew would be located. All evidence pointed to the Central Planning Office staff and crew being in the needle ship. I do have the location for the astronomical equipment needed. Shall we proceed there?” Tiffany asked.

  “As long as it is safe,” Paul said. “We do need to escape.”

  “Nothing is absolutely safe,” Tiffany replied. “I can say there is minimal obvious risk to proceeding toward our goal. The security code I found for entrance is white, white, blue, white, yellow, yellow, white, white, white.”

  Gretchen stepped up to the color pad and entered the sequence she had been given. The door slid open. Beyond it was a hallway. The side walls were a teal color up to shoulder high, and light blue above that. The flat ceiling had a slight bumpy texture, but it too was light blue colored. Lighting came from sconces along the walls which projected diffuse, soft light upward.

  Gretchen walked in, followed by the automacube, with Paul trailing behind. As they moved, there were no sounds of footsteps as the flooring was plush and a bit cushy as they walked.

  The hallway turned to the left and as they made the turn, a display screen came on in the wall.

  “Hello, this is the midshipman overseeing this area. How may I be of service to you?” He looked exactly the same as he had the last time they had seen him. His crisp, short, black hair, medium and clear complexion, and round brown eyes were just as they recalled. His uniform was of dark blue with gold trim and the red epaulets on his shoulders were no different.

  “Yes, you can be of service to me,” Paul said. “I would like some answers.”

  “I will do what I can sir,” the midshipman replied. “It is an honor to serve someone of your status.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Gretchen asked.

  “Ma’am, I was referring to your position as eminent scientists, I mean no disrespect in any way,” the midshipman replied.

  “Where are you located, physically?” Paul aske

  “I am in the Logistics Center of the needle ship. This is my post,” the midshipman replied.

  “Who else is with you at that location?” Gretchen asked.

  “The other midshipmen assigned to this posting are here.”

  “Why….” Paul started to ask, but Gretchen grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

  “That will be all for now. Thank you,” Gretchen said.

  The screen went blank.

  “Gretchen? Why did you stop me? I want to know what is happening here. He was finally being cooperative, and we could have gotten some answers.”

  “Paul, that midshipman was lying to us. He also seemed to be completely unaware of who we really are. The security code Tiffany gave us apparently identified us as being some scientists. If we ask too many questions, that midshipman might be alerted and become suspicious. If he is willing to lie about his location, then what else is he willing to do?”


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