The Billionaire and the Virgin: H's story (The Billionaires Book 1)

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The Billionaire and the Virgin: H's story (The Billionaires Book 1) Page 4

by Gisele St. Claire

  “Don’t you want to remarry, Henry? Have a family someday?”

  “And risk it happening all over again?”

  “The chances of a future wife having a brain tumor must be the same as those of a lottery win, surely?”

  “Leave it, Amelia.”

  “Don’t you want children?” She repeated.

  “Yes I wanted children.” I finally exploded. “But when you lose a son in the womb, along with your wife, that kind of fucks things up a little. It’s better to be who I am. Dead inside. I can’t get hurt again that way.”

  “Wh-what do you mean, Henry? When did you lose a child?”

  I looked at Amelia in horror. Her face was pale and her lips trembled.”

  “Vee was pregnant. Surely you knew that? She was four and a half months along.”

  Amelia shook her head. “I don’t remember that, Henry. Did she tell me that? Did I know? Have I blocked it out?”

  I shook my head. “I can’t answer that. I don’t know.”

  “She would have told me she was having a baby, wouldn’t she? I’d have been so excited to get a baby niece or nephew. There has to be some explanation. There has to be.” She let out a squeal of anguish. “You lost your wife and a son. Your future. I’m so sorry, Henry. So, so sorry.”

  I got down from my stool and wrapped my arms around her as she cried on my shoulder. She cried for me and what I’d lost as well as for the confusion she’d grown up with.

  At that point I wished she’d never come here, but I held on to her just the same until she stopped.

  I backed away from her.

  “I’m not going to the gym, Amelia. I’m going to head off to a bar for an hour. It’s been a bit heavy. Why don’t you go lie down in your room and we’ll talk some more tomorrow? I’ll see you in the office at eight.”

  “Okay.” She sniffed and left the room.

  I changed my shirt, which was wet from her tears, and I drove to the club.

  At the bar I downed three scotches in quick succession, and then I looked in all the rooms. I found one where a woman was in the room alone wearing a mask. Her bracelet was black with silver stars meaning she wanted to play. I guessed someone had just left her. She was lying on the bed, her legs open while her own hand strummed her clit. I went over to the bed and took over. I played with her pussy until she was on the brink of orgasm and then I turned her over onto all fours and I plunged my cock deep inside her. She groaned, whether with passion or faking it, I didn’t give a damn. I thrust into her, pent up rage making me rough. I pinched her nipples hard with one hand while my other fisted in her hair, holding her in place as I thrust into her again and again until she climaxed around my cock. I turned her over again to face me and pulled her mask up until her mouth was uncovered and then I jerked off until my hot sticky cum spurted and hit her mouth and chin. I didn’t stay to help her clean up. I felt both satisfied and unsatisfied as I moved away from the bed. I cleaned myself up and went back to the bar.

  Sometimes I felt it was so much easier for those who died than those left behind. My oblivion was short lived. Alcohol wore off.

  Chapter 5


  The night was a long one with little sleep. I was frustrated as I needed to call my mom to get answers to the new questions in my mind. Why would my sister not have told me she was having a baby? Perhaps she’d thought I was too young and was waiting until she showed more? That was probably it. I was being stupid. Things with Henry tonight had become heated and emotional. He’d left the apartment, slamming the door behind him, and I wondered if he’d gone to his club.

  I also wondered if he’d tell me tomorrow about his other business when I was being shown around? One thing was for sure. I was going to be a model employee.

  Yes, I knew my being here was upsetting to Henry, and maybe bringing back memories he didn’t want to face, but I couldn’t apologize for what I was doing. I needed to do this to get my own life on track. For once, I was putting my own needs first. I’d enjoyed him comforting me when I’d cried and then I’d felt guilty. It was his loss, yet I was the one crying and being comforted? How did someone cope with the loss of their wife and child? Their whole future world. Well, he hadn’t, had he? He’d buried it as deep as he’d buried his wife. If there was one goal I had for him while I was here, it was to get him to see life was worth taking chances for.

  Eventually, in the early hours of the morning, I heard the door open and Henry stumbling down the corridor. Footsteps came all the way down to my room. The door pushed open slightly, and I quickly closed my eyes and let my mouth hang open, pretending to be asleep.

  “What the fuck are you doing to me, Amelia.” He whispered from the doorway.

  Then I heard the door close and his footsteps stumbling back to his own room.

  He was gone, already at work when I went to the kitchen the next morning.

  “Morning, Mary. I need all the coffee in the world today.” I smiled at her.

  “Are you excited about your first day?” She asked.

  “Nervous.” I replied honestly. “I know I can do the job, but with Henry knowing me, I don’t want people thinking he’s making allowances, or I got the job from being kind of family.”

  “How close were you to him, back then?” She asked me. I could tell Mary was fond of Henry and had developed a motherly relationship with him.

  “I didn’t really know him at all.” I told her truthfully. “They eloped to get married, so I didn’t get to be a bridesmaid or anything. Then they lived in Manhattan. He’d just bought them a house in the Hampton’s, was bringing her home, when she passed. Then he went back to Manhattan and cut himself off from us all.”

  “You like him, don’t you?” She asked me.

  I hesitated, but only for a moment. It was a chance to admit how I felt for once. To get things off my chest.

  “He was always like some mysterious Prince Charming to me, Mary. I thought I’d built him up in my mind as a kind of fantasy, you know? But when I saw him, well, he’s still like that to me. The unattainable prince. He was married to my sister. He’s an impossibility, and maybe that makes him even more attractive? I have intimacy issues, so pursuing someone I’ll never have is typical Amelia territory.”

  “Well, I have no idea if he is, or will ever be, attracted to you, or whether you’ll forever be Vee’s little sister, but I do know this. I’ve seen more life in him the last two days than I’ve seen in all the years I’ve worked for him. I’ve seen Henry. Your being here is good for him. So I hope you stay. Just be gentle with him.”

  “I will. If nothing else, I’m sure we’ll be friends.”

  “Would you like some bacon? I know H said to hurry and get to work.”

  “Can I have a bacon sandwich to go?” I hopped off my stool. “I’d better go and get ready.”

  I arrived at work with ten minutes to spare, and one of his assistants asked me to wait outside his office. At eight am sharp his office door opened, and he looked out with an annoyed look on his face before spotting me. He gestured me inside his office.

  “You thought I’d be late, didn’t you?” I smirked.

  “I know how much you love Mary’s breakfasts, and I didn’t think you’d be able to resist.”

  It was straight into business mode after that. Henry himself showed me around the building and introduced me to people. I was assigned an assistant, Jessica, and already had a diary full of appointments. Some were more introductions to people, such as Tyler, from IT, who gave me an induction to the computer systems, etc, and set me up with passwords. At other times I had meetings to attend with Henry himself. I was kept busy and went home to the apartment every night exhausted. Henry wasn’t around and so I spent most evenings in the living room, curled up watching TV while I processed the day.

  Henry had a last minute ‘business trip’ at the weekend which took him away from the apartment. I started to wonder if he was avoiding me. I’d barely seen him apart from spending time in meetings wi
th him. My following week’s diary was pretty much the same. I was learning the ropes. He’d not mentioned the club. Once I knew he was not going to be around at the weekend, I called up some girlfriends and had them show me Manhattan at night.

  By the time Monday came around again, I was frustrated with Henry’s apparent avoidance of me.

  As I sat at my computer on Monday, studying some very exciting company policies, Jessica buzzed through.

  “Do you have time to see Aidan Hall? He’s a business partner of Mr Carter’s. Mr Carter is not in, so he was wondering if he could see you instead?”

  “I know Aidan. Yes, send him in.” I told her.

  I got up from my seat as Aiden walked through the door.

  Aiden Hall was a very attractive man. At around six feet tall, he was dark haired and dark eyed. He had a friendly look on his face, though I could tell by looking at him that if he wanted to, I’d bet he could put a brooding, chill factor on people.

  “Hey, Amelia. I thought I’d see how you were settling in. What’s that look on your face? Do I have pen on my lip or something?” He felt at his face. It was a hint of vulnerability and it made me chuckle.

  “I was just wondering what your deal making face looks like. You know, when you’re trying to close in on an important deal and you’re being fucked over. What does your intimidating stare look like?”

  “Ah, I don’t have one. I just charm everyone and they fall at my feet.” He laughed.

  I shook my head at him. “Coffee?”

  “Yes please.” He sat across from me while I asked Jessica for two coffees.

  “So how are you settling in?” He asked me again.

  “Busy.” I told him, “although this morning I had some free time, hence I decided to read up on some exciting company policies.”

  “I’m glad I came in to save you from that then.”

  “So what did you want Henry for? Anything I can help you with?” I relaxed back in my chair. I liked Aidan even though I didn’t know him well. There was something about him, maybe his easygoing manner, which put me at ease.

  “Ah, I knew H wasn’t around this morning. I just came to check in on you and that was my excuse.”


  “So, how was your first week?”

  A knock came at the door.

  “Come in.”

  Jessica brought in both our coffees.

  “White, two sugars?” She asked Aidan. He was obviously a regular fixture around here. After she left, I tried to take a sip of my too hot coffee.

  “So, how do you know Henry then? What business do you do with him? I see you’re on my schedule to meet anyway, Thursday at four.”

  “That’s why I’m here. I wondered if you’d like to go to dinner instead? Far nicer to discuss business over great food than sit in my boring office.”

  I crossed one leg over the other and looked at him shrewdly. “Is there an agenda to this dinner?”

  “No agenda, just like I said, nicer surroundings.” He changed his posture, sitting open-legged with his arms resting on his knees and hands between his thighs, fingers intertwined. He looked up at me, gaze direct. “So how about it?”

  “Fine. I like Italian.” I told him.

  “And that’s my business game face,” he told me laughing. “See how effective it is.”

  I guffawed. “Well played, Aidan, well played. I didn’t even know you were gaming me.”

  “See, mostly you win business with honesty and charm. I’m not much of a player and can’t do aloof to save my life. Now, I’m no pushover. I’m very, very ambitious, but I can’t manage H’s icy, brooding stare that wilts people under the pressure, so I go with being the good guy.”

  “And are you a good guy?” I asked, eyebrow raised.

  “Mostly.” He answered.

  “So you met Henry through business then?”

  He took a fraction too long to answer and so I made a calculated guess.

  “His other business, right? The Club?”

  “You know about the club?” He asked, his voice slower, like he was treading carefully.

  “Of course.”

  Aidan visibly relaxed. “Oh thank fuck, he told you. I thought I was going to have to pretend forever that there wasn’t a sex club on the floor above us.”

  I flinched and was pleased he’d been distracted by lifting up his coffee cup.

  “Yes, well I felt if I was his second in command I should know everything.” I lied. “He was cagey in telling me how you knew him though.” I tried to lead Aidan on.

  “Well, that’s his story to tell, not mine. But I reckon he’s getting bored with the club and I’m happy to take it off his hands, so put in a good word for me won’t you?”

  “You want to buy a sex club?”

  “Yes, it will go nicely alongside my new movie studio and publishing company.”

  “You own a movie company?”

  “Yes, it makes adult movies. GoDown Films. I acquired it recently. The Club would make a fabulous backdrop for a series of movies and could become an extension of the movies, a kind of, experience it for yourself.” He closed his mouth and chewed his lip. “Why, Amelia, you have a way of getting people to divulge private information. I just gave away my business plan to you.”

  “I can keep a secret.” I told him.

  “Can you?” He said. “Then don’t tell Henry we switched the office for dinner until after we’ve eaten. He’ll think I have ulterior motives.”

  “Well, if you did, what concern is it of Henry’s?” I asked, my curiosity peaked. Had Henry warned him off?

  “I like my balls where they are, rather than strung up somewhere. Once we’ve had dinner, and he realizes you’re still intact, he might relax a little.”

  At his comment my face burned with an intensity that meant I thought I was going to need dousing in water.

  “Are you okay?” Aidan asked. “What did I say to embarrass you? I’m so sorry, Amelia, it wasn’t my intention.”

  I could see the cogs whirring in that business mind as he recounted the conversation.

  “Oh. Jesus.”

  “Aidan, please.”

  “How old are you? You’re like twenty-four aren’t you?”


  “Then how the fuck?”

  I held a finger up to my mouth for him to quieten down.

  “How am I intact? How am I still a virgin at the age of twenty-three? Because I’m frigid.” Now my face burned even more. “I get so far and then I just, well, haven’t been able to get any further.” I sit back. “I cannot believe I am having this conversation with you. Please don’t tell a soul, and especially not Henry.”

  “Amelia. I wouldn’t say a word. Have you been to see someone about this though? There must be professionals who can help you?”

  I shook my head. “No. I truly believe I just haven’t met the right guy. I’ve never met anyone I’ve felt relaxed with, anyone who I honestly wanted to sleep with, and I think it’s my body’s way of telling me they aren’t right for me.”

  “Why not go up to the club one night?” Aidan suggested. “Just go to watch and see if anything you see especially turns you on. Maybe you’re attracted to women, or threesomes. You can just observe there.”

  “I don’t know how the club works.” I told him honestly.

  “I’ll take you Thursday, after dinner.”

  I started to protest.

  “Not to do anything, Amelia. Though I’m not going to lie and say I don’t find you attractive because I do, but there’s no way I would make moves on you. Not with my relationship with H. If things developed between us over time, then that’s something else, but right now, you’re my new business buddy and it won’t be the first time I’ve taken a colleague to Club S to show them the ropes.” He winked.

  I could imagine it. All boys together. In their element at some bawdy sex show.

  “Okay. I’m intrigued, so after dinner, I’d like to see what happens there.”r />


  “How did you know about the club, really? H didn’t tell you did he? You don’t know enough.”

  “Ah, found out.”

  “You don’t know enough. H would have given you extensive information as his new second-in-command. So, spill the details.”

  “I read the rumors about the place on the net.”

  “Fuck. I guess I’ve yet to work out your game face ‘cause I just got played.”

  “Feminine wiles. If you’ve got them, why not use them?” I laughed.

  “So, no talk of dinner and no talk of the club with H, or I won’t take you.” He gave me a cold, hard stare.

  I started laughing again. “So that’s your attempt at a Henry Carter business face I take it?”

  He laughed again, himself. “Now you see why I stick to what I know.”

  “So, how about on Thursday, we meet at my office at four as planned? I’ll show you around as I’m supposed to, and then I’ll drive you back to yours to get changed.”

  He catches my frown.

  “H is away at a conference Thursday evening. I will wait outside for you if you’d rather.”

  I make a note that I need to study Henry’s whereabouts more closely. I’m supposed to be his deputy, and although I’m training at the moment I should still know where he is.

  “Then we’ll go for the Italian, and then I’ll take you to the club. So dress in something black, maybe with silver.”

  “Oh, yes?”

  “It’s kinda a theme. You’ll see.” He told me.

  He finished the rest of his coffee and then got to his feet. “Well, I’d better go slay. Can’t be chatting all day long. That doesn’t assist with my billion dollar empire.”


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