A Bride by Arrangement (The Bride Series Book 2)

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A Bride by Arrangement (The Bride Series Book 2) Page 9

by Vanessa Lee

  “What is going on, I wonder?” Justine said.

  “Oh, it’s likely just the master arriving,” Mrs. Tindle said. Placing the final touches on Justine’s hair, she said, “Come now, my dear. Let us go down and give this husband of yours an eyeful.”

  Justine felt resplendent in her deep purple satin gown, another gift from her mother. She slowly made her way down the stairs. This time, her husband was not waiting for her. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she heard his voice coming from the study.

  “…and Eddison, please send correspondence directly to Lord Cranston. Tell him that I would be honored to meet with him on the morrow and invite him for nooning meal at the offices of Campbell-Wellington Shipping.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she heard Eddison say.

  Just then, Darren entered the foyer, followed by Eddison. He looked so tired. There was an air of satisfaction about him, but he still looked deeply fatigued. Even so, he looked so incredibly handsome that he made her mouth water. Her heart started thumping in her chest. He looked over at her and gave her a small smile. Kissing her cheek, he said, “My love. How are you this evening?”

  Justine smiled at Darren, incredibly happy to see him. She took the arm that he had offered her and said, “I am wonderful, husband and very happy that you are home.”

  He smiled tiredly and said, “I am happy to be home, as well.” He guided her into her own seat and went to sit in his own. Once their meals had been served, Darren asked, “How did you occupy your day, my dear?”

  “I got my hands on a copy of the “Iliad” that was in the library. I do so love to read.”

  Darren chuckled. “That was my grandfather’s. He loved to read, as well. Make sure you explore his collection, thoroughly. There are many other gems, as well.”

  “Thank you, husband. I certainly shall, although it may take me awhile.” She sliced into her pork loin, and asked, “How was your day? Did everything go wonderfully?”

  He smiled at her and she knew that he was happy with the way things had gone. It was worth his absence. “Yes, my love, everything went perfectly. Too well, in fact. I entered into agreements with two people today, so my work load has doubled. The agreements will expand our fleet, even more. It is growth and that is the only way to build an empire.”

  “Yes, I’m sure,” Justine answered. In truth, she did not have a mind for business and numbers. Literature was more her style. She just agreed with her husband to let him know that she was listening to him and she supported him. “I do hope everything continues to go well for you, husband,” she said.

  He lifted his glass to her and said, “With hard work and dedication, I’m sure that it will.” Drinking from his goblet, Justine watched the muscles in his neck work as he swallowed. Her mouth went dry. She sincerely hoped that he would make love to her tonight. She missed his hands on her. Lowering his glass, he caught the look in her eye. He grinned at her, knowing where her thoughts had gone.

  They continued to eat their dinner in silence. When he had finished, he rose from his chair and wiped his napkin across his mouth. He said, “Please excuse me, my love. There are several important matters that need my attention before I retire this evening.”

  Justine nodded, somewhat disappointed. She had been hoping that after their meal, he would take her upstairs and make love to her. “Yes, husband. Please do see to your duties.”

  He nodded to her and bowed. Justine watched him leave and head to his study. She slowly finished her meal. Darren had said that he had a few matters to see to. Sure that he would come to her when he was finished. She planned to read lightly until he was ready to take her to bed.

  After she was finished with her meal, she walked towards the library. She had to pass by Darren’s study in order to get there. The door was open. Justine peeked inside the room. She saw Darren sitting behind his desk. His head was bent over a document that he was writing. He was completely oblivious to anything around him. Smiling at his bent head, Justine turned to leave. She would give him his space to complete his business matters, because they were so important to him.

  She walked to the library and picked up the “Iliad.” Opening the book to where she had left off, she began to read.

  When she next looked up, she was shocked to find that it was already nine o’clock. Rising up from the chair slowly, she gently massaged her stiff muscles. Walking out into the hallway, she paused by Darren’s study. He was still bent over his desk, going through his paperwork. Justine knocked on the door.

  Darren looked up, and asked, “Yes, what is it?”

  Justine smiled at him and said, “It is nine o’clock, husband. Are you close to finishing your work for this evening?”

  He looked back down at his papers and said, “No. Please go on up to bed. I won’t be up for a while, yet.”

  Justine’s smile fell. He clearly had no interest in her at the moment. Darren had said that he would be busy tonight. Well, she would let him get his work done. Curtsying to him, she said, “As you wish.” He didn’t look up at her or reply. He gave no indication that he had heard her.

  Disappointed, Justine went upstairs to their room. Mrs. Tindle helped her to undress. Trying to hide her disappointment, she said, “Lord Darren is going to be a while.”

  The kindly maid nodded, “Yes, these businessmen are notorious for putting in long hours. Never you mind, my dear. I’m sure that he will be along soon.” When Justine was in her nightgown, she said, “I wish you a pleasant night, Milady. Please let me know if there’s anything you need.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Tindle. Goodnight.”

  Justine got under the covers. As she lay there, Justine tried not to worry. She would just have to get used to Darren’s new work schedule. She knew that he couldn’t spend all of his time with her, just as he had on their honeymoon. Still, there was a nagging voice in the back of her mind that was telling her that it was not too much to hope that he would give more attention to her.

  She was still awake when Darren got into bed beside her. This time, he didn’t pull her in close to him. He was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. In the light of the soft moonlight that lit the room, Justine studied him. He had dark circles under his eyes and his brow was creased, a telling sign that he had been frowning for a while. She hoped that he would get a good night’s sleep and be fresh to start over in the morning. She was sure the next day would go better for him. She gently caressed his face. He didn’t even move. She leaned down to press a sweet kiss against his brow. “Goodnight, my love.”

  Justine decided that she had spent enough time reading. Putting down the “Iliad,” she got up from the settee in the library, and took a leisurely stroll through the garden. She hoped that Darren’s day was going much better for him. Wishing that there was something that she could do to help, she knew that the only way she could help her husband was when she accompanied him to social functions. She couldn’t wait to attend their first social event as a married couple. Darren was so handsome and so graceful. He had the making of a true gentleman. She was so proud to be his wife and she wanted everyone to know.

  Justine stopped walking as she acknowledged the truth. She was already in love with her husband. She didn’t know when it had happened, she only knew that she loved the man. He was hers for the rest of her life and he truly cared about her. Yesterday didn’t matter, she thought. She knew that everyone has their days, good and bad.

  Her heart singing, Justine felt like she could fly. She continued walking, reveling in the incredible feeling of being in love with her husband. She didn’t think that anything could ruin this most blissful feeling inside of her.

  Finished with her leisurely stroll, she walked back into the manor. Suddenly, she had a lot of work to do. She wanted to look her absolute best for her husband this evening.

  Mrs. Tindle helped Justine get ready for the evening. The older maid was so delighted with the good mood that the missus was in that day. She knew that her upset from the prior
day would pass, as she and her husband settled into a routine.

  “Oh, my dear girl! You look so splendid this evening. Your husband is going to be just speechless when he sees how radiant and lovely you look.”

  Justine smiled at her reflection in the looking glass. Dressed in a magnificent red satin gown, the last dress that her mother had gifted to her for her wedding, she looked every bit as enticing as she had planned to.

  When she heard Darren enter the manor, she walked to the top of the stairs. He was giving orders to Eddison and he paused when he saw her walking down the stairs. She saw his eyes widen in amazement and he gulped hard. Her heart was racing inside of her chest and she beamed a radiant smile at him, trying not to give her feelings away.

  “Good evening, husband,” she said.

  He continued to stare at her. After a moment, he said, “Good evening. I’m afraid you will be dining alone this evening. I will be taking dinner in my study.”

  Justine’s heart fell. Keeping the smile on her face, she said, “Alright, husband. I’m sure there is much to keep you busy.”

  “Indeed, there is.” He nodded to her in dismissal and made his way into his study.

  Seeing the devastated look on her mistress’ face, Mrs. Tindle led her into the dining room. “We’ll let the master finish his work so that he can join you later.” Trying not to worry about this latest development herself, Mrs. Tindle said, “You just sit yourself down and enjoy this fine meal that has been prepared.”

  “I don’t know that I am hungry any longer, Mrs. Tindle,” Justine said. She was hurt by the sting of his rejection. He didn’t want to spend any time with her, whatsoever.

  “Now, my dear, you must have something to eat! It will all be alright, you will see. Come sit and fill yourself. Then you and I will treat ourselves to a game of chess in the library, how does that sound?”

  Distracted for the moment, Justine nodded. That sounded like just what she needed. “Thank you, Mrs. Tindle. You are too good to me.”

  “Nonsense my dear, it is my pleasure.” Mrs. Tindle was pleased when her mistress began eating.

  Justine made her way thought the meal. Everything that she was eating was tasteless and felt like lead in her mouth.

  When she had finished, she went to wait for Mrs. Tindle in the library. On her way, she passed by Darren’s study. She looked in and gasped. His face looked anxious and worn as he shuffled through his papers.

  Justine knocked on the door, with a ready smile on her face. It died when he looked up at her. He looked angry and cold. Surely he was not angry with her? She had not seen him all say.

  “What, Justine?” he snapped.

  Jumping at his tone, she said, “I was just inquiring on your wellbeing, husband,” she said.

  “I am quite well. As you can see, I’m rather busy. Please leave and close the door behind you.”

  His curt tone felt like a slap. Justine was astonished. This was not the man who she had fallen in love with. He certainly was not the man who had accompanied her on their honeymoon and made sweet, gentle love to her. Genuinely concerned for him, she said, “Darren, why do you not let this wait until tomorrow…”

  Shooting up from his chair, he knocked it over in his haste. Justine jumped again. “Do not concern yourself with the demands that I have to meet. One of us has to earn enough money for us to live. It certainly isn’t going to be you, by reading all day.” He snapped at her. “I have said and you have ignored that I am very busy. Do I honestly need to say it again?” he hollered. “I am busy, Madam! Please leave.” Fixing his chair aright, he sat back down in it and let out an exasperated huff.

  Shaking, Justine closed the door to the study behind her. Her eyes filling with tears, she ran towards the stairs. On her way, she passed by Mrs. Tindle and Eddison, who had heard the master shouting. “What on earth?” asked Mrs. Tindle.

  Her heart breaking, Justine kept going until she reached her bedroom. Panting hard with grief, she inhaled and exhaled her anguish. She caught her reflection in her looking glass. She was wearing the diamond necklace that Darren had given her. Without delay, she removed it from around her neck and placed it in its box. Her sobs overtook her and she sat down on the side of her bed.

  Justine’s shoulders shook as her anguish came out in wretched sobs. She had been a fool. Her mother had told her to be careful of Darren. She had even devised a plan for Justine to escape him. However, Justine had let down her guard and let him in. He had made her think that he would be a good husband and that he cared for her and she fell for it. She had fallen for him. Tears continued to fall down Justine’s face as she sobbed. Her worse fears had come true. Her husband had turned out just like her father.

  Chapter 12

  Darren and Justine rode in silence on the way to Countess Agnes Richardson’s home. Justine sat staring out of the window. Darren tried to do the same. There was so much that he needed to accomplish at tonight’s dinner affair and he needed to remain focused on his agenda. Nevertheless, his eyes kept wandering back to his beautiful wife. She looked extraordinarily lovely tonight. She was dressed in a peach satin gown that flattered her complexion. Her lush breasts were cupped lovingly by the bodice of the gown, as they lay fashionably displayed. Darren swallowed. He was certainly enjoying the sight, though he sure as hell didn’t want anyone else appreciating her charms.

  Arriving at the Countess’ home, he got out of the carriage. Turning to help her down, he halted her movement when she was standing on the ground. “You haven’t been sleeping?” he asked, concerned for the deep shade of blue under her eyes.

  She looked up at him and he swallowed. Justine was so incredibly beautiful, it made his bones ache. “Have you?” she asked, indicating the corresponding blue circles that he knew were under his own eyes.

  They continued to stare at each other, both of them hungry for the presence of the other. Darren itched to toss her back into the carriage and take her home. He wanted to make love to her until they both passed out. Justine’s eyes widened. Apparently he was looking at her like he would do just that.

  Darren’s thoughts of racing home were ruined when Nick’s carriage pulled in behind his. His thoughts returned to the matters at hand. There was work to be done tonight. He gave Justine his arm and she linked hers through his. They stood outside of Nick and Erica’s carriage, waiting for them to join them on the walkway. Nick descended first, before helping his wife down.

  “Good evening, brother. Justine, you look splendid this evening,” he said bowing to them.

  “Good evening, Nick,” Darren replied, bowing to him. He took his sister-in-law’s hand and kissed the back of it. “You look lovely, as per usual,” Darren said, smiling at her.

  Erica returned his smile affectionately. “Why thank you, Sir. You are ever so charming.” Turning to Justine, she smiled and walked over to greet her. “I am so delighted that you are here. I shall call upon you soon, so that we may enjoy each other’s company.”

  Justine flushed. The last time she had spoken with her sister-in-law was directly following her wedding ceremony. Right before she had run away. Justine wasn’t so certain that she had made the right choice by staying with Darren, but she did owe a lot to Nick and Erica. They had been so good to her and they had not brought ruin to her when she had run away.

  Justine bowed to her and Nick. “Thank you, sister. I am happy that I am here, as well. It would be my pleasure to receive you at our home soon.”

  Erica nodded. Taking Justine’s arm through her own, she led her into the Countess’ home. Other guests had already arrived and were socializing about the drawing room. With their husbands following close behind them, they waited to be announced by the butler.

  Once they had entered the drawing room, Nick said, “If you will excuse us, ladies. I have someone that I would like Darren to meet.”

  Erica and Justine nodded to their husbands. After the men had departed, Erica kept the pleasant smile pasted on her face, and said, “Nick an
d I were so worried about you when you ran away on your wedding day!”

  Keeping the pleasant smile on her face as well, Justine said, “I am sorry for that. You and your husband have been so wonderful to me. I was just feeling scared. Darren found me and we were able to work things out.”

  “I am relieved to hear it,” Erica said. “Everything is better now?”

  Justine’s smile faltered, as she considered the last few days with her husband.

  Erica patted her hand and said, “I do hope you truly realize that you and I are sisters now. You’ve never had siblings before, so I will explain.” Turning fully to Justine, she said, “You can tell me anything and I promise that I will not reveal your secrets to anyone.”

  Justine nodded, thankful for the woman’s unconditional support. “Thank you. You have been too generous with me.”

  Erica smiled, “Don’t you worry. I will expect you to keep a great deal of my secrets, a well!”

  Justine laughed, “I will keep every one of them.”

  “Good! Now, speaking of secrets, what is really going on with you and my dashing brother-in-law?”

  Justine’s face fell. “He doesn’t want to be married to me, any longer.”

  Gasping, Erica looked at her in surprise. “Why in Heaven’s name would you think that?”

  “Darren was so sweet and affectionate when we were first married. When we returned home, his business affairs took over his entire life.” Justine bowed her head. “I told you that I always feared that I would end up in an emotionless marriage like my parents. This has come to pass, now that Darren pushes me away so that he can focus on his work. He is completely uninterested in me.”

  Stunned by this news, Erica looked over at her brother-in-law. When she saw him, she smiled and laughed.


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