Abandon Ship (Anchored Book 4)

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Abandon Ship (Anchored Book 4) Page 5

by Sophie Stern

  I don’t want this to end.

  I don’t want it to ever end.

  For the first time since I can remember, I’m letting my guard down. I’m relaxing. I’m letting my mind focus on one thing, and that thing isn’t Tad. It’s not how I was hurt. It’s not how I can protect myself. No, suddenly, I’m wrapped up in the beauty of Maddox, and I don’t ever want him to let me go.

  This feeling, this trust?

  It’s incredible.


  “The couch,” I tell him, and he sets me down behind it. Instantly, I turn around to position myself over the back of the sofa, but he chuckles.

  “In a hurry, love?”


  “Piper, I’m not going to lie to you. I’ve been wanting you for a very long time, sweetie, and this first time? I’m not going to last nearly as long as I need to. Once I’m inside of you, I’m not going to be able to hold back, so right now, I’m going to make you come, baby. I’m going to make you scream out my name so loudly the entire damn block is going to be able to hear.”

  “Really?” I whisper.

  “Spread your legs,” he says in response, and I obey him. My body reacts to him instantly. Suddenly, every bit of me feels alive and on edge. Maddox looks at me like he’s going to devour me, like he just can’t get enough of me, and then he kisses me again.

  His hands move up my nightie until it’s bunched around my waist and I’m completely exposed to him. He moves his palms over the front of the nightie, carefully avoiding the area I most want him to touch, and he plays with my nipples. I bite my lip.

  “Don’t you do that, baby,” he says. “Don’t you go quiet on me, Piper Queen. I want to hear every sound, every mew, every groan you make, baby. Knowing I’m getting you off just makes me even harder, so don’t you cheat me out of this feeling,” he commands, and I nod.

  “Maddox,” I whisper. He pinches my nipples through the fabric of the nightie.

  “You have beautiful breasts, Piper,” he tells me in response.

  “Please, Maddox, I need…”

  “What do you need, Piper?”

  “Please,” I whisper once more.

  “You’re beautiful when you beg, baby.” He takes my hand and places it over the front of his pants. Yeah, Maddox is hard as hell, and the thought of him sliding that thick cock inside of me just makes me even more wet, even more excited.

  Feeling playful, I grip his cock, rubbing my hand up and down his pants. I want Maddox to hurry up and fuck me. I want to feel him filling me up. I want all of him, and I want it now. He groans as I rub him, but then he seems to remember the fact that he wants to make me come before he gets inside of me, and he drops to his knees in front of me.

  “Maddox?” I whisper. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to eat this pretty little pussy until you come all over my face, Piper,” he says, and before I can register what’s happening, his tongue is on me, and everything goes blank.

  The mind-numbing pleasure is overwhelming that it’s all I can do to stay upright. Maddox grips my bottom, pulling my pussy closer to his face, and he licks and sucks and teases me until I can’t take anymore, and I explode. I come for him, crying his name, shaking, and before the final waves of my orgasm rush over me, he turns me around and carefully pushes me over the back of the couch. I bend over it, palms down on the cushions, legs still spread.

  And then he’s inside of me.

  I didn’t even hear him get undressed, but when Maddox fills me, suddenly, I’m right where I belong. Suddenly, the entire world feels right and safe and whole, and I cry out as he thrusts into me over and over, wringing the last shivers of my orgasm from me.

  And then another one starts to build.

  “You look so damn beautiful when you come, Piper,” he tells me. “That orgasm was the prettiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

  “Maddox,” I whisper, because I can’t think straight. I can’t do anything but take what he’s giving me, what he’s offering me. He thrusts into me over and over, running his nails down my back, tugging my hair, spanking my bottom as he fucks me.

  And then the second orgasm washes over me, and this time, Maddox comes, too. He comes with a groan, tugging my hair. His nails dig into my ass and he murmurs my name, whispering things I can’t quite hear, and then he pulls me to my feet, turns me around, and kisses me.

  “Piper,” he murmurs.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer.

  Everything feels right, and I am safe. I am adored. I am going to be okay. Just as long as he doesn’t stop touching me, everything’s going to be just fine. More than fine, really: it’s going to be great.

  Chapter 10


  Piper and I go to bed, and when I wake up, she’s completely wrapped around me. Like a little kitten, she’s turned to me for comfort, and I won’t forget this feeling.


  Carefully, so as not to wake her, I slip out of bed and call Dylan. I explain the situation and let him know we’re going to be coming in. I want him to be the one to take Piper’s statement. She’s been through hell and back again, and the last thing I want is for someone who doesn’t understand domestic abuse or violence to freak her out or treat her harshly. Dylan lets me know when he’ll be in, and I head to the shower.

  As the water washes over me, I’m filled with a mix of emotions.

  Rage at Tad. Rage at what he did. Rage at the way he hurt the woman I love. No, I might not know Piper very well, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that he should have treasured her, taken care of her, adored her. He should have fucking worshipped her, and he didn’t.

  I’m filled with relief that Piper is okay, that she’s safe. I’m relieved Odessa and I got to her before Tad found her. I’m relieved we’re going to talk with Dylan. I’m relieved she’s going in with me.

  I’m filled with desire because Piper Queen is absolutely beautiful, absolutely delightful. I want to lose myself in her, and if I’m not careful, I just might.

  I couldn’t pinpoint exactly why I hadn’t taken a serious submissive since joining Anchored. I like to play and I like to have fun. I like to watch people making love and I love to be watched. I like to learn. I like the excitement, the teasing involved in exhibitionism in this way, but when Piper is in my arms, I know exactly why I didn’t take a sub before this.

  It’s because Piper is the one for me.

  I never really knew if I believed in true love. I never knew if I believed in that whole “perfect someone” thing. I’m still not sure if I believe in destiny, but I do believe that when Piper is with me, I feel right. I feel whole. Something deep inside of me clicks, and the whole world feels right.

  What is that feeling, if not love?

  “Hey,” Piper climbs into the shower with me and wraps her arms around my body. Her blonde hair is messy and tousled, but she’s got a bright smile on her face. “Good morning, handsome.”

  “Good morning, sweetie.”

  I kiss her, quietly promising her once more that everything is going to be okay. I’m going to protect Piper with everything I have, with everything I am. I’ll protect her if it’s the last thing I do. Tad might be free from prison, but he’s not getting anywhere near my girl.


  It’s mid-morning when we arrive at the police station. As promised, Dylan is ready and waiting to take Piper’s statement. She seems surprised when Dylan comes forward and doesn’t shake my hand. Instead, he wraps his arms around me in a tight hug.

  “I’ve missed you, brother.”

  “Missed you, too, man.”

  He doesn’t ask me if I’m coming back, but I know it’s on the tip of his tongue. Dylan and I worked together for a very long time, and even though I’m no longer on the force, there’s no one I trust more than him. He’s a good man and a damn good cop. Maybe one of these days I’ll get him to come to Anchored and meet a nice girl he can settle down with.

  “And you must be Piper Queen,” he turns to Piper and shakes her hand. Piper suddenly looks nervous, but she squares her shoulders and stands up straight. She’s determined. I’ll give her that much.

  “Nice to meet you, officer,” she says.

  “Dylan is fine,” he says with a smile. He shoots me a sideways glance, and he doesn’t have to speak for me to know what he’s asking. I nod slightly, and he smiles. “It’s so great to meet you,” he adds to Piper, and I roll my eyes.

  Yeah, Dylan can read me like a damn book.

  He wants to know if Piper is the one for me?

  Yeah, she’s the one for me.

  She’s not some random hook-up.

  She’s not just “some girl.”

  She’s the one I want to be coming home to forever and always.

  “I’ve got a room we can speak in,” he says. “It’ll be private and a bit more quiet. As you can see,” he motions around the room filled with desks and noise. “Things are a little crazy today.”

  He leads us to a quiet space and brings Piper a cup of coffee. Once we’re all settled, I hand over the bags full of letters from Tad. Each letter is in its own bag, and although they’ve already been compromised from Piper touching them, having the letters in plastic will reduce further contamination if the police department decides to run them for prints.

  “So the guy’s a talker,” Dylan picks up one letter, and a frown spreads over his face as he reads it. He looks up at me, and something silent passes between us, something Piper doesn’t pick up on.

  Dylan instantly hates this asshole just as much as I do, and together, we’re going to catch him and make him pay for what he did to Piper. He’s not going to hurt her again. He’s going to go right back to prison and this time, it’s going to be for good.

  “All right, Miss Queen,” Dylan pastes a smile on his face and turns to Piper. “Why don’t you start from the beginning?”

  Piper takes a deep breath, looks at me, and squeezes my hand.

  Then she starts talking.

  Chapter 11


  By the time we leave the police station, it’s past noon, and I’m completely emotionally exhausted. Talking with Dylan wasn’t as scary as I thought it was going to be, but it did dredge up a lot of painful memories, things I’d rather leave buried.

  I didn’t really want Maddox to see all of my baggage.

  Not this soon.

  Not while we’re still getting to know each other.

  There’s something really special about Maddox, though. He doesn’t seem to mind that I have a past or that I’ve been with someone before him. The only thing that seems to bother him is that Tad didn’t treat me well. That seems to grate on his nerves more than anything else.

  When we leave the station, I’m beyond ready to go home and crash. My couch has “nap” written all over it, and I’m more than comfortable with the idea of sleeping the rest of the day away. Still, I promised Maddox I’d give work a try today, so when we return to my house, I change into office clothes, kiss my new boyfriend goodbye, and head to work.

  Everyone is happy to see me and my boss is over the moon. Apparently, everyone thought I was trying to find a way to quit and leave them hanging. Showing my face seems to be a good way to increase morale and show everyone that, no, I’m not leaving. I was just a little sick. There’s a gift basket waiting on my desk for me, a couple of simple projects to work on, and then I get to go home. My supervisor sends me home early and gives me a hug as I’m leaving.

  Once again, I’m struck by how I suddenly feel like I belong.

  I suddenly feel like I’m a part of something.

  I don’t know what’s going to happen with Maddox. I’ve had the biggest crush on him for the longest time, and finding out he likes me in return has been incredible. Still, there’s always the chance that he’ll realize I really do have baggage. Maybe he’ll realize he’s not interested in the work. I don’t want to get my hopes up too much. I don’t want to get my heart broken again, but I’m kind of already fantasizing about a future that includes him.

  Is that crazy?

  I head to my car and climb in. I feel safe at work, I realize. I feel safe outside. Maddox offered to bring me to work, but I turned him down because I really do think he’s going to take care of me. I really do think he’s going to look after me. It’s a strange feeling, this trust between us, but it’s something I think I could get used to.

  Before I go home, I stop by the post office and collect my mail. I don’t bother looking through it until I’m parked in my garage with the door closed behind me. It’s only then that I notice the handwritten envelope addressed to me.


  He’s sent me another letter.

  I close my eyes for a second. I should avoid opening this one, I think. I should put it in a bag and call Maddox. I should let him talk to Dylan about it. I should let the two of them handle this. I shouldn’t open it.

  But I do.

  My fingers move of their own accord and I tear open the envelope and pull out the slip of paper. It seems to take years to unfold the damn thing, but somehow, I manage to spread it out on my lap, and then I begin to read.

  It starts out normal, like the rest of his letters, but by the time I reach the end, I realize that this letter is very, very different. It’s very specific, and it lists all of the ways he wants to hurt me.

  All of the ways he wants to kill me.

  He’s never been this specific in a letter before. Tad has always been very careful to keep things neutral, to make sure that each letter won’t be an admission of intent or guilt.

  And when a shadow appears over the letter and I look out of my window into the garage, I realize why.

  He’s found me.

  Tad’s found me.

  I reach to lock the doors, but it’s too late. He yanks open the car door and pulls me out by my hair and tosses me onto the ground.

  “You thought you could run from me,” he growls, and I should be afraid.

  I should be petrified.

  I should be crying and begging, but something changes in me, and I realize something important.

  I’m not the same girl he left behind.


  Not at all.

  When I was dating Tad, it took all of my strength, all of my energy, all of my courage to finally leave him. I was afraid, but I somehow found the courage to leave.

  I think that lately, I’ve forgotten just how great it felt to be brave.

  Maddox Blake reminded me of that. Just one fucking day with Maddox has changed my entire life, and I have no interest in death. Not today, and certainly not at the hands of Tad.

  He can chase me, and he can hunt me, and he can taunt me, but Tad has nothing on Maddox.


  And I roll under the car before he can kick me.

  “Get out of there, Piper,” he hisses, but I don’t. I only have a matter of seconds before he grabs me and hauls me back out, but that’s fine. Every second counts when you’re fighting for your life. Every second matters.

  My phone is on my belt loop, and I grab it and punch in my password. As I’m hitting Maddox’s number, Tad grabs my leg and yanks, but I kick at him with my other leg.

  The call connects, and I drop the phone as Tad manages to pull me from beneath the vehicle. He’s bigger and stronger than me, but I’ve got Maddox and the entire police force on my side.

  If I can just hold him off until they get here, everything is going to be all right.

  “Help!” I cry out. “Help me!”

  I can’t hear Maddox say anything, and if I’m lucky, Tad doesn’t realize I made a quick phone call. One thing is for certain, though: I won’t have to wait long for Maddox to get here.

  He’ll come.

  He’ll always come for me.

  Tad hauls me to my feet and manages to twist me around so my back is pinned to his front.

  “Stop fighting, darling, and this will be so much easi
er on you,” he hisses.

  “Fuck you!” I spit out, and continue fighting. Flailing around is going to make me harder to hold onto, but it’s also going to make him more aggressive in turn. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself, try to steel myself, and then I make my move.

  He covers my mouth with one hand, and I instantly jerk my own hand back toward his face. I’m aiming for his eyes, and when I hear him cry out, I know I’ve hit pay dirt. I jerk my hand back down, nailing him between the legs, and as soon as Tad’s grip loosens on me, I kick backward into his shins. Then I turn around and punch him in the face.

  He tumbles, and I quickly reach beneath the car to grab my phone.

  “Maddox? Yeah, I’m going to need you to bring the cops.”

  Chapter 12


  By the time the police leave with Tad in custody, it’s late. Too late. It’s past midnight, and we’re both exhausted.

  “You fought well,” Dylan says to Piper, and she offers him a hug in return.

  “Thank you for coming,” she says.

  Dylan looks to me and back to Piper. “Take care of him, okay?” He lowers his voice, almost so low that I can’t hear. “He’s the best partner I’ve ever had.”

  Then Dylan, along with the rest of the police officers, leave the house, and Piper and I are alone.

  She closes the door and locks it, and then turns to me, shaking her head.

  “I can’t believe he found out where I live from the post office,” she says. “I was so careful. At least, I thought I was being careful. I never thought he’d follow me from there.”

  “It’s not your fault, Piper, and you were fierce as fuck.”

  I have to admit that I’m impressed with how she reacted to the asshole breaking into her garage. Piper totally kept her cool. She fought back like the incredible creature she is. She didn’t let fear guide her. She was strong, and I’m so very proud of her.

  “You really think so?” She smiles at me, almost shyly, and she twirls a strand of her blonde hair in her fingers.


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