Alphas Gone Wild

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Alphas Gone Wild Page 40

by Unknown

  “Actually, no. The mind is so much more than willing, but the body...not so much.”

  He rolled off of her.

  “Can you help me up? I want to use the rest room and see how my foot is. The meds are making me kind of wonky so I’m not all together sure how bad it is.”

  He was up and by her side in a flash, helping her. She looked down as she stood up. That was a mistake. Her head got woozy and she almost fell.

  “Careful, love, you don’t want to break something on top of everything else.” Wasn’t that the truth.

  She hobbled into the bathroom with his arm for support. It actually didn’t hurt that bad. As she made her way to the sink, she stopped to see her neck, expecting an angry wound. In its place was a very faint mark where his teeth had been. She would have missed it if she hadn’t known it was there.

  “I can barely see it, but everyone else noticed right away.” She fingered the marks and was surprised that it felt so amazing. She met his eyes through the mirror and he was pleased. “Explain?”

  “Well, they can smell that you are my mate.” That explained that, but not what she really wanted to know. She gave him her best stink eye. “Fine. The bite, from what I understand, will take the place as your number one erogenous zone.”

  Score. She would take it.

  “So let me get this straight. By becoming your mate, I not only get you, but I get a new erogenous zone as well?”

  “Uh huh. Pretty good deal, I would say.” There was no denying that.

  “Wait, I remember something I need to know. When you came down my throat, I exploded. Is that a mate thing?” It was amazing and she hoped to experience it time and again. Please let it be a mating thing.

  “Yes and no.” He put his hand on her scar and she lost all ability to concentrate. “Sorry. I’ll stop.” She wanted to beg him to continue, but he was right. She needed rest and some time to digest this all. “It is a mating thing, but you don’t need to be fully mated for it to happen.”

  “Like a super bonus prize for giving orgasms?”

  “Yes. Like a super bonus prize.” He gathered a few things and placed them on the counter and turned to her “Here is a new towel and wash cloth and a spare tooth brush. The doctor said to avoid getting your foot wet for a few days so best avoid the shower until I can get it covered better.” He kissed her cheek and started to walk away.

  “Call me if you need help.” With that, he closed the door.

  She sat on the edge of the tub for a long time thinking about the past two days. There was nothing even remotely close to normal about them. How one flat tire turned into crazy monkey sex with a near stranger, a fight to the death, and a mating were beyond her, but she would take it. While she had a ton to think about, process, and work through, she felt deep inside that this was right where she needed to be.

  Effective Immediately…

  “Tell me again.” Bruno was looking at her like he was about to come just from her words.

  “We no longer need your services and consider your resignation effective immediately.”

  It had been two weeks since she’d had her flat tire. She had called in sick, the doctor noting that she would be unable to work on her pain meds for her foot. She could have, but damn it she wanted her time to enjoy her newly mated status, and enjoy it they did.

  When she walked into her boss’s office, resignation in hand, she fully expected for them to take her up on her notice. She was shocked when he assumed she was a possible security risk. Apparently taking your first sick time right before you resign looked fishy. Not that she would complain. She was all about getting home. She liked the sound of that. Home.

  “Effective immediately.” He said into her lips. “That may be the sexiest thing I have ever heard.”

  She reached her hands under his shirt, needing to feel him and he growled. That never failed to undo her. “Agreed…and hubby?” Oh goodness, she loved the sound of that. No one would have ever pegged her for the type of girl to have a quicky wedding, but it felt oh so right.

  “Yes, my love?” He was kissing her mark and she was barely able to concentrate. Crap, she wasn’t even sure what she had wanted to ask him. “Umm, honey, you did it again.”

  “Did what?” he said against her mark and she nearly came.

  “Made my panties drenched.”

  He laughed into her neck and this time she did come, no lie. Her marking took grand prize as best erogenous zone ever.

  She was coming so hard that it didn’t fully register that he had picked her up and carried her to the bed in the townhouse. It didn’t register that he was undressing her. Goodness, it didn’t register that he had gotten naked. When she finally came down to reality she cussed under her breath. “You always do that, you know. Just once I want to be able to watch the unveiling.”

  “Unveiling?” He could hardly contain his laughter.

  “Well you are a work of art, so it seems fitting.”

  He entered her with one smooth motion. “I have nothing on the beauty beneath of me.” He started to move very slowly. “I wake up every morning hoping that it is not a dream that all of these amazing curves truly are mine. That, while fate may have chosen you for me, that you chose me for you.”

  She put her hand on his cheek. “Oh, my love, I had no choice but to pick you. You fill my every thought.” She pulled him down into a kiss.

  They spent the afternoon leisurely making love. Neither in a rush, both just embracing their connection. It was one of the most amazing days of Victoria’s life.

  Epilogue – Also Known As HEA Time

  She couldn’t wait to tell him. Darn town council meeting was keeping him late and all she wanted to do was to see the look on his face when she told him the news. She had already vacuumed, loaded and unloaded the dishwasher, completed the laundry and baked cookies. She gave up. She was out of all things that could possibly distract her. It was now wear a hole in the carpet by pacing time.

  That was exactly what she was doing when he came in the front door. Pacing back and forth like a caged lion.

  “What’s wrong, honey?” He looked worried.

  “Wrong? Oh nothing, I was just waiting for you?”

  “While pacing?” He sounded unsure.

  “Well, first I cleaned...well, everything, and then I baked cookies. I didn’t get into the pacing until the third hour of your meeting.” She went over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Are you going to kiss your wife hello?”

  There was no need to ask him twice. He kissed her thoroughly, and when they both came up for air, she whispered, “Three.”

  He pulled back. “Three?”

  She nodded.

  “For real. Three?”

  “For real. I went to Doc Smith’s at lunch time to do all the new patient garbly gook and have him do a final check of my foot. He had me pee in a cup when he ‘had a feeling’ and it was positive.”

  Bruno was twirling her around in a circle like a little kid. The man was practically giddy. “But you said three. Not pregnant, three.”

  “Patience. Learn some patience.”

  He growled in the not-so-sexy way and it made her laugh. Her big bad bear may scare everyone else in town, but he never once scared her.

  “So he gave me one of those ultra sound dohickies.” She was totally messing with Bruno. She had pictures and she could just show him, but dragging it out was fun. “And did you know shifter babies grow, like, super crazy fast?”

  He just stared at her blankly. She could see him struggling to stay patient so she pulled out the picture to put him out of his misery. He took it and awe filled his face.

  “Those are our three little ones. They will, according to the doctor, be here in another five months.”

  “Three.” His voice was filled with wonder as he ran his finger over the picture, touching each of the babies as he did. He dropped to his knees and put his hand on her hips, holding her still as he began to talk.

  “Hi guys. It’s
me, your dad. I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am that you are coming.”

  She felt tears begin to fall from her eyes.

  “Now be good to your mommy and stay there until we tell you it is okay to come out. We want you completely ready for this world when you enter it.” The pride in his voice touched her so deeply. “I have a secret for you. You are bears. How cool is that? Pretty exciting stuff if you ask me. Now grow for mommy and try not to make her tummy yucky. No one needs that.”

  He stood up and cupped her face with his hands. “Why the tears, love?” He wiped them with his thumbs, his hands never leaving her face. “This is happy news.”

  “These are happy tears, Bruno. Happy, happy tears.”

  He bent forward and kissed her gently. “I love you, Victoria.”

  “And I you, Bruno.”

  About the Author

  Filled with the desire to write books she wouldn’t want her mama to know she read, much less wrote, Ever Coming was born.

  Ever Coming is the naughty pen name of an international best selling author who simply wanted to get her smut on. When she is not reading and writing the naughty, Ever is usually found enjoying time with her kids and husband.

  Also by Ever Coming

  The Mommy Porn Chronicles

  Follow the women of the Mommy Porn Book Club as they turn their secret Kindle-fueled fantasies into scorching realities.

  Sating Sarah (Book 1)

  Mastering Mary (Book 2)

  Doing Daisy (Book 3)

  Read them for free on Kindle Unlimited

  Desired (True Alpha, Episode 1)

  by Alisa Woods

  September 2014 Edition

  All rights reserved.

  Sworn Secrets Publishing

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author. For information visit:

  Alisa Woods

  Desired (True Alpha 1) - New Adult Paranormal Romance Serial:

  Shifters live in the shadows of Seattle, just under the skin of the alpha male, dot-com entrepreneurs who are building a new Silicon Valley in the Emerald City.

  Mia is just a college girl trying to earn her business degree and dig out of the poverty she was born into—being a shifter is something she hides, hoping her secret doesn’t sabotage her dreams.

  Lucas is a broken alpha, a wolf who lost his mate, his pack, and almost himself—he wasn’t looking to rescue a girl or start a pack war. But now he has to keep her safe or it won’t just be her life, but his whole family at risk… only his inner wolf can’t seem to keep its paws off a girl who has secrets of her own.

  Desired (True Alpha 1) is 80 pages or 20,000 words. It’s the first of six episodes in the True Alpha serial.

  Alpha Lovers Newsletter

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  Chapter One

  Lucas leaned his elbows back on the bar and pulled in a full draught of the human pheromones and perfumes swirling in the air. Musky fragrances mixed with sweet sweat, underscored by a tangy taste of arousal. And that was just the women. The males were overly scented as well, at least the human ones, as if they didn’t understand the power of their own natural scent. The blue-neon sign outside the nightclub called it The Deviation. Inside, lithe human bodies pulsed to a techno rock beat coming from the live band on the stage. It was a ripe hunting ground for shifters and humans alike. Prey, his inner dark wolf panted, but Lucas backhanded that thought into the recesses of his mind. He may be hunting for a pleasurable companion for the evening, a temporary relief from the ghosts that haunted him, but he wasn’t that kind of predator.

  Not that there weren’t plenty of those in the room.

  This was neutral territory. He was rogue now, but even if he had a pack, he wouldn’t make trouble in a closed environment filled with humans like The Deviation. The throng pushed right up to the bar where he stood, leaving not much distinction between those dancing and those watching. Cutout panels behind the band let in beams of purplish light that stabbed through the tight crowd and washed everyone in a deep otherworldly glow. The shifters were indistinguishable from the humans, everyone dressed in the same tailored silk shirts and curve-hugging black dresses that comprised the nighttime uniform of web entrepreneurs and their groupies.

  Indistinguishable for most. But Lucas recognized a few.

  Three shifters from the SocialHacks pack were in the thick of the dancing, hands running free over their female companions. His father’s pack allied with the SocialHacks early on, their social media startup pairing well with his father’s internet business development firm. Nearby was a trio from Red Wolf, another company that cultivated the dot-com businesses of Seattle and helped match them with investors. They were his father’s bitter rivals—not only did they skate close to that invisible line shifters didn’t cross, the one that kept the normal human citizenry of Seattle unaware of the wolves in their midst, but they were as ruthless in pack matters as they were in business. Lucas had seen more than one omega from the Red pack end up in a dingy alley missing a few vital organs. Tonight, the Red pack was hanging at the fringes of the crowd, watching. Like Lucas.

  But that was all they had in common.

  “How are you doing here, sir?” The soft voice behind him belonged to the female bartender. He could tell by her scent before he turned around: slightly musky with the dampness of the nightclub, but with a light woodsy taste. It wasn’t a perfume, which Lucas had an instant appreciation for.

  He turned and gave her a smile. “I’d like another, please. Vodka, neat.” She wasn’t one of the celebrity bartenders who drew patrons to The Deviation, but he wasn’t the type to drink the latest fad cocktail, either. In fact, he rarely was in a club long enough to finish a drink before a companion for the night found him. And having full command of his faculties, especially with a human, was key to leaving her satisfied, not sliced to ribbons.

  The bartender gave him a fleeting smile, then dropped her brilliant blue-eyed gaze, brushed her long black hair out of her way, and reached under the bar for a bottle. He hadn’t been to The Deviation in a while, but he guessed she was new—to the club, maybe to bartending as well. Her all-black uniform—slim dress pants and collared shirt—had turned purple with the hazy light from the stage, but it fit her feminine curves in an understated way. He appreciated that, too, but bartenders weren’t good prospects, not least because they might remember him the next time he came hunting.

  She poured his drink, and he noticed her hand quiver. The liquid sloshed but not enough to escape the shot glass. He frowned and looked up, but she was already moving on, down the bar, to another customer. She gave that guy the same fleeting smile, but Lucas could see something wrong in it now. Something off. Her lips were slightly parted, her breaths shallow. She was panting, and not in a good way. The girl rushed through a bourbon-and-seven for her customer, then shuffled to the end of the bar, where her fellow bartender, a male, stood flirting with one of the female patrons. The girl had a quick, whispered exchange that Lucas couldn’t hear over the pounding music, and then she slipped around the end of the counter and into the crowd.

  Lucas straightened, looking for her over the sea of bobbing heads and waving hands. She was a tiny black-haired rabbit weaving through the weeds, tall enough to poke above them when she wasn’t ducking under drinks held high or flailing arms. He wasn’t sure why, but he couldn’t stop tracking her.

  He left his drink, untouched, and slid along the bar, keeping her in his sights. She broke free of the crowd near the back wall, where blue neon signs bulged with the letters of the club and the outlines of spilt electric drinks.

  It was the same wall where the three Red pack members lounged.

  The girl threw open a door which had
been invisible a moment before, probably because it fit seamlessly into the black matte of the wall. Then she was gone, the door slowly easing closed behind her.

  The Reds had watched her all the way out.

  Lucas froze at the edge of the crowd, his unblinking stare trained on their bent heads and moving lips. Not my territory, he told his snarling inner wolf. Not my pack.

  But he didn’t look away.


  Mia sucked in the cool night air of the alleyway outside The Deviation and nearly moaned with the relief. Jesus, the smells in that place. She’d been on since ten o’clock, and usually she could make it through to the end of her shift at two: she just had to breathe through her mouth and take frequent bathroom breaks for fresh air. But tonight… it was as if all the college girls had decided to flash mob the club with a synchronized perfume attack. And the dot-com wannabe-billionaire guys either came straight from the gym and overcompensated with Axe spray or somehow that was their normal smell. Add in the usual background eau de Deviation, and the alcoholic whiffs from the drinks she was serving just weren’t enough to ward it off. She had to get fresh air, or she was going to lose her dorm dinner of meatloaf and mashed potatoes—and it wasn’t that good the first time around. Her sensitive sense of smell loathed closed spaces and aromatic people, and The Deviation had more than its share of both tonight.

  Sometimes being a shifter well and truly sucked.

  Who was she kidding? It sucked all the time. Mia had yet to find the hidden benefits of being able to transform into a wolf on a whim. Sure she could smell the anxiety of her roommate while she studied for an econ test. Or the lecherous arousal of her English prof when he tried to “help” her during office hours. But she didn’t count those as benefits. And an acrid stench of fear would constantly surround her if anyone found out her secret—not to mention no real company would ever hire a shifter.


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