Love in the Afternoon

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Love in the Afternoon Page 16

by Alison Packard

  “Not a problem,” he said, pushing his large frame up and moving to the pantry to return the broom and dust pan. “Try to get some sleep.” He didn’t spare her so much as a glance before leaving the kitchen.

  Get some sleep? Kayla let out a low, mirthless laugh.

  Like that was going to happen.

  * * *

  Sean closed the guest room door and stood there trying to get a rein on his unruly emotions. The sound of breaking glass had jolted him out of what was already a fitful sleep and sent his heartbeat into overdrive. His first thought was that the stalker had broken in; his second thought was he had to protect Kayla.

  He’d rushed into the kitchen fearing the worst. But instead of finding Kayla being attacked by the freak who was stalking her, he’d found her crouched over a broken picture frame wearing nothing but a white T-shirt that clung to every voluptuous curve of her body.

  Kayla was fine. Sean wished he could say the same for himself. The thought of Kayla mooning over her former boyfriend bothered him. She’d claimed she didn’t miss him, but was it the truth? And why did he care? Two kisses didn’t mean a damn thing. Not in this day and age.

  He looked at the clock on the nightstand. It was late. He needed some sleep, but after being so close to Kayla just now, what he needed even more was a cold shower.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jared: What the hell are you doing here?

  Shay: Following you. What does it look like?

  Jared: I told you to stay put at home.

  Shay: And I told you I don’t like taking orders.

  Kayla crossed the backyard patio holding her cell phone and the script change for Friday. Her yard was small, but she’d planted an array of colorful flowers around the lawn in the brick planter beds, and in the center of the patio there was plenty of room for the round table with a striped blue and white umbrella that shielded her from the sun. There was no swimming pool. The first time she’d set eyes on the bungalow she’d fallen in love with not only the house but the cozy and private backyard. She could live without a pool.

  Kayla got comfortable on a cushioned chair at the table, set the script aside and hit the speed-dial button programmed with Lisa’s cell phone number.

  Lisa answered on the first ring. “How did it go?”

  “So far, so good,” she said, pulling her sunglasses from atop her head and sliding them on. “They’re still here. I told them everything that’s happened, along with my concerns, and they came up with some upgrades to my current system. They’re in the process of installing everything right now. I came out back to get out of their way.”

  “What kind of upgrades?”

  “Motion lights around the whole house, sensor alarms on all the windows, and security cameras around the perimeter of the house and on the garage.” She sighed. “I really hate this.”

  “You have no idea who this person is, Kayla. You have to take every precaution.” Lisa’s tone was adamant. “And if you’re going to stay in that house for the long term you should have upgraded security anyway.”

  “I agree,” Kayla said and then changed the subject. “What are you doing this weekend? Maybe we can get together.”

  “This weekend isn’t good. I’ve got a premiere tomorrow night, and a party I have to attend on Saturday. Let’s try for next weekend.”

  “Okay. Have you talked to Sean today?”

  “No. Why?”

  “Just wondering. Before I went to bed last night, I discovered him parked in front of my house standing guard.”

  After a lengthy pause Lisa said, “I’m betting that didn’t go over too well. Did you order him to leave?”

  “He refused. He ended up in my guest room and left early this morning. Things were a little tense.”

  “Well, I, for one, am glad he showed up.”

  “Of course, you are.” Kayla couldn’t help but grin. “I’m surprised you didn’t come over yourself.”

  “I thought about it,” Lisa retorted. “I’m relieved Sean acted on his impulse. If I’d known he was there I would have gotten a better night’s sleep.”

  “Both of you overreacted.”

  “Our reactions were normal. Yours, on the other hand, was completely naïve. You should be thanking Sean instead of being all pissy. Not many men would have done what he did for you last night.”

  “I’m not being pissy,” Kayla said crossly. “Don’t you have a meeting or something to go to?”

  “Nope.” Lisa chuckled. “Did I hit nerve?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Kayla tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

  “Not all men are like Greg.”

  “This isn’t about Greg,” Kayla protested quickly.

  “Isn’t it?” Lisa asked. “Maybe Sean’s getting a little too close and it’s scaring you.”

  Damn Lisa for knowing her so well.

  “That’s not it at all. I’m not interested in Sean romantically.” She flashed back to the two kisses she’d shared with Sean, one of which she’d initiated. But Lisa didn’t know about them, or how they’d made her feel. Like her insides had gone all soft and gooey and had her longing for more.

  “For such a good actress, you really don’t lie all that convincingly.”

  “I’ve got to go,” Kayla said. She had to stop this conversation before it went any further. Lisa was getting a little too close for comfort. “They want me back in the house.”

  “Make sure they go over everything with you before they leave,” Lisa said. “And call me later.”

  “I will.” Kayla put the phone down and smiled. “Who says I don’t lie convincingly?” She picked up the script change for Friday and began to read. Just as she’d speculated with Sean, the writers were having Shay follow Jared on his undercover stakeout. Finally, they were starting to see that Shay had some gumption. She wanted to help Jared, and while following him on the stakeout probably wasn’t the best plan, she meant well.

  Kayla kept reading, anxious to see how the scene would play out. Would Shay ruin the stakeout, or end up helping Jared? When she got to the end of the scene, her heart began to race. She had to go back and reread it to make sure she’d read it right.

  Yes. She’d read it right. It was all there in black and white.

  Jared and Shay were going to kiss.

  Kayla looked up from the script, dumbfounded. She hadn’t expected Jared and Shay to share a kiss so soon. In fact, she’d thought it would be months before they locked lips.

  Tossing the script and envelope on the table, she tried—unsuccessfully—to tamp down her emotions. Emotions that had catapulted from excited to extremely nervous. It was ridiculous. She was a professional, and had always acted like one. Plus, she’d kissed dozens of actors in her career and never batted an eye. But Sean wasn’t just any actor. He was a man she was intensely attracted to. Even with the crew watching, how could she kiss him and not be affected?

  She had to give props to Kenneth Stover and his writing team. They sure knew how to write a cliffhanger.

  * * *

  Early Friday morning, Sean walked into Amanda’s office. “Got a minute?” he asked as she looked up from some paperwork on her desk.

  She took off her glasses and rubbed the bridge of her nose. “What’s up?”

  “Do you know if the police saw anything on the security cameras on the lot the day Kayla’s car was vandalized?”

  “I know they looked at the footage but if they saw anything suspicious they didn’t share it with anyone here.” She frowned and slipped her glasses back on. “According to the security guard at the gate, no one entered the lot that wasn’t authorized to be here.”

  “So then someone had to have jumped the wall.” Sean paused, not liking the other possibility. That the stalker was someone they worked with.

  “That’s what it sounds like.” Amanda pointed to several stacks of mail. “That’s Kayla’s latest batch of fan mail. I took the liberty of looking through it. I didn’t see anyth
ing that resembled those envelopes but she’ll need to open them all to make sure.”

  He ran a hand through his hair, frustrated that there didn’t seem to be any clue as to who was harassing her.

  “Sean, everyone here at the studio adores Kayla.” Amanda’s expression was solemn. “And now that we all know about this wacko, we’re keeping a close watch on her mail. Security has been stepped up on the lot. No one can get to her when she’s at work.”

  “I’m sure she’ll appreciate that,” he said and wondered if that was true. Kayla sure hadn’t appreciated his efforts to keep her safe. Sean held up his script. “I’d better go. I don’t want to be late for rehearsal,” he said and turned to leave Amanda’s office.

  “Better use mouthwash today,” she called after him in a cheeky voice.

  So Amanda knew about the kissing scene. When he’d read the revised scene last night Sean wasn’t surprised that Jared and Shay were going to kiss. The writers weren’t stupid. Jared and Shay were catching on, the viewers loved them. It made sense to capitalize on their growing popularity by teasing the audience with a kiss. There was only one problem as far as he could see. How was he supposed to kiss Kayla and not get turned on?

  There was always his old standby. Think about baseball. There was only one problem, there weren’t enough baseball stats in the world to override his body’s response to Kayla Maxwell. Last night, in her kitchen, it was all he could do not to take her right there on the tile floor.

  After unlocking his dressing room door, he stepped inside, hit the light switch and turned on the small television he’d bought so he could watch baseball when he wasn’t on the set. He tuned it to the sports channel and glanced at his watch. In about ten minutes he and Kayla would start rehearsals for their scenes.

  Needing a distraction from his thoughts, he sank down on the recliner in the corner of the room just as the highlights from the Dodgers and Phillies game from the night before came on. The game hadn’t been televised so he watched with interest. The Dodgers held a slight lead in the standings over the San Francisco Blaze but it was only the end of May. The season was far from over.

  “Shit,” he muttered as they showed a clip of Matt charging the mound and going after the Phillies closing pitcher. Sean cringed as he watched Matt throw a vicious punch. Luckily, the pitcher ducked and Matt was swinging at air. But the umpire didn’t care and ejected Matt from the game. Leaning back in the chair, Sean watched as Matt argued with the umpire, kicked dirt at him and then stalked off the field. “You’re digging your own grave, buddy.” He reached for the remote and turned off the television when he heard his name and the directive to report to the set over the studio’s loudspeaker.

  Just as he stepped out of his dressing room and closed the door, Kayla rounded the corner. He hadn’t seen her since he’d left her house yesterday morning. Before he’d left, she’d offered him coffee but they’d barely spoken. Obviously, she was still angry that he’d camped out at her house.

  “Hi.” He spoke first, letting his gaze roam over her. The bruise on her forehead had faded, and instead of looking pale and tired, she looked fresh and vibrant. Her hair was loose around her shoulders, and she was wearing a pair of snug jeans and a gauzy sheer white blouse with what looked like a tank top underneath it. Unable to resist, he focused on her lips. Heat shot through his body. He was definitely going to have to think about baseball during their kiss or he was in danger of losing every ounce of control he had.

  “They just called us on the loudspeaker.” If Kayla was still angry at him, she wasn’t letting it show. Her voice was pleasant.

  “I heard. I was watching the Dodgers highlights.”

  “I’d tell you I’m sorry they lost, but I’m not. San Francisco is going to win the division,” she said with a hint of a smile.

  He snorted. “In your dreams.”

  “You might have a chance if your catcher would get his act together.”

  “I keep telling Matt if he keeps it up he’s going to get traded.”

  Kayla shot him a surprised glance. “You know Matt Scanlon?”

  “He’s my best friend,” he said as they walked down the hallway together. The tension between them had eased. Perhaps Kayla felt more secure now that she’d had her meeting with the security company. “I’ve known him since we were kids.”

  “He’s been thrown out of a lot of games this year,” she commented as they approached the entrance to the set.

  Sean opened the door for her. “I think he’s trying to set a record for most ejections during the season.”

  Kayla stopped at the threshold, turned and lifted her gaze to his. “I owe you an apology.”

  “For what?”

  She bit her bottom lip and her cheeks turned a becoming shade of pink. “For acting like an ungrateful witch when you were only trying to make sure I was safe.”

  “Ungrateful witch is going a bit too far, don’t you think?” he said with a grin.

  “No.” Kayla laughed huskily and reached up to play with a heart shaped charm she wore on a silver chain around her neck. “And you’re just being polite. Admit it. I was kind of bitchy last night.”

  Sean shook his head. “You admitted it, so why don’t we leave it at that.”

  “Works for me,” she said, turning from him to enter the studio.

  He followed her through the doorway, letting his gaze linger on the sweet curve of her ass before remembering that he had to squelch any thoughts of her ass, her breasts and her luscious lips. They were on set now, and he had to be professional.

  “Hey, guys,” Bill said as they stepped on to the set of Jared’s house. He was holding his ever-present clipboard, and had a pen tucked behind his ear.

  “Hi, Bill,” Kayla greeted him cheerily.

  “You doing okay?” Bill asked Kayla, concern evident in his eyes.

  “I’m not going to let some nut job get the best of me.”

  “That’s my girl.” Bill smiled at her with fondness. Amanda was right. Everyone did adore Kayla. Even crusty Bill, who rarely took a liking to anyone. “You both got the new scene, right?” Bill asked, looking from Kayla to Sean.

  “Yes,” Sean said with a nod.

  Bill glanced at the clipboard and then at Kayla. “Okay, let’s run through the first scene. Kayla, when you come down the stairs, Shay is going to see Jared getting his gun. She’s curious, and during the dialogue she becomes annoyed because Jared won’t answer her questions about his undercover assignment. When Sean exits I want you to wait a few seconds, grab the prop keys on the credenza just behind the sofa and then follow him.”

  “Got it.”

  Bill turned his attention to him. “Sean, start the scene by going to the closet and getting the gun locker down from the top shelf. You know the drill, you’ve done it before. Just as you put on your holster and check your gun, Kayla will come down the stairs.” Bill paused. “Take your marks.”

  Sean rounded the dark brown sofa that occupied the center of the set and went to stand by the closet door as Kayla walked up the short flight of steps and ducked from sight. He was relieved they were rehearsing this scene first. That way he could get into character, and maybe—just maybe—when he kissed Kayla, he’d be so in character he wouldn’t think twice about who he was kissing.

  Yeah, right. Who was he kidding?

  * * *

  Sitting in her dressing room, Kayla flipped through the latest copy of Soap Opera Journal. Waiting to be called to rehearsal for the last scene was nerve wracking, and as each second ticked by she was getting more and more nervous. The rehearsal of the first scene had gone off without a hitch. Both she and Sean had been prepared and had it down pat the first time they did it.

  Bill had been pleased and then said he’d call her back when he wanted to run through the final scene. To pass the time, she’d grabbed the Soap Opera Journal from the magazine collection in the break room. She could have stayed on set to watch Sean and Chris rehearse, but decided it would be best for her eq
uilibrium to keep her distance from Sean until the last possible moment.

  Looking at photos in the gossip section of the magazine, it suddenly dawned on her that she and Sean were going to have to kiss twice. Once in rehearsal and then again at taping. As her stomach clenched she saw something that immediately took her mind off of Sean. A picture of Greg Alamo.

  Kayla gaped at the photo, not only surprised to see him in the soap magazine, but shocked to see him arm in arm with Rachel Hixson at what looked like some red carpet event. They were a striking duo. Greg with his dark good looks, and Rachel with her blonde hair perfectly coiffed and dressed to the nines, were smiling prettily at the camera. Like Rachel, Greg loved attending parties and premieres. He had dragged her to way too many of them when they were together, always saying that the publicity would help their careers. But it was his career he was concerned about, not hers.

  The picture was recent, and, thank God, didn’t stir any feelings within her other than curiosity. Were Greg and Rachel dating, or was she just another in his long line of starlets? Kayla didn’t care for Rachel but she wouldn’t wish what Greg had done to her on anyone. He was the worst kind of man: controlling, a pathological liar and a user, or as Lisa called him—a narcissist.

  The sudden crackle of the loudspeaker startled her. “Kayla. Report to the set please.”

  Kayla closed the magazine, rose from the small sofa, took a deep breath, then opened the door and headed for the set.

  The dock set was opposite the park set and neither was ever dismantled. They were sets frequently used on the show and therefore it was easier and more cost effective to keep them intact. As she approached, she caught a glimpse of Sean sitting on one of the pier moorings looking extremely hot in his faded jeans and Dodgers T-shirt.

  Bill turned from his production assistant and nodded to her before looking over at two day players leaning against the fake wall of the warehouse. The two men smiled at her. They were regulars, and appeared in the background of a lot of scenes at the dock and the parks.


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