Craving The CEO: An Office Romance

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Craving The CEO: An Office Romance Page 3

by Iona Rose

  We ravage each other with languid strokes and it is as though my entire being has been transformed into some sort of ethereal instrument, plucked by the expertise of his kiss.

  I can no longer remain seated. I need my body as close to his as possible so I stumble down from the stool, my grip on him tightening for dear life. I’m on four inch strappy heels but they are not enough, so I lift myself further on the tips of my toes and push my body hard against his.

  His is bulging, and at the undeniable proof of my effect on him, my alcoholism infused promiscuity is driven up a notch.

  My hands move away from his shoulders to slide down his rock hard chest and the ridges of sculpted muscle I detect turns me on even further.

  “Fuck,” he breaks the kiss to exclaim.

  I’m in equal and parallel concurrence with the sentiment. I register his arms curving around my ass to lift me up and once again, I’m deposited back on the stool. It registers that my dress has slid dangerously up my thighs to the point of certainty that I am somewhat exposed but none of that matters because he presses his groin hard into my sex before I can protest.

  My back arcs at the ground breaking contact and this time around, a clear shuddering moan escapes my lips.

  He traces deep, scalding kisses down my neck as he grinds his crotch into mine, and then his mouth closes around my nipple.

  With a jerk, of staggering ecstasy and shock, I am brought back to the present.

  This is a complete stranger and we are surrounded by a multitude of people, yet I’m seconds away from being fucked in the midst of it all. And my sister... she is probably watching all of this with the shock of the century. I pull away from him and if not for his hold on my waist, I would have fallen off the stool.

  He immediately respects my retreat and steps back, but keeps his hold on me to ensure that I don’t fall.

  My hand is on his chest to hold him at bay, but I can’t look him in the eyes just yet. That was much more intense than I had anticipated and it had freaking rocked my world.

  With a quick smile, I turn away to get myself together and soon recover my senses. Now all I can think about is his mouth on other places of my body or perhaps in every part of my body. “Thanks for the kiss,” I say, unable to further hold any semblance of a conversation with him.

  He leans in, his lips to my ears and I cannot push him away. “Let’s go somewhere,” he says.

  I’m of a mind to do exactly that. But then I am not drunk enough to not realize this has gone much farther than I had intended. “I have to get my back to my party,” I breathe my response as I come off the stool. My feet are a bit wobbly.

  He catches me by the arm, and only releases me when I assure him that I am fine. “Your sister’s drink.” He says as he lifts the glass.

  I accept the glass from him. I don’t know if I’ll ever see him again, so I curve my hand boldly around the side of his face, stare into his eyes for a brief moment and then plant a kiss just on the underside of his jaw.

  I can see that he is quite taken aback by the endearing touch, but I don’t linger. A second longer and I would be sold on doing absolutely whatever he wants.

  With the glass in hand, I head back across the floor in search of my sister and best friend.

  Chapter Five


  I watch her leave and almost have to physically restrain myself from going after her.

  Perhaps it’s because it’s been too long since I’ve had a woman. I’ve been so occupied with the company that I have given no time whatsoever to sexual relations, and I can now see that it’s messing with my head.

  After releasing a deep breath, I return back to my meeting on the second floor and we continue with our discussion. However, I have gone considerably quieter and can’t help but stare down the glass view, hoping to catch a glimpse of a blood red dress amidst the sea of people. I know it’s fruitless but still I try, because I can’t get that kiss out of my head. My cock throbs with a delicious ache as it relays to me its desire to be sheathed inside of her... to be milked free of its excitement and frustrations.

  “I’m going to call it a night,” the recluse finally announces, and both men rise to their feet.

  “Me too ,” Mark says. “I’ve gotta get back to the wife and kids.”

  I, too, am ready to bring this meeting to a close, so I rise with them and head out. They go on their way when we reach the ground floor while I slip my hands into my pockets. My eyes scan across the sea of writhing bodies and I realize now, I should have at least gotten her phone number.

  After paying the tab, I make my way out of the club and call for my car. The night is still quite young at 2 AM but then I figure it’s time to get a good night’s sleep. I toy with the idea of going home with someone else but I can’t work up any motivation for it. Especially after that girl. Blair. I can even still remember her name.

  “Fuck,” I curse, wishing once again, that I had gotten her number. The oversight makes me want to smoke a cigarette and it’s been quite a while since I’d indulged in the habit. My Mercedes soon pulls up at the curb.

  The young, curly haired valet brings the key over, his eyes wide with excitement. “Sick ride, man.”

  I give him a smile as I round the vehicle and get in. In no time, the ignition is started but as I’m about to pull away, there is a tap on the passenger window.

  I turn to it, wondering who it could be and meet the view of ample cleavage, and full lips.

  I roll the glass down and a pair of green twinkling eyes meets my gaze. That red dress telling me who this is. My heart freezes inside my chest.

  “I need a ride,” she says. “My party abandoned me.”

  Without a second thought, I unlock the door and watch, mesmerized, as slim fair legs slide into the car.

  She shuts the door with a smile and turns to me. “Nice car,” she says.

  The compliment barely registers with me. “Where do you want me to take you?”

  “Anywhere,” Blair replies, her gaze darkening.

  With a half-cocked grin at the double meaning, I turn away, put the car in gear and pull out into the traffic.

  I don’t take her to my house. The Brown Palace is a pretty luxurious option, so I get a room for us, and in no time we’re alone.

  “What do you want to drink?” I ask.

  She settles down on the end of the bed. “Red wine is good,” she says.

  Now, I take a second to look at her and realize there is a slight problem. Under clear, bright lighting, I can see that she is much more beautiful than I had thought but her beauty right now is more innocent, than sultry.

  She is still wildly appealing, but now rather than the sophisticated lady I had painted in my mind, I am now considering how to go softly on her, or if it’s even legal for her to be in the same room as I am. I think for a moment on how to phrase my question lightly, but when nothing comes to mind, I just revert to normal and say just what I want to, “How old are you?” I ask.

  Just as expected, her response is a slight frown. She uncrosses her legs and glares at me. “Excuse me?”

  I’m not moved by her reaction. “You look way younger than I thought.”

  “I’m of age,” she answers coldly.

  “Let me see your ID.”

  She rises to her feet then, indignation across her face. “Are you fucking kidding me?” She grabs her purse and turns.

  For a moment I watch her storm away, but then I can’t let her leave. So I go after her and just as she jerks the door open, I reach out above her and slam it back shut.

  “Hey!” She spins around to protest, but finds herself trapped between my frame and the door. “Move!” She orders, her eyes glowing with annoyance.

  I note that she is doing all she can to avoid touching me. My voice lowers, “Don’t get me wrong,” I say. “I want to fuck you, in a hundred different ways but I need to know that I’m not going to be put in jail after that.”

  Her eyes maliciously bore into mine,
but her offense has come down a notch. Her hands begin to move and without taking her eyes from mine, she produces her driver’s license. She holds it so close to my face that I can barely see it. “I’m twenty-one,” she says. “Is this enough proof for you?”

  I confirm the numbers that I want to, and she puts it away. “You’ve asked your question,” she says. “Now, it’s my turn.”

  I laugh at the challenge in her tone. She is indeed feisty and I feel my cock swelling in the exhilaration with each passing moment. “Go ahead,” I say.

  A mischievous smirk lifts a corner of her mouth. “I want you on your knees,” she says. “Eat me out. Let’s start there.”

  I laugh out loud, the sound hearty and rumbling and it’s a surprise to the both of us. It has been a while since I have been so out rightly challenged and disrespected like this, and it is thrilling. Perhaps she had expected that I would be offended. However, I am anything but. I lower my frame, and grab the back of her thighs to pull her towards me.

  I hear the little gasp that escapes her lips, and look up to see her slightly widened eyes. My hands reach up to grab her ass, and my grip is so hard that she falters, almost falling into me. I can hear her breathing becoming harsher as her hands move to my head to steady herself.

  My fingers hook into the strap of lace on her waist, and with a sharp tug, I begin to pull the thong down her thighs. But then halfway through, I change my mind. I rip the flimsy lace apart and fling it away from her.

  “Hey! That’s expensive…” She begins to say when the words suddenly die on her tongue. Her dress is now bunched around her waist, completely exposing her and it seems it has made her quite shy.

  With a smile, I run my hand down her pretty crotch then I slide my middle finger through the slick folds.

  Her hips begin to writhe, almost as though she wants to escape but that is no longer a possibility.

  “Hold onto me,” I order and lift one of her legs. I hang it across my shoulder, tilt my head, and seal my mouth over her pulsing clit.

  Her gasp resounds across the room, and its sharpness spurs me on. She tastes sweet, warm, and sinful and it messes with my head.

  “Grady...” The breathy call of my name registers to me from a distance, but I pay it no mind. I suck greedily on the swollen bud of her arousal in a hard rapid rhythm, and in no time, her body is squirming and contorting uncontrollably above me. With a hand across her stomach to pin her to the wall, I dip my head even lower and give her entire cleft a thorough lick from the top through the completely drenched slit.

  Then my tongue spears into her opening.

  Little Blair buckles with an even louder grasp. “S-stop,” she tries to say.

  I can only laugh darkly in my mind. I haven’t even begun.

  Chapter Six


  I am losing my mind

  This is not the first time a man is ravishing me with his mouth but it’s definitely the first time that my soul is on the verge of slipping away from my body. I cannot stay still or silent as his heated tongue expertly thrusts and weaves in and out of me. My entire body is burning up to a dangerous degree as wave after wave of disconcerting ecstasy crashes through my body.

  Nothing registers, but then at the same time everything does so when he thrusts a finger inside of me and then another, all of the strength seeps out of my leg, I collapse.

  Luckily, his reflexes are fast and with a quiet laugh, he rises to his feet to catch me before I can land on the floor. His fingers however remain inside of me. With his body, he holds me to the door trying to meet my gaze.

  I am no longer coherent. “S-stop,” I shudder, grabbing weakly onto his wrist. “I-I need some tim—?” Once again, the words are stolen from my lips as he begins to thrust those infinitely long fingers in and out of my sex.

  It wrenches a tortured whimper out of me, but then to my shock his speed becomes viciously rapid. I hold on to his bulging biceps so I won’t break, and when my eyes manage to flutter open, I meet the grim look in his eyes. He knows what he is doing... just how severely he is unraveling me, and it makes me feel victimized.

  I had thought that we’d be on the same level, but I can’t even take this brutal fucking from his fingers. He pauses only for the moment that it takes to slide a third finger into me, and then resumes drilling me like a machine.

  The sounds that are coming out of me now are near animalistic, as I struggle to pull myself away but my frame is solidly pinned to the door.

  All the muscles in my lower stomach begin to tense in preparation for my release and from the distance, I can hear my body’s rhythmic slam against the door.

  He doesn’t stop until I explode and as I do, it is with an intense cry into his shoulder. “Holy fuck! Oh God.” I bite down hard on his skin in a bid to ease the mortifying intensity of the release, but nothing softens the high.

  He proceeds to massage my sensitive clit with the pad of his finger; coupled with my slickness all over his hand, and the soothing motions through my cleft, his touch is nothing short of magical.

  My feet suddenly leave the floor and before I can register what is going on, I am thrown onto the bed. I immediately try to get away from him, my eyes barely able to even stay open and once again, that dark chuckle of his comes to mind.

  He allows me to run until I’m pressed against the headboard and by then some of my coherence has returned. I look up at his handsome face to see the smile across it, at just how whipped I look. It spurs the return of my temper.

  He is on his knees and unbuckling his belt.

  I lick my lips and gear myself up to return the favor. His cock is jutting out of his briefs and I don’t even allow myself the time to appreciate it. I pull him to me and close my mouth around the thick, damp head. For some reason, it tastes so delicious to me and I realize then that I’m not in a normal state.

  With my grip on the rock hard shaft, I pump him in fluid strokes as my lips suck feverishly on the head.

  This earns me a long groan of appreciation from him and it gives my heart wings. My eyes raise upward to see his head thrown back and his Adam’s apple bobbing enticingly. I want to kiss it and him... to leave my mark on every inch of his virile body. In much clearer lighting, I realize that I had caught an even bigger fish than I had initially thought.

  On my return to my sister, I had indeed met her in shock at the behavior I had exhibited at the bar with a complete stranger. My immediate excuse had been that I’d never done that before, and it had earned me a painful slap across my arm. Not long after however, we both decided he was worth the bit of promiscuity, and lamented at how things had ended where they had. She’d then become too tired to continue on and I’d escorted her out to get a taxi.

  Jodie was deeply occupied with grinding with some guy on the dance floor, so my intention had been to return to the club when I had spotted Grady on his way out. I’d watched, too nervous to speak until I’d heard that engine start up. It was either now or never I’d realized. So, I hurried over to pound on his window.

  And now here I am, with his dick down my throat and I can scarcely believe it.

  I’ve never been this promiscuous but his kind of hotness is possessing. He seems aloof and withdrawn, but at the same time warm and inviting and its complexity excites me. His gorgeous structured face and dreamy eyes are a bonus, and that taut ass, toned torso and those broad shoulders have done me in.

  Tilting my head, I lick up and down his cock, smearing saliva and cum all over the soft pale flesh. Then I move on to his balls and his response is a slam of his hand against the headboard.

  I grab onto his taut ass when I return to the head, and almost jump in excitement when his hand curves around the back of my head. With the most animalistic male grunt I’ve ever heard, he holds my head in place as he drives himself into my mouth. Briefly handing the reins over to me, my teeth scrape lightly along his length while my cheeks are hollowed to fully accommodate him. When he eventually climaxes, he pulls out to spill his seed
away from me and I’m a bit disappointed. Pouty, I watch his release and the intensely erotic sight more than makes up for my annoyance.

  Damn, he is a beautiful man.

  I watch as he brutally pumps himself, his release seemingly endless as it spills onto the mattress. His head is thrown back and his ass clenched with the tension of his release. I want to see more of him so I head over, going behind him to slide my hands underneath his shirt. I move them up his heated smooth skin, feeling the ridges of muscles as I go along and my mouth waters with hunger.

  His breathing is still harsh and labored but now he has brought himself under control, so he turns around to glance at me with a smile across his beautiful face. In one swift, fluid motion, he pulls the T-shirt over his head and at the hypnotic move of muscle in response, I almost orgasm again right there.

  I press a kiss to his shoulder and it immediately graduates into a flurry of starved worship as I taste every part of his skin. I’m just moving down to his ass when I feel his hand grab by arm. So I move quickly and am able to take a nip of that delicious ass before he swings me around like a doll and throws me on the bed.

  Our combined laughter rings out into the air at my naughtiness but it soon changes into something else. He leans down to hover just above me and for a few moments, all he does is stare into my eyes. Then his gaze roves all over my face and down my body.

  I find myself unable to breathe.

  “You’re a wonderful surprise, Blair,” he says in his buttery smooth voice.

  I feel my heart make several somersaults within my chest. I can only dare to breathe when his attention moves to my dress and in no time, he has the hem of my dress, pulling it up and over my body.

  “I love this dress,” he says. “But it has to step aside for a little while. He leans down to press a kiss to my lips and then places another right on the skin above the pulse on my knee. “I also love the color red on you. Coupled with your beautiful eyes, it makes it seem like you just jumped out of a painting.”


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