Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Mikayla chuckled. “You’re probably right. We have a pretty awesome crew of workers here. Get started on clearing my schedule to set appointments for interviews on Monday, okay? In the meantime I’m going to leave after lunch for the two appointments I have with the Carsons and the Mackerlys. I shouldn’t be done until six, so I’ll just head home. Can you or Mack lock up?”

  “Of course. No problem.”

  “Thanks, Betty, for everything you do around here.”

  Betty smiled then left the room.

  Mikayla heard her cell phone vibrate, and as she glanced down, she saw that the text was from Michael.

  Can’t wait to see you. We’re going to Gabriel’s Pub. Very casual and the owner is a good friend of mine. See you at seven.

  She smiled then thought about Gabriel’s Pub. It was a nice place, really lively with jazz music and some of the best pub cuisine around town. She was getting excited, and she realized that having these separate dates would truly help her to understand each man’s individual personality. She texted him back then grabbed her things to head to her appointments.

  * * * *

  Mikayla loved clothing. She sometimes spent way too much of her income on it, but she wanted to always look her best. For tonight’s date with Michael she chose a pair of hip-hugger, slim-fitting white jeans, a pale-pink stretch shirt that showed off her flat belly, and a beige zip blazer that cuffed at her elbows and tied in front and accentuated her narrow waist. It was her big ass that she was always annoyed with. She could give JLO a run for her money in that department. She sighed as she added her accessories. She wore a multicoin bracelet and her gold watch that her sisters had bought her when she bought into the real estate business. Along with her beige high-heeled sandals, she thought she looked like she’d stepped out of a Cino catalog. She wanted to impress them and make herself unforgettable so that they wouldn’t want to replace her. Sure it was kind of lame, and despite her lack of self-confidence showing itself, she was a woman of action.

  The doorbell rang at exactly seven o’clock, and when she answered it, she nearly lost her breath. Michael looked gorgeous. He was wearing a pair of designer blue jeans, dark boots, and a button-down blue shirt. His hair was spiked in the front as if he just had a haircut, and his eyes sparkled. She noticed that one hand was behind his back.

  “Wow, you look stunning,” he told her.

  “You look good, too,” she stated, noticing immediately how her voice cracked. They both chuckled, and Michael pulled out a bouquet of wildflowers for her.

  “Oh, that was so nice of you. They’re beautiful, please come in. I’ll just place these in a vase real quick before we go,” she stated and headed toward the kitchen. Her open floor plan allowed for Michael to take in her living room, her kitchen, and a little bit of her bedroom.

  “This place is really nice.”

  “Thanks. Can I get you something to drink?”

  “No, that’s okay. We have reservations,” he answered, and she quickly added water to the vase and took in the sight of the flowers. A moment later she was once again by his side with her purse in hand. He looked so handsome, and she paused a moment to remember this moment.

  In an instant Michael was pulling her into his arms then kissing her.

  * * * *

  He just couldn’t resist the urge to touch her. He hadn’t meant to be so abrupt, yet he was, and his kiss was demanding to say the least. She smelled incredible, and so Mikayla—sweet and fresh and full of life. She fit perfectly in his arms, and by the way she was returning his kiss, the idea of skipping dinner and going right to bed flashed through his mind. He ran his hands along her curves. The stylish outfit she wore was hot. He ran his hands along her waist then lower back and over her ass, squeezing and pulling her harder against his erection. He wanted her to know just how much she turned him on and how much he wanted her.

  Reality came crashing back as a cell phone rang, interrupting the moment. He gently released her lips, and they touched foreheads, breathing raspy and fast.

  The cell phone continued to ring, but she ignored it as she smiled at him then pulled away shyly. She was precious.

  “That was really nice. So nice that I…”

  He couldn’t tell her that he wanted her naked and spread out for him to feast on. No way would that go over well. He and his brothers had sworn to make Mikayla see that this relationship was more than just sex. However, right now, with her lips swollen, her cheeks flushed, and the way she shyly looked up to him in a submissive state, made him want to forget.

  “What were you going to say?” she asked.

  He raised his hand slowly toward her cheek and brushed his thumb along her lower lip.

  “I was going to say forget dinner and let’s stay here because I want you.”

  Her eyes widened, and her body tensed so he quickly added.

  “However, I was looking forward to showing you off tonight and having some quality alone time to get to know you better. So what do you say we get going?”

  “Yes, let’s go.” She hesitated before moving. It was a sign to him that she was feeling the attraction as much as he was.

  * * * *

  They were walking hand in hand down the streets of New Orleans making their way toward Gabriel’s Pub. The sounds of jazz music coming from one particular group of musicians caught Mikayla’s attention. There was a young woman singing the blues as the other band members played their instruments. She stopped walking to listen to the young woman sing. Her voice sounded beautiful, and it made others stop to listen as well.

  Mikayla couldn’t help but be drawn in to the sound and of course the words the woman sang. It was a song about falling in love only to lose her lover to another woman. Mikayla swallowed the lump of emotion in her throat. The words, the deep, raspy sound of the young woman’s voice filled with emotion touched her deeply. She felt Michael’s hands on her shoulders and then the feel of his hard chest against her back. She forced the tears away and the painful memories of how difficult it was to lose her first love and first lover at once.

  The song ended and many people clapped and cheered, obviously affected by the woman’s voice and story as well.

  She began to turn, wanting to continue to walk, yet she did not want to face Michael. Not now, not when she had such negative feelings. She thought the worst and feared the pain she would surely go through if Michael didn’t want her as he claimed. Then of course she thought of the others. They immediately popped into her mind and she thought of them. How the heck could she even consider a relationship with one, never mind four? She was scared. Petrified of being hurt and possibly used.

  “Mikayla? What’s wrong?” Michael asked as he gently pulled her against his side.

  “Nothing. I’m fine,” she stated, keeping her eyes straight ahead and hoping to see the sign for Gabriel’s Pub appear any moment.

  Michael stopped her and pulled her to the side, next to one of the stone buildings. They were feet away from a crowded bar, and the sound of a trumpet playing along with a piano filtered through the open front door.

  Michael touched her chin and tilted it up.

  “What’s wrong? You seemed happy until we stopped to listen to the singer.”

  “It was a touching song. I’m fine really. I’m just a little nervous I guess.”

  He gave her an expression that told her he knew she was lying. He probably learned how to do that as a CIA agent.

  “I’m not going to push you considering that this is only our second date.” He leaned toward her and paused inches from her lips. She felt his warm breath and tilted her chin toward him, opening for his touch. He smiled. Then they closed their eyes as he brushed her lips with a soft kiss.

  Immediately all negative thoughts moved to the back of her mind. He took her hand and began walking toward their destination.

  * * * *

  Michael could tell that something was up with Mikayla. She seemed not only nervous but unsure. He didn’t like the fact that she l
ied to him. But how was she to know that he knew how to read people’s eyes, and body language? He was well trained, and it came in handy in his line of work.

  There was something that changed once she heard the woman singing. What the hell was that woman singing about? He couldn’t remember because he was focusing on how beautiful Mikayla looked and how other men took notice of her. He was jealous and immediately showed his possessive side as he touched her and pulled her against his chest. Her scent alone was intoxicating. She was classy, sweet, and attractive. He wanted her and he hoped he wouldn’t come on too strong. He never felt so strong about a woman until he met Mikayla.

  * * * *

  Their dinner was exceptional, and Mikayla had the opportunity to meet Gabe, the owner. He was a very handsome man and seemed kind of young to own a place like Gabriel’s.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mikayla,” Gabe stated, offering his hand. She placed hers in his, thinking he was going to shake it, but instead he brought it to his lips, bowed, and kissed the top of it. It reminded her of something Pierre would do. Why he popped into her mind she hadn’t a clue. She smiled at Gabe and shyly turned toward Michael.

  “Oh, she is precious, Michael. I’m honored that you brought her here.” Gabe released her hand. For a moment she felt a bit uneasy. Apparently Michael sensed her anxiety as he reached across the small table and took her hand. He squeezed it.

  “Gabe and I went to school together. He knows my fathers and my mother,” Michael offered.

  Did he just say fathers? She wondered as she raised her eyebrows at him.

  “Oh yeah, the Fromms are great people. They helped me out when my father got into some trouble years back. I was basically living on my own,” Gabe offered. Michael gave Gabe a look as if wanting him not to continue with that particular story.

  They were looking around them when Mikayla felt a bit uncomfortable and asked Gabe a question in an attempt to be polite.

  “You seem awfully young to own this place. How long have you been in the business?”

  Gabe smiled, taking the seat right next to her. Of course Michael moved a bit closer to her, and Gabe began to explain about his life. How he worked several jobs as he tried to continue going to school and then how Pierre hooked him up with the bar business. He had a knack for this type of business after being around bars and restaurants for years.

  “That’s fantastic. This place has such a great reputation,” Mikayla offered and he smiled.

  “Thanks. Well, I’d better get moving. It was nice talking with you, Mikayla. Let me know if things don’t work out,” he stated then gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. She blushed as she lowered her eyes to her lap and then looked at Michael. He looked a bit flushed himself. Was he angry?

  He moved his chair closer then placed his fingers under her chin and held her gaze.

  “He’s a good guy. But if he ever hits on you again, you tell me,” he whispered very seriously, and she wasn’t sure how to take it.

  “Michael, he was nice. It wasn’t a big deal.”

  His expression changed, and he appeared to look agitated at her response. She hadn’t expected Michael to be so complicated and difficult to read.

  “Let’s go.” He stood up. He grabbed her hand, and they began to make their way out of the crowded bar.

  * * * *

  Michael was trying his hardest not to think so deeply about what Gabe said and did. Gabe had always been a good friend, but he was out of line making a statement like he did to Mikayla. Michael never brought a woman there for a date before. What was that all about? He remained silent as they strolled through the crowded streets. He couldn’t help but feel protective of Mikayla. Men took notice of her, and it bothered him. He hadn’t gone out on a date in a long time. He wanted Mikayla all to himself. Abruptly he pulled her down a side street and to a shortcut to where he had parked the car.

  He was desperate to get her alone again. He just wanted to focus on them, and the intensity surprised him. That was until Mikayla yanked her hand from his grasp.

  “Michael, stop!”

  She placed her hands on her hips and stared up at him. The fire in her eyes sent awareness and desire through him like nothing ever had before. She looked pissed and sexier than ever.

  “Why are you dragging me through the streets? What is wrong with you? Does this have something to do with Gabe and what he said back there? It meant nothing, and I don’t know why you’re acting like this.”

  He grabbed her, hoisted her up against his body, and stopped any further words from her lips by kissing her.

  Michael poured his emotions into that kiss, devouring her moans along the way.

  He gripped her ass and pressed her hard against his cock, and she accepted his engagement, tilting her head back, giving him better access to her mouth. The kiss went on for few more seconds until he felt Mikayla begin to pull from him. He realized that they weren’t exactly in a private location as he slowly released her lips. He trailed kisses along her jaw as they both settled their breathing. He glanced around them. No one was in sight.

  * * * *

  Mikayla felt winded and incredibly desirable. Michael knew how to win an argument. If that’s what they had begun to have. He held her snugly against him. Even now, after releasing her lips, he remained glued to her.

  “Let’s go,” he commanded, slowly letting her down from against him before taking her hand, squeezing, then leading her back toward his car.

  She was surprised and grateful she was able to walk after what happened in the side street. How did it get so intense between them? What were his intentions now?

  They were silent even as he glanced at her now and again, between dodging pedestrians and cars on the streets. They finally reached a small commuter parking area where they’d parked earlier. They located the black BMW, and as she walked next to him thinking he was going to open the door and leave at the same fast pace that had gotten them here so quickly, he stopped her.

  His large, firm hand went to her waist and his other hand reached under her hair against her neck as he tilted his head toward her, crushing his lips to hers.

  His scent, his cologne, and his powerful aura infiltrated her senses. Damn, he was a great kisser. Way too soon his exploration of her mouth ended, and she was left once again panting and wondering what he intended to do next.

  “Get in, sugar, before I take you right here against my car.”

  The chills ran up her spine and her legs nearly gave out from the intensity of his words and his tone. She turned, and he kept a hand around her waist, assisting her so she wouldn’t knock into the open door. God, did he know how good he was at seduction? She felt like such an inexperienced boob right now.

  * * * *

  She clutched her hands on her lap, over the small purse she carried. He would look at her now and then and just smile, but his eyes lit up with excitement. He sped down the highway and along the back roads like a race car pro, and even that made her panties wet and her body hum for sex.

  There were no means of defense against a man like Michael. His charms and his aggressive sexuality called to a part of her she hadn’t known existed. She wanted him to touch her everywhere and anywhere he wanted.

  She realized in that moment that she wanted him, too. She wanted to explore this crazy attraction. Then came thoughts of the others. Was this fair? Was it right for her to sleep with Michael or did it send a message that she would sleep with the others on the dates with them, too? Then of course if she didn’t, they might get offended or think that she was showing favoritism.

  “Oh hell!” Mikayla said out loud then covered her mouth with her hand. Michael had just pulled into her driveway.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, taking her hand and leaning closer toward her. She held his gaze, and a guilty feeling filled her. She shook a little, and she wondered why she couldn’t be more brazen and sure of herself and her life like her sisters were with theirs.

  Michael touched her cheek, causing h
er to look at him again.

  “What’s wrong? Talk to me and tell me what you’re feeling.”

  She waited a few moments, unsure of how to explain what she felt without hurting his feelings or minimizing what she felt she should do.

  “Mikayla?” he questioned her as he held her chin more firmly.

  “I am so attracted to you, Michael, really I am.”

  She blurted it out, and he smiled then eased up on his hold.

  “That’s good to know. I’m very attracted to you as well in case my actions haven’t shown you.”

  She swallowed hard.

  “Are you going to invite me in?” he asked. Boy, did she really want to say yes.

  “No,” she whispered, and he appeared shocked.

  “I’m so sorry, Michael, but this is so new to me. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do or what the rules are if there even are any. I mean Pierre was talking about schedules, and it seemed like there may be some unwritten rules to follow, and I don’t want to insult your brothers. I mean if I sleep with you, and believe me, I am so wanting to sleep with you right now, but if I do, what will your brothers think? They might expect me to do the same with them on their dates, and if I didn’t, then they may be insulted or feel that I may not have the same feelings for them that I do for you. Oh God, I’m making a mess of things.” She covered her face with her hands.

  “Shh, baby, you’re overthinking this.” He pulled her closer to him and hugged her.

  “I want you, I know you want me, and you’re confused because of the others. I understand and I respect the fact that you don’t want to hurt their feelings or insult them. We get how this works, Mikayla. Our parents were in this type of relationship, and it’s something we’ve talked about having as well. There’s no rush.”

  She pulled away slightly and stared into his eyes. He smiled.

  “I want to. I do, but instantly the others entered my mind. It’s so crazy.”


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