by Paul Farmer
amputations and
caregiver’s exhaustion and
direct service/policy and
friction between teams
health system structural problems and
MASH hospitals
sanitary conditions and
transnational patient transfers
See also cholera epidemic (2010–2011); relief effort for Haiti; specific facilities; specific individuals; specific organizations
health system in Haiti
2010 medical students and
future possibilities
health indices
loans blocked and
medical education and
need for public sector health system
needs/resources and
NGOs/mandates and
patients “lost to follow-up,”
planned vaccination programs
private hospitals/mandates
problems summary
resources and
sanitation and
status after earthquake
university hospital/training and
waterborne diseases and
See also specific diseases; specific hospitals; specific individuals; specific organizations
Helman, Bill and Daisy
Henry, Ariel
Hiatt, Howard
history of Haiti
1697 treaty
1791 uprising
1980s–1990s class conflict
after U.S. withdrawal
army creation
books written (nineteenth century)
brutality/killings during U.S. occupation
Chimè gang
“Columbian exchange” and
coup (1915)
coup (1991)
coup (2004)
Declaration of Independence words
disbanding army
Dominican border raids/rebels
Duvaliers and
economy 1600s to 1804
economy after independence
elections (1987) and massacre
elections (1988) under martial law
elections (1990)
end of slavery impacts on Americas
as Europe’s first New World settlement
following Aristide’s departure
food riots
French control/brutality
helping others gain independence
migration after 1991 coup
military-civilian élite control
Nation essay (Farmer) and
puppet régimes
“refugee crisis,”
reparations to France/impacts
resistance to U.S. marines
“Saint-Domingue” name
slavery and
Taíno people and
UN peacekeeper beginnings
UN shift of focus
U.S. gunboats near
U.S. Marines occupation/legacy
U.S./others blocking aid to
U.S. refusal to recognize Haiti
U.S. slowing aid to
See also Aristide, Father Jean-Bertrand; specific individuals
Holmes, John
Holstein, Cassia
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Hotel Montana
housing. See shelter following earthquake
Huang, Treena
human security approach
humanitarian aid
Biafran War (1967–1970) and
criticism of
“groaning bookshelf” of critiques
Haiti’s 2008 storms and
history of
Indonesia’s tsunami and
secondary waves of mortality and
See also NGOs; relief effort for Haiti
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Tomas
hurricanes in Haiti (2004/2008)
disaster relief and
public sector and
Hyman, Mark
IHRC (Interim Haiti Recovery Commission)
Clinton, Bill
financial tracking/aid coordination
money delivery and
New York Times article on
NGOS and
projects needed
public sector and
Inshuti Mu Buzima
Inter-American Development Bank
Interim Haiti Recovery Commission. See IHRC (Interim Haiti Recovery Commission)
International Medical Corps (IMC)
International Organization for Migration
Irish Times article
Ivers, Louise
cholera outbreak and
day of earthquake
earthquake account
earthquake aftermath and
Haiti and
Miami Herald article
military and humanitarian aid
post-quake plan and
settlements after earthquake and
Jean, Michäelle
Jean, Wyclef
Jefferson, Thomas
job creation
Jones, David
Joseph, Keith
Joseph, Raymond
Kagame, First Lady
Kagame, Paul
earthquake and
Rwandan Patriotic Front and
Rwandan recovery and
Kahn, Stephen and Liz
Kaneb, Al and Diane
Katz, Jonathan
Kempton, Kathryn
Kerry, John
Kerry, Vanessa
Kim, Jim
global health delivery training program
global policy work
Haitian medical students and
on Tom White
tuberculosis work
King, Martin Luther
Kinzer, Stephen
Kleinman, Arthur
Kleinman, Joan
Kobel, Annabelle
Kobel, Dubique
day of earthquake
earthquake account
working in camps
Zanmi Lasante and
Kobel, Nadège
day of earthquake
working in camps
Zanmi Lasante and
Koenig, Serena
Kouchner, Bernard
Lafontant, Father Fritz
earthquake and
Farmer and
Mirebalais hospital and
Partners In Health/Zanmi Lasante and
White’s funeral and
Lafontant, Yolande “Mamito”
Farmer and
Partners In Health/Zanmi Lasante and
Lambert, Wesler
Lang, Hardin
Larsen, Alex
Lascahobas and earthquake
Lascher, Jon
Lassègue, Alix
Clinton’s visits
earthquake aftermath and
General Hospital reconstruction and
Lassègue, Marie-Laurence
meeting in Canada
Léandre, Fernet
Leclerc, General
Léogâne, Haiti
Darbonne sugar mill
earthquake and
t-shelters in
Les Cayes, Haiti
aid/help for Haiti
Haitian students and
Partners In Health and
Lincoln, Abraham
Little Haiti, Miami
Loscalzo, Joe
Louverture, Toussaint
Lubrano di Giunno, Francesca
Lutz, Ali
Lyon, Evan
day of earthquake
earthquake account
earthquake aftermath and
Haiti and
Magaziner, Ira
Maiga, Habila
policy and
See also Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria
Malawi and Partners In Health
Malebranche, Joel
Marcelin, Naomie
Marsh, Sarah
Marx, Andrew
Maximova, Violeta
McClellan, Scott
McCormack, Todd and Anne
McGovern, Gail
Meara, John
Médé, Ounsel
Médecins Sans Frontières
cholera outbreak and
earthquake aftermath and
medical care following earthquake. See health care following earthquake
about meetings
Bill Clinton and
dans les coulisses
political theater and
See also specific meetings
Mekalanos, John
Mervil, Daphne
Messac, Luke
Mezvinsky, Marc
Miami Herald
Milien, Christophe
Mills, Cheryl
day of earthquake
Mills, Rick
Milne, Gregory
Ministry of Education, Haiti
Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion, Rwanda
Ministry of Health, Haiti
earthquake and
Partners In Health and
Ministry of Health, Rwanda
Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Haiti
MINUSTAH (UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti)
Chinese peacekeepers
cholera and
earthquake and
Partners In Health and
Voices of the Voiceless and
cholera outbreak and
Mirebalais hospital
earthquake’s impact on planning
launching ceremony
plans for
training hospital plans and
Mobutu Sese Seko
Montas-Dominique, Michèle
donors’ conference, New York
earthquake account
on Farmer
Radio Haiti
Voices of the Voiceless and
Montes, Paula
Moreau de Saint-Méry, M.-L.-E.
Morel, Daniel
Morse, Richard
Moyo, Dambisa
Mukherjee, Joia
earthquake aftermath and
global health delivery training program
transfer patients and
Mulet, Edmond
cholera outbreak and
meeting in Canada
Montas-Dominique and
Multi Donor Fund for Aceh and Nias
Nabel, Betsy
Nakashima, Koji
on Aristide
essay (Farmer)
National AIDS program, Haiti
Neal, Patricia
Nèg Mawon(fig.)
New England Journal of Medicine
New York Times
New Yorker
criticism of
unintended consequences and
See also humanitarian aid
NGOs and Haiti
history and
moving aid quickly and
public sector and
“Republic of NGOs,”
Senate Foreign Relations Committee/Farmer
See also relief effort for Haiti
Noel, Ricot
Nova, Dan and Annette
Nuell, Laurie
Nyiragongo eruption (1977)
Obama, Barack
aid to Haiti
State of the Union address
O’Brien, Denis
Oswald, Cate
Pagenel, Mario
Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO)
Pape, Bill
Partners In Health
AIDS programs
Boston Globe article
Boston poor and
Boston “war room,”
Burundi and
cholera outbreak and
direct service/policy and
Farmer as diplomat and
future and
Global Fund and
Harvard Medical School and
job creation
Lesotho and
Malawi and
military and
Mirebalais and
need for
patients sent to General Hospital and
patients transferred to Philadelphia
post–quake settlements and
Right to Health Care (RTHC) program
tuberculosis work
Voices of the Voiceless and
See also General Hospital following earthquake; specific individuals; Zanmi Lasante
Partners In Health/Rwanda
aid to Haiti
hospital in Burera district
Inshuti Mu Buzima
solar power and
work in
Pauyo, Thierry
Penette-Kedar, Maryse
Penn, Sean
cholera and
tuberculosis and
Pierre, Claire
Cange graduation celebration and
Cange trip
Cuban-trained Haitian doctors and
day of earthquake
Dominican Republic conference
earthquake aftermath and
elections and
family of
IHRC and
Miami Herald article
one-year anniversary and
return to Haiti
USNS Comfort and
Pierre-Louis, Michèle
Farmer and
Global Fund/AIDS and
investors’ conference and
“natural” disasters and
Pitts, Byron
Plater-Zyberk, Elizabeth
Pluviose, Rose Sherline
Polman, Linda
“kidnapping capital of the world,”
rumors of insecurity/effects
Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA), Action Plan for National Recovery and Development of Haiti
Powell, Colin
Préval, René
1995 election and
2006 election and
cholera outbreak and
criticism of
day of earthquake
democratic elections and
donors’ conference, New York
earthquake aftermath and
Farmer as diplomat and
meeting in Canada and
one-year anniversary and
Sarkozy and
Price, Lenore
Price-Mars, Jean
Prosper, Anany Gretchko
Puccetti, Jen
Radio Haiti
Radlinski, Susan
Ratterman, Walt
Raymonville, Maxi
reconstruction. See Haitian recovery
recovery. See Haitian recovery; Rwandan recovery
Red Cross
earthquake and
General Hospital and
hurricanes in Haiti
reforestation in Haiti
need for
See also def
orestation in Haiti
Réjouit, Renold
relief effort for Haiti
airport and
amount pledged/delivered
children’s toys
coordinating airport
coordination difficulties
difficulties using resources
goodwill alone and
language and
Miami and
military and
planes/plane loans
public sector and
statistics on
taxis story
See also health care following earthquake; NGOs and Haiti; specific individuals; specific meetings; specific organizations
Remillard, Brian
“Republic of NGOs,”
Rhatigan, Joe
Richert, Hannah
Right to Health Care (RTHC) program
Rivard, Gilles
Romero, Carmen
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Rosenberg, Naomi
earthquake account
transnational patient transfers and
Rumsfeld, Donald
Russell, John H.
Russia and Partners In Health
aid to Haiti
Bill Clinton and
cholera and
ending violence
genocide and
Haiti comparison
Haitian community in
Haitian students and
Ministry of Health
resources before/after genocide
See also Partners In Health/ Rwanda; specific individuals
Rwandan Patriotic Front
Rwandan recovery
accused/guilty and justice
Clinton/Clinton Foundation and
Congo contrast
democracy and
ethnic division and
fighting corruption
gacaca courts and
gender equity
humanitarian aid and
imidugudu and
Itorero and
land/property claims and
as model
public sector and
public sector/NGOs and
public works jobs
resiliency and
Rwandans in Congo and
Rwandans returning
security and
surviving genocide architects and
taxes and
Vision 2020,
women’s empowerment
See also specific individuals
Ryan, Ed
Sachs, Jeff
AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria programs
blocked loans and
cholera outbreak and
Farmer’s UN team and
Sachs, Sonia
Sack, David
Saint-Jean Bosco church fire
Saint Trinity Cathedral
Sampson, Chris
Sanchez-Sosa, Ricardo
Sarkozy, Nicolas
Saussy, Haun
Schwartz, Timothy
earthquake account
on foreign aid to Haiti
Sedky, Jéhane