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Black Crown (The Darkest Drae Book 3)

Page 33

by Kelly St Clare

  You’re taking that? Tyrrik asked, his shoulders shaking.

  I covered their kingdom with flowers; I get this one.

  The welded flower came free, and I leaped back down, glaring at my hooting mate. With a deep breath, I peered once more around the empty town square. I’m glad we came here. I feel settled somehow. Like what we’re doing is the right thing.

  You still had doubts?

  I lifted a shoulder. Sure. A little. But I was determined to embrace life—all of it.

  And you shall. I’m glad we came, too. Now, I don’t have to pretend to stay asleep when you fly here at night. He kissed my forehead, and before I could protest something we both knew was true, he added, We should get going so we can reach the forest in time.

  “In time for what?”

  He paused. “A surprise.”

  “Is the surprise revealing ourselves to people who think we’re dead?” I asked.


  “A huge diamond carved in your likeness?”

  His lips curved. “I’m afraid not, my love. Don’t bother trying to guess.”

  Pretty sure I’d spend the entire journey to the forest doing so. A thrill shot through me, and I exhaled, a slow smile crossing my face. We’re going to be part of this realm, live among the people and make things better.

  We are, Tyrrik answered, reaching for my hand. And you will inspire many to do the same.

  I gave his hand a squeeze, the welded flower safe in my other hand.

  Letting go of residual fear was hard.

  But residual was all that was left. I’d fought my horrors, and I’d won.

  I’d conquered my fear.


  Those who knew we existed were small in number but integral in the restoration of our realm: Lani, Kamini, Caltevyn, Zakai, and of course, Dyter.

  Tyrrik and I circled the middle of the Zivost, my stomach a bundle of nerves. Lani didn’t bother to keep the gold veil up these days. No point when there was a treaty between our kinds. That, and I could get through the veil anyway. My Drae ears made it impossible to ignore the gasps and screams from the Phaetyn below as we descended. The gaping Phaetyn pressed back to the outer edges, trampling each other. I chose to believe they were giving us space to land.

  “They’re alive—”

  “But I saw them die—”


  I think they’re taking it pretty well don’t you? Tyrrik asked me.

  I chuffed with nervous laughter as we landed. My gut churned, and I hesitated before shifting.

  Don’t forget your surprise is waiting, my mate said.

  Shifting, I grumbled, Sometimes I get the feeling you just bribe me to do everything.

  Does it work?


  Then why would I stop? he asked.

  Straightening, I cast a furtive glance around the forest clearing. In my bid to avoid the shocked Phaetyn, my gaze snagged on the banner strung overhead.

  I read aloud, “Biannual Potato Growing Competition.” I grinned at Tyrrik. “For real?”

  He nodded, his smile as wide as mine, radiating love. “Surprise!”

  Holy pancakes. “I love it.” I cracked my knuckles. “This competition is mine.”

  “As it’ll be every six months now, my love.”

  Too true. Now I’d come out of hiding, I wasn’t rolling over for anyone. Not that there was much competition. I’d kick up a fuss about Lani competing because she had a crown that amplified her powers. If she wanted to grow big potatoes, she should have thought about that before accepting responsibilities. Which was exactly why I wasn’t a queen or empress of anything other than potatoes and soap. All the other titles were overrated. But this? Totally worth coming back to life.

  A crowd of people strode toward us, and I saw my friends, those who knew and a few who’d been kept in the dark after our faked deaths.


  My smile widened, and I approached Dyter and said, “Hello, Father.”

  “What?” he said in confusion. “Who said that?” He reached for me, his hands grasping at the empty air.

  A length of material covered his eyes. The battle against Draedyn had left Dyter with his life but not his sight. He had learned the lesson of trusting blindly just because a person played on his empathy, or worse a common nationality. Queen Lahr had played him from the moment we’d stepped into her kingdom, acting the part of a helpless Veraldian woman. But the harsh lesson had served him well in the early months of his rule, and he hadn’t been caught by the same ploy again.

  “Whatever, old coot,” I said, stepping forward and enveloping him in a hug. I’d last seen him three months ago. Our separation made me appreciate the time I had with him even more. Even with his endless blind jokes.

  “You’ve decided to rejoin the realm?” he asked, squeezing me tight.

  I nodded against his shoulder. “We have.”

  “That took courage, my girl. Ryhl would be proud.”

  Had this been what my mother always yearned for? A life where she didn’t have to hide in fear? Smiling, I said, “Yes, I believe she would have.”

  “Drae,” a woman said.

  Pulling back from Dyter’s arms, I cocked a brow at my friend Queen Lani. “Phaetyn.”

  I hugged her next and then Kamini, who Lani had nearly killed herself to save.

  “You’re competing?” Kamini demanded. “That’s not fair . . . really not fair. You have ancestral powers. Lani isn’t competing.”

  “She has a crown,” I said quickly. “I don’t. It’s totally fair.” Okay, so maybe I had a small edge, but then maybe this really was my calling. Besides, I’d be setting a standard and inspiring others to reach for the stars, in my humble opinion.

  Kamini grumbled under her breath, and I felt Tyrrik’s amusement echoing my own.

  I waved at King Zakai who was sitting down at the far end. He lifted a hand in greeting, busy conversing with a young woman. The death of Zakai’s son had dealt the king a blow he’d never quite recovered from. To have lost so much in his realm and then his only son made me want to cry on his behalf each time I saw him. He’d aged decades in the last year, although he smiled as the two assassin boys took seats to his left. Rumor was he was training one of them to be the next ruler. I had my money on non-smiley. Neilub set a plate of chocolate in front of the young woman before saying something to Zakai, making the old man laugh. I hoped the king would find some measure of joy until death led him to the moon and stars.

  “They’re about to begin,” Tyrrik whispered in my ear, his breath warming the sensitive skin of my neck.

  I shivered and felt his approval of my reaction vibrate through me. But there was potato glory to defend. Even if that meant moving closer to the still staring Phaetyn. Seriously, had they never seen someone come back from death before? They were supposed to be healers. I sucked in a shaky breath as Tyrrik ran his hands up and down my sides, and his low rumble of desire clouded my thoughts.

  “Potatoes first,” I managed to gasp. “And then—” I cut off, glancing at the present company. We’ll have sex, I finished silently.

  “I’m going to pretend I don’t know exactly what you meant to say.” Dyter shuddered. “Drak, I wish they’d taken my ears, instead.”

  Oops. Poor Dyter really did have rotten luck when it came to me and Tyrrik’s maypole dancing and card playing.

  My motivation to claim my title and move on to other things had me sprinting over to the plot of freshly overturned soil.

  The other Phaetyn were already in the starting position, their heads turned to me, eyes the size of saucers. Ignoring them, I dug my hands down into the rich, brown soil and drew my moss-green power forward. Concentrating, I extracted the blue from this, leaving only pure, golden power behind.

  Oh yeah, I was going to grow a potato taller than this freakin’ forest. They’d be Phaetatoes when I was done. Enough to feed the entire realm.

  Always a pleasure to be in your head, my
queen. Tyrrik’s laugh echoed in my head and aloud.

  Up to my elbows in dirt, I lifted my head to look at him standing next to my father, my Phaetyn sisters on his other side.

  How had we come to this moment when all had seemed hopeless? All this happiness might’ve slipped out of my grasp or never even been attained. So much risk . . .

  And here we were filled with so much joy.

  My family.

  I grinned, my heart bursting with love. The word seemed pathetic to encompass all I felt. Love didn’t account for all the bad things it had taken to get here, but it was only because of the contrast of darkeness that I could appreciate the light. My joy was so great because I’d not only passed through pain and loss but triumphed over it. Together, with Tyrrik and others I loved, we’d fought the despondency and misery of fear, the control of a tyrant, and we’d won.

  Tyrrik smiled back and then quirked a brow. Phaetatoes? I can’t wait to see one.

  A call went up.

  The Phaetyn either side of me tensed, and I did the same, turning my focus inward as their queen shouted, “Go!”

  Kelly’s Acknowledgements

  Wow, what an experience. It’s hard to believe that less than a year ago Raye was telling me about a dragon shifter who was three people but really only one in the end ( :O ), and that book one in this series only released in November last year. Raye, did we even sleep for the last eight months? #worthit

  Thank you to my friends and family for their massive and continued support of my books. I loved sitting and listening to you guys discuss The Darkest Drae. Including how the title of book one should be Bloody Oath instead—sorry, it’s probable only Australians and New Zealanders will get that one.

  The manuscript team for this series has been absolutely incredible. The deadlines for each book have been narrow and I am totally appreciative of the last minute work each and every one of you did for us. A round of applause for Krystal Dabaha, Jennifer Jeray, Dawn (???), Michelle Lynn, and Daqri Bernado. We couldn’t have done this without you gals.

  To my husband who has benefited hugely from this co-authorship in the way of pretzels, lollies, and a shiny new nerf gun. He shot me in the head a couple of days ago, Raye. Your fault. Also quite an impressive shot, if I’m honest.

  Finally, to my Draebae, Rayetato. There is so much I could say about the fun we’ve had, and about our calls that span many hours. You are a strong, honest, and loving person—and you have hair like sunshine. Never change. The world needs more people like you.

  Kelly St Clare

  Raye’s Acknowledgements

  Whoa! One year ago this week I picked Kelly up so she could stay with me for Utopiacon 2017. At the end of the week together, I bullied her (or bribed, or maybe a bit of both) to co-write this series with me. Happy Draebae-versary! I’m still thrilled you said yes. I’ve enjoyed so much of our journey together (late night calls, memes about potatoes), not to mention the care-packages of yummies, the thoughtful words, kindness, and helping hand. You’ve brought laughter, light, and organization to this mad project, and you’ve become a dear friend as well as fabulous co-author/partner. Let’s do it again sometime. ;) #Draebaes

  We had such an amazing team on this project. Thanks, hugs, and kisses to Krystal, Dawn, Michelle, Daqri, and Jennifer. The Darkest Drae is as good as it is because of your help. Hallelujah for your awesomeness. #muchappreciated

  Jason, I still remember finishing telling you about this “idea” and you saying, “But is there a book out there like that?” Hahaha. Nope! Although you were 100% right about the cover, and that definitely counts for something. Thanks for all you do to support me and this mad hobby of mine. I’m SO glad we have eternity. #stuckwiththecraycray

  Jacob, Seth, and Anna. I don’t praise you nearly as much as I should and definitely not as much as you deserve. Because each one of you has more strength than you think, more power than you can comprehend, and as you battle whatever storms, dragons, or evil kings life tosses your way, you have everything you need to come out on top with a happily-ever-after. And I’ll always be nearby cheering you on. #momlovesherlittles

  Mom and Dad, any success that I have that’s significant, is because you taught me what matters most. I will love you to the moon and back, for all eternity. I’m so blessed to have my parents as two of my best friends, as well as my siblings, their spouses, my nieces and nephews, and aunts, uncles, and cousins. #blessed #nooneelsewouldtakeus #wefooledenoughtogetmarriedhaha

  And my bestie pals: Katie, Alli, Annie, Kathy, Cassy, and Melissa. You get me, even when you don’t get me, and then you still put up with me. #bestiepals #davethelaughismine #yesyoucanborrowmylippy

  Finally, to my enthusiastic readers, thank you. A million times, thank you. #gratitude #waituntilthedesertdemons #diditellyouaboutzivrune



  Kelly St. Clare

  When Kelly is not reading or writing, she is lost in her latest reverie.

  Books have always been magical and mysterious to her. One day she decided to start unravelling this mystery and began writing.

  The Tainted Accords was her debut series. The After Trilogy and The Darkest Drae are her latest series.

  A New Zealander in origin and in heart, Kelly currently resides in Australia with her ginger-haired husband, a great group of friends, and some huntsman spiders who love to come inside when it rains. Their love is not returned.

  Visit her online and subscribe at:

  Or find her on


  Also by Kelly St. Clare:

  The Tainted Accords:

  Fantasy of Frost

  Fantasy of Flight

  Fantasy of Fire

  Fantasy of Freedom

  The Tainted Accords Novellas:




  Shard (2019)

  The After Trilogy:

  The Retreat

  The Return

  The Reprisal

  The Darkest Drae (Trilogy) Co-written with Raye Wagner

  Blood Oath

  Shadow Wings

  Black Crown

  Raye Wagner

  Raye Wagner grew up in Seattle, the second of eight children, and learned to escape chaos through the pages of fiction. As a youth, she read the likes of David Eddings, Leon Uris, and Jane Austen. As an adult she fell in love with Percy Jackson Olympian series (shocker!) and Twilight (really!) and was inspired to pursue her dream of writing young adult fiction. Raye enjoys baking, puzzles, Tae Kwon Do, and the sound of waves lapping at the sand. She lives with her husband and three children in Middle Tennessee.

  You can sign up for Raye’s newsletter, HERE to be notified of new releases and to get exclusive sneak peeks.

  Visit her online and subscribe at:

  Or find her online.

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  Also by Raye Wagner:

  The Sphinx Series

  Origin of the Sphinx: A Sphinx Prequel Story

  Cursed by the Gods

  Demigods and Monsters

  Son of War: A Sphinx Companion Story

  Myths of Immortality

  Daughter of Darkness: A Sphinx Companion Story

  Fates and Furies

  Sphinx Coloring Book, Vol. 1


  Phaidra’s Story

  Birth of Legends and The Lost Curse (2018)

  The Darkest Drae (Trilogy) co-written with Kelly St. Clare

  Blood Oath

  Shadow Wings

  Black Crown

  Curse of the Cytri co-written with Rita Stradling

  Magic of Fire and Shadow

  Magic of Talisman and Blood

  Fantasy of Frost

  (The Tainted Accords, #1)

  I know many things. What I am capable of, what I will change, what I will become. But there is one thing I will never kn

  The veil I’ve worn from birth carries with it a terrible loneliness; a suppression I cannot imagine ever being free of.

  Some things never change…

  My mother will always hate me. Her court will always shun me.

  …Until they do.

  When the peace delegation arrives from the savage world of Glacium, my life is shoved wildly out of control by the handsome Prince Kedrick, who for unfathomable reasons shows me kindness.

  And the harshest lessons are learned.

  Sometimes it takes the world bringing you to your knees to find that spark you thought forever lost.

  Sometimes it takes death to show you how to live.


  Cursed by the Gods

  (The Sphinx, #1)

  Hope has a deadly secret…

  Hope has spent her entire life on the run, but no one is chasing her. In fact, no one even knows she exists. And she’ll have to keep it that way.

  Even though mortals think the gods have disappeared, Olympus still rules. Demigods are elite hunters, who track and kill monsters. And shadow-demons from the Underworld prey on immortals, stealing their souls for Hades.

  When tragedy destroys the only security she’s ever known, Hope’s life shatters. Forced to hide, alone this time, Hope pretends to be mortal. She’ll do whatever it takes to keep her secret safe— and her heart protected. But when Athan arrives, her world is turned upside down.


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