Afterwrath: Part One - Station

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Afterwrath: Part One - Station Page 10

by Coty Schwabe

was new to him, it didn’t console him either.

  A patch of barrel cacti finally came into view a few blocks south of the road. He crossed over to it, cut off the top with much hacking, and drank the nectar inside. He offered it to Snake, but the pup only sniffed it and backed off. Burk dipped his fingers into it and sucked them clean. Even the little bit gave him a tiny burst of energy. He ate no more after that, or it would have sent him retching. So many lessons the desert had taught him.

  He was about to move on, when he noticed a hackberry tree in the distance, further away from the road. He glanced back. A lonely dark stretch. Nothing stirred. He pushed onwards to the tree in hopes of nourishment.

  Disappointment and a fair amount of anger swept over him when he found that the fruit had gone past its prime. Much of the fruits were shriveled up or withered on the desert floor. He kicked at them, circling the tree, but found none good enough to eat. Snake shared his anger; he sat back on his haunches and whimpered.

  Still dying of thirst, there was nothing else he could do. Burk ended up right back on the road, as if the whole thing had never happened.

  Except for the energy he’d wasted.

  Another hour or two passed, though he couldn’t tell exactly how long, when he came upon something he hadn’t expected:

  A faded, metal sign leaned away from the road, knocked askew by the elements. Curious, Burk picked up his pace a bit, going from a walk to a shuffle, and Snake followed in line, thinking it a game.

  The sign was hard to read in the distant moonlight, so he read it using the small radio. The sign said:


  10 MILES

  He looked down to see that a dirt road he hadn’t seen in the dark, branched south, away from the highway and disappeared into the distance. He squinted down the path. No features could be made out due to the curve of the horizon, but once more, hope rose in chest.

  Burk looked from the road to the path to Snake. “Which way, dog?” The pup stared back. It really came down to survival. Continue along the road, in hopes of something better? Or check to see if the town was inhabited? And what if it is? His mind fell to the Death Rider one day prior. Is this the town he’d mentioned? Too many questions.

  “Come on, Snake.” Burk started along the dirt path. He’d gone a dozen steps when he noticed Snake had not budged. “Are you comin?” The coyote didn’t move. “Fine. Stay here for all I care.” He turned his back and walked off, the highway shrinking behind him. With every step, his hope grew that much more. Maybe these people would welcome him like the refugees in Wolf Springs had at first. He wanted to hope, to believe, that someone out here still had a tinge of hospitality left in them.

  But just in case, he ran a hand over his revolver, reassuring himself.

  Scratching footsteps came up next to him, and he knew the pup had decided to follow after all.

  He kept his eyes forward, on the open path, walking into an uncertain future.

  And not far in the distance, he heard something he hadn’t heard in years:

  The cawing of a hungry raven.



  Dear Awesome Reader,

  I really hope you enjoyed the ride. But Burk’s story is far from finished. With the Death Riders somewhere behind, Burk presses on. What lies in store for him in Ravendale? Find out in Book Two – Caw of Ravens.

  You can also stop by my blog,, to send me a comment or grab the links for my latest works. Feel free to drop in anytime, and let me know you exist. Writing is often solitary work, and it’s nice to know that someone out there, in this universe or otherwise, appreciated my work. You can also join my mailing list as well.

  If you did enjoy this story, could you leave an honest comment and rating for it wherever you got it? It means beyond worlds to me, and it shows others that this thing is worth their time (or not).

  Lastly, (and brownie points to everyone who participates) consider sharing this work on your favorite social media outlet; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (I don’t know, take a picture of it or something), review it on your blog or on Youtube – whatever. By spreading the word, we can contaminate the worl… err… I mean share a great story with another unsuspecting reader.

  I appreciate all your support. People like you are the reason I do this.

  With much admiration,

  Coty Schwabe


  In Search of the Sword:

  Time Management Voodoo (non-fiction) -

  Acbain, Sealer of the Crossblade -

  Afterwrath: Part One – Station – This Book

  Afterwrath: Part Two – Caw of Ravens – Coming Soon! Fall 2014


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