There's Heat: A Friends to Lovers Romance

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There's Heat: A Friends to Lovers Romance Page 5

by Nadine Hudson

  I picture myself slamming into her harder, deeper, stronger than anybody she’s ever had before. My hand tightens around my tip. I again stroke harder and faster focusing on my head as I feel myself reaching my peak. My core tightens as I lose control. I brace myself with one hand against the wall as my cock pulsates and explodes come out onto the floor of the shower. “Ahh!” I call out as I finish.

  After a minute my breathing slows and I shut off the water. I grab a towel, wrap it around my waist, and tuck the corner in to hold it in place. I wipe the steam off of my mirror with my hand and stare back at my reflection. I rub a hand along my jawline. I really need to shave. I think for a moment about what work is going to be like today.

  I’m supposed to work with Brooke, Ian, and Andy. I’m just not convinced that I’ll be able to get through the whole shift without punching Ian in the mouth. I don’t know if I can sit there and watch him put his hands on her body. Or see him whisper into her ear. I feel my blood start to boil just at the thought.

  I can’t figure out what is more infuriating about him. The fact that he’s an arrogant prick. Or that he has a history of beating on women and is now dating Brooke. But I know what Brooke wants. I don’t know how to move on from you and keep our friendship intact if you keep interfering like this. Her words echo back to me again and I get a nauseating feeling in my stomach. She wants me to keep my distance. To let her be happy… with him. I can’t do this. Not yet.

  I head back to my bedroom and pick up my phone.

  Hey Gabe, you think you can cover my shift today? I’m not feeling that great.

  By the time I get dressed I have Gabe’s response.

  Yeah, no problem. Everything okay?

  Thanks. Yeah, just feeling a little under the weather.

  Uh huh.

  I know he didn’t believe me but I also know he understands. I’m just not ready to see them happily together yet. And I’m not sure I ever will be ready for that.



  I pull into the station and I’m the first one here. Besides, Chief Joe of course but he practically lives here. For some reason I have a nervous-excited feeling bouncing around in my stomach. I haven’t seen Conner since the kiss but I find relief in knowing that we will always be okay. I smile to myself thinking about his words. I take a deep breath as I turn off my car and start inside. I hope he can control himself today and not try to go all white knight on anyone. I know he’s not just going to let those woman-beater rumors about Ian go. A shiver runs up my spine thinking about what Conner had told me. I can handle this. I have to show Conner that I can handle this and that everything with Ian is just fine.

  Is everything with Ian fine? I haven’t seen Ian since I stormed out of his house. And I barely spoke to him afterwards. Even over text. After having the night to think about it though I think I may have overreacted. And I certainly need to be able to convince Conner that things are fine with Ian and me. I don’t want to give him any reason to doubt my happiness with Ian. Conner has conjured up enough doubts on his own. I don’t need to give him more reasons to not like Ian.

  I’m in the middle of making a pot of coffee when I hear someone coming down the hallway. I turn to see Chief Joe walking through the doorway.

  “Morning, Chief,” I say with a smile.

  “Hey. G’morning, Brooke,” he replies. “Do you mind making sure everybody gets one of these?” He asks, handing me a stack of papers then turns to leave the room.


  I look at the papers in my hand. It’s our monthly calendar. I look over the upcoming events and read them in my head. Tomorrow is Andy’s 5th year with the company, fire safety presentation for the elementary school on the 16th, the fish fry fundraiser on the 21st. I’m distracted from my review as the smell of Ian’s cologne fills my nose. I inhale deeply and turn to find him standing right behind me smiling. I return a smile as he approaches me and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him.

  “Hey. Good morning, baby,” he says seductively.

  “Are we allowed to be seen like this? I mean we are at work and you are my Captain? I’m sure there’s something in the code of conduct about having romantic relationships with co-workers,” I ask nervously looking around.

  He grins. “Well, Joe has never mentioned anything to me about it and besides I’m not having relationships with co-workers. I’m dating a coworker. Singular. One. You. Now if you don’t kiss me I’m going to have you fired and then we won’t have to worry about it at all anymore.”

  I laugh as he leans in closer pressing his lips against mine. I clasp my hands behind his neck and pull him deeper into the kiss.

  “Uh hhmm.” A noise in the doorway breaks us from our kiss and I turn to see Gabe walking in. My face flushes and I try to pull away but Ian tightens his grip on my waist. I immediately feel uncomfortable. Like my dad just walked in on me making out with my boyfriend. Outside of my recent lapse-in-judgement nights at Micky’s I have never been great with PDA.

  “Hey. Good morning, Gabe,” Ian greets him cheerfully.

  “Ian,” Gabe nods his head at him while eyeing us cautiously. Oh no. I forgot that Gabe was with Conner this weekend. His partner in crime. I’m still surprised that Gabe agreed to go with him. And a little annoyed that Gabe encouraged Conner’s ridiculousness. Regardless, he heard the rumors about Ian too and based on his expression he believes them.

  “Hey, Gabe,” I say softly, still feeling embarrassed. He offers me a warm smile. Then his gaze turns cold as it lands on Ian again.

  “I didn’t know you were on the schedule for today?” Ian asks curiously.

  “I’m not. I’m filling in for Conner,” Gabe answers and his eyes land directly on mine as if I should know why Conner called off. I shift my weight from foot to foot feeling a little uncomfortable. Is he not here because of me? What exactly did Conner tell him? I don’t understand. He said we were good. He said we would always be good. So why does it feel like he has told Gabe something different? My heart starts to pound and I begin feeling very nervous. Are we not okay? Gabe makes his way past us and to the coffee pot.

  “Why? Where’s he at today?” I ask casually, clearing my throat and pulling myself out of Ian’s arms. I walk up beside Gabe and grab myself a mug.

  “Said he wasn’t feeling real well this morning. I think he had a tough weekend on top of it. Maybe you should reach out. Yano, just to check on him.”

  “Okay. Yeah, I’ll shoot him a text.” I hear Ian grumble behind us and I turn around to face him. His eyes are narrowed at me. A dark, intense, angry reflection in them. What the hell is his problem? I’m going to have to talk to Ian. If this is going to work out between us I need him and Conner to be friends. Or at the very least just learn to tolerate each other.

  Ian turns and leaves the room without saying anything. Probably heading for his office to stew. I roll my eyes. I feel like I’m playing referee for two little boys. And I actually thought Conner would be the immature one in this situation. Turns out Ian’s jealous side is just as bad if not worse than Conner’s. I’m about to follow him out the door when I hear Gabe behind me.

  “So how was your weekend, Brooke?” I turn to see him smiling brightly at me as if his whole mood has elevated now that Ian has left the room. I grin at him. What did Conner tell him? Did he tell him about the kiss? That I confessed my love? Based on his expression, he knows something and I want to know what it is.

  “Fine. How was yours?”

  “Oh, good. Good,” he answers nodding. “Looks like you and Ian are really hitting it off.”

  I look towards the door where Ian was just standing and smile. “Yeah, you could say that.” I turn back to Gabe. “I heard you and Conner spent some time together this weekend. I hope you don’t catch whatever he’s got.” I smile and wait for his response. He stares down into his coffee mug, a goofy smile on his face.

  “Nah, I don’t think what he’s got is contagious.” He smirks before taking a
sip of his coffee. I narrow my eyes at him but he doesn’t look up at me. I give up. He’s not going to give anything away. I laugh and shake my head. I pick up one of the event calendars off the table and hand it to Gabe. “From the Chief,” I say. Then turn to walk out the door but Gabe takes my arm gently, pulling me back in.

  He moves close to me. “Conner told me what happened,” he says quietly almost at a whisper. I inhale sharply. He does know. I feel my face flush beet red and he laughs at my reaction. “Don’t be embarrassed,” he says taking my hand. “I’m proud of you.” What? His words catch me off guard. “It took ya long enough, but I’m glad one of you finally got it out there.”

  One of us? What exactly did Conner tell him? I almost question his response but Andy and Ian walk in the room interrupting us. I continue looking at Gabe curiously but he just smiles warmly at me. He pats my hand as he looks at Ian and then back to me. “Just be careful, huh. Take care of yourself, Brooke,” he says before turning out the door. Be careful. He does believe the rumors. My heart sinks in my chest. Gabe is one of my dearest friends and it pains me to think he doesn’t like Ian. Now not only do I have to convince Conner that Ian is a good guy but it looks like I’ve got to convince Gabe too.

  I leave out a sigh then feel Ian’s arm wrap around me.

  “Everything okay? You look… bummed out.”

  I laugh. “Bummed out?”

  “Yeah,” Ian smiles at me. For some reason I find it incredibly adorable when he uses slang like “bummed out.” He usually seems much older and more mature than I am. More out of my league. But when he says things like that it makes him seem younger. More casual. More obtainable.

  “I’m fine. Really. We can talk about it later.”

  I want to tell Ian that he and Conner need to play nice and get along but I don’t want to say anything to him while we’re at work. Ian seems okay with letting it go and he doesn't press it. He kisses my head but then whispers into my ear, “Don’t let me find out you’re sneaking around behind my back, Brooke. It won’t end well… for anybody.” His words are cold and serious. What the hell?! Did he just threaten me? I inhale sharply and my body tenses. I watch him for a moment through narrowed eyes as he walks away but he doesn’t turn to look at me again.

  Now is definitely not the time to tell him I need them to be friends. Maybe it would be better to convince Conner of it first. If I can get Conner to cooperate and be civil maybe Ian wouldn’t feel so threatened by him.

  “Do you guys want to review the calendar quickly?” Ian asks me and Andy casually.

  He calls out the door to Gabe who joins us a minute later. We all sit around the table and start talking through the upcoming events. It was decided that we would all meet up for drinks at Micky’s tomorrow to celebrate Andy’s 5th year with the company. It’s tradition to celebrate pretty much everything with drinks at Micky’s. We talk through the shift changes and coverage we need for the month and Gabe adds a CPR and First Aid training he’s facilitating to the calendar.

  Once we finalize the calendar everyone breaks to start their own daily tasks. Mine usually consists of checking all the bunker gear and a few cleaning duties. With Ian likely to be in his office the rest of the day this is the perfect time to check in on Conner. I slip my phone from my back pocket and start to text.

  Hey. How are you feeling?

  I get a response moments later.

  I’m fine. After everything that happened this weekend, I think I just needed a break.

  What? A break from me? Maybe he is mad at me. I feel a lump start to form in my throat.

  Everything okay?

  It’s fine, Brooke. I told you. I just needed a break.

  My heart starts to pound. This isn’t making me feel any better.

  Well, if you’re done with your break maybe you can come over tonight. I’ll make dinner and we can just hang out and watch a movie or something?

  I know Ian won’t like this but I need to know that Conner and I are okay. I need to know that what I told him didn’t completely ruin our friendship. I feel the tears begin to prick in my eyes as the fear builds up inside me. It’s only been a few seconds but I check my phone anyway. He hasn’t responded yet and it only makes my heart pound harder. I recheck the bunker gear for the third time. A compulsive response to occupying myself until he answers me. After about ten minutes of silence I finally hear the PING of a message coming through. I slide my finger across the screen and read it.


  And with that one word a deep sigh of relief is released from my lungs.



  I spent way longer than any man ever should deciding what to wear to Brooke’s house tonight. I must have changed my shirt four or five times before deciding on one. A black long sleeve t-shirt and destroyed light blue jeans. I stand back from my bathroom mirror and check my reflection. I push around a few stray pieces of hair that aren’t staying where I’d like them to. I add a few spritzes of cologne to finish it up and then nod in approval after looking myself over once more. Okay. You got this, Smoak. Just relax. It’s just Brooke. I suck in a deep breath then head out the door.

  My mind is racing with ‘what if’s’ the entire way there. What if I can’t look at her the same anymore? What if she can’t look at me the same? What if things are super awkward between us? What if I say something stupid? What if Ian is there? I feel my face burn red with my last question and I immediately shake the thought from my mind. I suddenly feel hot and I put my window down to get some air. I turn on the radio to drown out my intrusive thoughts.

  I walk to her front door and stop. I consider knocking but quickly realize how weird that would make things from the start. I can’t remember the last time I knocked on her door. Have I ever knocked on her door? I open it up and walk in. I can immediately smell something delicious coming from the kitchen. I make my way through the living room and into the kitchen to find Brooke at the counter chopping something.

  I let my eyes travel over her. She let her hair down today and her curls bounce together with each chop of her knife. She’s wearing her usual jeans and t-shirt but her jeans seem to fit her just a little tighter than normal. Or maybe I’m just noticing her beautiful curves for the first time. Regardless, she looks sexy as hell.

  “Hey, need a hand?” I ask, shyly. She turns and looks at me. Her eyes grow large, but she doesn’t say anything. Shit. I knew this was going to be awkward. Why did I offer to help? I never offer to help.

  “Uh, no. Nope. I’m good but there’s beer in the fridge,” she finally says.

  I go to the fridge without saying anything and pull one out. Why is this so weird? I feel myself getting frustrated. I don’t want anything to be awkward between us but the silence grows more awkward by the second.

  “So, no hot date tonight?” Brooke asks, barely glancing at me over her shoulder. I see her smirk. I leave out a sigh of relief and smile at her. I know exactly what she’s doing and I’m so thankful for it. She doesn’t want things to change between us anymore than I do.

  “Well, I mean I was kinda hoping you would be my hot date tonight…” I lay on the charm just like I normally would any other time Brooke and I are together. This is what our friendship was before it became complicated. This is what she wants it to be again. I hear her giggle then shake her head at my comment, acting completely unphased by it. But now I know differently. She is phased by it. She has always been phased by it. The thought is soothing. She loves me.

  “What are you making anyway?” I ask, creeping up behind her.

  “Shrimp tacos with mango salsa,” she answers. Turning around she puts her hand on my chest and holds me at arms length from the stove. “Don’t even think about it, Smoak.” Her eyes narrow at me and I can tell she’s suppressing a smile. “It’s not ready yet.”

  A challenging grin curls across my lips. We both know what’s coming next and I love it. I feel the adrenaline start to build in my body. I quickly grab her hand that’s pushing ag
ainst my chest, wrap my arm around her and hold her tightly against me. I pull her away from the stove and pick up the wooden spoon on the countertop.

  “Don’t you dare!” she yells, laughing as I dip the spoon into her bowl of homemade mango salsa.

  “Mmmm…” I say, smacking my lips together.

  “Conner!” she yells again.

  “I love the way you scream my name.” I tease, dipping the spoon in it again. But my dick suddenly stiffens slightly at the thought. I release my hold on her immediately and hope she doesn’t notice. She slugs my shoulder hard as she moves past me. She must not have noticed.

  I smile at her and suck a drop from my thumb, “It’s really good.”

  She narrows her eyes at me, pretending to be mad.

  “So what do you wanna watch?” I ask her. But just as the words come out I hear her phone PING. I watch her pick it up and her eyes narrow at the screen. Whatever text she just got she seems frustrated by it. I want to ask her. I want to know if it’s Ian. If he’s said something to her or did something to her. I want to make sure she’s alright but I hold back my questions.

  She doesn’t want me involved. And a small part of me wants it that way too. I know how it’ll feel if I find out he’s done something wrong to her but I can’t imagine it will feel much better to hear that he’s done everything right. I feel a knot start to form in my throat as I watch her vigorously type out a response. She looks upset but I again fight the urge to ask.

  Finally finishing she puts her phone on the counter and looks up at me. I watch her force a smile and I pretend not to notice that she was clearly just upset about something. “Uh, I don’t know. Why don’t you go pick the movie and I’ll fix our plates? How many do you want?”

  “Three, please,” I answer and leave the room. I can tell she wants a minute alone and I don’t want to impede. I pick up the remote from the coffee table and start mindlessly flipping through our options. I’m only slightly paying attention to what comes up on the screen because I’m too distracted by the repetitious PING of her phone coming from the next room. After a few minutes the pinging stops and I conclude either the argument is over or she has put her phone on silent. A moment later she comes into the living room a plate in each hand and a bright smile on her face.


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