Alphas Gone Wild

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Alphas Gone Wild Page 23

by Unknown


  A voice at the door made me spin. Rochelle stood there, arms bound behind her back, but alive. Relief washed over me – and, as I took in how the position thrust her breasts forward, other emotions that it wasn’t the right time for.

  She was alive – she was safe. Somehow, seeing her gave me renewed hope. I could win this fight now that I knew she was all right.

  “Ecliptic, is it you?” she called.

  The human soared down at me and I shot myself off the ground just in time. I directed my thoughts toward my employee. Yes, it’s me. I’m sorry for everything, Rochelle. I –

  I struggled with the human, thrusting and dodging as if we were in the world’s most dangerous dance. Rochelle’s voice was fainter as she yelled up to our higher heights. “Forget about that! Get his jet pack!”


  “Don’t worry about injuring him! Just break the jet pack, and he’ll fall!”

  The human’s arrogant expression of a few minutes before was replaced by one of panic. He could hear Rochelle as well as I could, and he seemed afraid of her suggestion. It was a logical one. He couldn’t fly on his own. The jet pack was all that was keeping him afloat. If I could puncture that sack with one of my claws, he would plunge immediately to the ground – and probably to his death.

  I flew forward, ignoring the throbbing of my back and the aching of my wings. Rochelle was helping me, I realized. She wasn’t disgusted or repelled by my dragon form. It was me against a human, and she had chosen to help me.

  Which way should I come at him from? Tell me the opposite of what I should do so that I will surprise him.

  “Get him from above!” Rochelle shouted. “You’ll have perfect access to him if you attack him from above!”

  The human immediately braced himself for my attack. Unfortunately for him, that meant looking skyward and propelling himself down. He had no way of knowing the deception Rochelle and I had come up with.

  I struck at him from below, digging my claws into the jet pack as hard as I could. Air whooshed out of it, hissing as it rapidly escaped. The human screamed and cursed as he fell to the ground.

  “You did it!” Rochelle yelled. She had untied her arms somehow, and she pumped her fists in the air to celebrate my victory. I had hardly touched down on the other end of the driveway when she ran up to me and threw her arms around me.

  We did it, I told her.


  “But how did you know to come outside?” Ecliptic asked a few hours after the fight.

  We had called the cops on the man who had tried to kill him. After his fall he was only a hair’s breadth from death, but Ecliptic didn’t believe in solving problems with violence. Besides, he said he wanted the man to rot in jail for what he had done.

  The cops had asked a few questions, but Ecliptic had silenced them pretty quickly with a thick stack of bills. After that, they were fine with putting him in handcuffs and taking him away. It was obvious from his injuries and the strange machinery he was using that he had been up to no good.

  With him taken care of, Ecliptic and I had gone up to his room. He insisted on rubbing my shoulders as he coaxed the details out of me. According to him, he had only defeated the man because of my help. His thumbs digging into my skin felt magical, in any case. Despite what we had just been through, I was finding it hard to keep my mind off the way he was making my stomach flip.

  “I saw you shift,” I said, moving slightly in the chair to give Ecliptic greater access to my stiff shoulders. Being tied up had left me sore and aching. “I was too scared to move at first, but I managed to roll onto my side when I heard the two of you talking. I didn’t know what you were exactly, but I knew you were the one I wanted to win that fight.”

  “You weren’t afraid of my other form? Most humans hate us.”

  “I knew it was still you inside there. A dragon wasn’t any scarier than your normal self.”

  Ecliptic was behind me, but I could feel the air move as he nodded. “It means a lot to me, you know. I never thought any human would accept me the way I am. Especially not a beautiful woman.”

  I didn’t know what to say. When I didn’t respond, Ecliptic went on in a more casual tone. “And you managed to untie your legs,” he said.

  “Yes,” I said with relief. “That part was easy. I untied the other girls, too, and they ran out while you two were in the air.”

  He seemed pacified for a moment, but another torrent of questions came out. “Why didn’t you run, too? Why didn’t you just save yourself? Why did you stay and help me?”

  “I didn’t just save myself because I wanted to save you.”

  I sighed with pleasure as Ecliptic dug his fingers deeper into my shoulders and the back of my neck. “You don’t seem surprised that I’m not human,” he said. “No one has ever found out that I was a dragon shifter before, but I thought it would be more of a shock.”

  “After all the other things that have happened today, that was just the icing on the cake.”

  “What else was so surprising?”

  I laughed. “Where do I begin? Let’s start with my rude boss complimenting my food. Next, he tries to have sex with me. Both of those were a bigger surprise than you being a dragon.”

  “The compliments, too?”

  Turning back to him, I nodded.

  “What can I say?” he murmured. “Your cooking isn’t exactly the whole reason that I hired you.”

  “Is that so?”

  “It’s better than average, but I also liked looking at you.”

  Hearing those words from him, I nearly purred. Ecliptic was a mysterious man, and probably always would be. I finally felt like I was peeling back his layers and finding the man – the dragon – beneath.

  “There’s another surprise,” I said softly. “But none of those were the biggest.” I paused, making Ecliptic wait to hear what I meant. “The biggest surprise was when my rude boss got scared that I was a virgin.”

  The massage stopped again. “I didn’t expect it. You’re so sensual that I didn’t understand how you had resisted all the men who must have wanted you.”

  “There haven’t been that many. No one who interested me enough for that. Anyway, it was nothing to be scared of.”

  “You were scared.”

  I turned to him once more and looked him in the eye. “You didn’t give me a chance to get used to the idea.”

  He frowned. “Are you used to it now?”

  I wasn’t sure. The day had been so long and confusing that my thoughts were all jumbled. I knew Ecliptic was just about the sexiest man I had ever seen. And I knew that his being a dragon somehow only made him sexier. He had always been so harsh with me as an employee. Now he seemed to have learned that we could work together as a team.

  Besides, the thought of him being harsh with me in bed… well… it excited me. He had been rough with me that afternoon, and I had been more aroused than I’d ever been in my life. I would probably have made a snap decision to let him take my cherry if he hadn’t kicked me out of his office. I’d had some time to think about it, and he was giving me that opportunity again.

  “I think I am,” I said.

  His hand, still resting on the back of my neck, trailed down my back. I bit my lip to stop myself from gasping at the ticklish sensation.

  “Are you sure, Rochelle?”

  I took a deep breath. “I’m sure.”

  In one fluid movement, he scooped me off the chair and laid me down on his bed. My panties dampened as I thought about what was going to happen. Just having Ecliptic touch me was more than I had ever hoped for. Just giving him pleasure was all I would have ever asked.

  Now he was kissing me with all the passion I had never thought was possible. His hands ran over my body, and he seemed to delight in my generous curves. I sucked in air desperately as he slipped a finger under the hem of my shirt and ran it across my stomach. When he did the same at my neckline, I couldn’t help but moan.

p; “Have you ever been touched here?” Ecliptic asked, his fingers running over the seam of my jeans.

  “Never,” I breathed.

  Ecliptic was perfect, so perfect. The way he pulled my top off and set his mouth to my breasts was perfect. So was the way he undid my pants and slid one finger into the aching space between my thighs. I trembled as he explored me down there. My boss knew exactly what to do to make me feel things I had never felt before.

  Just when I thought my body couldn’t feel any more pleasure, Ecliptic pulled my jeans off completely. I cried out as he buried his head between my thighs. I had touched myself before, but this was different. This was new, and it was heavenly.

  He lapped at me, drawing circles on my most sensitive part with his tongue. As he worked, he groaned with the pleasure of pleasuring me. He rubbed my clit up and down, then moved lower and dove straight into me. The short thrusts he made reminded me of the other things he was going to do, and I trembled harder.

  Something was building inside me. “Don’t stop,” I moaned. “Please keep going.”

  He grunted in response, and his hand squeezed my thigh in agreement. Pulling myself onto my elbows, I gazed down at him. I would never in a million years have thought I would be watching my handsome, heartless employer licking me up with such evident zest. If this was possible, anything was possible, I thought –

  And then the orgasm hit me, my body tensing up at the tip of his tongue, the tension building and building until it all flooded out at once.

  When I realized how loud I’d been screaming, I put a hand over my mouth. Ecliptic wasn’t going to let me be embarrassed, though. We weren’t done yet. The scariest part was still to come.

  My breaths became quick and shallow. This was it now. This was the moment I had, in a way, been waiting my whole life for.

  I could still tell Ecliptic to stop. I had already had the most incredible climax of my life. Things couldn’t get much better than what I had already experienced.

  The thought of stopping now barely crossed my mind before I pushed it aside. Looking up at Ecliptic’s desirous face, I nodded. I was ready, and I was going to do this.

  Ecliptic didn’t immediately get on top of me, though. Instead, he pulled some duct tape from the side table.

  “That man left this behind,” he said.

  “Huh?” I gaped at him, wondering what possible use he could have for that now.

  “I wonder if you could get yourself free again.”

  I still didn’t get it. Why would he want to test my escape skills at this moment?

  Then I saw how his face was growing even more lustful and how his cock strained at his zipper. He was turned on by the idea of tying me up! I had never even considered if I would ever want to be bound while making love. For Ecliptic’s enthusiasm, though, I was willing to try.

  “Okay,” I said, holding out my hands.

  “Not like that.” He bound my hands behind me, then flipped me onto my back. When he helped me to sit up again, he groaned at the sight of my breasts jutting forward. “Your safe word is ‘dragon,’ okay? If you aren’t comfortable or you need to stop, just say ‘dragon.’”

  I frowned. “If I call you a sexy dragon, you’ll stop?”

  “Yes, so don’t do that.”

  He leaned me back against the bed, my arms immobile under me. My legs spread easily, my sensitive spot already longing for more from him. This was it, the actual moment. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my pounding heart. Ecliptic’s hands kneading my breasts didn’t help my heartbeat to slow.

  Although I was still scared, I wanted his cock desperately. I could already tell it was going to feel unbelievable when that huge organ filled me up and stretched me out. I whimpered as Ecliptic put his hand between my legs again. And then, as he began to penetrate me, I wailed.

  He was gentle at first, pushing excruciatingly slowly through the barrier that blocked his way. Once he was through, his thrusts became harder, if not faster. He pushed his cock all the way into me, ending right before my cervix, then drew it all the way back out until only the very tip was left inside. Each time he pressed it back in, it was like the first thrust all over again.

  I moaned, almost mewled, and wriggled under his svelte frame. This was really happening, I reminded myself. I was having sex – with my boss! Who was a dragon! I almost smiled, thinking about how I wasn’t allowed to say the word “dragon.” Then I gasped instead as Ecliptic thrust deep inside me.

  “Faster,” I moaned. “Please, go faster.”

  As if just to torture me, Ecliptic moved even slower. His thrusts slowed to a glacial pace. I arched my hips up, trying to get him deeper into me, but with my hands tied under me there wasn’t much I could do.

  I had given up all control. I had no way to convince him other than with my voice. “Give me more,” I begged.

  His voice was raspy when he responded, and I realized this was affecting him as much as me. This gorgeous older man was as turned on by my body as I was by his. “More, who?” he demanded.

  “Give me more, sir.”

  With a grunt of satisfaction, he took tighter hold of my hips. He slammed into me, finally giving it to me as fast and hard as I had wanted. I thrashed under him, pleasure taking over me. “Yes,” I moaned. “I’m going to come.”

  “Come for me, Rochelle. Come on my cock.”

  My muscles squeezed him, bearing down so hard I thought they might crush him. This was going to be even more powerful than my last orgasm.

  “I want to watch you come. Squeeze my cock.”

  His words only penetrated so far in my fogged-up mind, but some part of me grasped that my orgasm felt good for him, too. That turned me on more, and the thought of my walls gripping his cock pushed me over the edge. With my arms still pinned under me, the rest of my body shook wildly. My eyes squeezed shut so tightly that my vision turned white, and the dragon above me screamed…


  The bed was too hot for comfort, but Ecliptic’s firm body called to me. Snuggling up against it had to be the best feeling in the world.

  Dragons liked heat, it seemed, and we often bickered about how to keep the blankets. Ecliptic sighed as I fidgeted, pulling the covers off me but keeping him covered.

  He claimed that because it was his room, he should decide what temperature we slept at. But I was staying there with him so often that I hardly saw my own room anymore. We hadn’t talked about me officially moving in with him yet, but I felt it was on the horizon. If it was our room, I should have an equal say in the temperature control.

  My other argument was that I had given him back the “dewdrops” I had found, and therefore he owed me some consideration. I could have just sold them and kept the thousands of dollars they were worth.

  We had discussed those jewels many times over the past few weeks. They were basically worthless to him – they grew on his dragon body, and while they didn’t immediately grow back, it would only take a few weeks for them to reappear.

  Now I tucked the edges of the sheets around Ecliptic and draped my naked body over his. In his sleep, he smiled. It was funny to think how scared of him I used to be. Under his harsh exterior, there was a man who could almost be described as “kind.” And I had quickly come to enjoy his dominance.

  I still cooked for him like an employee, but now my days were broken up by him coming into the kitchen to flirt with me. The work day didn’t feel long at all when it was interspersed with sweet kisses. I was highly amused when he showed me the webcam he sometimes used to watch me.

  Ecliptic was still often less than satisfied with my cooking. Now, though, he would put me over his knee if the food wasn’t completely to his liking. Sometimes I cooked wrong on purpose so that I could feel the sting of his hand on my backside.

  When he revealed that he wasn’t just a dragon but a dragon prince, it hardly surprised me. I was used to his surprises by then. So he had a kingdom to rule over. So what? As long as he was mine, I didn’t care what titles
anyone else wanted to call him.

  My lover breathed deeply as I curled myself around him. The human who had wanted to kill Ecliptic was safely in jail. We would have to be on our guard for a long time, but it seemed that he hadn’t told anyone what he had found out. Greed had probably made him keep the secret to himself.

  Ecliptic was at peace in his sleep. And, a minute after I settled myself on his shoulder, so was I.

  Cat Lover

  By Selena Kitt


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