A Bride by Arrangement (The Bride Series Book 2)

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A Bride by Arrangement (The Bride Series Book 2) Page 11

by Vanessa Lee

  “Yes, really. We will have Mrs. Tindle pack us a basket and leave once it’s ready.”

  Justine’s heart overflowed with joy. Not only was Darren willing to let his business matters rest, but he was spending the afternoon with her, as well. There might be hope for him, yet.

  “That sounds most wonderful, my love,” she said, glad for the opportunity to spend more time with him.

  “Excellent,” he said, picking up her undergarments and helping her into them. “Let us go tell Mrs. Tindle.

  An hour later Darren and Justine rode side by side each other. Darren looked impressed with her riding skills. She had many years of experience, thanks to the lessons her father had bought. Clementine kept a good pace with Darren’s prized horse, Bruno. Justine was happy that they were getting a chance to exercise their horses. It benefited their health to be out riding, as well.

  As they trotted towards the open fields, Justine breathed in deeply. It was an absolutely beautiful sunny day, perfect for riding. When they came to the perfect spot, Darren dismounted. He helped her down as well, before tying their horses to a nearby tree. While he was seeing to that chore, she spread the quilt that she had brought onto the ground. Opening the basket that Mrs. Tindle had packed, she took out the plates that contained fruits, cheeses, nuts, slices of baked ham, and a loaf of bread.

  Darren walked over and sat down on the quilt. She tore off a chunk of the bread and handed it to him.

  “My thanks, Milady,” he said, smiling at her.

  “It is my pleasure to serve you,” she teased.

  Darren chuckled at her jest. Their ride had added a healthy glow to her cheeks. Of course, their earlier activities had probably helped with that as well, he surmised.

  “I could get used to you waiting on me. Mrs. Tindle will have to watch her post.”

  Justine smiled at him, completely delighted with his good humor. “I would never dream of removing any of our servants from their posts. They have all been so wonderful.”

  “Then you are happy here?” he asked.

  Justine set down the piece of cheese she was nibbling on. She looked at him, laying on his side, supporting himself on his elbow. He looked so different from the man who had shouted at her days ago.

  “I am happy when you are,” she answered him, truthfully.

  He winced. Darren knew that he had taken his frustrations out on his wife. He was overwhelmed by all that he needed to accomplish as an associate for Campbell-Wellington Industries. Realizing that he had been unfair to her, Darren said slowly, “I apologize for allowing my temper to get the best of me. Since we returned from your abduction, you have been nothing but the perfect wife, while I…” he trailed off. “I have been lacking as a husband.”

  Justine covered her hand with his. She was so relieved to hear him acknowledge that he had been putting her aside. “I will forgive you, on one account.”

  “Name it.”

  “Promise me that you will still make time for me. I…care about you. I want us to grow closer, not apart.”

  Darren smiled at her. “I will indeed make time for you, love,” he said.

  Justine’s heart leapt hopefully. He had called her his ‘love’ once more. She desperately wanted to believe his promise to make time for her. Time would tell, she supposed. During the meantime, she would do everything she could to make sure that they grew closer.

  “Then you wouldn’t mind eating dinner with me, every night?”

  “Every single night?” he asked, gasping mockingly.

  Justine giggled, “Most definitely. I wouldn’t want to think that you no longer prefer my company.”

  Like hell, Darren thought. He couldn’t be without her. He had tried and he had failed. He knew that things with Campbell-Wellington Industries were just getting going. But come hell or high water, he would make time to tend to his relationship with his wife. He needed her.

  “I will always prefer your company. Are you certain that you will prefer mine? I may not always be the civilized gentleman, after a particularly brutal day.”

  Justine stared deeply into his beautiful emerald green ones. He was staring at her so intently. She knew that there was nothing else on earth that she would ever love more deeply than she loved him. Leaning over to him, she stopped when her mouth was just a hair away from his. Her eyes made promises to him as she said, “Then we will just have to find a way to remove your mind from your troubling matters, husband,” and sealed her words with a passionate kiss that rocked them both.

  Darren finally broke away, breathing deeply. He gazed into her eyes and appreciated what he saw there. Justine’s eyes were a stunning shade of blue, heated with her desire. There was also something else. Some other emotion that he could not name, as she continued to stare down at him. Whatever it was, he was thankful for it. He had an excellent partner in Justine and he would keep it that way.

  Chapter 14

  Darren left for the office smiling the next day. After a pleasant breakfast with his wife, he felt ready to start the day. The energy he felt was so strange to him. He had felt exhausted for so long, since even before he and Justine were married. Having recently rearranged his priorities, thanks to his adorable wife, everything was suddenly clear. He had taken Justine to bed early last night, and after making love to her, he had fallen asleep. Because of his night of deep, restful sleep, he had woken up feeling renewed.

  He now realized that making time for his wife was not a burden, but a great pleasure that would help other areas of his life to thrive, as well. He felt like he could conquer the world. Especially all the issues that were now waiting for him on his desk.

  The carriage halted outside the offices of Campbell-Wellington Industries. Darren got out of the carriage and walked inside. He paused when he entered the main room. Linnus Campbell and his brother Nick were talking and laughing with a third man. Laying his satchel on his desk, Darren walked toward them.

  “Ah, brother! Here you are. We have been waiting for you. Allow me to introduce you to Mr. Gavin Thorpe, formerly of Prescott & Associates. Gavin, this is my brother, Darren.”

  Shaking the man’s hand in greeting, Darren asked, “Formerly?”

  “Yes, I am profoundly excited by what is going on here at Campbell-Wellington Industries and I found it impossible to ignore the proposal that Sir Linnus and Nick made to me.”

  “We have just hired Gavin to do associate work, like yourself,” Nick said.

  Darren was stunned. “I had no idea that you were looking for help.”

  “It only recently came to light that our expansion warrants the additional help. We chose not to delay hiring an associate to take on some of the load,” Nick said.

  Darren studied him. There was a look in his eye. He came to the conclusion that Nick had hired someone else, because he couldn’t handle the role. Darren’s face darkened.

  Knowing what his brother was thinking, Nick said, “Let us convene to the meeting room.”

  The men filed into the room and took their seats around the long table. Linnus started the meeting by saying, “We are most pleased that you accepted our offer, Gavin.”

  “Thank you, Sir Linnus. I am looking forward to working with you to expand your fleet.”

  “Gavin is, or was, Prescott & Associates best employee. He excels in business relations and negotiations. He will be doing exactly what you are doing, brother. Only, Gavin will be responsible for certain agreements, and you will be responsible for your own dealings,” Nick explained.

  “And are these dealings to be dealt out based on performance?” Darren asked.

  Nick laughed. Darren obviously still thought that he was being punished in some way because they’ve hired Gavin. “No, brother. You will simply keep a certain number of agreements and Gavin will handle the same amount. Linnus and I looked at our reports and saw that our numbers are rapidly climbing,” he said, as he looked proudly at his partner. “It makes good business sense to hire an experienced professional to take on some of t
he additional work.”

  Darren sat back against his chair, convinced that Nick and Linnus weren’t finding fault in his work. He felt a surge of relief that he wouldn’t have to bear the massive load of his work alone. More than happy to give certain files over to Gavin’s capable hands, he held out his hand to Gavin again, and said, “Welcome to the team.”

  The men laughed at Darren’s ready acceptance to share the work load. They knew it had gotten immense. It was high time that they had hired some help.

  After shaking his hand in good sport, Gavin said, “So, I hear that you are newly married?”

  “Yes, indeed I am.”

  “You have my congratulations. Marriage looks well on you.”

  Darren smiled, “Thank you. It feels quite well to be a married man. Are you also wed?”

  Nick clapped him on the back. “Gavin here is still living the single life.”

  Laughing, Gavin said, “Not for long. I do plan to take a wife soon.”

  Darren asked, “Is there anyone special in mind?”

  “Not at the moment. But from what I hear, marriages around here happen relatively quickly,” he said, smiling at Nick and Darren. “Perhaps I should stick with you two.”

  Nick and Darren chuckled as they considered how that they had entered into marriage with their lovely wives. Their marriages had happened a lot quicker than normal. Neither one of them regretted it. Things had turned out well for them both.

  Getting up from his seat at the table, Linnus said, “Well, that’s it for me. I’ve got to get back to work.” Shaking Gavin’s hand again he said, “Welcome aboard, son.”

  “I’m happy to be here, Sir,” Gavin said.

  Turning, Linnus walked out to his private office, and closed the door behind him.

  Nick said to Darren, “I need you to show Gavin the way things are done here. Answer any questions he has. Then, split your files between you and him, as you see fit, brother.”

  Nodding, Darren said, “With great pleasure.”

  Nick stood up and said, “I’ll leave you to it.” He walked over to the doorway. When he reached it, he turned around and said, “By the way, Erica is calling on your wife this afternoon.”

  Darren was glad. He knew his wife would enjoy Erica’s company. “That is excellent news. You must accompany me home for dinner. We can dine with our beautiful wives.”

  Nick laughed. “Sounds good to me.”

  Darren turned to Gavin and said, “You are welcome to join us.”

  Smiling, Gavin said, “Thank you, but I’ve already got plans for this evening. Perhaps another time.”

  Turning to leave, Nick said over his shoulder, “Good luck, you two. Holler if you need me.”

  Darren felt as though a ton of bricks had been lifted off of his chest. Now that he had some support, he already had everything he needed.

  Justine and Erica had decided to go for a ride upon finishing their afternoon tea. Justine rode Clementine next to Erica, who was riding Darren’s mare, Fantasia. The two women were in no rush. Letting the horses walk at their own pace, they were now out enjoying the beautiful scenery. During their ride, Erica related to Justine all she had learned about the Wellington family, and the property that they were now exploring.

  Justine had been astonished to learn that Darren’s father, Edward Wellington, had won his beloved wife in a poker game. Apparently, it was a Wellington family tradition that the men acquire their brides in a less than usual manner. Justine was so happy that Darren had maneuvered her into marriage. She loved her husband dearly, although he had never said anything about his feelings for her. She knew that he desired her and liked her company. What if he never came to love her? Her heart sank as she envisioned a future where he did not return her love. If he never felt the same for her, it would have to be enough that he simply cared for her.

  Seeing the disheartened look on her sister-in-law’s face, she asked, “Whatever is wrong?”

  Realizing that she was openly displaying her worry, Justine said, “I was just thinking of Darren.”

  “I know that earlier you had said things were vastly improved since the Countess’ dinner. Is there anything else going on?”

  Justine thought carefully before she said her words. A lot of women were in loveless marriages. Erica was not one of them. Nick and Erica loved each other with a fiery passion that she had never seen before. She shouldn’t imagine Darren ever loving her like that. Even though she wanted that more than anything.

  “I know that Darren cares for me and he desires me,” Justine began. “I just…”

  Erica understood what she was trying to say. “You just wish that he would love you?”

  “I see the way that you and Nick are with each other, and while I would never begrudge the love between you, I only wish that Darren felt the way that I do for him.”

  “Things were not always so wonderful between Nick and I,” Erica said. “You may have heard, but I moved back home with my father shortly after moving in with Nick.” Erica shook her head at the memory, smiling softly.

  “You left Nick?” Justine asked, completely shocked.

  “Oh, yes. He did not believe me when Seth Collins attacked me the first time. Nick said some awful things to me that hurt me very badly.”

  Justine shook her head, completely sympathizing with her sister-in-law. “That sounds familiar.”

  Erica chuckled, “Yes, these Wellington men know how to make a lady cry.”

  Justine looked saddened. “They are lucky that we love them so much.”

  Looking over at her, Erica said, “Exactly.” Leaning down to pat her horse, she continued with her story. “Nick didn’t say he loved me until after he had rescued me from Seth Collins’ abduction. He had only just realized it hours before. His love for me was a long time coming.”

  Justine’s shoulders dropped. “Do you think that Darren’s love will be a long time coming?”

  Erica shook her head, smiling at her. “I think that Darren is half in love with you, already.”

  Justine sat up straight. “What? You think he loves me?”

  Erica nodded. “He has the look of a man in love.”

  “But he hasn’t said anything to me about it!” Justine said. Was it possible? Did Darren love her?

  “It’s only because he has yet to admit his feelings to himself,” Erica said. “You just wait. He won’t be able to deny his love for you that much longer.”

  “But what if he can?”

  “Darren is a very smart man. He is one who recognizes a good thing and takes advantage of it.”

  “I do hope that you are right.” If she had Darren’s love, she would never ask for anything, ever again. He was all she needed. She had him now, but it felt hollow without his love.

  “You will see. In time, all will be well,” Erica said. “Now, come and show me this perfect spot that you and Darren found for a picnic. You and I will have our own picnic during my next visit.”

  Justine brightened, and guided her horse past Erica’s mount. “That is a wonderful idea. It’s right this way,” she said, taking the lead.

  “I am so very pleased to be spending the day with you, my dear sister,” Erica said.

  Justine smiled. “I’ve never had a sister, or any sibling before. You and Nick are the closest thing to it. I do greatly enjoy your company. The only person I ever really had to confide in was my mother. And she was…”

  “She was what?”

  “My mother is in an unhappy marriage to my father. She isn’t always in the best of spirits. When I confide in her, I realize now that the advice she has given me is based off of her woeful view of the marriage experience.”

  “She has advised you poorly in the past?”

  Turning to look back at her, Justine said, “Do you swear to keep my secret?”

  Erica stoically promised. “I do promise. You can trust me.”

  Justine smiled at her and nodded. “Yes, I believe that
I can.” Turning around, she said, “It was my mother who devised the plan for me to run away from my wedding.”

  “I know. Nick heard the servant girl Natasha say so when Darren was questioning her.”

  Shocked, Justine asked, “You knew?”

  “Yes. Nick and I have not said a word to anyone. I told you that you can trust me. Nick, too.”

  Contentment settled in Justine’s chest. Erica and Nick had known about her mother’s involvement in her escape, but they had not said anything. Apparently, Darren knew, as well.

  “Darren only said that he intercepted the driver, not the servant.”

  “The servant was in the carriage at the time we intercepted it,” Erica said, smiling at her. “Which is lucky for you. Darren might not have found you and you may never have spent your life with you wonderful husband.”

  Justine certainly agreed. She was very grateful that fate had intervened on her behalf and brought them together. Whether or not he loved her, they were meant to be together.

  Justine turned to smile at her, “I also would have never gotten to know my wonderful sister-in-law.”

  Grinning, Erica said, “Very true! We now have the rest of our lives to enjoy each other’s company.”

  Urging her mount faster, Justine said, “Come on, our perfect spot for a picnic is right up this way!”

  Smiling, Erica followed behind her. Suddenly, a gunshot broke through the still, quiet air. Her mount jutted nervously, but didn’t jump. Ahead of her, she watched as Justine’s startled horse jumped high into the air mid-gallop, and threw Justine off to the side of the path.

  “Justine!” Erica yelled. She got down off her mount and ran to her sister-in-law, who lay unmoving on the ground. Seeing the bleeding gash on Justine’s head, Erica knew that she had hit her head.

  “I’m so sorry, miss!” Came a cry from the woods. Erica turned to see a young boy holding a dead pheasant in one hand and a rifle in the other. “I didn’t mean to startle the lady.”

  “Go and get help!” Erica screamed at him. “Go to the manor and tell the butler that there has been an accident in the field.”


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